Don't monkey up the election!

it is a recognized substitue for 'fuck up', 'screw up'.............

Yeah yeah covered this too, way back. "Fuck up", "mess up", "screw up", "bugger up", "louse up", any of those he could have used, and yet he went aaaallllllll the way out to "monkey". Didn't he.

I tell you what, if he had used "fuck up", he would have got the same disclaimer from Fox News ---- "we don't condone that kind of language" --- that he did for "monkey".

Even Fox Snooze didn't need it explained. And yet, here you sit, still shilling. Isn't that special.
What the morons appear to be saying is that one is not allowed to criticize socialism if the socialist candidate is a Negro? Am I wrong?

Lest we forget what DeSantis actually siad: "“The last thing we need to do is to monkey this up by trying to embrace a socialist agenda with huge tax increases and bankrupting the state.”

Did he say anything at all about the socialist candidate? No. He spoke about embracing a socialist agenda. Referring to the fact that a socialist agenda would result in huge tax increases and the resulting bankruptcy of Florida.

The whole interview was about his opponent. He went into detail about how he watched him (the opponent) and how well he did against his primary competition. Even called him 'articulate'. There's your context; the other guy had just won, and was now DeSantis' opponent. So that's the subject of the interview ---- after which, again, Fox News disclaimed it with "we don't condone that kind of language".

Suppose he had said --- he didn't but suppose he did --- "the last thing we need to do is Jew down our state budget" in a race where his opponent was Jewish. Would you still be here spinning it away as "hey, 'Jew down' is a common expression (it is after all more common than monkey up) and meant nothing about the opponent" --- just because the speaker has an R behind his name?

You don't have to answer. We know.

Ridiculous but it points out your fuzzy shallow thinking. When you refer to a Jew you are referring to a specific group of people.

DeSantis was referring to a poliical philosophy not to a group of people nor to any particular person ...he was referring to how fucked up it would be if Florida embraced a socialist agenda. Simple, very simple ....yet you do not get it suprise there.

mmyyeah of course he was, because when we think "socialism" the first image that comes to mind is....


Whelp, as I said you didn't have to answer. And sure enough, you didn't. Good boy.

The phrase monkey up has nothing to do with monkeys is a recognized substitue for 'fuck up', 'screw up' someone with some logic or at least a tad of common sense.

Perhaps you should consult with obama....he is a veteran of using monkey phrases..........

Didn't see it until you posted just now. Because you edited it into the previous post. But did see it several days ago when you and/or somebody else posted the same thing, trying desperately to pretend "monkey up" is the same thing as "monkey around", is the same thing as "monkey wrench", is the same thing as "The Monkees" etc etc etc. And we disposed of it accordingly. Yet here it is again expecting different results.

Yes, I'm afraid the let's-play-stupid game long preceded your arrival here. It continues not to work.

Pray tell what is the difference between monkey around and monkey up? I will be waithing with bated breath. hehheh

BTW Fox news is the one that started the whole mess by falsely implying that DeSantis was calling gillium a monkey.

As explained before ...the media...all of the media loves controversy and will do their best to stir it up....standard operating procedure.
The whole interview was about his opponent. He went into detail about how he watched him (the opponent) and how well he did against his primary competition. Even called him 'articulate'. There's your context; the other guy had just won, and was now DeSantis' opponent. So that's the subject of the interview ---- after which, again, Fox News disclaimed it with "we don't condone that kind of language".

Suppose he had said --- he didn't but suppose he did --- "the last thing we need to do is Jew down our state budget" in a race where his opponent was Jewish. Would you still be here spinning it away as "hey, 'Jew down' is a common expression (it is after all more common than monkey up) and meant nothing about the opponent" --- just because the speaker has an R behind his name?

You don't have to answer. We know.

Ridiculous but it points out your fuzzy shallow thinking. When you refer to a Jew you are referring to a specific group of people.

DeSantis was referring to a poliical philosophy not to a group of people nor to any particular person ...he was referring to how fucked up it would be if Florida embraced a socialist agenda. Simple, very simple ....yet you do not get it suprise there.

mmyyeah of course he was, because when we think "socialism" the first image that comes to mind is....


Whelp, as I said you didn't have to answer. And sure enough, you didn't. Good boy.

The phrase monkey up has nothing to do with monkeys is a recognized substitue for 'fuck up', 'screw up' someone with some logic or at least a tad of common sense.

Perhaps you should consult with obama....he is a veteran of using monkey phrases..........

Didn't see it until you posted just now. Because you edited it into the previous post. But did see it several days ago when you and/or somebody else posted the same thing, trying desperately to pretend "monkey up" is the same thing as "monkey around", is the same thing as "monkey wrench", is the same thing as "The Monkees" etc etc etc. And we disposed of it accordingly. Yet here it is again expecting different results.

Yes, I'm afraid the let's-play-stupid game long preceded your arrival here. It continues not to work.

Pray tell what is the difference between monkey around and monkey up? I will be waithing with bated breath. hehheh

YAWN. We also did this one hundreds of posts ago. How sweet to be an idiot, pretending not to get how the same term changes meaning depending on how it's dressed.

From the last time this "let's-play-stupid" card was played:

"What? Said Melania... Ze Donald has been fucking around? Fuck! I'll fucking kill him! Where the fuck is he?"
When all else fails try and drag Trump into it. bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Has Trump ever used a monkey phrase? Of course obama did.
Some more monkey sayings;

Monkey Sayings Greeting Cards - CafePress

Last edited:
Ron DeSantis' new name: ENAMU.

"Election Normal --- All Monkeyed Up".

What the morons appear to be saying is that one is not allowed to criticize socialism if the socialist candidate is a Negro? Am I wrong?

Lest we forget what DeSantis actually siad: "“The last thing we need to do is to monkey this up by trying to embrace a socialist agenda with huge tax increases and bankrupting the state.”

Did he say anything at all about the socialist candidate? No. He spoke about embracing a socialist agenda. Referring to the fact that a socialist agenda would result in huge tax increases and the resulting bankruptcy of Florida.

The whole interview was about his opponent. He went into detail about how he watched him (the opponent) and how well he did against his primary competition. Even called him 'articulate'. There's your context; the other guy had just won, and was now DeSantis' opponent. So that's the subject of the interview ---- after which, again, Fox News disclaimed it with "we don't condone that kind of language".

Suppose he had said --- he didn't but suppose he did --- "the last thing we need to do is Jew down our state budget" in a race where his opponent was Jewish. Would you still be here spinning it away as "hey, 'Jew down' is a common expression (it is after all more common than monkey up) and meant nothing about the opponent" --- just because the speaker has an R behind his name?

You don't have to answer. We know.
So wait now, let me get this straight... Desantis was praising his opponent as being articulate and very smart in winning out against his opponents, but then he turns around and refers to Gillum (according to the race baiting left), that he is a monkey ????

Good grief.... Of course the left has to race bait in order to win election's, after all it's all the left has left after the disasterous past 30 years or more. Just look at the track record of the left in order to draw the conclusions needed.
What the morons appear to be saying is that one is not allowed to criticize socialism if the socialist candidate is a Negro? Am I wrong?

Lest we forget what DeSantis actually siad: "“The last thing we need to do is to monkey this up by trying to embrace a socialist agenda with huge tax increases and bankrupting the state.”

Did he say anything at all about the socialist candidate? No. He spoke about embracing a socialist agenda. Referring to the fact that a socialist agenda would result in huge tax increases and the resulting bankruptcy of Florida.

The whole interview was about his opponent. He went into detail about how he watched him (the opponent) and how well he did against his primary competition. Even called him 'articulate'. There's your context; the other guy had just won, and was now DeSantis' opponent. So that's the subject of the interview ---- after which, again, Fox News disclaimed it with "we don't condone that kind of language".

Suppose he had said --- he didn't but suppose he did --- "the last thing we need to do is Jew down our state budget" in a race where his opponent was Jewish. Would you still be here spinning it away as "hey, 'Jew down' is a common expression (it is after all more common than monkey up) and meant nothing about the opponent" --- just because the speaker has an R behind his name?

You don't have to answer. We know.

Ridiculous but it points out your fuzzy shallow thinking. When you refer to a Jew you are referring to a specific group of people.

DeSantis was referring to a poliical philosophy not to a group of people nor to any particular person ...he was referring to how fucked up it would be if Florida embraced a socialist agenda. Simple, very simple ....yet you do not get it suprise there.

mmyyeah of course he was, because when we think "socialism" the first image that comes to mind is....


Whelp, as I said you didn't have to answer. And sure enough, you didn't. Good boy.

The phrase monkey up has nothing to do with monkeys is a recognized substitue for 'fuck up', 'screw up' someone with some logic or at least a tad of common sense.

Perhaps you should consult with obama....he is a veteran of using monkey phrases..........

Didn't see it until you posted just now. Because you edited it into the previous post. But did see it several days ago when you and/or somebody else posted the same thing, trying desperately to pretend "monkey up" is the same thing as "monkey around", is the same thing as "monkey wrench", is the same thing as "The Monkees" etc etc etc. And we disposed of it accordingly. Yet here it is again expecting different results.

Yes, I'm afraid the let's-play-stupid game long preceded your arrival here. It continues not to work.

So if a person says "hey don't monkey up the election" by letting a socialist get into power, and they are talking to a base that includes Black American's, White American's, Mexican American's, Chinese American's, Cuban American's, somehow in your mind they are specifically targeting the black race when saying that ?????? Do you realize how dumb that is for thinking such a thing as this craziness you all have dreamed up as some sort of strategy here ???
What the morons appear to be saying is that one is not allowed to criticize socialism if the socialist candidate is a Negro? Am I wrong?

Lest we forget what DeSantis actually siad: "“The last thing we need to do is to monkey this up by trying to embrace a socialist agenda with huge tax increases and bankrupting the state.”

Did he say anything at all about the socialist candidate? No. He spoke about embracing a socialist agenda. Referring to the fact that a socialist agenda would result in huge tax increases and the resulting bankruptcy of Florida.

The whole interview was about his opponent. He went into detail about how he watched him (the opponent) and how well he did against his primary competition. Even called him 'articulate'. There's your context; the other guy had just won, and was now DeSantis' opponent. So that's the subject of the interview ---- after which, again, Fox News disclaimed it with "we don't condone that kind of language".

Suppose he had said --- he didn't but suppose he did --- "the last thing we need to do is Jew down our state budget" in a race where his opponent was Jewish. Would you still be here spinning it away as "hey, 'Jew down' is a common expression (it is after all more common than monkey up) and meant nothing about the opponent" --- just because the speaker has an R behind his name?

You don't have to answer. We know.
So wait now, let me get this straight... Desantis was praising his opponent as being articulate and very smart in winning out against his opponents, but then he turns around and refers to Gillum (according to the race baiting left), that he is a monkey ????

Good grief.... Of course the left has to race bait in order to win election's, after all it's all the left has left after the disasterous past 30 years or more. Just look at the track record of the left in order to draw the conclusions needed.

Kinda sorta --- except I never mentioned "the left" or "the right".

Far as I can see, and I looked at the video real close, Ron DeSantis is one person, and his opponent is one other person. They're not "groups".

I don't know why y'all Fallacists keep falling down that same hole.
The whole interview was about his opponent. He went into detail about how he watched him (the opponent) and how well he did against his primary competition. Even called him 'articulate'. There's your context; the other guy had just won, and was now DeSantis' opponent. So that's the subject of the interview ---- after which, again, Fox News disclaimed it with "we don't condone that kind of language".

Suppose he had said --- he didn't but suppose he did --- "the last thing we need to do is Jew down our state budget" in a race where his opponent was Jewish. Would you still be here spinning it away as "hey, 'Jew down' is a common expression (it is after all more common than monkey up) and meant nothing about the opponent" --- just because the speaker has an R behind his name?

You don't have to answer. We know.

Ridiculous but it points out your fuzzy shallow thinking. When you refer to a Jew you are referring to a specific group of people.

DeSantis was referring to a poliical philosophy not to a group of people nor to any particular person ...he was referring to how fucked up it would be if Florida embraced a socialist agenda. Simple, very simple ....yet you do not get it suprise there.

mmyyeah of course he was, because when we think "socialism" the first image that comes to mind is....


Whelp, as I said you didn't have to answer. And sure enough, you didn't. Good boy.

The phrase monkey up has nothing to do with monkeys is a recognized substitue for 'fuck up', 'screw up' someone with some logic or at least a tad of common sense.

Perhaps you should consult with obama....he is a veteran of using monkey phrases..........

Didn't see it until you posted just now. Because you edited it into the previous post. But did see it several days ago when you and/or somebody else posted the same thing, trying desperately to pretend "monkey up" is the same thing as "monkey around", is the same thing as "monkey wrench", is the same thing as "The Monkees" etc etc etc. And we disposed of it accordingly. Yet here it is again expecting different results.

Yes, I'm afraid the let's-play-stupid game long preceded your arrival here. It continues not to work.

So if a person says "hey don't monkey up the election" by letting a socialist get into power, and they are talking to a base that includes Black American's, White American's, Mexican American's, Chinese American's, Cuban American's, somehow in your mind they are specifically targeting the black race when saying that ?????? Do you realize how dumb that is for thinking such a thing as this craziness you all have dreamed up as some sort of strategy here ???

Yup. Sure do.
Ridiculous but it points out your fuzzy shallow thinking. When you refer to a Jew you are referring to a specific group of people.

DeSantis was referring to a poliical philosophy not to a group of people nor to any particular person ...he was referring to how fucked up it would be if Florida embraced a socialist agenda. Simple, very simple ....yet you do not get it suprise there.

mmyyeah of course he was, because when we think "socialism" the first image that comes to mind is....


Whelp, as I said you didn't have to answer. And sure enough, you didn't. Good boy.

The phrase monkey up has nothing to do with monkeys is a recognized substitue for 'fuck up', 'screw up' someone with some logic or at least a tad of common sense.

Perhaps you should consult with obama....he is a veteran of using monkey phrases..........

Didn't see it until you posted just now. Because you edited it into the previous post. But did see it several days ago when you and/or somebody else posted the same thing, trying desperately to pretend "monkey up" is the same thing as "monkey around", is the same thing as "monkey wrench", is the same thing as "The Monkees" etc etc etc. And we disposed of it accordingly. Yet here it is again expecting different results.

Yes, I'm afraid the let's-play-stupid game long preceded your arrival here. It continues not to work.

So if a person says "hey don't monkey up the election" by letting a socialist get into power, and they are talking to a base that includes Black American's, White American's, Mexican American's, Chinese American's, Cuban American's, somehow in your mind they are specifically targeting the black race when saying that ?????? Do you realize how dumb that is for thinking such a thing as this craziness you all have dreamed up as some sort of strategy here ???

Yup. Sure do.

Sure do what ?
mmyyeah of course he was, because when we think "socialism" the first image that comes to mind is....


Whelp, as I said you didn't have to answer. And sure enough, you didn't. Good boy.

The phrase monkey up has nothing to do with monkeys is a recognized substitue for 'fuck up', 'screw up' someone with some logic or at least a tad of common sense.

Perhaps you should consult with obama....he is a veteran of using monkey phrases..........

Didn't see it until you posted just now. Because you edited it into the previous post. But did see it several days ago when you and/or somebody else posted the same thing, trying desperately to pretend "monkey up" is the same thing as "monkey around", is the same thing as "monkey wrench", is the same thing as "The Monkees" etc etc etc. And we disposed of it accordingly. Yet here it is again expecting different results.

Yes, I'm afraid the let's-play-stupid game long preceded your arrival here. It continues not to work.

So if a person says "hey don't monkey up the election" by letting a socialist get into power, and they are talking to a base that includes Black American's, White American's, Mexican American's, Chinese American's, Cuban American's, somehow in your mind they are specifically targeting the black race when saying that ?????? Do you realize how dumb that is for thinking such a thing as this craziness you all have dreamed up as some sort of strategy here ???

Yup. Sure do.

Sure do what ?

I sure do realize how dumb that is. It's a direct answer to your question.
The phrase monkey up has nothing to do with monkeys is a recognized substitue for 'fuck up', 'screw up' someone with some logic or at least a tad of common sense.

Perhaps you should consult with obama....he is a veteran of using monkey phrases..........

Didn't see it until you posted just now. Because you edited it into the previous post. But did see it several days ago when you and/or somebody else posted the same thing, trying desperately to pretend "monkey up" is the same thing as "monkey around", is the same thing as "monkey wrench", is the same thing as "The Monkees" etc etc etc. And we disposed of it accordingly. Yet here it is again expecting different results.

Yes, I'm afraid the let's-play-stupid game long preceded your arrival here. It continues not to work.

So if a person says "hey don't monkey up the election" by letting a socialist get into power, and they are talking to a base that includes Black American's, White American's, Mexican American's, Chinese American's, Cuban American's, somehow in your mind they are specifically targeting the black race when saying that ?????? Do you realize how dumb that is for thinking such a thing as this craziness you all have dreamed up as some sort of strategy here ???

Yup. Sure do.

Sure do what ?

I sure do realize how dumb that is. It's a direct answer to your question.

And so you admit how dumb you have been throughout this thread ?? Defending the indefensible (the accusation of racism), when it wasn't racism at all is a might bit dumb yes indeedy.
Didn't see it until you posted just now. Because you edited it into the previous post. But did see it several days ago when you and/or somebody else posted the same thing, trying desperately to pretend "monkey up" is the same thing as "monkey around", is the same thing as "monkey wrench", is the same thing as "The Monkees" etc etc etc. And we disposed of it accordingly. Yet here it is again expecting different results.

Yes, I'm afraid the let's-play-stupid game long preceded your arrival here. It continues not to work.
So if a person says "hey don't monkey up the election" by letting a socialist get into power, and they are talking to a base that includes Black American's, White American's, Mexican American's, Chinese American's, Cuban American's, somehow in your mind they are specifically targeting the black race when saying that ?????? Do you realize how dumb that is for thinking such a thing as this craziness you all have dreamed up as some sort of strategy here ???

Yup. Sure do.
Sure do what ?

I sure do realize how dumb that is. It's a direct answer to your question.
And so you admit how dumb you have been throughout this thread ?? Defending the indefensible (the accusation of racism), when it wasn't racism at all is a might bit dumb yes indeedy.

I'm not the klown who came up with the phrase "monkey this up" am I Foureyes?
Read it again. You suggested that coming up with that as a racism trigger was a stupid idea. I agreed with that. And I still do.
liberals are all out of their cotton picking minds
Ohhhhhhhhhhh you shouldn't have said that..

Apologize about the cursing in the video everyone. He's right slavery shouldn't be a shameful thing, because blacks themselves weren't doing anything on their own to be ashamed about. It was the whites who became ashamed of what they did back then, and most whites to this day have been working to never revisit any times like that ever again.

Today it (slavery) is being used as an excuse in which is a shameful thing or it is being used to beat down an opponent because the lack of policy issues are evident in the campaign, so the default race bait begins to take shape, and is then activated.
liberals are all out of their cotton picking minds
Ohhhhhhhhhhh you shouldn't have said that..

Apologize about the cursing in the video everyone. He's right slavery shouldn't be a shameful thing, because blacks themselves weren't doing anything on their own to be ashamed about. It was the whites who became ashamed of what they did back then, and most whites to this day have been working to never revisit any times like that ever again.

Today it (slavery) is being used as an excuse in which is a shameful thing or it is being used to beat down an opponent because the lack of policy issues are evident in the campaign, so the default race bait begins to take shape, and is then activated.

Not to worry, I doubt anyone watched it. I went about fifteen seconds before I started to fall asleep.
liberals are all out of their cotton picking minds
Ohhhhhhhhhhh you shouldn't have said that..

Apologize about the cursing in the video everyone. He's right slavery shouldn't be a shameful thing, because blacks themselves weren't doing anything on their own to be ashamed about. It was the whites who became ashamed of what they did back then, and most whites to this day have been working to never revisit any times like that ever again.

Today it (slavery) is being used as an excuse in which is a shameful thing or it is being used to beat down an opponent because the lack of policy issues are evident in the campaign, so the default race bait begins to take shape, and is then activated.

Not to worry, I doubt anyone watched it. I went about fifteen seconds before I started to fall asleep.

Scared of the truth about such things eh ?
liberals are all out of their cotton picking minds
Ohhhhhhhhhhh you shouldn't have said that..

Apologize about the cursing in the video everyone. He's right slavery shouldn't be a shameful thing, because blacks themselves weren't doing anything on their own to be ashamed about. It was the whites who became ashamed of what they did back then, and most whites to this day have been working to never revisit any times like that ever again.

Today it (slavery) is being used as an excuse in which is a shameful thing or it is being used to beat down an opponent because the lack of policy issues are evident in the campaign, so the default race bait begins to take shape, and is then activated.

Not to worry, I doubt anyone watched it. I went about fifteen seconds before I started to fall asleep.

Scared of the truth about such things eh ?

I literally was falling asleep. If you have a point to make, type it out on your keyboard. You're not entitled to my time just because you posted a ...yawn zzzzzz video of some guy droning on and on and on and on. I have shit to do.

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