Don't monkey up the election!

Is your answer a yes or no?

As your reading teacher will explain to you I just told you. I never heard it before today, therefore it came with no meaning. That's the question...... isn't it.
No, the question is, why do you think he was using it as a racial slur? In what way would that help his campaign? If you cant give a VERY good answer to that question that makes sense, then we know you dont believe it yourself.

As I already noted above in a post which has now expired from the quote nest, I don't know if he's using a racial slur or not --- only he does. But how it would help his campaign is an easy question to answer. Race-baiting calls attention to a base he might wish to cultivate, a base that might not be paying close attention, and how has been 'signaled' that there's one of "them" running so they'd better get out and vote.

It did wonders for Rump didn't it. Just so you understand I have no idea what you're even talking about, did he endorse me or what because I know nothing about white supremacists wink wink....
Race baiting appeals to a few dozen people, meanwhile it alienates millions. You arent telling the truth. You dont believe he was saying it to be racist. No one does.

That's what I said several posts above. Can't you come up with your own content?

Race-baiting obviously appeals to way more than "a few dozen". That's his call if he thinks it's worth the price.
...but he wouldnt think that is worth the price. Thats the point, but you already knew that. Your argument is disingenuous.
As your reading teacher will explain to you I just told you. I never heard it before today, therefore it came with no meaning. That's the question...... isn't it.
No, the question is, why do you think he was using it as a racial slur? In what way would that help his campaign? If you cant give a VERY good answer to that question that makes sense, then we know you dont believe it yourself.

As I already noted above in a post which has now expired from the quote nest, I don't know if he's using a racial slur or not --- only he does. But how it would help his campaign is an easy question to answer. Race-baiting calls attention to a base he might wish to cultivate, a base that might not be paying close attention, and how has been 'signaled' that there's one of "them" running so they'd better get out and vote.

It did wonders for Rump didn't it. Just so you understand I have no idea what you're even talking about, did he endorse me or what because I know nothing about white supremacists wink wink....
Race baiting appeals to a few dozen people, meanwhile it alienates millions. You arent telling the truth. You dont believe he was saying it to be racist. No one does.

That's what I said several posts above. Can't you come up with your own content?

Race-baiting obviously appeals to way more than "a few dozen". That's his call if he thinks it's worth the price.
...but he wouldnt think that is worth the price. Thats the point, but you already knew that. Your argument is disingenuous.

You're actually speaking for what he thinks? How Kreskin of you.
The word monkey is racist hate speech
The way some folks use it, it is. But whether it was meant that way (probably not), there are people who will say it was.
The word monkey is racist hate speech
The way some folks use it, it is. But whether it was meant that way (probably not), there are people who will say it was.
It probably wasn't even noticed when Obama said it himself in 2008. It is just a turn of phrase, people. We forget there is no longer free speech. There is only PC speech.

"To monkey around" is a common metaphor. To" throw a monkey wrench into" something is another common metaphor. To "monkey up" is not..

I am afraid you misunderstood that I indicated it was a common phrase here, and means to mess something up, and always has. Sorry if you thought I was asking whether or not you agreed with that, because it doesn't matter if you do. Whatever excuse you want to make, won't change the fact it's a common phrase here. If you want to be offended or try to make it a racial issue, I already said "that's your stupid problem".

I'm not sure what your references to "here" mean. I haven't mentioned a "here"; I simply analyzed common US English phrases and the speaker's delivery of an uncommon one. Which is neither 'here' nor 'there'.
What does 'monkey up' mean to you? Is the subject always a negro?

Sounds kinda racist of you.

Never heard it before today. That's uh, kind of why it stands out here. Phrases tend to stand out when they're out of the ordinary. Before George Allen I didn't know the word "macaca" either.

If he had said "we can't fuck this up" I wouldn't have thought he was talking about sex, but that's a common phrase.

Pffffft. Monkey this. Monkey with. Webster. Get a grip.

monkey with
phrasal verb
Popularity: Bottom 10% of words
Definition of monkey with
: to handle or play with (something) in a careless way : to monkey around with (something)
  • I told you not to monkey with the lawn mower.
Definition of MONKEY WITH
Holy shit, you can't make this up:

DeSantis warns Floridians not to "monkey this up"

DeSantis' opponent:

It says a lot about you that you equate the picture of a black guy with a monkey! Are you racist?
Is the left simply trying to score points with this story, or do they actually believe that here in 2018 a major candidate for governor, would actually mean this in the way they claim ?

Either they are simply playing today's game of politics, or they are incredibly stupid.

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