Don’t these woke companies ever learn?

How is being opposed to racial discrimination hate? I think white female models should have as much a chance as getting a gig as black models and men who wear makeup.
The company and it's website's target audience are women of color. Therefore, it makes sense that most of its models would be women of color.
Not as completely black as the woman in the ad. I have lived in America for more than 60 years and have NEVER seen anyone that black. PERHAPS, and this is being generous, there are blacks that dark 1 out of a thousand customers.

I guess the company forgoing if they could find a jet-black woman probably only see in Africa where there is no white blood at all, they will get more ESG points.
you have the option to shut up, you know.

you don't HAVE to keep digging, bigot.
Not as completely black as the woman in the ad. I have lived in America for more than 60 years and have NEVER seen anyone that black. PERHAPS, and this is being generous, there are blacks that dark 1 out of a thousand customers.

I guess the company forgoing if they could find a jet-black woman probably only see in Africa where there is no white blood at all, they will get more ESG points.
You've never been to Africa either.
I'd be fine if they would just quit with the feminine pussy moisturizers and toe fungus commercials at mealtimes.
Not as completely black as the woman in the ad. I have lived in America for more than 60 years and have NEVER seen anyone that black.
Well that is understandable, not much cause for a black person to visit you under that bridge by the overpass.
How is being opposed to racial discrimination hate? I think white female models should have as much a chance as getting a gig as black models and men who wear makeup.
Those white models have just as many chances as the black models. They can start with those adult diaper commercials. Shit, they are almost all white women.
You've never been to Africa either.
Actually….I have. Why would you presume to tell me which continents I have and have not been to?

I have been to North America (obviously), South America, Africa, Asia, and Europe.
This is the typical advertisement you see when looking for makeup. In this one, a company selling lipstick has two models:

1) A gay man wearing lipstick and full makeup
2) A black woman dark as coal who probably doesn’t even exist

The one thing you can count on is NOT seeing a feminine white woman - the demographic providing most of the profit.
Why are you looking at lipstick ads?
the old bat likes to point out racism, you know:

I like to point out racism when I see it.
Honey, commenting on how black someone is, even going so far as saying too black, is a sure sign of racism that can be found around the world. The caste system in India is plagued with the belief that those in the lower castes are "darker". There is an entire segment of the make-up industry devoted to making Indians appear to have a lighter skin tone. The same holds true for Americans. It is called "colorism", and is indicative of the very real racism within the black community itself, against those that are "really dark". Hell, there was a famous documentary concerning that very subject, "Dark Girls".

Hell, it even manifests itself within the white community. I mean are you lily white? White, fair-skinned, that has been a sign of the upper class for centuries. I have been married twice, first to an Irish woman that was as white as snow. Now, to Scottish royalty, again fair skinned. Hell, either one of them just look at the sun and they got sunburned. Thankfully, most of my children got their skin tone from me, a Melungeon. Look it up. I look like I spend five hours a week in a tanning bed. My wife probably does, and she is not near as dark as I am. Just last week, a black woman no less, commented and asked if I had been to the beach. When I told her no she asked how did I get so dark. "Natural" I said, we both laughed hysterically.

See, Melungeon is a group of people, mostly resulting from white women from Europe who mixed with sub-Sahara African men. I have done the DNA testing. For me, it is white men mixing with sub-Sahara women, and Native Americans. Honestly, I got the best of both worlds. I never get sunburned, I am immune to poison ivy, poison oak, only sumac gives me a problem. Mosquitos leave me the hell alone. Bees run from me. And not meaning to brag here, but women flock to me. That is not on me, that is the blessing I was given by those that came before me. And as I approach retirement I see my own children, given that same blessing, leverage that blessing to the point that I could never have imagined. Bless your little heart, but you are most certainly a racist piece of shit that will reap what you sow.

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