Don't monkey up the election!

the best thing about this latest round of liberal outrage is everyone knows its bullshit that the phrase used was racist. No one fucking cares.
Holy shit, you can't make this up:

DeSantis warns Floridians not to "monkey this up"

DeSantis' opponent:

You're kidding me right?

You've never been told by an adult as a child not to monkey with something?

Will this kill his chances as "Maca" din another candidate?

'Don't monkey this up': Republican hopeful for Florida governor accused of using racial slur – video

Ron DeSantis, appearing on Fox News, told Florida voters not to 'monkey this up' by choosing his African American opponent, Andrew Gillum. The Florida governor race pits DeSantis, who has closely aligned himself with Donald Trump, against Gillum, a progressive backed by Bernie Sanders. The Florida Democratic party immediately decried DeSantis’s comment as racist

Dictionaries appropriately have the definitions up so all sane non race card baiters know bloody well it means "we can't fuck this up". Keep trying though.

wow....most of you people are clueless goobers.

The REAL ISSUE here is not whether or not what he said is actually racist, or what it may or may not have meant or even if it was intentional.....


For GODS SAKE you people love to be trivial.
This is actually a very good thing for Republicans and the anti PC agenda if DeSantis is proactive about this.

DeSantis can use this as an example of the left attacking the English language, AND, at the same time he can tell black voters in Florida and across the country that Democrats literally think of black people as monkeys.

This corresponds perfectly with the #walkaway campaign.
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the best thing about this latest round of liberal outrage is everyone knows its bullshit that the phrase used was racist. No one fucking cares.

LOL The insanity continues unabated

They are in a lather today. To use another colloquial phrase. :)
I don't think it has occurred to the left that minorities use soap, so it is unlikely they will accuse us of racism for using that term.

If they thought blacks were clean, though, oh my goodness you'd be in trouble.
Even Fox News rebuked Desantis for his remark. It was obvious to anyone who has over a sixth grade education what he was really saying. Of course, a sixth grade education is still more education than the average Trumpcluck.

Fox News Anchor Rebukes Ron DeSantis for 'Monkey' Comment

Sandra Smith is as stupid as you left loons.

What a huge nothing burger. Crap our 13 year old daughters are laughing at the idiocy
And there you have it. Mal is monkeying it up.

Save the "Mal" shit, Plywood Pete, it's going as far as your bi catfish shit did. Nowhere...but I see you did switch gears...loon

Nothing the man said was racist, sit down and shush, intelligent people are laughing at your dumb asses
Oh dear...Mal is still monkeying it up.

Pete, stop your inane trolling.....have you noticed very few agree with you? 114,000 posts and a measly ratings. Hell when I have 114000 posts I'll be near 190,000're an amateur

Nothing the man said is just reveals how utterly ignorant you are.
Just like your bought off pundits always agree with each other in their circle jerk insanity... The entire GOP propaganda machine is a lying racist disgrace, pathetic dupe of greedy idiot billionaires. It helps when 80% of the board is GOP chumps...
Am so sick of both sides taking some small thing & blowing it into a big nothing, that is not the way to get facts & truth into a discussion. the craziness is spinning out of control.
The word monkey is racist hate speech
The way some folks use it, it is. But whether it was meant that way (probably not), there are people who will say it was.

I had to view the picture before I could figure out what the fuss was about, because it is a common phrase here. I am not surprised some people jumped in and wanted to make it a racial issue though. Just to head off any future confusion, if I ever refer to a situation as "a monkey ******* a football", it won't have anything to do with race, no matter who I am talking to or about.
I love game shows. Let's play... What's the choices for an alternative adjective once you've set that context and phrasing??

Adorable stuffed plush monkey to the winner... :banana: Fill in the blank in this quote..

“Florida elections are always competitive, and this is a guy who, although he is much too liberal for Florida, he has huge problems with how he’s governed Tallahassee, he is an articulate spokesman for those far left views,” DeSantis said Wednesday morning. “The last thing we need to do is to ______ this up by trying to embrace a socialist agenda.”...
Let's make a long list of words that can't be said talking to/about a black person that are perfectly acceptable to use with strictly white people. A person that is not constantly thinking in terms of race can easily fall into the "monkey" trap when a black person is involved.
Holy shit, you can't make this up:

DeSantis warns Floridians not to "monkey this up"

DeSantis' opponent:

That's an interesting take on it Mr Race Pimp.
I use the phrase "throwing a MONKEY wrench into it" all the time.

And now I am outed...

The comment was used against a candidate that is an African American. Your statement is a deflections....ala trump.
The comment was a plea to voters NOT TO FUCK UP.

You see racism because you are one of the race pimps.
But aren't socialists, liberals, and progressives directly descended from monkeys? It is a known fact that they don't believe in God or Creationism, but they do believe in evolution.

So what's the problem here?
I think he just did make it up. "Monkey up" is not a metaphor I've ever heard afore.

But then again I never heard of "Macaca" until George Allen or whatever his name was.

I have not only heard it commonly used, but also variations that coincide like "monkeying around" (goofing off and acting stupid). It is also kind of a short rephrasing (that is used to express the same condition) of another common phrase "throwing a monkey wrench in the works", as in screwing up a piece of machinery by throwing a large monkey wrench (pipe wrench) in it (or haphazardly screwing things up) .

From my point of view, you would have to want to be offended to take it the wrong way, and any racial connotation would be a product of people consumed by their desire to view racism in everything (and that's their stupid problem).
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Hey Hey.. Anyone win the giant plush monkey prize yet? Got a suggested alternative for using the word "monkey" in that statement? There IS ONE... I can't give it away..

People say I monkey around. But I'm too busy typing to put anybody down...

that's because you damaged the actual wording. It's the VERB form of monkey....

monkeying. transitive verb. : mimic, mock. intransitive verb. 1 : to act in a grotesque or mischievous manner. 2a : fool, trifle —often used with around he likes to monkey around with enginesb : tamper —usually used with with don't monkey with the settings.
Monkey | Definition of Monkey by Merriam-Webster
Let me ask you....when you were looking it up, did you find the idiom "monkeying things up"?

no. actually. But that's not the phrase actually used. Check the quote. it's used as a special verb as in "to monkey things up".. But you'll see in my quote from BH Obama in my previous post --- he used it as "monkeying with elections" :auiqs.jpg:
You say...."he used it as 'monkeying with elections'"


This is a larger quote: "The last thing we need to do is to monkey this up by trying to embrace a socialist agenda...."

Where's the reference to messing around with elections (I'm using the common colloquialism there instead).

OMG Bode. You're only 1/2 present today. Grab another expresso with a double shot of Wild Turkey before you post..

The "monkeying with elections" is a Barrack OBAMA quote -- not the DeSantis quote. I posted it here..

Ron DeSantis - "the last thing we need to do is MONKEY this up"
Let's google "monkeying with..." monkeying with

Now...let's google "monkey this up"


You STILL at it?? :777:

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