Don't monkey up the election!

I had no idea that the lullaby was actually about an orgy of black people but oddly, it makes a lot more sense that way...

It explains the whole bit about the doctor and the mama.I think maybe mama got a dose of the clap...

...Why the hell does the doctor look like Hitler lol
Good ol' Mac gave our resident "conservatives" a reason to express how they are the victims. Is it reverse PC?

Ya fucking idiots.
Nope idiot on TV got offended and went postal........over a dang monkey wrench.....

Now we are Mocking him....

I had no idea that the lullaby was actually about an orgy of black people but oddly, it makes a lot more sense that way...

It explains the whole bit about the doctor and the mama.I think maybe mama got a dose of the clap...

...Why the hell does the doctor look like Hitler lol

I told you, if we accept the left's assertion that all monkey references are actually referencing blacks some of the weird monkey references that are part of our culture make more sense.
He wasn't purposefully making a racist statement in this case.

I think he was. I just watched the video. He goes out of his way to launch the term and it was obviously pre-scripted. Not to mention a painful stretch in verbage to set it up.

I've yet to watch the clip. Maybe I'm too generous.
Politically correct people suck hairy ass, they are so full of themselves, like you guys they eat the corn out of their own shit....
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Will this kill his chances as "Maca" din another candidate?

'Don't monkey this up': Republican hopeful for Florida governor accused of using racial slur – video

Ron DeSantis, appearing on Fox News, told Florida voters not to 'monkey this up' by choosing his African American opponent, Andrew Gillum. The Florida governor race pits DeSantis, who has closely aligned himself with Donald Trump, against Gillum, a progressive backed by Bernie Sanders. The Florida Democratic party immediately decried DeSantis’s comment as racist

Will this kill his chances as "Maca" din another candidate?

'Don't monkey this up': Republican hopeful for Florida governor accused of using racial slur – video

Ron DeSantis, appearing on Fox News, told Florida voters not to 'monkey this up' by choosing his African American opponent, Andrew Gillum. The Florida governor race pits DeSantis, who has closely aligned himself with Donald Trump, against Gillum, a progressive backed by Bernie Sanders. The Florida Democratic party immediately decried DeSantis’s comment as racist

Wow first time we've heard this today
What Ever happened to sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me...

Politically correct people are pussies....

Hey everyone, in case you missed it from the pc police public service announcement, you can no longer say anything about monkeys because we tend to associate them with black people, and you definitely can’t talk about eating crow, because crows are black and that implies you are eating black people.
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Hey everyone, in case you missed it from the pc police public service announcement, you can no longer say anything about monkies because we tend to associate them with black people, and you definitely can’t talk about eating crow, because crows are black and that implies you are eating black people.

The left gives me a headache with their looniness
Oh please. A racist tool??

Get real.

He's white and on the automatic racist in the left's eyes.

They've worn out the bite of "racist" from overuse

Maybe the white righties should have shown more indignation when Trump came out in his first campaign speech about the Mexicans being rapists and murderers.
Maybe the white righties should have shown a lot of indignation when the KKK showed up in Charlottesville.
Maybe you just ought to shut your pie hole.


Inaction is just as telling as action; the right have accepted racsim as their own by NOT distancing themselves from it.
Is that why the left keeps buying and supporting the New York Times?
Even Fox News rebuked Desantis for his remark. It was obvious to anyone who has over a sixth grade education what he was really saying. Of course, a sixth grade education is still more education than the average Trumpcluck.

Fox News Anchor Rebukes Ron DeSantis for 'Monkey' Comment

Sandra Smith is as stupid as you left loons.

What a huge nothing burger. Crap our 13 year old daughters are laughing at the idiocy
And there you have it. Mal is monkeying it up.

Save the "Mal" shit, Plywood Pete, it's going as far as your bi catfish shit did. Nowhere...but I see you did switch gears...loon

Nothing the man said was racist, sit down and shush, intelligent people are laughing at your dumb asses
Oh dear...Mal is still monkeying it up.

Pete, stop your inane trolling.....have you noticed very few agree with you? 114,000 posts and a measly ratings. Hell when I have 114000 posts I'll be near 190,000're an amateur

Nothing the man said is just reveals how utterly ignorant you are.

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