Don't Like Trump ? WHY ?

What about the virginia state house? Of 16 white republican men who were up for re-election, and so far were replaced by 11 women (including one transgender)
10 women of what party ? (a 'transgender is a man, not a woman)
He loves his family.
He eats McDonalds.
He's says it like it is.
He love our country,
respects the military,
and honors the flag.
He loves his family. - Nepotism and lying to protect Trump jr.
He eats McDonalds. - Like a pig
He's says it like it is. - Unless he's in China ,where he praises them
He love our country, - Which is why he didn't serve in Vietnam
respects the military, And attacks gold star families
and honors the flag. -
Reagan gave illegal aliens amnesty. Obama deported criminal illegal aliens.

YUP, Obama reversed that regan policy, but that policy didn't help america.
/------/ Of course that is a lie. Reagan made a deal with the DemocRATS to grant amnesty in return for securing the border. It was no surprise when the DemocRATS stabbed Reagan in the back and double crossed him.

So the answer i YES Reagan gave millions of illegal aliens amnesty, leading to millions more coming into the country.
/-----/ Reagan's mistake was trusting and believing DemocRATS. That is always a fatal mistake.
He loves his family.
He eats McDonalds.
He's says it like it is.
He love our country,
respects the military,
and honors the flag.
He loves his family. - Nepotism and lying to protect Trump jr.
He eats McDonalds. - Like a pig
He's says it like it is. - Unless he's in China ,where he praises them
He love our country, - Which is why he didn't serve in Vietnam
respects the military, And attacks gold star families
and honors the flag. -

Jealous much?
/----/ Add 200,000 new Dem voters to teh mix and it will answer your question:
Virginia Governor Restores Voting Rights to Felons - The New York ...
Apr 22, 2016 - Terry McAuliffe held up the signed executive order at a ceremony outside the .... Fourteen states allow felons to vote after their prison terms are ...
Democrats will let serial killers vote as long as they vote Democrat ( I guess that includes abortion doctors)
I know why the Lefties hate Trump: he's a normal American.

He loves his family. He eats McDonalds. He's says it like it is. He love our country, respects the military, and honors the flag. He doesn't apologize for who he is (even though his fondness for gold-gilt decor is rather outre, it's really none of our business).
...and he did not have Roman Columns built for his Inauguration.... :p
What about the virginia state house? Of 16 white republican men who were up for re-election, and so far were replaced by 11 women (including one transgender)
10 women of what party ? (a 'transgender is a man, not a woman)

All democrats. Pay attention. VIrginia rejected people who looked like Trump, spoke like Trump, or shared the policies of Trump.
The left hates him because he is a male, he is white, he is rich, he is successful, and he tells the god awful truth about them. Oh did I forget? They hate him because he is a Republican. It should be noted that they hate black Republicans with equal ferocity. Oh did I forget? They hate him because he loves America.
You listed the reasons you like him. But it's clear you don't understand why others dislike him.

And that lack of understanding is at the root of our political and cultural divide.

Had you been more imaginative, more insightful, more intellectually curious, perhaps some healing dialogue could happen. But it's attitudes like yours that fuels the fire and stifles real debate. What we are unfortunately left with is a shouting match.
Your attitude needs adjustment.
He DIDN'T say the white supremacists were very fine people. He was referring to other people in the protest, who were simply protesting the removal of a statue of a soldier, and who were not white supremacists. Can't you see past OBVIOUS, deliberate, leftist, media distortion ?
I know why the Lefties hate Trump: he's a normal American.

He loves his family. He eats McDonalds. He's says it like it is. He love our country, respects the military, and honors the flag. He doesn't apologize for who he is (even though his fondness for gold-gilt decor is rather outre, it's really none of our business).
...and he did not have Roman Columns built for his Inauguration.... :p

Or create his own Fake Presidential Seal as a candidate.

Obama seal-thumb-250x409.jpg
The left hates him because he is a male, he is white, he is rich, he is successful, and he tells the god awful truth about them. Oh did I forget? They hate him because he is a Republican. It should be noted that they hate black Republicans with equal ferocity. Oh did I forget? They hate him because he loves America.
You listed the reasons you like him. But it's clear you don't understand why others dislike him.

And that lack of understanding is at the root of our political and cultural divide.

Had you been more imaginative, more insightful, more intellectually curious, perhaps some healing dialogue could happen. But it's attitudes like yours that fuels the fire and stifles real debate. What we are unfortunately left with is a shouting match.
Your attitude needs adjustment.
This is what amounts to an argument? This is the kernel of your political thought?
The only thing he ran on Trump was asking for a robocall when he was sinking, last minute. Lol
/-----/ Where was Vlad during the Virginia and New Jersey governor races? If Vlad could convince idiot Dems to vote for Trump in a national election, two puny state elections would be a snap.
Gilleslie ran on the Trump agenda, he even had Trump make robo-calls for him. Bannon touted Gillespie (before he lost) as s Trumper.

And it looks like without Putins's support, all the people following the Trump playbook lost.
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He DIDN'T say the white supremacists were very fine people. He was referring to other people in the protest, who were simply protesting the removal of a statue of a soldier,

So which side were the white supremacists on? Because Trump said there were fine people on that side.
Umm..Everything he’s ever done his entire life. I don’t have all day here to review decades of filth. Can you prove he isn’t all of those things?
YOU are the accuser. Burden of proof is always on the accuser. Ever hear of "innocent until proven guilty" ?

That proof must come from the accuser. So far I haven't seen a shred of it, and we're 260 posts into the thread already. :rolleyes:

PS - I only asked for "one shred of evidence". Would that take you "all day" to find ? :laugh:
I know why the Lefties hate Trump: he's a normal American.
Maybe we want the best of America not just an average Joe.

I said normal, not Average. Normal Americans value accomplishments and exceptionalism.

Try to keep up.
Opinions differ as whether his is 'normal' but you also said: "He's says it like it is". This clearly is not true as he is serial liar. In my experience that is not normal.

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