Don't Republicans know the law?

R.E.M. bashes Trump, Cruz for using 'It's the End of the World' at rally

By Holly Yan, CNN

Updated 8:38 PM ET, Thu September 10, 2015 | Video Source: CNN

Donald Trump has been blaring R.E.M. on the campaign trail, and the band doesn't feel fine about it.

The GOP presidential candidate took to the podium Wednesday on the steps of Capitol Hill to slam President Barack Obama's proposed Iran nuclear deal. His walk-up music? R.E.M.'s 1987 hit "It's the End of the World as We Know It (And I Feel Fine)."

Rival candidate Sen. Ted Cruz, whom Trump acknowledged having a political "romance" with, was the one who invited Trump to speak at the rally.

R.E.M. frontman Michael Stipe was livid after the use of his band's song at the event.

"Go f*ck yourselves, the lot of you -- you sad, attention-grabbing, power-hungry little men," Stipe said in an email to The Daily Beast. "Do not use our music or my voice for your moronic charade of a campaign."

The band's post on Facebook was slightly more diplomatic:

"While we do not authorize or condone the use of our music at this political event, and do ask that these candidates cease and desist from doing so, let us remember that there are things of greater importance at stake here," R.E.M. said.

"The media and the American voter should focus on the bigger picture, and not allow grandstanding politicians to distract us from the pressing issues of the day and of the current Presidential campaign."

'What's the frequency?'

In June, Trump used Neil Young's "Rockin' In The Free World" on the campaign trail -- much to the dismay of the rock legend.

"Donald Trump was not authorized to use 'Rockin' In The Free World' in his presidential candidacy announcement," Young's management company said in a statement. "Neil Young, a Canadian citizen, is a supporter of Bernie Sanders for President of the United States of America."

R.E.M. is the second major rock band this week to be roiled by the use of a song for a rally it didn't support.

Singer 'gobsmacked' over 'Eye of the Tiger' use 03:12
The Survivor hit "Eye of the Tiger" blared on loudspeakers as Kentucky clerk Kim Davis, who refused to issue same-sex marriage licenses, took to a stage after her release from jail.

Jim Peterik, the song's co-writer, told CNN he was "gobsmacked" when he heard his song play at the rally on national TV.

"I have not authorized the use of Eye of the Tiger for use by Kim Davis and my publisher will issue a C&D (cease and desist order). This does not reflect my views," Peterik tweeted....'

R.E.M. bashes Trump, Cruz for using 'It's the End of the World' -
Who rally gives a fuck?

These over-paid ass holes could all go jump in the Mariana Trench for all I care.

I say rip them off and use their music till a judge says not to, the little bastards.

LOL, & if they do... they can be sued for everytime they play those tunes:woohoo: after being warned not to. THAT's 'fiscal' conservatism at its very best.
Did I say that?
No, I said use the music UNTILL the lawyers get involved.

Reading comprehension for the win.
good gawd making a stink over a song. you'd think they would thank them for getting it back out into the public and as Free advertising. but nooooo, they'd rather show their disdain for a Republican and cut their nose off to spite their face.

it's like give us a break.
Making a stink is one of the few things libtards excel at.
[QUOTE="JimBowie1958, post:
Did I say that?
No, I said use the music UNTILL the lawyers get involved.

Reading comprehension for the win.[/QUOTE]

LOL & they will get sued for every time they use the music AFTER they were told not to B4 any lawyer actually does get involved..... the artists know that their music is copyrighted & that's good enough, so the politicians cannot claim ignorance after they were verbally warned by said artists.

Can YOU comprehend THAT?

good gawd making a stink over a song. you'd think they would thank them for getting it back out into the public and as Free advertising. but nooooo, they'd rather show their disdain for a Republican and cut their nose off to spite their face.

it's like give us a break.
Making a stink is one of the few things libtards excel at.

Gay marriage is legal in all 50 states & a thumper landed in jail for refusing to follow the law. There's another one for your whiny ass side. The cool thing about all this? (R) lost on both issues...

Last edited:
good gawd making a stink over a song. you'd think they would thank them for getting it back out into the public and as Free advertising. but nooooo, they'd rather show their disdain for a Republican and cut their nose off to spite their face.

it's like give us a break.
Making a stink is one of the few things libtards excel at.

YES it is. and it's constant, day in day out, no matter how petty it is. :blahblah::blahblah::blahblah::blahblah::blahblah::blahblah::blahblah::blahblah:
good gawd making a stink over a song. you'd think they would thank them for getting it back out into the public and as Free advertising. but nooooo, they'd rather show their disdain for a Republican and cut their nose off to spite their face.

it's like give us a break.
Making a stink is one of the few things libtards excel at.

Gay marriage is legal in all 50 states & a thumper landed in jail refusing to follow the law. There's another one for your whiny ass side. The cool thing about all this? (R) lost on both issues...

Do you not realize that no one voted that shit in all but three states and it was forced on the rest of us by judicial fiat?

Yeah, great thing for the Democratic Party, huh?

Last edited:
good gawd making a stink over a song. you'd think they would thank them for getting it back out into the public and as Free advertising. but nooooo, they'd rather show their disdain for a Republican and cut their nose off to spite their face.

it's like give us a break.
Making a stink is one of the few things libtards excel at.

Gay marriage is legal in all 50 states & a thumper landed in jail refusing to follow the law. There's another one for your whiny ass side. The cool thing about all this? (R) lost on both issues...


Check that

America lost one of her core values

The disgrace brought on the sanctity of marriage is shameful

Fairly soon California and New York will no longer be the only ones known for fruits and nuts.

The government continues the slow march to control most aspects of your life

Thank god I have better years behind me than in front.

This one sure doesn't know much about the law. Like the rest of the Republican field, he is a bad joke:

Mike Huckabee Thinks Blacks Can’t Legally Be US Citizens

Mike Huckabee revealed in an interview today that he believes a 157-year-old Supreme Court decision that found that blacks could not be American citizens is still the law of the land.

Speaking to conservative radio show host Michael Medved, Huckabee asserted that the 1857 Dred Scott v Sandford decision is “the law of the land.”

“I’ve been just drilled by TV hosts over the past week, ‘How dare you say that, uh, it’s not the law of the land?’” Huckabee said. “Because that’s their phrase, ‘it’s the law of the land.’ Michael, the Dred Scott decision of 1857 still remains to this day the law of the land which says that black people aren’t fully human. Does anybody still follow the Dred Scott Supreme Court decision?”

But in the real world, Dred Scott was overturned by the passage of the 13th and 14th Amendments to the U.S. Constitution. The 13th Amendment abolished slavery and involuntary servitude, while the 14th Amendment specifically overruled Dred Scott by granting citizenship to all persons born in the United States.
good gawd making a stink over a song. you'd think they would thank them for getting it back out into the public and as Free advertising. but nooooo, they'd rather show their disdain for a Republican and cut their nose off to spite their face.

it's like give us a break.
Making a stink is one of the few things libtards excel at.

Gay marriage is legal in all 50 states & a thumper landed in jail refusing to follow the law. There's another one for your whiny ass side. The cool thing about all this? (R) lost on both issues...

Do you not realize that no one voted that shit in all but three states and it was forced on the rest of us by judicial fiat?

Yeah, great thing for the Democratic Party, huh?


Do you realize that this is a Constitutional Republic built on the rule of law?
This one sure doesn't know much about the law. Like the rest of the Republican field, he is a bad joke:

Mike Huckabee Thinks Blacks Can’t Legally Be US Citizens

Mike Huckabee revealed in an interview today that he believes a 157-year-old Supreme Court decision that found that blacks could not be American citizens is still the law of the land.

Speaking to conservative radio show host Michael Medved, Huckabee asserted that the 1857 Dred Scott v Sandford decision is “the law of the land.”

“I’ve been just drilled by TV hosts over the past week, ‘How dare you say that, uh, it’s not the law of the land?’” Huckabee said. “Because that’s their phrase, ‘it’s the law of the land.’ Michael, the Dred Scott decision of 1857 still remains to this day the law of the land which says that black people aren’t fully human. Does anybody still follow the Dred Scott Supreme Court decision?”

But in the real world, Dred Scott was overturned by the passage of the 13th and 14th Amendments to the U.S. Constitution. The 13th Amendment abolished slavery and involuntary servitude, while the 14th Amendment specifically overruled Dred Scott by granting citizenship to all persons born in the United States.

oh brother. don't get this one started. it never ends it goes on and on and on and on and on and on............... all this ^^ in a thread about some music. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
This one sure doesn't know much about the law. Like the rest of the Republican field, he is a bad joke:

Mike Huckabee Thinks Blacks Can’t Legally Be US Citizens

Mike Huckabee revealed in an interview today that he believes a 157-year-old Supreme Court decision that found that blacks could not be American citizens is still the law of the land.

Speaking to conservative radio show host Michael Medved, Huckabee asserted that the 1857 Dred Scott v Sandford decision is “the law of the land.”

“I’ve been just drilled by TV hosts over the past week, ‘How dare you say that, uh, it’s not the law of the land?’” Huckabee said. “Because that’s their phrase, ‘it’s the law of the land.’ Michael, the Dred Scott decision of 1857 still remains to this day the law of the land which says that black people aren’t fully human. Does anybody still follow the Dred Scott Supreme Court decision?”

But in the real world, Dred Scott was overturned by the passage of the 13th and 14th Amendments to the U.S. Constitution. The 13th Amendment abolished slavery and involuntary servitude, while the 14th Amendment specifically overruled Dred Scott by granting citizenship to all persons born in the United States.

It is still a part of case law, though it has been functionally superseded by the 14th Amendment, so Huckabee again is right and lying libtards are wrong. It is similar to the 18th Amendment still being a part of our Constitution though it was ' repealed' by the 21st.

Dred Scott v. Sandford - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Do you realize that this is a Constitutional Republic built on the rule of law?

I certainly do, but apparently you don't or the Dims wouldn't have such a lengthy record fo being controlled by criminals like Obama, Hillary and the Chicago Machine.
If you do then why are you whining about only 3 states voting for gay marriage?
good gawd making a stink over a song. you'd think they would thank them for getting it back out into the public and as Free advertising. but nooooo, they'd rather show their disdain for a Republican and cut their nose off to spite their face.

it's like give us a break.
Making a stink is one of the few things libtards excel at.

YES it is. and it's constant, day in day out, no matter how petty it is. :blahblah::blahblah::blahblah::blahblah::blahblah::blahblah::blahblah::blahblah:

LOL. Look up the word irony.
This one sure doesn't know much about the law. Like the rest of the Republican field, he is a bad joke:

Mike Huckabee Thinks Blacks Can’t Legally Be US Citizens

Mike Huckabee revealed in an interview today that he believes a 157-year-old Supreme Court decision that found that blacks could not be American citizens is still the law of the land.

Speaking to conservative radio show host Michael Medved, Huckabee asserted that the 1857 Dred Scott v Sandford decision is “the law of the land.”

“I’ve been just drilled by TV hosts over the past week, ‘How dare you say that, uh, it’s not the law of the land?’” Huckabee said. “Because that’s their phrase, ‘it’s the law of the land.’ Michael, the Dred Scott decision of 1857 still remains to this day the law of the land which says that black people aren’t fully human. Does anybody still follow the Dred Scott Supreme Court decision?”

But in the real world, Dred Scott was overturned by the passage of the 13th and 14th Amendments to the U.S. Constitution. The 13th Amendment abolished slavery and involuntary servitude, while the 14th Amendment specifically overruled Dred Scott by granting citizenship to all persons born in the United States.

It is still a part of case law, though it has been functionally superseded by the 14th Amendment, so Huckabee again is right and lying libtards are wrong. It is similar to the 18th Amendment still being a part of our Constitution though it was ' repealed' by the 21st.

Dred Scott v. Sandford - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Then it is not "the law of the land" now is it? It is simply historical case law that no longer has the force of law.
good gawd making a stink over a song. you'd think they would thank them for getting it back out into the public and as Free advertising. but nooooo, they'd rather show their disdain for a Republican and cut their nose off to spite their face.

it's like give us a break.
Making a stink is one of the few things libtards excel at.

Gay marriage is legal in all 50 states & a thumper landed in jail refusing to follow the law. There's another one for your whiny ass side. The cool thing about all this? (R) lost on both issues...

Do you not realize that no one voted that shit in all but three states and it was forced on the rest of us by judicial fiat?

Yeah, great thing for the Democratic Party, huh?


Did you whine like that when W. won in 2000? I bet you didn't. BTW, I am not a Democrat... nor did I vote for Gore/Lieberman either. So don't try to pin partisan stoogery on me like you proudly have shown to be doing.
good gawd making a stink over a song. you'd think they would thank them for getting it back out into the public and as Free advertising. but nooooo, they'd rather show their disdain for a Republican and cut their nose off to spite their face.

it's like give us a break.
Making a stink is one of the few things libtards excel at.

Gay marriage is legal in all 50 states & a thumper landed in jail refusing to follow the law. There's another one for your whiny ass side. The cool thing about all this? (R) lost on both issues...


Check that

America lost one of her core values

The disgrace brought on the sanctity of marriage is shameful

Fairly soon California and New York will no longer be the only ones known for fruits and nuts.

The government continues the slow march to control most aspects of your life

Thank god I have better years behind me than in front.


Cry me a river.
This one sure doesn't know much about the law. Like the rest of the Republican field, he is a bad joke:

Mike Huckabee Thinks Blacks Can’t Legally Be US Citizens

Mike Huckabee revealed in an interview today that he believes a 157-year-old Supreme Court decision that found that blacks could not be American citizens is still the law of the land.

Speaking to conservative radio show host Michael Medved, Huckabee asserted that the 1857 Dred Scott v Sandford decision is “the law of the land.”

“I’ve been just drilled by TV hosts over the past week, ‘How dare you say that, uh, it’s not the law of the land?’” Huckabee said. “Because that’s their phrase, ‘it’s the law of the land.’ Michael, the Dred Scott decision of 1857 still remains to this day the law of the land which says that black people aren’t fully human. Does anybody still follow the Dred Scott Supreme Court decision?”

But in the real world, Dred Scott was overturned by the passage of the 13th and 14th Amendments to the U.S. Constitution. The 13th Amendment abolished slavery and involuntary servitude, while the 14th Amendment specifically overruled Dred Scott by granting citizenship to all persons born in the United States.

WOW. Holy good God. he also said in 2008 that the Constitution needs to be amended to reflect the Bible.
This one sure doesn't know much about the law. Like the rest of the Republican field, he is a bad joke:

Mike Huckabee Thinks Blacks Can’t Legally Be US Citizens

Mike Huckabee revealed in an interview today that he believes a 157-year-old Supreme Court decision that found that blacks could not be American citizens is still the law of the land.

Speaking to conservative radio show host Michael Medved, Huckabee asserted that the 1857 Dred Scott v Sandford decision is “the law of the land.”

“I’ve been just drilled by TV hosts over the past week, ‘How dare you say that, uh, it’s not the law of the land?’” Huckabee said. “Because that’s their phrase, ‘it’s the law of the land.’ Michael, the Dred Scott decision of 1857 still remains to this day the law of the land which says that black people aren’t fully human. Does anybody still follow the Dred Scott Supreme Court decision?”

But in the real world, Dred Scott was overturned by the passage of the 13th and 14th Amendments to the U.S. Constitution. The 13th Amendment abolished slavery and involuntary servitude, while the 14th Amendment specifically overruled Dred Scott by granting citizenship to all persons born in the United States.

oh brother. don't get this one started. it never ends it goes on and on and on and on and on and on............... all this ^^ in a thread about some music. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

You must have a Valley Girl syntax, don't you....
Then it is not "the law of the land" now is it? It is simply historical case law that no longer has the force of law.

Lol, no, dude, take a reading class or something. It is STILL PART OF CASE LAW, even though it is not part of the law being enforced for the most part. There could be parts of that case that could provide precedence other than the parts that were negated under the 14th Amendment.

It is still the law of the land though a gutted law.

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