Double-jabbed people carry same levels of Covid as unvaccinated

^ that stupid ass motherfucker has no idea how the immune system works
Oh the names. Again. The shots at best (they don't work at best but I digress) only provide 6 months of coverage .......natural immunity provides longer coverage. Natural immunity is better than the jabs. You will never ever fucking have everyone could track everyone down and make them get the shots-----but come 6 months, they turn into pumpkins again become "unvaccinated" and CONVENIENTLY not going to be listed as having died of the covid while VACCINATED. They do this to have plausible deniability when those vaccinated die of covid.

Double-jabbed people carry same levels of Covid as unvaccinated​

Sarah Knapton
Wed, August 18, 2021, 10:01 AM

Previous studies showed that vaccinated people who contracted the alpha variant had far lower viral loads than the unvaccinated, while Boris Johnson backed vaccine passports in the hope they would lower transmission in hotspot venues such as nightclubs.

The NHS Covid app was also changed so double-jabbed people no longer need to self-isolate if pinged.

However, the new study by the University of Oxford shows that the delta variant wipes out the viral load reduction.

Instead, even the fully jabbed carry high levels of the virus if they become infected and are also more likely to be symptomatic than vaccinated people who pick up an alpha infection.

The results suggest those who are fully jabbed could be as capable of passing on Covid as the unvaccinated, although they are less likely to pick up the virus in the first place.

We are lab rats folks. That is the best case scenario. It could be far worse than that and I suspect it is.
But we don't get as sick, and we're giving it to u guys. I call this win-win.
The unvaccinated are the ones dying in ICU's across the country, not the vaccinated. I suspect you know as little about what masks do as you do about vaccines.
Yeah? What percentage? Give us an accurate number. Is it more or less than 2 percent?

I will be waiting for you to tell me. Oh and since it is truly impossible to actually know based on THE FACT that a LAAAARGE number of people around the world have had it and didn't know it.

So, go ahead. Take a guess as how many you think died from covid. You think it is more or less than 2 percent?
Wow! Are your partisan media outlets keeping you this much in the dark? Seriously? That's damn near criminal and you should stop listening to them IMMEDIATELY.

It is a widely known fact that 96 percent of those dying from COVID are unvaccinated. The vaccinated make up only 4 percent of those dying from COVID.
You do get sick and still spread it.

Your leftist loon media has failed you.... again
So what? The unvaccinated mostly catch it, and by far are dispoportantely the ones dying. They can prevent as much spread and their own dying by getting vaccinated. If they chose to die .... I'm ok with that.
So what? The unvaccinated mostly catch it, and by far are dispoportantely the ones dying. They can prevent as much spread and their own dying by getting vaccinated. If they chose to die .... I'm ok with that.

Puppy desperately tries to back pedal

Fckn loon
Trump country is developing more long term stronger immunity by being exposed to the 1st strain of the simply living. This winter is going to be very very fucking bad---not for trump country but for the libs where vaccinations ran wild. The variants and the waning weak innoculation are going to create the perfect conditions for the new strains to have a field day up north during the winter. The virus even in the South now, are hitting lib controlled areas harder......this winter the north east is completely fucked.
That is correct.



Double-jabbed people carry same levels of Covid as unvaccinated​

Sarah Knapton
Wed, August 18, 2021, 10:01 AM

Previous studies showed that vaccinated people who contracted the alpha variant had far lower viral loads than the unvaccinated, while Boris Johnson backed vaccine passports in the hope they would lower transmission in hotspot venues such as nightclubs.

The NHS Covid app was also changed so double-jabbed people no longer need to self-isolate if pinged.

However, the new study by the University of Oxford shows that the delta variant wipes out the viral load reduction.

Instead, even the fully jabbed carry high levels of the virus if they become infected and are also more likely to be symptomatic than vaccinated people who pick up an alpha infection.

The results suggest those who are fully jabbed could be as capable of passing on Covid as the unvaccinated, although they are less likely to pick up the virus in the first place.

We are lab rats folks. That is the best case scenario. It could be far worse than that and I suspect it is.
In fact they may even carry a more virulent strain just for that reason....
Viral loads are the same in throats and mouths of both vaxxed and unvaxxed. OP’s article is misleading about clearing the infection because the unvaxxed you just passed on the street just gave you another dose to your throat if you’re both unmasked. That’s Delta, but it hasn’t broken through the vaccine yet.
But this latest piece of news is not good...

Best advice I can give is to self isolate and quarantine yourself... vaccines and masks and antibody cocktail treatments don't work for Mu variant...

Fau Chi speaks to tell the prisoners to pay attention at all times to variants, though weasels out of the responsibility to tell the prisoners what mutations define a variant. He has already gotten one major variant backwards in his youtube video, and true to form, the article does not name the first amino acid involved in Mu.
Actually variants are caused by the unvaccinated and the multitudes unvaccinated.

No hun....virus's mutate in order to survive so either you wipe them out fully or keep them out or if you leave them in smaller number or alive longer their mutation adapt looking for ways to make it spread easier or however else it needs to survive.

The faux vaccines WANE over time........thusly they kill fewer and fewer virus's as time goes by-----the fewer left alive have a reason that allowed them to live when the others didn't so they reproduce passing their gene that affects their special adaptation to survive along creating new mutated strains. This is how the new INDIA Strain occurred in a vaccinated population.
Viral loads are the same in throats and mouths of both vaxxed and unvaxxed. OP’s article is misleading about clearing the infection because the unvaxxed you just passed on the street just gave you another dose to your throat if you’re both unmasked. That’s Delta, but it hasn’t broken through the vaccine yet.
Bullshit. I caught the virus from a roomful of vaccinated people after I was vaccinated.

Double-jabbed people carry same levels of Covid as unvaccinated​

Sarah Knapton
Wed, August 18, 2021, 10:01 AM

Previous studies showed that vaccinated people who contracted the alpha variant had far lower viral loads than the unvaccinated, while Boris Johnson backed vaccine passports in the hope they would lower transmission in hotspot venues such as nightclubs.

The NHS Covid app was also changed so double-jabbed people no longer need to self-isolate if pinged.

However, the new study by the University of Oxford shows that the delta variant wipes out the viral load reduction.

Instead, even the fully jabbed carry high levels of the virus if they become infected and are also more likely to be symptomatic than vaccinated people who pick up an alpha infection.

The results suggest those who are fully jabbed could be as capable of passing on Covid as the unvaccinated, although they are less likely to pick up the virus in the first place.

We are lab rats folks. That is the best case scenario. It could be far worse than that and I suspect it is.
this is old news. The delta variant is far more contagious than the original strain. This is why places are masking back up. The jabs help reduce transmissions and symptoms but for those who do catch it which is about 40-50% they are just as capable of spreading it as the unvaxxed
No hun....virus's mutate in order to survive so either you wipe them out fully or keep them out or if you leave them in smaller number or alive longer their mutation adapt looking for ways to make it spread easier or however else it needs to survive.

The faux vaccines WANE over time........thusly they kill fewer and fewer virus's as time goes by-----the fewer left alive have a reason that allowed them to live when the others didn't so they reproduce passing their gene that affects their special adaptation to survive along creating new mutated strains. This is how the new INDIA Strain occurred in a vaccinated population.

You need to understand that this isn't an adaptive creature like a plant or animal.

Get a degree in epidemiology and then get back to speak intelligently.
Lots of folks these days take prescription drugs that need to lower the body's immune system in order to work. Doctors may or may not warn said people that a lowered immune system puts them in danger of contracting the disease that vaccines (especially hastily concocted vaccines) are intended to prevent.
The unvaccinated are the ones dying in ICU's across the country, not the vaccinated. I suspect you know as little about what masks do as you do about vaccines.
The goal on the right is no longer stay alive apparently. Its the saddest and most bizarre thing ever....
The unvaccinated are the ones dying in ICU's across the country, not the vaccinated. I suspect you know as little about what masks do as you do about vaccines.
What blows up your Leftie talking point allegation is about 70 percent of Blacks and Latinos are the ones resisting the vaccines in Democrat run cities and states.

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