Don't mess with this woman

Sep 12, 2008
A bunch of second string al Quaida types went to a farm near a small village in India, intent on getting some nookie. It didn't turn out well for them.


The weapon she took from her prospective rapist

Well, on Monday, September 28th, 2009, Abu was wandering around the Jammu region of India, an ultra-rural province near the chaotic Kashmir region, just looking to have some fun by creating a bunch of murder-carnage for no reason other than to satisfy his raging death-boner. He knew about a cute girl that lived in this particular village he happened to be gracing with his sinister presence, so he decided to pay her a visit and ingratiate himself to her relatives by beating the holy living crapballs out of them with a large stick and dragging her off by her hair Neanderthal-style.

So, he got together five of his closest terrorist buddies, charged a clip into his AK-47, and went over to the humble farmhouse where 18 year-old Rukhsana Kauser lived. Abu politely knocked on her door, and greeted her loving father when he came out to see what was going on by jamming a gun barrel in his face:
As you can probably imagine, Mr. Kauser wasn't all that thrilled about the idea of his daughter being carried off to serve as a harem girl in some kind of jacked-up terrorist swinger's club, so it's pretty understandable that he told this bitchtard to go hump a football. Unfortunately, this was just the answer Osama was looking for. He and his cronies immediately started pummeling the barf out of Mr. Kauser and his wife, because apparently when you're a big, tough, ass-wrecking terrorist commander the best way to prove how hardcore you are is by putting a posse of goons together, arming yourself to the teeth, and beating the shit out of a couple of defenseless farmers twice your age.

Well, 18 year-old Rukhsana Kauser wasn't far away – she and her 19 year-old brother had been hiding under the bed in her room, and they were now receiving a front-row seat to the severe beating of their parents at the hands of Rukhsana's soon-to-be terrorist rapist and five of his best friends. Needless to say, this didn't sit well. However, while staring across the room at six masked men carrying fully-automatic assault rifles would have left most people paralyzed by some combination of fear and/or pants-wetting hopelessness, Rukhsana Kauser felt no such compunction. She did what any real badass would have done in this situation – she got super fucking mecha pissed.

Ruksana Kauser charged out, grabbed the notorious terrorist Abu Osama by his head, and in one badass judo MMA move slammed the back of his skull up against the wall of her living room with enough force to crack a cue ball. Then, as he was backed up against the wall, she smashed him with the axe (just for good measure). As he slowly started to slump down, badly jacked up by this brutally insane balls-out sneak-attack, Rukhsana reached down, grabbed his AK-47 assault rifle, and forcefully wrenched it out of his hands in one motion. Clutching the captured weapon in both hands, she cracked him in the face with the stock of the rifle, flipped it around, and unleashed a burst of automatic weapons fire that pumped twelve rounds into the criminal mastermind's head and torso at point-blank range, killing him instantly in a thick spray of crimson.

One really liberated female
A bunch of second string al Quaida types went to a farm near a small village in India, intent on getting some nookie. It didn't turn out well for them.


The weapon she took from her prospective rapist

Well, on Monday, September 28th, 2009, Abu was wandering around the Jammu region of India, an ultra-rural province near the chaotic Kashmir region, just looking to have some fun by creating a bunch of murder-carnage for no reason other than to satisfy his raging death-boner. He knew about a cute girl that lived in this particular village he happened to be gracing with his sinister presence, so he decided to pay her a visit and ingratiate himself to her relatives by beating the holy living crapballs out of them with a large stick and dragging her off by her hair Neanderthal-style.

So, he got together five of his closest terrorist buddies, charged a clip into his AK-47, and went over to the humble farmhouse where 18 year-old Rukhsana Kauser lived. Abu politely knocked on her door, and greeted her loving father when he came out to see what was going on by jamming a gun barrel in his face:
As you can probably imagine, Mr. Kauser wasn't all that thrilled about the idea of his daughter being carried off to serve as a harem girl in some kind of jacked-up terrorist swinger's club, so it's pretty understandable that he told this bitchtard to go hump a football. Unfortunately, this was just the answer Osama was looking for. He and his cronies immediately started pummeling the barf out of Mr. Kauser and his wife, because apparently when you're a big, tough, ass-wrecking terrorist commander the best way to prove how hardcore you are is by putting a posse of goons together, arming yourself to the teeth, and beating the shit out of a couple of defenseless farmers twice your age.

Well, 18 year-old Rukhsana Kauser wasn't far away – she and her 19 year-old brother had been hiding under the bed in her room, and they were now receiving a front-row seat to the severe beating of their parents at the hands of Rukhsana's soon-to-be terrorist rapist and five of his best friends. Needless to say, this didn't sit well. However, while staring across the room at six masked men carrying fully-automatic assault rifles would have left most people paralyzed by some combination of fear and/or pants-wetting hopelessness, Rukhsana Kauser felt no such compunction. She did what any real badass would have done in this situation – she got super fucking mecha pissed.

Ruksana Kauser charged out, grabbed the notorious terrorist Abu Osama by his head, and in one badass judo MMA move slammed the back of his skull up against the wall of her living room with enough force to crack a cue ball. Then, as he was backed up against the wall, she smashed him with the axe (just for good measure). As he slowly started to slump down, badly jacked up by this brutally insane balls-out sneak-attack, Rukhsana reached down, grabbed his AK-47 assault rifle, and forcefully wrenched it out of his hands in one motion. Clutching the captured weapon in both hands, she cracked him in the face with the stock of the rifle, flipped it around, and unleashed a burst of automatic weapons fire that pumped twelve rounds into the criminal mastermind's head and torso at point-blank range, killing him instantly in a thick spray of crimson.

One really liberated female

Yippee, my new hero :D
Woohoo. I guess she didn't subscribe to the part of total female submission.
Well, he sorta got laid... forever.

Nice thing is, these folks will probably start thinking twice.
Good to see that those terrorist assholes got their asses handed to them.

Now, if people in Pakistan and Afghanistan would just grow a pair, maybe we could get rid of all of 'em.
Actually, the entire story is fascinating and I hope the Bollywood film about it goes viral. Could easily be the next Slumdog Millionaire....

The story includes a timely Metaplot that demonstrates compliciancy within the Pakistani intelligence community for dealing with Muslim Terrorist organizations.
A real story of how girls can rule the world rather than underestimate them. She's very strong lady indeed!

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