Don't Like Trump ? WHY ?

Bombardment comes from 'Rump and his administration by saying stupid stuff and lying every day.

Bombardment comes from you and other liberals here in USMB, by saying stupid stuff and lying every day, and never presenting any :link: sources
The left hates him because he is a male, he is white, he is rich, he is successful, and he tells the god awful truth about them. Oh did I forget? They hate him because he is a Republican. It should be noted that they hate black Republicans with equal ferocity. Oh did I forget? They hate him because he loves America.
I guess being handed millions by daddy makes you successful to the right lol
It really is mystifying to see so many people, not only not liking Donald Trump, but absolutely hating him, with a passion. I could see having feeelings like that against really bad people like Barrack Obama or Hillary Clinton, but Trump ? Why ? For what reason ?

Seems to me that we're lucky to finally have a guy who is protecting us from harmful, unbridled immigration (including Muslims), finally doing something about our worst racial discrimination problem (affirmative action), standing up for our military and police, opposing LGBT lunacy, and supporting our 2nd amendment rights.

In addition, Trump is standing up for the Made in USA label, working to get US businesses back in the US, and has brought back the best economy in America since the 1990's, with 2 straight months of above 3% GDP growth and a 4.1% unemployment rate (also best in decades).

Oh, so it's the demeanor is it ? The style ? Not "presidential" you say ? Too much talking like a regular guy, huh ? Well, for those for us who voted for Trump, and support him right through all the media anti-Trump smear campaign, that regular/ordinary talk is what we like about Trump. We see that as the way "presidential" ought to be.

So, liberals, RINOs, or anti-Trumpers of all stripes, please cite here what your complaints are about him, SPECIFICALLY, and let's see if we can iron things out a bit. How about the tweets. Got any you could point out ? Don't be shy.
He’s a racist, a misogynist, he’s a fraud, and a liar. He embodies every bad characteristic America has. He’s ignorant to politics and history which makes us the new laughing stock of the planet. But more than that, he is wreckless and ego driven. He is a dangerous and unstable man. We are not safe until trump is gone.
I don't disagree with SOME of his policies (not liking the hate against the LGTB crowd for no reason, or his support for white supremacists), but he's got the personality of a total slimeball and bully, plus, he's not overly smart, to put it mildly.
Trump does NOT support white supremacists, despite the fake news idiocy from the leftist media.

As for opposition to the LGBT crowd, it is nothing more than how we treat crazy people , which is what they are, and so are you if you support them.
I guess being handed millions by daddy makes you successful to the right lol
ACTUALLY, being given millions by daddy makes you much better than someone who steals millions from tax payers or who is given tens of millions for favors / access from Russians / the KGB. :p
I guess being handed millions by daddy makes you successful to the right lol
ACTUALLY, being given millions by daddy makes you much better than someone who steals millions from tax payers or who is given tens of millions for favors / access from Russians / the KGB. :p
Seeing as he’s done all of the above he must be the most successful republican weasel of them all.
Trump does NOT support white supremacists, despite the fake news idiocy from the leftist media.
THAT false narrative generated by the Left was a result of Trump intelligently pointing out that the violence that occurred was the fault of BOTH sides, not just one.

Ignorant Liberals believed this and parroted this, even after the leader of the Fascist AntiFa group that had started the violence admitted her group had done so.
I guess being handed millions by daddy makes you successful to the right lol
ACTUALLY, being given millions by daddy makes you much better than someone who steals millions from tax payers or who is given tens of millions for favors / access from Russians / the KGB. :p
Seeing as he’s done all of the above he must be the most successful republican weasel of them all.
Seeing as you are now lying, further comments from you - especially those not backed by evidence supporting them - will be ignored.
It really is mystifying to see so many people, not only not liking Donald Trump, but absolutely hating him, with a passion. I could see having feeelings like that against really bad people like Barrack Obama or Hillary Clinton, but Trump ? Why ? For what reason ?

Seems to me that we're lucky to finally have a guy who is protecting us from harmful, unbridled immigration (including Muslims), finally doing something about our worst racial discrimination problem (affirmative action), standing up for our military and police, opposing LGBT lunacy, and supporting our 2nd amendment rights.

In addition, Trump is standing up for the Made in USA label, working to get US businesses back in the US, and has brought back the best economy in America since the 1990's, with 2 straight months of above 3% GDP growth and a 4.1% unemployment rate (also best in decades).

Oh, so it's the demeanor is it ? The style ? Not "presidential" you say ? Too much talking like a regular guy, huh ? Well, for those for us who voted for Trump, and support him right through all the media anti-Trump smear campaign, that regular/ordinary talk is what we like about Trump. We see that as the way "presidential" ought to be.

So, liberals, RINOs, or anti-Trumpers of all stripes, please cite here what your complaints are about him, SPECIFICALLY, and let's see if we can iron things out a bit. How about the tweets. Got any you could point out ? Don't be shy.

I know why the Lefties hate Trump: he's a normal American.

He loves his family. He eats McDonalds. He's says it like it is. He loves our country, respects the military, and honors the flag. He doesn't apologize for who he is (even though his fondness for gold-gilt decor is rather outre, it's really none of our business).
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/——/ And Dems holding on to a governorship they already owned is a major win for Dems. Ok.

What about the virginia state house? Of 16 white republican men who were up for re-election, and so far were replaced by 11 women (including one transgender)
He’s a racist, a misogynist, he’s a fraud, and a liar. He embodies every bad characteristic America has. He’s ignorant to politics and history which makes us the new laughing stock of the planet. But more than that, he is wreckless and ego driven. He is a dangerous and unstable man. We are not safe until trump is gone.
Show one shred of evidence that Trump is a racist, misogynist, fraud, or a liar.

Show one shred of evidence that Trump is wreckless or dangerous.
I guess being handed millions by daddy makes you successful to the right lol
ACTUALLY, being given millions by daddy makes you much better than someone who steals millions from tax payers or who is given tens of millions for favors / access from Russians / the KGB. :p
Seeing as he’s done all of the above he must be the most successful republican weasel of them all.
Seeing as you are now lying, further comments from you - especially those not backed by evidence supporting them - will be ignored.
That’s fine. I don’t give a shit if you ignore me, I’d much prefer it.
He’s a racist, a misogynist, he’s a fraud, and a liar. He embodies every bad characteristic America has. He’s ignorant to politics and history which makes us the new laughing stock of the planet. But more than that, he is wreckless and ego driven. He is a dangerous and unstable man. We are not safe until trump is gone.
Show one shred of evidence that Trump is a racist, misogynist, fraud, or a liar.

Show one shred of evidence that Trump is wreckless or dangerous.
Umm..Everything he’s ever done his entire life. I don’t have all day here to review decades of filth. Can you prove he isn’t all of those things?
/——/ And Dems holding on to a governorship they already owned is a major win for Dems. Ok.

What about the virginia state house? Of 16 white republican men who were up for re-election, and so far were replaced by 11 women (including one transgender)
/----/ Add 200,000 new Dem voters to teh mix and it will answer your question:
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