Don't Republicans know the law?

Did you whine like that when W. won in 2000? I bet you didn't. BTW, I am not a Democrat... nor did I vote for Gore/Lieberman either. So don't try to pin partisan stoogery on me like you proudly have shown to be doing.
W Bush, of whom I was never a fan and still am not, he won Flordiduh fair and square. The Dimbocraps were prevented from STEALING that election.

End of story, other than you libtards crying because you got put down.

Who decided that outcome? The same SC that you just whined about.


No, the voters in Floriduh did, dude.
Gender is entirely a fungible quality among the libtards.
I know tomorrow she could be a dude in liberal Looney land.

I am a dudette from the Land of the sane.

One quality of being insane is that they often don't realize that they are insane.

That you cant remember what I stated for more than five minutes would seem to suggest you have mental problems of some sort.
AHAHAHAHA.... guess you didn't know that 'dudette' is slang for female? Has been for years. I think pushing my son out thru my uterus would certainly define me as one.
Not according to libtards like you. A female body doesn't prove gender according to them. You could still be a male in your head, but I think that is giving you too much credit. I don't think you really give a damn about gender differences at all or you wouldn't be a libtard.
Gender is entirely a fungible quality among the libtards.
I know tomorrow she could be a dude in liberal Looney land.

I am a dudette from the Land of the sane.

One quality of being insane is that they often don't realize that they are insane.

That you cant remember what I stated for more than five minutes would seem to suggest you have mental problems of some sort.

You aren't even debating anymore. You are devolving.

BTW, just as an end note... Catlin Jenner is a Republican.

Gender is entirely a fungible quality among the libtards.
I know tomorrow she could be a dude in liberal Looney land.

I am a dudette from the Land of the sane.

One quality of being insane is that they often don't realize that they are insane.

That you cant remember what I stated for more than five minutes would seem to suggest you have mental problems of some sort.

You aren't even debating anymore. You are devolving.

BTW, just as an end note... Catlin Jenner is a Republican.

Jenner is definitely a RINO.
Gender is entirely a fungible quality among the libtards.
I know tomorrow she could be a dude in liberal Looney land.

I am a dudette from the Land of the sane.

One quality of being insane is that they often don't realize that they are insane.

That you cant remember what I stated for more than five minutes would seem to suggest you have mental problems of some sort.

You aren't even debating anymore. You are devolving.

BTW, just as an end note... Catlin Jenner is a Republican.

Of course it's the liberals that are celebrating him.
Then it is not "the law of the land" now is it? It is simply historical case law that no longer has the force of law.

Lol, no, dude, take a reading class or something. It is STILL PART OF CASE LAW, even though it is not part of the law being enforced for the most part. There could be parts of that case that could provide precedence other than the parts that were negated under the 14th Amendment.

It is still the law of the land though a gutted law.
Exactly what parts of the case are still binding precedent?? Here is the same story from a different source. The asshat seems to think that the states are abiding by it voluntarily.

The former Arkansas governor said Wednesday that the 1857 U.S. Supreme Court ruling in the Dred Scott v. Sanford case — which held that all African-Americans, regardless of whether they were free or slaves, could not be considered American citizens — is still the law of the land but that none of the states abide by it.

Huckabee mistakenly claims Dred Scott case still law of land

Huckabee, who has been a vocal supporter of the Kentucky clerk who refused to issue marriage licenses to gay couples, made the comments on Michael Medved’s radio show, attempting to explain that Kim Davis, the clerk, did not need to follow the Supreme Court ruling legalizing gay marriage because there was a legal precedent for states and individuals to disregard such decisions.

Really Huckabee? What precedent would that be ?? Oh, he quoted Jefferson which of course was before Marbury v. Madison, and the 14th amendment that he apparently never heard of. Have you?
If you do then why are you whining about only 3 states voting for gay marriage?
The rule of law does not mean that 5 old farts can redefine ancient meanings of commonly used words, dude, it means that they abide by those meanings as those meanings are what are used to build the law.

We don't have the rule of law anymore we have the rule of an Oligarchy that uses the judicial system to force the rest of us into their vision of a perverted and evil nation.
The rule of law means that the law is applied equally to those who wish to marry someone one the same gender and those who want to marry someone of the opposite gender. You can call it redefining the institution of marriage, I prefer to say that they broadened to be more inclusive. It matters little. Those are just words. What matters is the application of equal protection under the law.

Have you read Obergefell? I doubt it. It's even more doubtful that you can formulate an actual legal argument against it. Rather, you guys just whine about activist judges in black robes. Maybe you would prefer those activists in the white robes deciding matters of civil rights.
The rule of law means that the law is applied equally to those who wish to marry someone one the same gender and those who want to marry someone of the opposite gender.

No, the phrase 'the rule of law' does not mean that.

My god, you are unbelievably stupid. Welcome to my ignore list.
Could be that the Republicans figure if the song's been out for a while the musicians are dead by now.

95 years after the artists death if heirs don't upday the rights. Been the law for years, this is not something new
Gender is entirely a fungible quality among the libtards.
I know tomorrow she could be a dude in liberal Looney land.

I am a dudette from the Land of the sane.

One quality of being insane is that they often don't realize that they are insane.

That you cant remember what I stated for more than five minutes would seem to suggest you have mental problems of some sort.

You aren't even debating anymore. You are devolving.

BTW, just as an end note... Catlin Jenner is a Republican.

Jenner is definitely a RINO.

Is that why she's against gay marriage?.... like you are?..... :spinner:
Gender is entirely a fungible quality among the libtards.
I know tomorrow she could be a dude in liberal Looney land.

I am a dudette from the Land of the sane.

One quality of being insane is that they often don't realize that they are insane.

That you cant remember what I stated for more than five minutes would seem to suggest you have mental problems of some sort.

You aren't even debating anymore. You are devolving.

BTW, just as an end note... Catlin Jenner is a Republican.

Of course it's the liberals that are celebrating him.

Caitlyn Jenner has become the new poster woman — literally — for the Log Cabin Republicans.

Log Cabin’s Los Angeles chapter set up a seven-foot-tall banner bearing Jenner’s Vanity Fair cover and the LGBT Republican group’s logo at the L.A. Pride festival in West Hollywood last weekend, BuzzFeed reports.

“The fact that Caitlyn Jenner is a very high-profile Republican who is also transgender made this the perfect time to point out the diversity within our party,” chapter head Matthew Chaffee told the site. Several festigoers posed for photos in front of the banner.

“There is a sentiment among much of the media and the left — and especially the gay left — that if you are part of the LGBT community, that you are required to be a Democrat because only Democrats are pro-equality,” he told the site. “The fact that there are members of the Log Cabin Republicans that identify as LGBT people show that is not the case.”...

LGBT Republican Group Makes Caitlyn Jenner Its Poster Woman |

"...A little over two years ago, on the twentieth anniversary of our first date, Heather and I went before a judge here in DC and were legally married..."

~ Mary Cheney (daughter of Dick Cheney)

Log Cabin Republicans | Keynote Address from Mary Cheney at the Log Cabin Republicans 2014 Spirit of Lincoln Event

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