Don't monkey up the election!

I think he just did make it up. "Monkey up" is not a metaphor I've ever heard afore.

But then again I never heard of "Macaca" until George Allen or whatever his name was.

I have not only heard it commonly used, but also variations that coincide like "monkeying around" (goofing off and acting stupid). It is also kind of a short rephrasing (that is used to express the same condition) of another common phrase phrase "throwing a monkey wrench in the works", as in screwing up a piece of machinery by throwing a large monkey wrench (pipe wrench) in it.

Obviously the Webster dictionary is racist:

"monkey up - To hack together hardware for a particular task, especially a one-shot job. Connotes an extremely crufty and consciously temporary solution. Compare hack up, kluge up."

monkey up | Definition of monkey up by Webster's Online Dictionary also added it to their list, with translations of the phrase in nine different languages:

What does monkey up mean?
The word monkey is racist hate speech
The way some folks use it, it is. But whether it was meant that way (probably not), there are people who will say it was.
I agree, Ma'am. I know folks are hyper-sensitive over old common slanders these days, and I see evidence that the self-aggrandized 'ubermensch' are rising from dormancy in our current political atmosphere, and this DeSantis may be one of them, but in this case I don't think he meant it as the dog-whistle he is accused of meaning.

A couple years ago, I commented in all innocence that a neighbor didn't have a "Chinaman's chance" of growing a hedge. My grandson pointed out to me that the phrase was demeaning. It stunned me for a moment, because it never occurred to me that it is an insult. I've said it all my life. And until then never worried about unintentional offenses. Anyway, I decided not to be cowed and told the kid to stuff a sock in it!
Monkey=primate=animal=black person

I wonder what term/word :popcorn:will be next?
Holy shit, you can't make this up:

DeSantis warns Floridians not to "monkey this up"

DeSantis' opponent:


Dog Whistle


When democrats want to smear an innocent individual, in particular someone who threatens their political power, they use the word dog whistle to accuse the individual of being a racist. They state the individual who used innocent words of secretly sending out a racist message....and the message is only racist because it serves the purpose of the democrats to smear the innocent individual with the title of Racist.

End Definition.
at the 1:43 mark DeSantis offers his 'Freudian slip' identifying himself as a racist tool for POTUS Trump.

DeSantis may as well have said Make America White Again

Oh yeah, your leftist midterm shill ass is really really gonna gonna sway FL people to vote for a Socialist black man.


Blacks in FL won't vote for Socialists either, they have too many many Cuban friends. Also, good ancestors.
Yeah, that's really not going to affect the FL gubernatorial election, newb asshat leftist shill motherfucker.

Just so you you know that, and what you are.

Poof! You're gone by 11/15.
Holy shit, you can't make this up:

DeSantis warns Floridians not to "monkey this up"

DeSantis' opponent:

That's an interesting take on it Mr Race Pimp.
I use the phrase "throwing a MONKEY wrench into it" all the time.

And now I am outed...

That's not the same phrase, is it.
"Monkey wrench" is a noun describing an adjustable wrench. The term used by the politician was a verb, referring to proposed actions, while specifically talking about his opponent and what he proposed to do, and he made no mention of a 'wrench'.
at the 1:43 mark DeSantis offers his 'Freudian slip' identifying himself as a racist tool for POTUS Trump.

DeSantis may as well have said Make America White Again

Oh yeah, your leftist midterm shill ass is really really gonna gonna sway FL people to vote for a Socialist black man.


Blacks in FL won't vote for Socialists either, they have too many many Cuban friends. Also, good ancestors.

Do you actually believe I give a flying **** what you have to spew? Nope.
at the 1:43 mark DeSantis offers his 'Freudian slip' identifying himself as a racist tool for POTUS Trump.

DeSantis may as well have said Make America White Again

He didn't say anything racist whatsoever. Those who say that he did are obviously projecting.

And your misuse of the term "Freudian slip" showed the forum that you are very poorly educated.
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I think he just did make it up. "Monkey up" is not a metaphor I've ever heard afore.

But then again I never heard of "Macaca" until George Allen or whatever his name was.

I have not only heard it commonly used, but also variations that coincide like "monkeying around" (goofing off and acting stupid). It is also kind of a short rephrasing (that is used to express the same condition) of another common phrase "throwing a monkey wrench in the works", as in screwing up a piece of machinery by throwing a large monkey wrench (pipe wrench) in it (or haphazardly screwing things up) .

From my point of view, you would have to want to be offended to take it the wrong way, and any racial connotation would be a product of people consumed by their desire to view racism in everything (and that's their stupid problem).

"To monkey around" is a common metaphor. To" throw a monkey wrench into" something is another common metaphor. To "monkey up" is not.

Grammatically the first would mean to "act like a monkey" presuming such action is silly. The second would mean sabotage, and the third would mean to apply a monkey to something. Whelp, he chose door number three, specifically while talking about his opponent, and it appeared he took great pains to set himself up to deliver that exact line on his own cue.

Only the speaker knows for sure what he meant but it does appear, in a word, calculated. That in no way tells is "the speaker is racist" because we have no such evidence. It may however indicate the speaker is race baiting.
I just read a source claiming that the DeSantis comment has now made FRONT PAGE NEWS in Canada.

This story is blowing up big time, international.

DeSantis killed his own run for Florida Gov. by opening his own mouth; how smart is that? :21:

When you monkey around, you waste time. When you monkey around with something, you often fiddle with it in an attempt to fix it or figure it out. You might, for example, monkey around with your dad's broken computer.
I just read a source claiming that the DeSantis comment has now made FRONT PAGE NEWS in Canada.

This story is blowing up big time, international.

DeSantis killed his own run for Florida Gov. by opening his own mouth; how smart is that? :21:
The left wing in Canada and Europe literally think Michael Brown and Trayvon Martin are saints.

Very very stupid people.

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