Dow 40,000

seems it has not failed but hit record highs

View attachment 948047

At this time the price is pretty close to being right, but the changes are way way way way off. Looking at this they are all deep in the negatives for change and have been.

But it's Friday so they will close out fine. They always do because before the markets close out for the weekend the plunge protection team injects cash into the market to prop it up for weekend so people don't go crazy when the market is closed.

Stock market means very little to anyone right now for the most part. Our economic problems will start in the bond market. Which they already are having issues in.
I got an idea, go into a grocery store find a few middle aged women with 2 or 3 children and tell them that they are delusional in thinking that they cant afford to feed their families. I double dog dare you....
They don't seem to be in abundance on political message board. You are hard-pressed to find anybody suffering here, not by their own hand. Your BS of going and hunting people to harrass at Kroger, went out, about the time my parents were getting me to clean my plate by trying to affect me, with starving kids in Africa. I didn't hunt them up either.
As I have commented in a near identical Topic it is just a short time before

The most inflated bubble I recall in my life time backed by more debt and manipulation than you can almost imagine .
LOVE IT!!!!!

Keep it up!! Biden told everyone to stop whining and spend more money!!
Keep it up....

I don't remember that speech. Why don't you link the quote for us, that didn't get the memo. Or is that just a made up lie of yours.
They don't seem to be in abundance on political message board. You are hard-pressed to find anybody suffering here, not by their own hand. Your BS of going and hunting people to harrass at Kroger, went out, about the time my parents were getting me to clean my plate by trying to affect me, with starving kids in Africa. I didn't hunt them up either.

I would assume that people having to work 2 jobs and do a side hustle to make ends meet would not spend a lot of their "free time" on an internet message board.
They don't seem to be in abundance on political message board. You are hard-pressed to find anybody suffering here, not by their own hand. Your BS of going and hunting people to harrass at Kroger, went out, about the time my parents were getting me to clean my plate by trying to affect me, with starving kids in Africa. I didn't hunt them up either.
I walk around with the hat on below, many very upset people come to talk with me, and we discuss issues that are affecting all of them. Many are fearful of their own government. Does that bother you at all?

Then you are a terrible, terrible investor. Seriously.

I am up well into six figures since Biden was elected.

IF you are Stocks only Large Cap you are up ~10% per year over ~4 years. Then you are a Day Trader or a lucky investor. Some can't risk that (or working) and can only put into Target date funds or whatever the Financial Advisor directs. A mix of stocks and bonds is a retreat into safety. Not the flashy.........look at me I put all into APPL in 1985 I am a genuis. SHUP stupid. You ain't up "6-Figures" you are up a percentage gain overall. And you don't read well. Like Sealy running from post to post like an idiot.

You see real life number posted with start dates for a real life account and below you see other benchmarks. Kiss off Leftist lying hack.
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Since two of you just posted that, you are clearly parroting what your MAGA propagandists told you.

Giving credit to a guy who isn't in office. Oh man, that's priceless. :auiqs.jpg:
/——/ No one told me to say that. Who tells you what to post?
Not to worry, all that money is locked up in retirement accounts that the government will not let the touch

Then once they can access it, they will tax the hell out of them to obtain it, assuming much of it is left when they can access it.

You just described every one age 40-50-70 stilll working....watching the is my profit christmas bonus? Will the Deep state kill it again and then blame Trump for not fixing it? Like in 07-08 they needed $1T per year slush stimulus fund desperately to save all of us from the disaster they purposly created or allowed to happen.
I moved an IRA account to "more saftey" after the Chowderhead was installed via Election Fraud. MAR 21, 2021. I had a little more before under Trump than I do now. Obiden killed the Bonds market in 2022 (same as Obiden 1.0).

But all said.......I am glad (and surprised) I am nearly back to my Trump peak. But up a total of ~13% over nearly four years? Nothing to write home about. High yeid savings accounts are giving 4.5% per year right now. The Bond problem seems to have corrected and I am having more steady gains now. I am extremly happy they did not kill the Markets totally like they did 07-08'

Yes yes if one could risk it and time the markets they could have made even more the last two years in Large Cap. This below is actual todays' numbers. Real life. Real working taxpayer accounts with no time to micro-manage it. 2022 was horrible.
View attachment 948053
The stock market is up, in part at least, because the polls are showing Trump is in the lead in almost all swing states, and businesses are expecting a business-friendly environment again.
IF you are Stocks only Large Cap you are up ~10% per year over ~4 years. Then you are a Day Trader or a lucky investor. Some can't risk that (or working) and can only put into Target date funds or whatever the Financial Advisor directs. A mix of stocks and bonds is a retreat into safety. Not the flashy.........look at me I put all into APPL in 1985 I am a genuis. SHUP stupid. You ain't up "6-Figures" you are up a percentage overall.

You see real life number posted with start dates for a real life account and below you see other benchmarks. Kiss off Leftist lying hack.
SP500 is up like 40% since Biden took office. I don’t know how you could have had “a little more” under Trump if you are invested into the market.
Then you are a terrible, terrible investor. Seriously.

I am up well into six figures since Biden was elected.
Good for you.

But what about the majority of American families, who are struggling to buy groceries and fill the gas tank? I thought you libs cared about the working class.

Or do all your sympathies lie with the illegal aliens getting free food, shelter, and medical care - and who cares about the working Americans?
I would assume that people having to work 2 jobs and do a side hustle to make ends meet would not spend a lot of their "free time" on an internet message board.

Exactly. This board seems 95% those sitting home on SS guaranteed GOVT income. Younger working do not have time for this. And on weekends they are busy too. Especially if with kids. OR Older workers, may pop in/out in bursts or on weekends but who wants to work on a PC all day (or other) and go home and login and burn out your brain and eyes some more?

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