Dont You Just Love it When Jeb Bush Starts Calling People Racists?

Come on low information lefties. You think it's a freaking political coup that an American investor was involved with Nazi Germany before WW2 when the freaking FDR administration was involved with Nazi Germany before the War? Nobody on the left seemed to care that JFK's father was a Nazi supporter and had to be relieved of duty in the State Dept and JFK was kicked out of a cushy job in Navy Intelligence and transferred to P.T. Boats because he had a romantic relationship with a female Nazi spy.
Come on low information lefties. You think it's a freaking political coup that an American investor was involved with Nazi Germany before WW2 when the freaking FDR administration was involved with Nazi Germany before the War? Nobody on the left seemed to care that JFK's father was a Nazi supporter and had to be relieved of duty in the State Dept and JFK was kicked out of a cushy job in Navy Intelligence and transferred to P.T. Boats because he had a romantic relationship with a female Nazi spy.
That is not what I am saying, nor do I think it fair to summarize what ClosedCaption is saying in a similar vein either, thoguh he can speak for himself, certainly.

If you read the history of that era and great many progressives felt the fascist movement was the leading edge of civic theory and admired the Nazis. I have read that some of the UKs royalty did this and kept it a tight secret. But among a huge chunk of Americas progressive elite there was sympathy for eugenics and a fawning over science so strong that even pseudosciences like race theory was treated as factual latest science.

So GE, General Motors, and many other corporations networked together to assist the Nazis in rebuilding their war machine. They understood that that was what they were doing, but they had no problem with it. After a certain set of events in 1938 this assistance came to an end, but that was five full years after they started, and for the rest of Europe this was too late to stop. The deed was done.

Now the Bush family under Prescott Bush managed to squeeze a huge fortune of some $1.5 million out o f the whole mess, even after the government seized his stock and the returned it after the war. And this was Bushes firm that he was a partner in, so he has no excuse.

But this does not Jeb Bush guilty of anything. It does not make him a Nazi or a Nazi sympathizer, though neither he nor any of the rest of his immediate family has ever repudiated the business of enriching themselves of the Nazi government. Wjhy not? Apparently they have no great shame or issue with it, not all. I would and I do have an issue with what their forebears have done.

Again it does not make Jeb a Nazi or a Nazi sympathizer, it just makes him tone deaf to the windfall he inherited from his grandparents.

It also makes him a blazing hypocrit to ever dare call anyone else a Racist or Nazi for Christs sake.

You see the difference I am trying to draw here?

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