Dow down 831 points over fears of trade war with China

bo added $10 trillion debt

Why do you think you can just...lie? Why is that?

Deficits by year:

FY 2009 $1.4 trillion
FY 2010 $1.3 trillion
FY 2011 $1.3 trillion
FY 2012 $1 trillion
FY 2013 $679 billion
FY 2014 $485 billion
FY 2015 $438 billion
FY 2016 $585 billion
FY 2017 $665 billion
FY 2018 $833 billion (est)
FY 2019 $984 billion (est)

FY 2009 through FY 2016 = $7.187 trillion.

As you can see, there was a steady downward trend while Obama was President.

With Trump and the GOP, there is a steady upward trend. Trump is well on his way to busting Obama's record wide open.

U.S. budget deficit to top $1-trillion in 2019: budget experts

, but never got just 3% growth. not good

Obama had several quarters over 3 percent, and a few over 4 percent.

If you are talking annual rates, well neither has Trump, dumbass.

Any more lies you wish to have shoved back up your ass whence they came?
The honeymoon with Trump and the misconception by his sheep that he's MAGA is quickly coming to an end.

So much for his negotiation skills.

So much for his "art of the deal".

So much for all that "winning".

Major Stock Indexes
4:13 PM EDT 10/10/2018

DJIA 25598.74 -831.83 -3.15%

Why the US trade war against China is bound to fail



Total bullshit. They sold of bonds today too and I made money on my bond short. They weren't running for safety. They were profit taking.

Sure, no doubt that is happening as well. Many things play into this, rising interest rates aren't helping along with taking on the whole world at once in trade. Had he went one deal at a time he probably would get better terms on all of them. But that isn't his way it is all blather and bullshit so yes these trade wars will have a bigger affect then they otherwise should.

The bush boy put tariffs on steel in 2002.

A few short years later the car industry collapsed and we had to bail them out.

Ford announced the other day that they expect to lose at least 1 billion dollars this year because of the trump tariffs. They've already started to lay off people. Ford is saying that it's going to cause the price of cars to increase by thousands. Which will cause fewer cars to be sold. It will inflate the value of used cars because the demand for used cars will increase.

All the deregulation in the world won't be enough to off set the damage the tariffs and tax cuts for the rich and business are doing to our economy and nation.

The cap on mortgage interest deduction and state and local taxes has hit the higher priced real estate market already. Higher priced houses aren't selling like they did in the Obama years. The higher interest rates will cause the lower priced real estate market to dramatically slow down.

This is a recipe for a big crash to come and when it does, it's not going to be pretty.

Conservatives/republicans always say the economy goes in cycles.

Interesting how all the bad economic cycles happen when republicans are in power.
Last edited:
The market exploded under Obama because institutional investors saw the Fed pouring FOUR TRILLION DOLLARS into markets, and it was the easiest and most predictable feeding frenzy ever.

Obama absolutely did the right thing by standing back and allowing it, considering the fucking disaster he took over from Dubya, but painting him as some kind of economic/stock market savior is just more partisan politics. Or abject willful ignorance. Or both.


He increased regulation tenfold and raised taxes. He didn’t just stand out of the way. It would have been better had he.
Obama did not increase regulation tenfold. Jesus, you guys are pathetic. You think something becomes truer the more you say it.

Obama raised taxes. Yup. And revenues increased! Something your propagandists have kept from you. On purpose. SHHHHH!

Obama's Legacy: 2016 Ends With A Record-Shattering Regulatory Rulebook
I notice you failed to quote the part where it says Obama increased regulations tenfold.

You know why?

Because you lied out of your ass. It wasn't even close.

Not my fault you can’t read
The honeymoon with Trump and the misconception by his sheep that he's MAGA is quickly coming to an end.

So much for his negotiation skills.

So much for his "art of the deal".

So much for all that "winning".

Major Stock Indexes
4:13 PM EDT 10/10/2018

DJIA 25598.74 -831.83 -3.15%

Why the US trade war against China is bound to fail



Total bullshit. They sold of bonds today too and I made money on my bond short. They weren't running for safety. They were profit taking.

The DOW drops over 1000 points in one day (including after hours trading)...and you call that 'profit taking'?

The VIX spikes to 22 on 'profit taking'? The worst day for NASDAQ futures since 2011...and you call that 'profit taking'?

You have not a clue what you are talking about on this.

"Markets In Turmoil": FANG Freefall Sparks Longest Losing Streak Of Trump Era

Find my three, WELL respected AND politically unbiased economists who agree with you? I bet you cannot.

This is - IMO - primarily about rising bond yields and trade questions but mostly a general fear that the Fed/central banks are hawking for the next few years.

The central banks have propped up the economies of the world for over a decade. Now they are backing off to load their magazines so they can have bullets for the next recession. And the markets are NERVOUS.
It’s only 3%. The market is probably due for a 5000 point correction. And then it will come up again
A 5,000 point "correction" would put the Dow into bear market territory.
The market exploded under Obama because institutional investors saw the Fed pouring FOUR TRILLION DOLLARS into markets, and it was the easiest and most predictable feeding frenzy ever.

Obama absolutely did the right thing by standing back and allowing it, considering the fucking disaster he took over from Dubya, but painting him as some kind of economic/stock market savior is just more partisan politics. Or abject willful ignorance. Or both.


He increased regulation tenfold and raised taxes. He didn’t just stand out of the way. It would have been better had he.
Obama did not increase regulation tenfold. Jesus, you guys are pathetic. You think something becomes truer the more you say it.

Obama raised taxes. Yup. And revenues increased! Something your propagandists have kept from you. On purpose. SHHHHH!

Obama's Legacy: 2016 Ends With A Record-Shattering Regulatory Rulebook
I notice you failed to quote the part where it says Obama increased regulations tenfold.

You know why?

Because you lied out of your ass. It wasn't even close.

Not my fault you can’t read
You lied. Simple fact.

You don't even have the integrity to admit it.

You're busted, asshole.
The honeymoon with Trump and the misconception by his sheep that he's MAGA is quickly coming to an end.

So much for his negotiation skills.

So much for his "art of the deal".

So much for all that "winning".

Major Stock Indexes
4:13 PM EDT 10/10/2018

DJIA 25598.74 -831.83 -3.15%

Why the US trade war against China is bound to fail



Total bullshit. They sold of bonds today too and I made money on my bond short. They weren't running for safety. They were profit taking.

The DOW drops over 1000 points in one day (including after hours trading)...and you call that 'profit taking'?

The VIX spikes to 22 on 'profit taking'? The worst day for NASDAQ futures since 2011...and you call that 'profit taking'?

You have not a clue what you are talking about on this.

"Markets In Turmoil": FANG Freefall Sparks Longest Losing Streak Of Trump Era

Find my three, WELL respected AND politically unbiased economists who agree with you? I bet you cannot.

This is - IMO - primarily about rising bond yields and trade questions but mostly a general fear that the Fed/central banks are hawking for the next few years.

The central banks have propped up the economies of the world for over a decade. Now they are backing off to load their magazines so they can have bullets for the next recession. And the markets are NERVOUS.
It’s only 3%. The market is probably due for a 5000 point correction. And then it will come up again
A 5,000 point "correction" would put the Dow into bear market territory.

And? Do you think we’ll never see the bears come out again?
The honeymoon with Trump and the misconception by his sheep that he's MAGA is quickly coming to an end.

So much for his negotiation skills.

So much for his "art of the deal".

So much for all that "winning".

Major Stock Indexes
4:13 PM EDT 10/10/2018

DJIA 25598.74 -831.83 -3.15%

Why the US trade war against China is bound to fail



Why do Progressives hate America?

I've lived in 12 states and 4 different countries. I've either worked or visited 17 countries.
Many were socialist countries with strongmen authoritarian assholes like Trump.
I know first hand what we have and don't have here in the States.
Trump is undermining this country out of stupidity and sheer arrogance.
The honeymoon with Trump and the misconception by his sheep that he's MAGA is quickly coming to an end.

So much for his negotiation skills.

So much for his "art of the deal".

So much for all that "winning".

Major Stock Indexes
4:13 PM EDT 10/10/2018

DJIA 25598.74 -831.83 -3.15%

Why the US trade war against China is bound to fail



Total bullshit. They sold of bonds today too and I made money on my bond short. They weren't running for safety. They were profit taking.

The DOW drops over 1000 points in one day (including after hours trading)...and you call that 'profit taking'?

The VIX spikes to 22 on 'profit taking'? The worst day for NASDAQ futures since 2011...and you call that 'profit taking'?

You have not a clue what you are talking about on this.

"Markets In Turmoil": FANG Freefall Sparks Longest Losing Streak Of Trump Era

Find my three, WELL respected AND politically unbiased economists who agree with you? I bet you cannot.

This is - IMO - primarily about rising bond yields and trade questions but mostly a general fear that the Fed/central banks are hawking for the next few years.

The central banks have propped up the economies of the world for over a decade. Now they are backing off to load their magazines so they can have bullets for the next recession. And the markets are NERVOUS.

You obviously didn't read my post, petunia.

Money wasn't running for safety, it was profit taking. If the markets were scared they'd be buying bonds hand over fist and I made money on my bond short today. That means they were selling off government bonds today for you rookies. TBT

I don't need penny stock crybabies like you telling what the markets are doing.
Before our Leftist and Progressive brethren celebrate too much - just realize that many of us on the Right care far less about the economy and far more about Social issues; so a bad economy will not change our votes or support for the PTUS.

Which is why the country is going under financially, both sides elect people based on social issues and and not fiscal ones. That is why we have a 21 trillion dollar debt.

Those social issues will be far less important when we take the same road as Greece.

Sent from my iPhone using
bo added $10 trillion debt

Why do you think you can just...lie? Why is that?

Deficits by year:

FY 2009 $1.4 trillion
FY 2010 $1.3 trillion
FY 2011 $1.3 trillion
FY 2012 $1 trillion
FY 2013 $679 billion
FY 2014 $485 billion
FY 2015 $438 billion
FY 2016 $585 billion
FY 2017 $665 billion
FY 2018 $833 billion (est)
FY 2019 $984 billion (est)

FY 2009 through FY 2016 = $7.187 trillion.

As you can see, there was a steady downward trend while Obama was President.

With Trump and the GOP, there is a steady upward trend. Trump is well on his way to busting Obama's record wide open.

U.S. budget deficit to top $1-trillion in 2019: budget experts

, but never got just 3% growth. not good

Obama had several quarters over 3 percent, and a few over 4 percent.

If you are talking annual rates, well neither has Trump, dumbass.

Any more lies you wish to have shoved back up your ass whence they came?

Google: Brutal sequester

Life During Sequester, the Survivors Speak
Whatever benefit the economy received from the ill-conceived tax cuts and Trump's radical deregulation is fleeting and going to pot because 1) any benefit the country received from the tax cuts and deregulation is at best ephemeral if not chimerical and 2) it is all being undermined by Trump's erratic behavior and trade policies as well as GOP spendthrift and irresponsible fiscal management.

Trump took over an economy that was built on a house of cards.

Now doubt, when it crumbles people will blame Trump and run to the globalist/socialists to save them once again when it was really they who build this massive debt and entitlement culture.

That's how it always works. As one of Obama's minions once said about the credit crisis, "Never let a good crisis go to waste".

When, not if, it happens again, there is no telling what other freedoms and sovereignty the US will surrender again.

That was the plan all along. Like Obamacare, it was all created to fail.
This bull market started way before Trump took office. Hopefully this is just the market taking a breather.
So much for Trumps booming economy

Idiot the markets tanked on fears of interest rate hikes because the economy is on fire.
2.6 percent growth is not "on fire". The world average is 3.7 percent.

Nice try, hack.

Nice cherry picking, dumb fuck
Simple fact, retard.

I don't recall you claiming Obama's economy was "on fire" when we were experiencing the same growth.

You are a hack, and nothing more than a hack. You haven't been able to contribute anything of value your entire time on this forum.
bo added $10 trillion debt

Why do you think you can just...lie? Why is that?

Deficits by year:

FY 2009 $1.4 trillion
FY 2010 $1.3 trillion
FY 2011 $1.3 trillion
FY 2012 $1 trillion
FY 2013 $679 billion
FY 2014 $485 billion
FY 2015 $438 billion
FY 2016 $585 billion
FY 2017 $665 billion
FY 2018 $833 billion (est)
FY 2019 $984 billion (est)

FY 2009 through FY 2016 = $7.187 trillion.

As you can see, there was a steady downward trend while Obama was President.

With Trump and the GOP, there is a steady upward trend. Trump is well on his way to busting Obama's record wide open.

U.S. budget deficit to top $1-trillion in 2019: budget experts

, but never got just 3% growth. not good

Obama had several quarters over 3 percent, and a few over 4 percent.

If you are talking annual rates, well neither has Trump, dumbass.

Any more lies you wish to have shoved back up your ass whence they came?

LMAO!!!! It would take the Jaws Of Life or a high powered firehose to seperate your lips from the skinny shanks of the Barrypuppet. How often did the Fed raise rates during Barrypuppet's admin? Remember the Q.E program?

Don't EVEN try and tell me that the economy was picking up under the Barrypuppet and that it's just an unfortunate set of circumstances that it got quintessentially better just after Barrypuppet left office. I know better and I know more than you.
Which is why the country is going under financially, both sides elect people based on social issues and and not fiscal ones. That is why we have a 21 trillion dollar debt.

Those social issues will be far less important when we take the same road as Greece

Excellent. Once the economy fails it will lead to the civil war we need to erafiand exterminate the moderates and leftists in this country. That will fix both the social and fiscal issues at the same time.

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