Dow down 831 points over fears of trade war with China

The market exploded under Obama because institutional investors saw the Fed pouring FOUR TRILLION DOLLARS into markets, and it was the easiest and most predictable feeding frenzy ever.

Obama absolutely did the right thing by standing back and allowing it, considering the fucking disaster he took over from Dubya, but painting him as some kind of economic/stock market savior is just more partisan politics. Or abject willful ignorance. Or both.


He increased regulation tenfold and raised taxes. He didn’t just stand out of the way. It would have been better had he.
The Fed had to do what it did. Credit markets were destroyed. Confidence was destroyed. There was no other choice.

Regulation and taxes were a different matter. The Fed had to do it.
Before our Leftist and Progressive brethren celebrate too much - just realize that many of us on the Right care far less about the economy and far more about Social issues; so a bad economy will not change our votes or support for the PTUS.
So let's see.

Obama took our deficits from over a trillion dollars down to less than half a trillion, and the Dow climbed 300 percent. 38 percent in the same period Trump has been president, despite coming into office at the peak of a massive economic collapse.

Trump has taken our deficits back up to a trillion dollars (in one fourth the time!), and the Dow has climbed 29 percent.

Strangely, no topics by pseudocons praising Obama's declining deficits and skyrocketing Dow. And yet non-stop spunking in their jeans over Trump's smaller jump in the Dow since he became president.

Before our Leftist and Progressive brethren celebrate too much - just realize that many of us on the Right care far less about the economy and far more about Social issues; so a bad economy will not change our votes or support for the PTUS.

There is far more to the economy than the markets
The market exploded under Obama because institutional investors saw the Fed pouring FOUR TRILLION DOLLARS into markets, and it was the easiest and most predictable feeding frenzy ever.

Obama absolutely did the right thing by standing back and allowing it, considering the fucking disaster he took over from Dubya, but painting him as some kind of economic/stock market savior is just more partisan politics. Or abject willful ignorance. Or both.


He increased regulation tenfold and raised taxes. He didn’t just stand out of the way. It would have been better had he.
The Fed had to do what it did. Credit markets were destroyed. Confidence was destroyed. There was no other choice.

Regulation and taxes were a different matter. The Fed had to do it.

I have no qualms with what the Fed did. TARP, QE, and no interest rates were the reason the markets roared. Obama didn’t do anything
The market exploded under Obama because institutional investors saw the Fed pouring FOUR TRILLION DOLLARS into markets, and it was the easiest and most predictable feeding frenzy ever.

Obama absolutely did the right thing by standing back and allowing it, considering the fucking disaster he took over from Dubya, but painting him as some kind of economic/stock market savior is just more partisan politics. Or abject willful ignorance. Or both.


He increased regulation tenfold and raised taxes. He didn’t just stand out of the way. It would have been better had he.
Obama did not increase regulation tenfold. Jesus, you guys are pathetic. You think something becomes truer the more you say it.

Obama raised taxes. Yup. And revenues increased! Something your propagandists have kept from you. On purpose. SHHHHH!

Obama's Legacy: 2016 Ends With A Record-Shattering Regulatory Rulebook
The honeymoon with Trump and the misconception by his sheep that he's MAGA is quickly coming to an end.

So much for his negotiation skills.

So much for his "art of the deal".

So much for all that "winning".

Major Stock Indexes
4:13 PM EDT 10/10/2018

DJIA 25598.74 -831.83 -3.15%

Why the US trade war against China is bound to fail



Total bullshit. They sold of bonds today too and I made money on my bond short. They weren't running for safety. They were profit taking.

The DOW drops over 1000 points in one day (including after hours trading)...and you call that 'profit taking'?

The VIX spikes to 22 on 'profit taking'? The worst day for NASDAQ futures since 2011...and you call that 'profit taking'?

You have not a clue what you are talking about on this.

"Markets In Turmoil": FANG Freefall Sparks Longest Losing Streak Of Trump Era

Find my three, WELL respected AND politically unbiased economists who agree with you? I bet you cannot.

This is - IMO - primarily about rising bond yields and trade questions but mostly a general fear that the Fed/central banks are hawking for the next few years.

The central banks have propped up the economies of the world for over a decade. Now they are backing off to load their magazines so they can have bullets for the next recession. And the markets are NERVOUS.
The honeymoon with Trump and the misconception by his sheep that he's MAGA is quickly coming to an end.

So much for his negotiation skills.

So much for his "art of the deal".

So much for all that "winning".

Major Stock Indexes
4:13 PM EDT 10/10/2018

DJIA 25598.74 -831.83 -3.15%

Why the US trade war against China is bound to fail



The trade war is an excuse made for the huge plunge, but it’s not the reason. The reason is sentiment has changed because rates are rising which will put a squeeze on consumers and corporate profits. Let’s not forget why the market got to these elevated levels to begin with, money printing and low rates from our friends at the FED. This is overdue and could be the start of a 12-18 month slide with the DOW dipping under 17,000, imo.
So let's see.

Obama took our deficits from over a trillion dollars down to less than half a trillion, and the Dow climbed 300 percent. 38 percent in the same period Trump has been president, despite coming into office at the peak of a massive economic collapse.

Trump has taken our deficits back up to a trillion dollars (in one fourth the time!), and the Dow has climbed 29 percent.

Strangely, no topics by pseudocons praising Obama's declining deficits and skyrocketing Dow. And yet non-stop spunking in their jeans over Trump's smaller jump in the Dow since he became president.

bo added $10 trillion debt, but never got just 3% growth. not good
There is far more to the economy than the markets

Understood. I just don’t care. I have always believed and wil always believe that if we fix our social issues the economy will take care of itself. It doesn’t work the other way around.
The market exploded under Obama because institutional investors saw the Fed pouring FOUR TRILLION DOLLARS into markets, and it was the easiest and most predictable feeding frenzy ever.

Obama absolutely did the right thing by standing back and allowing it, considering the fucking disaster he took over from Dubya, but painting him as some kind of economic/stock market savior is just more partisan politics. Or abject willful ignorance. Or both.


He increased regulation tenfold and raised taxes. He didn’t just stand out of the way. It would have been better had he.
Obama did not increase regulation tenfold. Jesus, you guys are pathetic. You think something becomes truer the more you say it.

Obama raised taxes. Yup. And revenues increased! Something your propagandists have kept from you. On purpose. SHHHHH!

Obama's Legacy: 2016 Ends With A Record-Shattering Regulatory Rulebook
I notice you failed to quote the part where it says Obama increased regulations tenfold.

You know why?

Because you lied out of your ass. It wasn't even close.
The honeymoon with Trump and the misconception by his sheep that he's MAGA is quickly coming to an end.

So much for his negotiation skills.

So much for his "art of the deal".

So much for all that "winning".

Major Stock Indexes
4:13 PM EDT 10/10/2018

DJIA 25598.74 -831.83 -3.15%

Why the US trade war against China is bound to fail



Total bullshit. They sold of bonds today too and I made money on my bond short. They weren't running for safety. They were profit taking.

The DOW drops over 1000 points in one day (including after hours trading)...and you call that 'profit taking'?

The VIX spikes to 22 on 'profit taking'? The worst day for NASDAQ futures since 2011...and you call that 'profit taking'?

You have not a clue what you are talking about on this.

"Markets In Turmoil": FANG Freefall Sparks Longest Losing Streak Of Trump Era

Find my three, WELL respected AND politically unbiased economists who agree with you? I bet you cannot.

This is - IMO - primarily about rising bond yields and trade questions but mostly a general fear that the Fed/central banks are hawking for the next few years.

The central banks have propped up the economies of the world for over a decade. Now they are backing off to load their magazines so they can have bullets for the next recession. And the markets are NERVOUS.
It’s only 3%. The market is probably due for a 5000 point correction. And then it will come up again
So let's see.

Obama took our deficits from over a trillion dollars down to less than half a trillion, and the Dow climbed 300 percent. 38 percent in the same period Trump has been president, despite coming into office at the peak of a massive economic collapse.

Trump has taken our deficits back up to a trillion dollars (in one fourth the time!), and the Dow has climbed 29 percent.

Strangely, no topics by pseudocons praising Obama's declining deficits and skyrocketing Dow. And yet non-stop spunking in their jeans over Trump's smaller jump in the Dow since he became president.


Google: Brutal Sequester

That's what lowered the deficit.

Fucking Poseur, Jake

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