Dont You Just Love it When Jeb Bush Starts Calling People Racists?

Bringing up that other companies were supporting the Nazis at that time is NOT on topic.

The Topic is Bush supporting Nazis.

Your post is off topic

It puts the Bush families Nazi sympathies into context with the rest of the current reigning neocon corporate crony networks.

It also makes the enormity of Bushes laughable hypocrital criticism into scale as well.

You apparently have a dildo with the name Bush on it the size of the Washington Monument.

I posted facts, you deflected.

You can go back to the corner now.

Ted Cruz's father fought for Fidel Castro. Who cares?
So it is totally OK by you that an unreconstructed Nazi sympathizer has had a son and grandson as President and has a second grandchild going around calling people racists as he covers up his own families history?

roflmao, OK, whatever
I was defending both Cruz and Bush with my statement. I won't hold anything against either candidate for something they didn't do themselves. That's like blaming me if my great-grandfather owned slaves.
Guess you don't realize Jeb got a bill passed and signed to prevent eminent domain from taking the homes of 5100 people in a predominately Black neighborhood here in Palm Beach county, that it's mayor and council wanted, to up the tax basis for their city by allowing development by a private investor, did you?

That is politics and the craft of making people think you are for them while undermining them.

If Jeb is for working class families, then why is he in favor of the TPP which will legalize black market labor coming into the USA, driving wages even further down, and remove our control over it?
Bringing up that other companies were supporting the Nazis at that time is NOT on topic.

The Topic is Bush supporting Nazis.

Your post is off topic

It puts the Bush families Nazi sympathies into context with the rest of the current reigning neocon corporate crony networks.

It also makes the enormity of Bushes laughable hypocrital criticism into scale as well.

You apparently have a dildo with the name Bush on it the size of the Washington Monument.

I posted facts, you deflected.

You can go back to the corner now.

Fact: the Bush family in the pst has supported Nazi war efforts by providing them with credit and war materials as part of a banking system and tehy have never refuted nor denounced that involvement.

That makes Jeb the biggest hypocrit running for President other than maybe Clinton herself.
I was defending both Cruz and Bush with my statement. I won't hold anything against either candidate for something they didn't do themselves. That's like blaming me if my great-grandfather owned slaves.
IT would only be comparable if the slave owning families had retained their power and wealth from owning the slaves.

The Bush family and their network of corporate cronies is still intact and dominating in the GOP amid its establishment.
So, this is really about tpp, rather than what your topic states. Got it. At least be honest, rather than accuse someone as being racist because of their past family members. And, to support the tpp does not make one racist.

Are you calling out all the other candidates that support tpp, or are known to sway on it as the wind blows?
Guess you don't realize Jeb got a bill passed and signed to prevent eminent domain from taking the homes of 5100 people in a predominately Black neighborhood here in Palm Beach county, that it's mayor and council wanted, to up the tax basis for their city by allowing development by a private investor, did you?

That is politics and the craft of making people think you are for them while undermining them.

If Jeb is for working class families, then why is he in favor of the TPP which will legalize black market labor coming into the USA, driving wages even further down, and remove our control over it?
Twelve years old but still as current as their power clinging spawn.

How Bush's grandfather helped Hitler's rise to power

George Bush's grandfather, the late US senator Prescott Bush, was a director and shareholder of companies that profited from their involvement with the financial backers of Nazi Germany.
The Guardian has obtained confirmation from newly discovered files in the US National Archives that a firm of which Prescott Bush was a director was involved with the financial architects of Nazism.
His business dealings, which continued until his company's assets were seized in 1942 under the Trading with the Enemy Act, has led more than 60 years later to a civil action for damages being brought in Germany against the Bush family by two former slave labourers at Auschwitz and to a hum of pre-election controversy.

The evidence has also prompted one former US Nazi war crimes prosecutor to argue that the late senator's action should have been grounds for prosecution for giving aid and comfort to the enemy.


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The debate over Prescott Bush's behaviour has been bubbling under the surface for some time. There has been a steady internet chatter about the "Bush/Nazi" connection, much of it inaccurate and unfair. But the new documents, many of which were only declassified last year, show that even after America had entered the war and when there was already significant information about the Nazis' plans and policies, he worked for and profited from companies closely involved with the very German businesses that financed Hitler's rise to power.

You leftists sure love to lie..

{Prescott's involvement with Nazi finance is more complicated. Though Thyssen had been an ardent backer of the Nazis in the early days, he broke with them in 1938 after the Kristallnacht pogrom against the Jews. He fled to Switzerland the following year, and Hitler confiscated his fortune and stripped him of his citizenship. In I Paid Hitler Thyssen confessed his role in financing the Nazis and denounced the Führer. Arrested in Vichy France, he spent the balance of the war as an Axis prisoner. Prescott Bush, for his part, owned a single share of stock (of 4,000) in UBC, the Thyssen bank. According to a 2001 Boston Globe piece, the New York Herald Tribune ran a story in July 1942 headlined "Hitler's Angel Has 3 Million in US Bank," in which Prescott and other BBH partners "explain[ed] to government regulators that their position [as directors of UBC] was merely an unpaid courtesy for a client."}

The Straight Dope: Was President Bush's great-grandfather a Nazi?

Your lie has been debunked innumerable times.
Many people around the world helped Hitler restructure German financial institutions. There is no way to look into the past pre WWII and make judgments.

If Hitler had not been crazy, he would have gone down in history as a financial wizard.

Get some perspective.

Perhaps, Prescott Bush isn't one of them, though.

Bowie is repeating long debunked lies from the Soros hate machine.
You sir are a joke and a tool, spreading propaganda for your masters.
Bringing up that other companies were supporting the Nazis at that time is NOT on topic.

The Topic is Bush supporting Nazis.

Your post is off topic

It puts the Bush families Nazi sympathies into context with the rest of the current reigning neocon corporate crony networks.

It also makes the enormity of Bushes laughable hypocrital criticism into scale as well.

You apparently have a dildo with the name Bush on it the size of the Washington Monument.

I posted facts, you deflected.

You can go back to the corner now.

Fact: the Bush family in the pst has supported Nazi war efforts by providing them with credit and war materials as part of a banking system and tehy have never refuted nor denounced that involvement.

That makes Jeb the biggest hypocrit running for President other than maybe Clinton herself.
Fact: the Bush family in the pst has supported Nazi war efforts by providing them with credit and war materials as part of a banking system and tehy have never refuted nor denounced that involvement.

That makes Jeb the biggest hypocrit running for President other than maybe Clinton herself.

Nope, you're lying.

Not only are you lying, you are repeating lies that were debunked decades ago.
You sir are a joke and a tool, spreading propaganda for your masters.
That is a strange reaction.

I am not making any of this up and have provided links, and used the information in one link given by a critic.

Whether there is some vast leftwing conspiracy against the Bush family that can fool everyone on the internet I cannot tell. But when I use the material of my critic to rebuff his claims, it seems kind of bizarre to then accuse me of lying.

The Bush family does have a history of supporting the Nazis back in WW2 with allies among major corporations and not one of them have denounced that history.

I am not saying that Jeb Bush should go to jail or be disqualified from running, but only that 1. I will never vote for that sheister, and 2. he has a lot of nerve to condemn what he thinks is the racism of others when he wont address the racism of his own families past.
Fact: the Bush family in the pst has supported Nazi war efforts by providing them with credit and war materials as part of a banking system and tehy have never refuted nor denounced that involvement.

That makes Jeb the biggest hypocrit running for President other than maybe Clinton herself.

Nope, you're lying.

Not only are you lying, you are repeating lies that were debunked decades ago.
What lies were debunked? You paint with a mighty broad brush.
You sir are a joke and a tool, spreading propaganda for your masters.
That is a strange reaction.

I am not making any of this up and have provided links, and used the information in one link given by a critic.

Whether there is some vast leftwing conspiracy against the Bush family that can fool everyone on the internet I cannot tell. But when I use the material of my critic to rebuff his claims, it seems kind of bizarre to then accuse me of lying.

The Bush family does have a history of supporting the Nazis back in WW2 with allies among major corporations and not one of them have denounced that history.

I am not saying that Jeb Bush should go to jail or be disqualified from running, but only that 1. I will never vote for that sheister, and 2. he has a lot of nerve to condemn what he thinks is the racism of others when he wont address the racism of his own families past.

But when I use the material of my critic to rebuff his claims.

YOU deflected your ass off, naming other companies that the Bushs had nothing to do with.

Put on your pointed hat, and go sit in the corner.
{Prescott's involvement with Nazi finance is more complicated. Though Thyssen had been an ardent backer of the Nazis in the early days, he broke with them in 1938 after the Kristallnacht pogrom against the Jews. He fled to Switzerland the following year, and Hitler confiscated his fortune and stripped him of his citizenship. In I Paid Hitler Thyssen confessed his role in financing the Nazis and denounced the Führer. Arrested in Vichy France, he spent the balance of the war as an Axis prisoner. Prescott Bush, for his part, owned a single share of stock (of 4,000) in UBC, the Thyssen bank. According to a 2001 Boston Globe piece, the New York Herald Tribune ran a story in July 1942 headlined "Hitler's Angel Has 3 Million in US Bank," in which Prescott and other BBH partners "explain[ed] to government regulators that their position [as directors of UBC] was merely an unpaid courtesy for a client."}

The Straight Dope: Was President Bush's great-grandfather a Nazi?

Your lie has been debunked innumerable times.
You dont read too well then.

I never said that Prescott was a Nazi but that he worked to support the Nazi government at the bank he worked for. That is a fact.

I also said that the Bush family is part of a corporate crony network that was also involved in supporting the Nazis and still are and that is also a fact.

That you find this disagreeable does not make me either a liar or a leftist.

You really need to ditch the polarized glasses you read things with.
YOU deflected your ass off, naming other companies that the Bushs had nothing to do with.

Put on your pointed hat, and go sit in the corner.
Again it is not a deflection when the involvement of the Bush family in a corporate crony network and that that network helped financed the Nazis is my assertion.

You really need to take a critical thinking class.
Many people around the world helped Hitler restructure German financial institutions. There is no way to look into the past pre WWII and make judgments.

If Hitler had not been crazy, he would have gone down in history as a financial wizard.

Get some perspective.

Perhaps, Prescott Bush isn't one of them, though.

Bowie is repeating long debunked lies from the Soros hate machine.
lol, whatever
YOU deflected your ass off, naming other companies that the Bushs had nothing to do with.

Put on your pointed hat, and go sit in the corner.
Again it is not a deflection when the involvement of the Bush family in a corporate crony network and that that network helped financed the Nazis is my assertion.

You really need to take a critical thinking class.

You need to take a reading class, because you completely misread what you cut and pasted.

and too stubborn to admit it
YOU deflected your ass off, naming other companies that the Bushs had nothing to do with.

Put on your pointed hat, and go sit in the corner.
Again it is not a deflection when the involvement of the Bush family in a corporate crony network and that that network helped financed the Nazis is my assertion.

You really need to take a critical thinking class.

You need to take a reading class, because you completely misread what you cut and pasted.

and too stubborn to admit it
Prove I misread anything, dude.
Obama met with Bill Ayers who bombed some places and killed people. BAAAAD Obama! All Bush did was bankroll his family fortune by teaming up with Hitler and helping them kill the shit out of millions of people for his own gain! BOOORING

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