Dow futures slump more than 300 points as fears of a U.S.-China trade war ratchet up

I don't think Trump trying to pick individual winners and losers is going to help. His threat of punitive taxation against Harley-Davidson should give pause to "small government" conservatives - if there actually are any.


I think there are still a few left, but they are either too afraid to speak up and/or just don't see the point so long as Trumpmania is going on.

Trump embracing and then attacking HD is a perfect example of what he seems like. Loves you when you are nice to him. Absolutely despises you the second you do not do what he wants.
No wonder his children are such basket cases (for the most part) - having a father like that.
I don't think Trump trying to pick individual winners and losers is going to help. His threat of punitive taxation against Harley-Davidson should give pause to "small government" conservatives - if there actually are any.


I think there are still a few left, but they are either too afraid to speak up and/or just don't see the point so long as Trumpmania is going on.

Trump embracing and then attacking HD is a perfect example of what he seems like. Loves you when you are nice to him. Absolutely despises you the second you do not do what he wants.
No wonder his children are such basket cases (for the most part) - having a father like that.
You still here McStupid? You know HD is taxed 1000% overseas? Or that some of their OWN choices have killed their market? Of ourse not, that's why they call you McStupid.
I don't think Trump trying to pick individual winners and losers is going to help. His threat of punitive taxation against Harley-Davidson should give pause to "small government" conservatives - if there actually are any.


I think there are still a few left, but they are either too afraid to speak up and/or just don't see the point so long as Trumpmania is going on.

Trump embracing and then attacking HD is a perfect example of what he seems like. Loves you when you are nice to him. Absolutely despises you the second you do not do what he wants.
No wonder his children are such basket cases (for the most part) - having a father like that.
You still here McStupid? You know HD is taxed 1000% overseas? Or that some of their OWN choices have killed their market? Of ourse not, that's why they call you McStupid.
Yet Little Donnie from Queens was touting them as the most brilliant American company. Why is that? Is Trump very McStupid, or mildly so? We'd appreciate your expert opinion in clearing this all up.
I don't think Trump trying to pick individual winners and losers is going to help. His threat of punitive taxation against Harley-Davidson should give pause to "small government" conservatives - if there actually are any.


I think there are still a few left, but they are either too afraid to speak up and/or just don't see the point so long as Trumpmania is going on.

Trump embracing and then attacking HD is a perfect example of what he seems like. Loves you when you are nice to him. Absolutely despises you the second you do not do what he wants.
No wonder his children are such basket cases (for the most part) - having a father like that.
You still here McStupid? You know HD is taxed 1000% overseas? Or that some of their OWN choices have killed their market? Of ourse not, that's why they call you McStupid.

Says the guy who misspells 'course'...:abgg2q.jpg:

All kidding aside, call me any descriptive insult you wish (why not - I have to you, you racist, stupid, uneducated, xenophobic, emotionally disturbed hick). But if you are going to continue to deliberately mispronounce my name - I was just joking with you and yours the other day - then you go on my ignore list. Because that is just childish, troll crap.
Plus you have yet to make a remotely intelligent point (that I can recall). And the all-bold stuff is beyond juvenile.

You are obviously pissed because I have made mince meat of almost every reply you made to me - so now you are resorting to juvenile troll-crap.

And I simply do not pay attention to trolls.

So...welcome to my ignore list. I may still attack your posts (it's just too easy and you are so WEIRD) - but I will no longer read your replies to mine.

Have a WONDERFUL day.
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Market is up about 85 points.

Looks like the DOW has stabilized - somewhat - after the last week of trade war fears.
I don't think Trump trying to pick individual winners and losers is going to help. His threat of punitive taxation against Harley-Davidson should give pause to "small government" conservatives - if there actually are any.


I think there are still a few left, but they are either too afraid to speak up and/or just don't see the point so long as Trumpmania is going on.

Trump embracing and then attacking HD is a perfect example of what he seems like. Loves you when you are nice to him. Absolutely despises you the second you do not do what he wants.
No wonder his children are such basket cases (for the most part) - having a father like that.
You still here McStupid? You know HD is taxed 1000% overseas? Or that some of their OWN choices have killed their market? Of ourse not, that's why they call you McStupid.

Actually, fuck it. I'm in the mood for a little, piece of shit like you.

Okay - your nickname for me is McStupid? My nickname for you is DarkFury - the gay Trumpbot who fucks teenaged 'males'.

Now back to the topic you useless piece of excrement.

Where is your link to HD being taxed 1000% overseas? You homosexual dumb shit...where is the link you fucking maggot?

And what the fuck does their own choices have to do with this you useless teenaged-male fucker? said before - you gay Trumpbot - that government data could not be trusted. Well, can the U-3 data be trusted? Can the GDP growth data be trusted?
And if not - where is your link to unbiased, factual proof that it cannot be trusted...teenager loving faggot.

Now answer all of these questions you useless nazi faggot. But you cannot - can you. Because you are too stupid and too uneducated. And too mentally retarded to find ANY data on almost anything to back up your pathetic replies. That is why you put links to other members to talk to me about economics...because you know it is WAAAAAAAY out of your pathetic league.
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DOW drops 150 points at the open largely due to - you guessed it - trade worries thanks to Trump.
Oh good, another shallow, hyper-partisan thread on the stock market and macroeconomics. We need at least two or three of these per day.

The market gets a little emotional now and then, the "press" tries comically to assign various motivations, and each end of the spectrum celebrates any bad stock market news when the other side is in power. And, of course, both sides pretend the stock market is the economy when it suits them.

Ultimately, the market always calms down and remembers it's just about earnings.

Gawd, this stuff is so silly, so ignorant, and so transparent.

And you are so stupid and/or childish. Because only an idiot/manchild makes assumptions like you just did with ZERO factual information to back them up.

1) I despise both parties. So there is zero 'partisanship' going on. I despised the way GWB AND Obama AND Trump handled/is handling the economy.

2) Where in the OP did I say anything about yesterday's market turn being significant or important or anything worth worrying about.

All I typed was 'The DOW will now probably open down for the year...mostly thanks to Trump's stupid trade policies.'

And unless you know virtually NOTHING about macroeconomics, you should know that is a true statement.

3) So do tell Mr. Expert on Macroeconomics And Mind Reading (more like Mr. Bored Troll), tell me EXACTLY what in my OP post was 'silly, ignorant and transparent'?

(this should be good for a laugh)
I sense alot of micro-aggressive tendencies in your statements.
I think you're a racist.
Oh good, another shallow, hyper-partisan thread on the stock market and macroeconomics. We need at least two or three of these per day.

The market gets a little emotional now and then, the "press" tries comically to assign various motivations, and each end of the spectrum celebrates any bad stock market news when the other side is in power. And, of course, both sides pretend the stock market is the economy when it suits them.

Ultimately, the market always calms down and remembers it's just about earnings.

Gawd, this stuff is so silly, so ignorant, and so transparent.

And you are so stupid and/or childish. Because only an idiot/manchild makes assumptions like you just did with ZERO factual information to back them up.

1) I despise both parties. So there is zero 'partisanship' going on. I despised the way GWB AND Obama AND Trump handled/is handling the economy.

2) Where in the OP did I say anything about yesterday's market turn being significant or important or anything worth worrying about.

All I typed was 'The DOW will now probably open down for the year...mostly thanks to Trump's stupid trade policies.'

And unless you know virtually NOTHING about macroeconomics, you should know that is a true statement.

3) So do tell Mr. Expert on Macroeconomics And Mind Reading (more like Mr. Bored Troll), tell me EXACTLY what in my OP post was 'silly, ignorant and transparent'?

(this should be good for a laugh)
It looks like McStupid thinks he is the smartest economist on the site, despite the FACT we have TWO here as members.
You still here McStupid? You know HD is taxed 1000% overseas? Or that some of their OWN choices have killed their market? Of ourse not, that's why they call you McStupid.

You keep dodging my questions to you - which just shows how utterly clueless you are.

Once again, where is your link to unbiased proof that Harley-Davidson is taxed 1000% overseas? said before - you gay Trumpbot - that government data could not be trusted. Well, can the U-3 data be trusted? Can the GDP growth data be trusted?
And if not - where is your link to unbiased, factual proof that it cannot be trusted.
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It looks like McStupid thinks he is the smartest economist on the site, despite the FACT we have TWO here as members.

And where - oh homosexual GayFury - EXACTLY did I claim to be the 'smartest economist on the site'?

This should be interesting since I have never claimed to be - nor am I - an 'economist'.
It looks like McStupid thinks he is the smartest economist on the site, despite the FACT we have TWO here as members.
I'd like to see where HD is taxed 1000%. That would be interesting.
It looks like McStupid thinks he is the smartest economist on the site, despite the FACT we have TWO here as members.
I'd like to see where HD is taxed 1000%. That would be interesting.

I think it is pretty obvious that he just made it up. Three times now he has been asked and he has yet to answer.
It looks like McStupid thinks he is the smartest economist on the site, despite the FACT we have TWO here as members.
I'd like to see where HD is taxed 1000%. That would be interesting.

I think it is pretty obvious that he just made it up. Three times now he has been asked and he has yet to answer.
Oh you THINK but you can't PROVE?
Way to go McStupid.
It looks like McStupid thinks he is the smartest economist on the site, despite the FACT we have TWO here as members.
I'd like to see where HD is taxed 1000%. That would be interesting.

I think it is pretty obvious that he just made it up. Three times now he has been asked and he has yet to answer.
Oh you THINK but you can't PROVE?
Way to go McStupid.
You's virtually impossible to prove a negative...DUH. are the one who made the claim. It is up to you to back it up.

So...for the fourth time (from two people) where is your link to unbiased proof that HD is tariffed 1000% overseas?

It's getting pretty obvious you just made it up off of the top of your head.
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'U.S. stock futures fell sharply on Tuesday, as global equities careened lower on a fresh threat by President Donald Trump to slap up to $400 billion more in tariffs on China goods, the latest escalation in a worrying trade dispute.'

Dow futures slump more than 300 points as fears of a U.S.-China trade war ratchet up

The DOW will now probably open down for the year...mostly thanks to Trump's stupid trade policies.
300 points is not enough to even be called a correction McStupid.

Are you fucking blind as well as stupid.

Where in the post did I call it a racist psycho?
I don't think Trump trying to pick individual winners and losers is going to help. His threat of punitive taxation against Harley-Davidson should give pause to "small government" conservatives - if there actually are any.


I think there are still a few left, but they are either too afraid to speak up and/or just don't see the point so long as Trumpmania is going on.

Trump embracing and then attacking HD is a perfect example of what he seems like. Loves you when you are nice to him. Absolutely despises you the second you do not do what he wants.
No wonder his children are such basket cases (for the most part) - having a father like that.
You still here McStupid? You know HD is taxed 1000% overseas? Or that some of their OWN choices have killed their market? Of ourse not, that's why they call you McStupid.

You are a lying, stack of shit.

You made up the 1000% HD tariff.

HD is not taxed 1000% overseas...psychopathic, racist liar.

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