Dont You Just Love it When Jeb Bush Starts Calling People Racists?

{The slave labor charge is easy to dismiss. SAC plants in Poland were taken over by the German government after the Nazi invasion of 1939, and the Auschwitz prison camp wasn't established until 1940. No one can seriously claim that Prescott Bush managed camp inmates in any of those plants.}

You posted only the CHARGE that the Straight Dope is refuting.
And I never claimed that Prescott Bush managed camp inmates, for the love of Goodness. You are making a huge Straw Man that simply is irrelevant.

I said that Prescott Bush made money off the Nazi war machine and that his family is in a corporate crony network that is still around and that network supported the Nazis.

All FACTs even if you dont get them, and I am quoting from that article the final summation, not a regurgitation of the charge.

Here it is again, just for you:

So, did Bush and his firm finance the Nazis and enable Germany to rearm? Indirectly, yes. But they had a lot of company. Some of the most distinguished names in American business had investments or subsidiaries in prewar Germany, including Standard Oil and General Motors. Critics have argued for years that without U.S. money, the Nazis could never have waged war. But American business has always invested in totalitarian regimes — witness our dealings with mainland China.

Again, sorry this upsets yo uso much, but what I am saying is not a lie but Truth.
Oooh, you sneaky little fucker you.

How many stocks someone owns doesn't debunk whether or not Bush supported the Nazi Regime, but you know that already. So instead of talking about the factual support you shifted to owing stocks. Wink wink

Oooh, you lying little cocksucker.

The fraud that you Soros scum base the whole "Bush wuz a nasi" on is the fact that he was a stockholder in UBC. What you sleazy piles of shit fail to mention is that UBC was seized by the Nazis, and {Though Thyssen had been an ardent backer of the Nazis in the early days, he broke with them in 1938 after the Kristallnacht pogrom against the Jews. He fled to Switzerland the following year, and Hitler confiscated his fortune and stripped him of his citizenship.}

Hey I get it, you're a demagogue - anyone believing anything you say is an idiot and deserves to be lied to.

Same with Bowie.
Jim, try a more relevant topic next time.
I think it is relevant when we have Jeb Bush slinging around the charge of racism at Trump and Cruz when his family made their fortune off the most racist regime in the history of humanity and not one time have they ever repudiated or apologized for it..
The fraud that you Soros scum base the whole "Bush wuz a nasi" on is the fact that he was a stockholder in UBC. .
lol, but no one is saying that Bush was a Nazi, dude.

roflmao, just calm down and think about what is being said by those you disagree with here, mmmk?
I don't understand why you lie through your fucking teeth, but you're a democrat now...
Telling the Truth about the Bush family and making a valid point makes me a Democrat?

lol, you are really coming unhinged.

Why dont you call it a night, have a drink and go to bed?

Maybe tomorrow you will feel better?
And I never claimed that Prescott Bush managed camp inmates, for the love of Goodness. You are making a huge Straw Man that simply is irrelevant.

No, instead you posted long and well refuted demagoguery from the Soros hate sites.

I said that Prescott Bush made money off the Nazi war machine and that his family is in a corporate crony network that is still around and that network supported the Nazis.

Exactly, you lied.

All FACTs even if you dont get them, and I am quoting from that article the final summation, not a regurgitation of the charge.

Here it is again, just for you:

So, did Bush and his firm finance the Nazis and enable Germany to rearm? Indirectly, yes. But they had a lot of company. Some of the most distinguished names in American business had investments or subsidiaries in prewar Germany, including Standard Oil and General Motors. Critics have argued for years that without U.S. money, the Nazis could never have waged war. But American business has always invested in totalitarian regimes — witness our dealings with mainland China.

Again, sorry this upsets yo uso much, but what I am saying is not a lie but Truth.

Again, UBC was pro-Nazi BEFORE the Kristalnacht and withdrew all support afterword.

You are simply a liar and a demagogue.
Telling the Truth about the Bush family and making a valid point makes me a Democrat?

lol, you are really coming unhinged.

Why dont you call it a night, have a drink and go to bed?

Maybe tomorrow you will feel better?

When did you tell the truth?

Fucking dims - not a shred of integrity in any of you.
And I never claimed that Prescott Bush managed camp inmates, for the love of Goodness. You are making a huge Straw Man that simply is irrelevant.

No, instead you posted long and well refuted demagoguery from the Soros hate sites.

It could be a Soros site, I dont honestly know. Why would you post a link to a Soros hate sight from which I have been using for my arguments since you listed it?

I said that Prescott Bush made money off the Nazi war machine and that his family is in a corporate crony network that is still around and that network supported the Nazis.

Exactly, you lied.

The article YOU posted says they made money off it untill 1938. So where is my lie?

All FACTs even if you dont get them, and I am quoting from that article the final summation, not a regurgitation of the charge.

Here it is again, just for you:

So, did Bush and his firm finance the Nazis and enable Germany to rearm? Indirectly, yes. But they had a lot of company. Some of the most distinguished names in American business had investments or subsidiaries in prewar Germany, including Standard Oil and General Motors. Critics have argued for years that without U.S. money, the Nazis could never have waged war. But American business has always invested in totalitarian regimes — witness our dealings with mainland China.

Again, sorry this upsets yo uso much, but what I am saying is not a lie but Truth.

Again, UBC was pro-Nazi BEFORE the Kristalnacht and withdrew all support afterword.

You are simply a liar and a demagogue.
The German industrialist in question dropped out of the German government in 1938, about five years after the Germans began to rebuild the Nazi war machine.

You are supporting my claims then calling me a liar.

That seems very strange to me.
Telling the Truth about the Bush family and making a valid point makes me a Democrat?

lol, you are really coming unhinged.

Why dont you call it a night, have a drink and go to bed?

Maybe tomorrow you will feel better?

When did you tell the truth?

Fucking dims - not a shred of integrity in any of you.
When I quoted your article at the least. Personally I think I have been telling the Truth as I best understand it from day one, but you have been hurling charges of lying at me nonstop and wont bother answering my question.

I think you may have some anger management issues as well as reading difficulties.
And you don't think the JEWISH anti-defamation league would not confirm that if that is what really happened? After all, it was the Jews Hitler slaughtered.

Show me where they said Bush did not support the Nazi regime. I'll help you out, they didnt.

But you're playing the same bait and switch game as Uncensored. It says specifically he wasn't a Nazi or Nazi Sympathizer. It does not say Bush did not support them. But yiu know that already. WINK WINK
Oh, please. Your fake crusade is really lame.
And you don't think the JEWISH anti-defamation league would not confirm that if that is what really happened? After all, it was the Jews Hitler slaughtered.

Show me where they said Bush did not support the Nazi regime. I'll help you out, they didnt.

But you're playing the same bait and switch game as Uncensored. It says specifically he wasn't a Nazi or Nazi Sympathizer. It does not say Bush did not support them. But yiu know that already. WINK WINK
Oh, please. Your crusade is really lame.
And you don't think the JEWISH anti-defamation league would not confirm that if that is what really happened? After all, it was the Jews Hitler slaughtered.

Show me where they said Bush did not support the Nazi regime. I'll help you out, they didnt.

But you're playing the same bait and switch game as Uncensored. It says specifically he wasn't a Nazi or Nazi Sympathizer. It does not say Bush did not support them. But yiu know that already. WINK WINK

That's not a nice way to admit you were wrong
I admit to no wrong. Some people, such as you, just want to smear. It gets monotonous to continue to wash, rinse, and repeat, over and over. Facts be damned by the likes of you and yours.
Oh, please. Your crusade is really lame.
And you don't think the JEWISH anti-defamation league would not confirm that if that is what really happened? After all, it was the Jews Hitler slaughtered.

Show me where they said Bush did not support the Nazi regime. I'll help you out, they didnt.

But you're playing the same bait and switch game as Uncensored. It says specifically he wasn't a Nazi or Nazi Sympathizer. It does not say Bush did not support them. But yiu know that already. WINK WINK

That's not a nice way to admit you were wrong
I admit to no wrong. Some people, such as you, just want to smear. It gets monotonous to continue to wash, rinse, and repeat, over and over. Facts be damned by the likes of you and yours

Its easy to cry and accuse instead of proving how I am wrong. But that's because you can't show how I was wrong at all and think that using words like smear absolve you from proving what you say.

I said Bush supported the Nazi regime. I didn't say he was a Nazi or a Nazi Sympathizer. Tell me how I'm wrong. If you cry some more I know crying is your only play. Now, I'm giving you an open ended opportunity to prove it. Take it or whine
Come on jim, first ,you call him racist, then admit it has to do with the tpp, which most all others candidates have supported, yet you only try to smear Bush. Why?
I dont expect you to keep up with all my posts, of course, but I do severely criticize Hillary, Rubio and others, aside from just Jebba the Bush.

And if you think I am calling Jeb a racist, then you misread my meaning.

I am not saying he is a racist, but that his family made an incredible fortune on the back of a Nazis racist regime that would have had much greater difficulty doing it without the Bush family and Prescotts other partners at his firm, along with the corporate crony network that also played a huge role in building the Nazi war machine.

And the Bush family has never apologized or repudiated that fortune.

IMO, this makes Jeb the biggest hypocrit in the world to twist Trumps assertions into racism while he himself has enough family baggage to fill Yankee Stadium.

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