Dont read too much into one month's job's report.

Call it a political maneuver if you want, but the fact remains that hundreds of bills aimed at reducing the rights women have right now over their own bodies (nice use of the rhetoric over murdering babies, btw. Are you going to bring up Hitler next?) have been introduced by Republican state congressional bodies every since 2010. Call it whatever you want, but it's documented, and it's real. And if you and the rest of the Conservatives in this country don't think it'll make a difference in November, I think you're going to be sorely mistaken.

The stunt is already losing steam, CD. Everybody that is remotely moderate is seeing it for what it is. By November it's still going to be the economy, unemployment, deficit and debt, there is no doubt about that.
Everyone? Really? Doesn't seem that way to me. And don't think that just because it's not the lead story every night that women haven't taken note. Just saying that it's not a "dead" issue by any means.
I didn't think it would seem that way to you, CD. But it won't be on the top 10 list come November. Real people are out of work and a lot of those are women. That will be the driving force this election.
I don't have a party, I've voted republican, I've voted democrat...even in 2008 I voted for a democrat for congress. So don't try to label me anything, you would just be making a liar out of yourself.
Warfare is being waged on the middleclass? You have been indoctrinated well.
You probably think there is a war on womens rights, also. I would like to visit the dems echo chamber some time. :eusa_whistle:

You're not honestly suggesting there haven't been literally hundreds of bills aimed at reducing female reprodctive rights in the states, right?
Are you talking about the anti abortion bills? You know, the ones that says it's not okay to murder a fetus? But, in the next breath it's double murder if a woman is murdered along with a fetus....I get so confused over that one.
Or, are you talking about the Catholics issue with the "pill"?
But, a war on womens right? No....that is just a political manuever in an election year.

My personal opinion is that there is a war against the rights of the unborn child.
I don't have a "fucking party", FTR. Yes it does beat losing 750,000, but if we had a prime time President, he wouldn't be doing the class warfare, big business is evil, evil rich people route in trying to move the economy. That is a big red flag to business.

Whatever. You have a party. You are a Republican. Own it.

Big business is kicking ass. You are being lied to. The warfare is being waged against the middle class.

I don't have a party, I've voted republican, I've voted democrat...even in 2008 I voted for a democrat for congress. So don't try to label me anything, you would just be making a liar out of yourself.
Warfare is being waged on the middleclass? You have been indoctrinated well.
You probably think there is a war on womens rights, also. I would like to visit the dems echo chamber some time. :eusa_whistle:

The poster is right about the war on the middle class, the latest salvo is Obamacare.
Never.........ever.........say anything positive, nutters.

Never.........ever.........give any accountability, nutter.

In all honesty there is very little to say that is positive about Obama, he has been more divisive than Bush and I honestly didn't see that coming.
The stunt is already losing steam, CD. Everybody that is remotely moderate is seeing it for what it is. By November it's still going to be the economy, unemployment, deficit and debt, there is no doubt about that.
Everyone? Really? Doesn't seem that way to me. And don't think that just because it's not the lead story every night that women haven't taken note. Just saying that it's not a "dead" issue by any means.
I didn't think it would seem that way to you, CD. But it won't be on the top 10 list come November. Real people are out of work and a lot of those are women. That will be the driving force this election.

I disagree, completely. Not that the "War on Women" will be a driving force, but I think the polling is showing that everyone KNOWS the economy is in the shitter. But outside of his base, no one really thinks Romney has offered anything of substance.

My guess is that the debates will start pushing one candidate in front of the other because then the stark contrast between the two will be completely in focus. I'm not even going to make any predictions as to how the debates will play out, but I think that's going to be the thing that turns the election.

That and whatever CRAZY mess Ron Paul creates at the convention, and I really think that's not out of the realm of possibility. Then there's the fact that it's coming out how many places Romney has his money stashed. I don't see too many blue collar Americans wanting to elect the guy whose interest on one of his secret offshore accounts is worth more than their 401k ever will be. That's just my take though, so who knows?
28 consecutive months of private sector job growth.

Got that right. It's hilarious to see the desperation coming from the right wing trash trying to deflect from it.


See my question to Lone.
You're not honestly suggesting there haven't been literally hundreds of bills aimed at reducing female reprodctive rights in the states, right?
Are you talking about the anti abortion bills? You know, the ones that says it's not okay to murder a fetus? But, in the next breath it's double murder if a woman is murdered along with a fetus....I get so confused over that one.
Or, are you talking about the Catholics issue with the "pill"?
But, a war on womens right? No....that is just a political manuever in an election year.

My personal opinion is that there is a war against the rights of the unborn child.

My personal opinion is that Conservatives must have invested in a shitload of plutonium rods and DeLoreans with how much you all want to drag as back to the 1950s. Although, if you did, ironically you'd be dragging us down to the highest income tax rates in our country's history.
Everyone? Really? Doesn't seem that way to me. And don't think that just because it's not the lead story every night that women haven't taken note. Just saying that it's not a "dead" issue by any means.
I didn't think it would seem that way to you, CD. But it won't be on the top 10 list come November. Real people are out of work and a lot of those are women. That will be the driving force this election.

I disagree, completely. Not that the "War on Women" will be a driving force, but I think the polling is showing that everyone KNOWS the economy is in the shitter. But outside of his base, no one really thinks Romney has offered anything of substance.
My guess is that the debates will start pushing one candidate in front of the other because then the stark contrast between the two will be completely in focus. I'm not even going to make any predictions as to how the debates will play out, but I think that's going to be the thing that turns the election.

That and whatever CRAZY mess Ron Paul creates at the convention, and I really think that's not out of the realm of possibility. Then there's the fact that it's coming out how many places Romney has his money stashed. I don't see too many blue collar Americans wanting to elect the guy whose interest on one of his secret offshore accounts is worth more than their 401k ever will be. That's just my take though, so who knows?

Outside of his base no one is yet paying attention. The election season has only just begun. You expect too much too early. At this point no one knows what Obama's plans are and he's been in office for 4 damn years.

Once the debates start everything will be exposed for the public to chew on and at that point it will go beyond the base of both parties.
28 consecutive months of private sector job growth.

Why 28 months? Hasn't Obama been president 41 months and 2 weeks? Didn't he sign the ARRA 40 months and 2 weeks ago? What makes 28 months a better measure of his success than 40 months?

This is such a bullshit question. Our economy was TRASHED. To say that any President could stop the economy that LOSING 750,000 jobs a month on a dime and start it growing jobs in a month or two months or even 12 months is fucking stupid. This is the new mantra of the Conservatives though, "IT WASN'T FAST ENOUGH!"

I didn't think it would seem that way to you, CD. But it won't be on the top 10 list come November. Real people are out of work and a lot of those are women. That will be the driving force this election.

I disagree, completely. Not that the "War on Women" will be a driving force, but I think the polling is showing that everyone KNOWS the economy is in the shitter. But outside of his base, no one really thinks Romney has offered anything of substance.
My guess is that the debates will start pushing one candidate in front of the other because then the stark contrast between the two will be completely in focus. I'm not even going to make any predictions as to how the debates will play out, but I think that's going to be the thing that turns the election.

That and whatever CRAZY mess Ron Paul creates at the convention, and I really think that's not out of the realm of possibility. Then there's the fact that it's coming out how many places Romney has his money stashed. I don't see too many blue collar Americans wanting to elect the guy whose interest on one of his secret offshore accounts is worth more than their 401k ever will be. That's just my take though, so who knows?

Outside of his base no one is yet paying attention. The election season has only just begun. You expect too much too early. At this point no one knows what Obama's plans are and he's been in office for 4 damn years.

Once the debates start everything will be exposed for the public to chew on and at that point it will go beyond the base of both parties.

You're crazy and you've got it backwards. It's Mitt that no one knows what his plan is. He hasn't said ANYTHING of substance other than promising to return to Bush on Steroids. I hope to God he says that again in the debates, because if there's one President NO ONE wants to go back to it's him. Well, except the Tea Party. But they're literally retarded.

Obama's plan's the same one he's had the whole time that Republicans have been obstructing: raise taxes on the wealthy to Clinton-era rates and make strategic and sensible cuts in the budget. You know, like nearly every other economist is saying we need to do.
28 consecutive months of private sector job growth.

..and the country had more private sector jobs when Clinton left office than when W did, but Republicans like Bush because Bin Laden? balanced the budget? cut spending?

Obama though needs to learn to stop being such a massive douche. Even Robert B. Reich is crushing him for continuing to blame the economy he inherited nearly 4 years ago. I would rather have the economy we have now than the one we had in 2008, but not sure Romney won't do a better job, especially with all the 2013 tax increases around the corner.
Isn't it amazing how we are all suppose to ignore Obama saying the same shit over and over and never ONCE being right?
28 consecutive months of private sector job growth.

Why 28 months? Hasn't Obama been president 41 months and 2 weeks? Didn't he sign the ARRA 40 months and 2 weeks ago? What makes 28 months a better measure of his success than 40 months?

This is such a bullshit question. Our economy was TRASHED. To say that any President could stop the economy that LOSING 750,000 jobs a month on a dime and start it growing jobs in a month or two months or even 12 months is fucking stupid. This is the new mantra of the Conservatives though, "IT WASN'T FAST ENOUGH!"


I didn't expect you to have an answer.
here's a question for the O-bots

...and please don't tell me it's Bush's fault, I'm with you, Bush sucked, but so did Warren G Harding, it's all history now

how the hell are we only generating 80k jobs a month, excuse me 84k private sector jobs, when the Fed is printing money at a record pace and we're running trillion+ dollar deficits?
I disagree, completely. Not that the "War on Women" will be a driving force, but I think the polling is showing that everyone KNOWS the economy is in the shitter. But outside of his base, no one really thinks Romney has offered anything of substance.
My guess is that the debates will start pushing one candidate in front of the other because then the stark contrast between the two will be completely in focus. I'm not even going to make any predictions as to how the debates will play out, but I think that's going to be the thing that turns the election.

That and whatever CRAZY mess Ron Paul creates at the convention, and I really think that's not out of the realm of possibility. Then there's the fact that it's coming out how many places Romney has his money stashed. I don't see too many blue collar Americans wanting to elect the guy whose interest on one of his secret offshore accounts is worth more than their 401k ever will be. That's just my take though, so who knows?

Outside of his base no one is yet paying attention. The election season has only just begun. You expect too much too early. At this point no one knows what Obama's plans are and he's been in office for 4 damn years.

Once the debates start everything will be exposed for the public to chew on and at that point it will go beyond the base of both parties.

You're crazy and you've got it backwards. It's Mitt that no one knows what his plan is. He hasn't said ANYTHING of substance other than promising to return to Bush on Steroids. I hope to God he says that again in the debates, because if there's one President NO ONE wants to go back to it's him. Well, except the Tea Party. But they're literally retarded.

Obama's plan's the same one he's had the whole time that Republicans have been obstructing: raise taxes on the wealthy to Clinton-era rates and make strategic and sensible cuts in the budget. You know, like nearly every other economist is saying we need to do.

But in the meantime, just blow out the treasury to the tune of 5 trillion in three years.
Obama administration repeats same jobs line

June 2012: "Therefore, it is important not to read too much into any one monthly report and it is informative to consider each report in the context of other data that are becoming available." (LINK: The Employment Situation in June | The White House)

May 2012: "Therefore, it is important not to read too much into any one monthly report and it is helpful to consider each report in the context of other data that are becoming available." (LINK: The Employment Situation in May | The White House)

April 2012: "Therefore, it is important not to read too much into any one monthly report and it is helpful to consider each report in the context of other data that are becoming available." (LINK: The Employment Situation in April | The White House)

March 2012: "Therefore, it is important not to read too much into any one monthly report, and it is helpful to consider each report in the context of other data that are becoming available." (LINK: The Employment Situation in March | The White House)

February 2012: "Therefore, as the Administration always stresses, it is important not to read too much into any one monthly report; nevertheless, the trend in job market indicators over recent months is an encouraging sign." (LINK: The Employment Situation in February | The White House)

January 2012: "Therefore, as the Administration always stresses, it is important not to read too much into any one monthly report; nevertheless, the trend in job market indicators over recent months is an encouraging sign." (LINK: The Employment Situation in January | The White House)

December 2011: "Therefore, as the Administration always stresses, it is important not to read too much into any one monthly report." (LINK: The Employment Situation in December | The White House)

November 2011: "Therefore, as the Administration always stresses, it is important not to read too much into any one monthly report." (LINK: The Employment Situation in November | The White House)

October 2011: "The monthly employment and unemployment numbers are volatile and employment estimates are subject to substantial revision. There is no better example than August's jobs figure, which was initially reported at zero and in the latest revision increased to 104,000. This illustrates why the Administration always stresses it is important not to read too much into any one monthly report." (LINK: The Employment Situation in October | The White House)

September 2011: "Therefore, as the Administration always stresses, it is important not to read too much into any one monthly report." (LINK:

This shows exactly the level of thought that Obama puts into his failed policies and explanations.
Outside of his base no one is yet paying attention. The election season has only just begun. You expect too much too early. At this point no one knows what Obama's plans are and he's been in office for 4 damn years.

Once the debates start everything will be exposed for the public to chew on and at that point it will go beyond the base of both parties.

You're crazy and you've got it backwards. It's Mitt that no one knows what his plan is. He hasn't said ANYTHING of substance other than promising to return to Bush on Steroids. I hope to God he says that again in the debates, because if there's one President NO ONE wants to go back to it's him. Well, except the Tea Party. But they're literally retarded.

Obama's plan's the same one he's had the whole time that Republicans have been obstructing: raise taxes on the wealthy to Clinton-era rates and make strategic and sensible cuts in the budget. You know, like nearly every other economist is saying we need to do.

But in the meantime, just blow out the treasury to the tune of 5 trillion in three years.

Someone had to pay for the Iraq and Afghanistan wars and the Bush Tax Cuts, right?

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