Don't Like Trump ? WHY ?

Repeat from above
These clips were all recorded within days after the attack.

/—-/ Yes it did happen. I live innNY and saw it broadcast on the local TV news.
Strange that no journalists have been able to verify it?

/----/ Thank you. Please keep these videos handy. In another month or so, a Libtard will accuse Trump of lying about it and we'll need to show them over and over again. This has been gong on for years.
First, you have the inability to distinguish business success from thievery. Trump's history as a 'businessman' is horrendous. He was and is a con man. His scams are well known, as are his failures. You'd have to be asleep for the past 2 years to not know about them. He is a glaring example of everything a 'businessman' should NOT be - and a glaring example of why and how capitalism can nothing but pure corruption.

Once again, you'd have to have been asleep for the past 2 years to not know of his constant lies. It's a sickness with him. Truth and reality are his enemies. I don't have to post specifics. Google it yourself.

Next, what you completely fail to understand - because you obviously know nothing about economics - is the incredible economic contributions that illegal immigrants make to our economy. productive LABOR creates wealth. Many Americans have become wealthy exploiting the labor of illegal immigrants. The fact that they send some of what they earn back to their own countries is insignificant when to compared to the wealth that they create. REMEMBER - nobody hires anyone unless they make a profit from that person's labor.

If you think that they are stealing jobs from Americans, then let's see ya find some Americans that are willing to work picking produce. The fact is that MOST Americans will not do that kind of work. If anything (as many economists have said), the American economy need more immigrant labor, not less.

Last, your belief that Obama may not have been born in the U.S. is just plain ludicrous. When he became a U.S. Senator he, like all congresspeople, are by default entitled to a secret security clearance - pending a backgroud investigation. If Obama was not born in the U.S. it would have been found out at that time.

Your accusations that Obama is a jihadist is just too stupid for words! Oh yeah, an Islamic Jihadist that supports LGBT rights! What a laugh!

I made a mistake for taking your OP seriously. You are a sycophantic Trump ass kissing fool!
Having the inability to "distinguish business success from thievery" is what YOU are doing. Thievery is exactly what Mexico et al countries are doing when they send their migrants to America, to loot our economy ($133 Billion/yr + tens of Billions$$ more in the anchor baby racket)

As for Trump you accuse but you present zero examples/evidence of what you claim. Scams ? Where ? When ? How ? Who ? You say I don't know. You don't show that YOU do.
LOL. This >> "I don't have to post specifics. Google it yourself" is the post of a poster who doesn't have his act together >> Sorry pal, but you DO have to post specifics. We're not going to rely on the media's fake news "reports"

So you are OK with domestic outsourcing ? ie. businesses utilizing cheap foreign labor here inside the US, to boost their profits ? And deprive US workers of jobs. And remove tens of Billions$$/year from the US economy (21st century imperialism). And deprive US buisinesses of tens of Billions/yr is sales/ YOU ar who is not understanding economics and politics, both.

Your lame paragraph about jobs Americans won't do has been refuted by me 1000 times in this forum, for 4 years. Aren't you aware that studies have shown that in over 400 occupations that immigrants work in, there are more Americans working in them than immigrants ? The "jobs Americans won't do" line was obliterated YEARS AGO, but oblivious liberals walk around oblivious, because their media of omission omits all the information they need to know. In addition, they are programmed to call Fox News (where they would have gotten the information) "Faux News", so they never go there to find out the massive amounts of info they have been deprived of.

EARTH TO RICHARD H: 13 years ago, Center for Immigration Studies did an exhaustive study on hundreds of occupations that illegal aliens commonly work in, and found almost all had a majority of Americans working in them. They have continually updated that study, and get identical results.

Also, take a look at the toughest, dirtiest, and most dangerous occupations in America (coal miners, firefighters, police, troops in Afghanistan/Iraq, etc) and you'll find AMERICANS working there, not foreigners. Picking produce ? Piece of cake compared to these jobs. In these jobs I mentioned, Americans risk their LIVES (and sometimes lose them) I don't see too many people dying from picking fruit. Welcome to the real world, outside liberal media.

Obama could have been born outside the US (as his brother suggests). Investigations can be falsified, all depending on who is doing the investigation, and why, didn't you know ?

YOU are the fool. Because of Obama's refusal to remove Major Nidal Hasan from Fort Hood, TX in 2009, 13 US soldiers are now dead, and 38 more wounded. Every US Army Officer in Fort Hood, rank of Major and above, requested Hasan be dishonorably discharged. Only Obama refused, and allowed Hasan to go around spouting jihad rhetoric for a year.

You defend jihadist Obama ? And the Obama/al Baghdai COLLUSION ?, >> that removed US troops from Iraq in 2011, opening the door for ISIS to move in, and fallowed ISIS to move long convoys of militarist vehicles on open, desert roads, where they'd be sitting ducks for air strikes, that could have easily decimated them in minutes. But the air strikes didn't happen, and the trucks rolled, Black flags and all, because Baghdadi was assured by Obama they wouldn't be attacked. Only a total fool would even consider that Baghdadi would have allowed those long convoys to move into Iraq, kill people, rob banks, take oil fields, extort rich people, etc, etc >> without the green light from Obama. Obama not only aided ISIS, he helped to create them and maintain them.

This is the collusion that we should be investigating, which has more evidence for it, than the fairy tale Russian collusion, that we all know has never shown a shred of evidence, for a year now.

As for why Obama supports LGBT, that's because he's one of them also.
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Still the same old entitled rich boy bully.

Doesn't take guts to be a bully when he hasn't ever been held accountable for anything in his life.

He still blames everyone else for anything that goes wrong.
Trump does blame Clinton, Bush, and Obama for a lot of the trouble we have with terrorism, Islamization, illegal immigration, crime, riots, ......and he's correct on every one of them.
He just called for end to the diversity visa program. Duh!

He doesn't use the diversity visa program. He uses a different one.

You can reject till you turn blue. I said it was difficult to find sufficient numbers of qualified people for the temp-seasonal jobs, and I say it again now. As for a higher wage, ho high would you suggest ?

Qualified? So what qualifications are required to scrub toilets, vacuum hotel rooms, wait tables, landscape, and check people in? You mean to tell me he couldn't find 70 Americans to do those jobs?
/----/ Listen you little twerp. I live on Long Island and spend time on the East End. I have spoken to resort managers who go begging for workers. All of the locals who will do the work live too far away to commute daily. and they can't afford to live in the Hamptons. But don't take my word, call any resort in a high end area ask ask them what it's like. But we all know you won't.
Housekeeping Jobs, Employment in East Hampton, NY |
Only thing I don't like is:

1. His BIG FUCKING MOUTH. Sometimes he says shit that leaves a bad taste in my mouth. Such as grabbing pussy, McCain isn't a hero, Bergdahl should be executed, etc. etc. It's tasteless and stupid. Other times I appreciate his blunt honestly. He tells PC to get fucked and that's to be commended.

2. He's thin skinned.
Trump was correct. McCain was NOT a hero. He was a COLLABORATOR with the North Vietnamese. His nickname (from both the North Vietnamese and his fellow POWs) was "Songbird". McCain has been using his position the Senate to cover this all up and keep it sealed. That's way he's 82 years old and still there. If you don't know all this, you shouldn't be talking about McCain.
he's a vile insane creature that has no redeeming value who surrounds himself with equally immoral mooks, & has the capability of causing a thermal nuclear war which may or may not happen because he is having a hissy fit yet again over crowd size, hillary's emails, or something he can't undo that the black man created.
Come back when you have a shred of evidence for all these liberal media blabbers.
The point was not that Muslims celebrated 9/11, the point was that Trump claimed he saw NJ Muslims celebrating on a TV show. And that never happened.

It was just one of many times that Trump lied and the true believers refuse to see it. We're a nation of the faithful and some have such faith in Trump they are blind to the real Trump. Yet they condemn Hillary for being dishonest. A very irritating double standard to those of us that don't share their faith.
It happened. Not just where Trump saw it, but all over the US (even in FBI headquarters)
/—-/ You forgot to instruct the Trump haters to post verifiable evidence to back up their claims. Otherwise you’ll get nothing but malicious slander and hearsay.
I've been instructing them to do that, all through the thread. - even in the OP..
His speech is exclusive rather than inclusive.

The constant lying. He lies even when it's not necessary.

He's focus on over turning Obama's policies. Even the ones that benefit Americans.

Lack of manners and basic decorum. My 3rd grade students have better manners than him.
/----/ "He's focus on over turning Obama's policies. Even the ones that benefit Americans. " You do realize Obozo focused on overturn every last vestige of Ronald Reagan's policies, even those that benefited Americans. You do know that don't you?
His speech is exclusive rather than inclusive.

The constant lying. He lies even when it's not necessary.

He's focus on over turning Obama's policies. Even the ones that benefit Americans.

Lack of manners and basic decorum. My 3rd grade students have better manners than him.
1. Exclusive how ? Of whom ?

2. WHAT lies ? Present evidence!

3. Obama's policies have been perhaps more HARMFUL to Americans than any US President, in history.

(Examples -

1.he got 13 US soldiers killed in Fort Hood, TX (and 38 more wounded), by refusing to remove the jihadist Major Nidal Hasan, and dishonorably discharge him.

2. He colluded with al Baghdadi (ISIS) - removed US troops from Iraq in 2011. Allowed the ISIS convoys to travel unattacked by airstrikes.

3. He created the riots in Ferguson, MO and Baltimore, MD., and then threatened mayors and governors with DOJ lawsuits if they didn't let the rioters riot. Same thing has happened in other cities (Chicago, San Jose, New York, Tampa, etc)
'Rump is a serial liar with malicious intent. He is morally weak and lacks socially redeeming values. He is a misogynist and a bigot. Dishonesty and fraud describe him.
Perfect illustration of the insane showing us how much they've been brainwashed.

He has fallen for the far left media and opinion pieces of the misinterpretation of him by heavy editing of what he says and does and by wrong assumptions. Many have fallen for it.
He is well liked overseas and that's because they don't have american media. :)
I don't hate Trump. I think he is intellectually and temperamentally completely out of his league here, and I think that his adolescent behavior is an ongoing national embarrassment, but I don't hate him.

He wanted the job and he got it. No reason to hate that.
I think you're simply repeating what the media and key individuals in Washington have said about him.
I see very little of this in his mannerism or his speeches.
On the contrary, he's more rational than the dickheads that are his worst critics.
No, I've seen him speak many, many times. I've read many of his tweets.

It's based on direct observation. The media, which I know hates him, has nothing to do with this.

He is not a cookie cutter polished politician.
He is a Citizen Politician.
Something the social elites in this country hates. :)
The reason I dislike Trump? You mean besides gutting the EPA and bringing in some of the worst cabinet members ever to serve?

In your post you said, "In addition, Trump is standing up for the Made in USA label, working to get US businesses back in the US,...".
Why then was the deduction for moving expenses for employees (even when required by their employer to move or lose their job) repealed, while corporations who relocate outside the US still get t o deduct their moving expenses?

I am disappointed in any president who pretends to be for the common man and the middle class, even though he fucks them in favor of big corporations.
What you cite (without source), has to do with taxes, which is a work still in-process, and probably will continue to be for some time now,

Trump is taking on the illegal immigration problem (AKA domestic outsourcing) which has been taking jobs away from Americans, depriving US business of Billion$$ in sales, and removing $133 Billion/yr (remittances) from the US economy + Billions$$ more from tax treasuries by false documentation and the anchor baby racket (with a misinterpretation of the 14th amendment.
'Rump is a serial liar with malicious intent. He is morally weak and lacks socially redeeming values. He is a misogynist and a bigot. Dishonesty and fraud describe him.
and those are the pussy grabbers good points....How many law suits against him for shit he pulled against people working for him?
Try giving us answers instead of questions
'Rump is a serial liar with malicious intent. He is morally weak and lacks socially redeeming values. He is a misogynist and a bigot. Dishonesty and fraud describe him.
Perfect illustration of the insane showing us how much they've been brainwashed.

He has fallen for the far left media and opinion pieces of the misinterpretation of him by heavy editing of what he says and does and by wrong assumptions. Many have fallen for it.
He is well liked overseas and that's because they don't have american media. :)
Nonsense. His videos and press conferences don't need interpretation. You are the propagandized brainwashed one if you think American media is not available and watched overseas. The foreign media mocks our liar in chief as much as our own domestic media.
It really is mystifying to see so many people, not only not liking Donald Trump, but absolutely hating him, with a passion. I could see having feeelings like that against really bad people like Barrack Obama or Hillary Clinton, but Trump ? Why ? For what reason ?

Seems to me that we're lucky to finally have a guy who is protecting us from harmful, unbridled immigration (including Muslims), finally doing something about our worst racial discrimination problem (affirmative action), standing up for our military and police, opposing LGBT lunacy, and supporting our 2nd amendment rights.

In addition, Trump is standing up for the Made in USA label, working to get US businesses back in the US, and has brought back the best economy in America since the 1990's, with 2 straight months of above 3% GDP growth and a 4.1% unemployment rate (also best in decades).

Oh, so it's the demeanor is it ? The style ? Not "presidential" you say ? Too much talking like a regular guy, huh ? Well, for those for us who voted for Trump, and support him right through all the media anti-Trump smear campaign, that regular/ordinary talk is what we like about Trump. We see that as the way "presidential" ought to be.

So, liberals, RINOs, or anti-Trumpers of all stripes, please cite here what your complaints are about him, SPECIFICALLY, and let's see if we can iron things out a bit. How about the tweets. Got any you could point out ? Don't be shy.
I have no opinion of him, good or bad. Waiting to see how his first year or two go.

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