Down with Black Lives Matter! ALL Lives Matter!

That is exactly why they have been indicted. I'm not saying there are no bad cop shootings, but I am saying not all of them are bad either.

I think that we have shootings at all is a bad commentary.

We have 1200 Americans a year who die at the hands of the police.
In the UK, that number is 54- over the last 25 years!
In Japan, police killings are incredibly rare, and it's even considered a scandal if they pull their weapons out of their holsters.
I see you're derailing as usual. Instead of talking about BLM goals and how they relate to this video, you'd rather talk about ISIS. It's clear that you can't argue in favor of your position once I showed it to be a pile of bullshit.

The problem is you're talking about ISIS in a thread about Black Lives Matter in a section of the thread where your stated goal was to discuss BLM's goals related to a video of a protest. The facts are obvious: if BLM wanted to prevent injury or near-injury to their people from car crashes, they'd tell them to not play on a busy road. When faced with this obvious fact, you derail and start talking about ISIS.
I'm not derailing anything. I said you think it is okay to deliberately drive into a crowd of people.

Where did I say that?

Watch the video from the beginning:

The video shows the cops ramming the guys car from behind.

The beginning of the videos shows him reversing into and hitting the cop car. Are you really so stupid that you can't see that?
That is exactly why they have been indicted. I'm not saying there are no bad cop shootings, but I am saying not all of them are bad either.

I think that we have shootings at all is a bad commentary.

We have 1200 Americans a year who die at the hands of the police.
In the UK, that number is 54- over the last 25 years!
In Japan, police killings are incredibly rare, and it's even considered a scandal if they pull their weapons out of their holsters.
How many negroes does Japan have compared to the USA?
I didn't see that in the video. Looks like they were out of the crosswalk.

You're missing the point. Crosswalks are for crossing, not standing and impeding traffic. Are you really that thick?
Don't talk to me about being thick. You think its okay to drive into a crowd of people.

Why don't we discuss the topic you brought up, which is what BLM wants to prevent that happened in the video, instead of talking about hypothetical ISIS members? Your intent to derail your own topic says a lot about your intent.
It's not a hypothetical. That is one of their tactics and they've done it a lot. They think its okay to drive into a crowd of people. You think its okay to drive into a crowd of people. So what's the problem?
Well for a while with all the televised assassinations of unarmed black men it seemed Black lives didn't matter. Some one had to grab White society by the collar and tell y'all Black lives matter too...I'm not sorry if that offends you.
Just as I said to another, if it meant "too", it would have read BLMT and I would be out there with a sign along with you.
You don't have to add "too" to black BLM.The need to say Black alives Matter wouldn't be necessary unless some. social. systemic action caused.some Blacks to feel their lives weren't as valued as white lives. Given the context in which BLM was formed ...against the backdrop of a rash of cops killing unarmed blacks proportionally more than any other is underztood all too well
that the "too" is not necessary. But you already knew that...didn't you?
No. Some blacks think their lives should be valued INSTEAD than others. Would the police be shooting if the perp was following orders or failed to commit a crime? No. BLM scream "Pigs in a Blanket Fry them NOW" See what I mean?
What makes you think "some blacks think their lives should be valued INSTEAD than others.?"( your words not mine).
I've seen nothing to support that claim and I'm betting you just made that up.

And although some protestors identifed somehow as being associated with BLM could be heard chanting "pigs in a blanket, fry em like bacon, " itis clear to me they were talking about getting justice by convicting and sending cops who murder unarmed people to the electric chair. Hence the "frying" reference.
Obviously, some white people , like you,refuse to use logic in your assessments of things blacks say or do. You automatically assumed the chant was calling for attacking and killing innocent police officers. Had that been the case the chant would have been "kill the pigs by any means necessary" or something similar.

Really??? Pigs in a blanket Fry them like bacon, continuing with #BLM protestors continuing chant “what do we want? DEAD COPS! When do we want it? NOW!”.

It's clear they were talking about "justice?" You are really stretching and it just ain't working!
I don't think the underlying meaning of my premise has changed. Of course a murderous cop in the electric chair will be a dead wouldn't expect him to live through that would you?
I didn't see that in the video. Looks like they were out of the crosswalk.

You're missing the point. Crosswalks are for crossing, not standing and impeding traffic. Are you really that thick?
Don't talk to me about being thick. You think its okay to drive into a crowd of people.

Why don't we discuss the topic you brought up, which is what BLM wants to prevent that happened in the video, instead of talking about hypothetical ISIS members? Your intent to derail your own topic says a lot about your intent.
It's not a hypothetical. That is one of their tactics and they've done it a lot. They think its okay to drive into a crowd of people. You think its okay to drive into a crowd of people. So what's the problem?
Well for a while with all the televised assassinations of unarmed black men it seemed Black lives didn't matter. Some one had to grab White society by the collar and tell y'all Black lives matter too...I'm not sorry if that offends you.
Just as I said to another, if it meant "too", it would have read BLMT and I would be out there with a sign along with you.
You don't have to add "too" to black BLM.The need to say Black alives Matter wouldn't be necessary unless some. social. systemic action caused.some Blacks to feel their lives weren't as valued as white lives. Given the context in which BLM was formed ...against the backdrop of a rash of cops killing unarmed blacks proportionally more than any other is underztood all too well
that the "too" is not necessary. But you already knew that...didn't you?
No. Some blacks think their lives should be valued INSTEAD than others. Would the police be shooting if the perp was following orders or failed to commit a crime? No. BLM scream "Pigs in a Blanket Fry them NOW" See what I mean?
What makes you think "some blacks think their lives should be valued INSTEAD than others.?"( your words not mine).
I've seen nothing to support that claim and I'm betting you just made that up.

And although some protestors identifed somehow as being associated with BLM could be heard chanting "pigs in a blanket, fry em like bacon, " itis clear to me they were talking about getting justice by convicting and sending cops who murder unarmed people to the electric chair. Hence the "frying" reference.
Obviously, some white people , like you,refuse to use logic in your assessments of things blacks say or do. You automatically assumed the chant was calling for attacking and killing innocent police officers. Had that been the case the chant would have been "kill the pigs by any means necessary" or something similar.

Really??? Pigs in a blanket Fry them like bacon, continuing with #BLM protestors continuing chant “what do we want? DEAD COPS! When do we want it? NOW!”.

It's clear they were talking about "justice?" You are really stretching and it just ain't working!
I don't think the underlying meaning of my premise has changed. Of course a murderous cop in the electric chair will be a dead wouldn't expect him to live through that would you?
Getting so tired of this racism! Everyone matters! Race is irrelevant! Why can't we do what Rodney King said decades ago? Why can't we just get along?

Maybe if the cameras didn't follow the extremists, we'd find there isn't a major race problem...
Well for a while with all the televised assassinations of unarmed black men it seemed Black lives didn't matter. Some one had to grab White society by the collar and tell y'all Black lives matter too...I'm not sorry if that offends you.
Just as I said to another, if it meant "too", it would have read BLMT and I would be out there with a sign along with you.
You don't have to add "too" to black BLM.The need to say Black alives Matter wouldn't be necessary unless some. social. systemic action caused.some Blacks to feel their lives weren't as valued as white lives. Given the context in which BLM was formed ...against the backdrop of a rash of cops killing unarmed blacks proportionally more than any other is underztood all too well
that the "too" is not necessary. But you already knew that...didn't you?
it seems that she wants the "too" to be explicitly used in the group's name, while simultaneously reading "only" into it. LOL
The reason anyone gets shot is that they are not following the orders of the police.

right. So if the ATF showed up at your house to collect all your guns tomorrow, you'd be totally cool with that, right?
The police follow the constitution as does the ATF. Bad hypothetical.
If they find out what an idiot you are they'll come for your guns because you are a danger to the public.
What makes you think "some blacks think their lives should be valued INSTEAD than others.?"( your words not mine).
I've seen nothing to support that claim and I'm betting you just made that up.

And although some protestors identifed somehow as being associated with BLM could be heard chanting "pigs in a blanket, fry em like bacon, " itis clear to me they were talking about getting justice by convicting and sending cops who murder unarmed people to the electric chair. Hence the "frying" reference.
Obviously, some white people , like you,refuse to use logic in your assessments of things blacks say or do. You automatically assumed the chant was calling for attacking and killing innocent police officers. Had that been the case the chant would have been "kill the pigs by any means necessary" or something similar.

So they get all unhinged by the chant "pigs in a blanket", but are perfectly okay with a cop saying he's gonna kill this guy?

Ya gotta love the hypocrisy?
Where did I say that?
You inferred it by arguing if they didn't want to get hit, then they shouldn't protest in the streets.

The beginning of the videos shows him reversing into and hitting the cop car. Are you really so stupid that you can't see that?
I was referring to the end of the video, just before you see the cop running up and putting something through the window before he started shooting.
Where did I say that?
You inferred it by arguing if they didn't want to get hit, then they shouldn't protest in the streets.
So if I never actually said it, why are you derailing instead of talking about BLM's goals like you said you were at the start?

Anyway, the driver saw a gap between the pedestrians and drove through the gap. He was also moving at jogging speed, which is hardly unsafe. Then the degenerates in the crowd attacked him. Instead of condemning the unprovoked attack on the innocent man or the crowd's decision to intentionally impede traffic (which could have impeded people like doctors going to emergency surgery), you condemned him from driving safely through a gap in the protesters. You also lied about where those turds were standing (they were off of the crosswalk).
The beginning of the videos shows him reversing into and hitting the cop car. Are you really so stupid that you can't see that?
I was referring to the end of the video, just before you see the cop running up and putting something through the window before he started shooting.
The end of the video does not unmake what happened in the beginning. He tried to hit the cop with his car and instead ended up hitting the cops' car at least twice.

So let's see, on the one hand, you ignore a violent criminal's attempt to pin a cop against a car, which could easily cause broken bones, something that can lead to death or disability. You ignore this despite the fact that the criminal hit the cops' car twice. On the other hand, you defend a bunch of degenerates who intentionally impeded traffic, going as far as lying about their positioning in a crosswalk and what the innocent driver did. You then ignore/fail to condemn the aforementioned worthless degenerates who intentionally attacked the man's property while he was in it.

It must really suck for you that Americans are still sometimes allowed to defend themselves and your beloved negroes and criminals end up in the morgue.
The end of the video does not unmake what happened in the beginning. He tried to hit the cop with his car and instead ended up hitting the cops' car at least twice.

So let's see, on the one hand, you ignore a violent criminal's attempt to pin a cop against a car, which could easily cause broken bones, something that can lead to death or disability. You ignore this despite the fact that the criminal hit the cops' car twice. On the other hand, you defend a bunch of degenerates who intentionally impeded traffic, going as far as lying about their positioning in a crosswalk and what the innocent driver did. You then ignore/fail to condemn the aforementioned worthless degenerates who intentionally attacked the man's property while he was in it.

It must really suck for you that Americans are still sometimes allowed to defend themselves and your beloved negroes and criminals end up in the morgue.
So you go from thinking its okay to hit people of color with a car, to deliberately killing them and putting them in the morgue?

You ain't no fuckin' American. American's do not believe in racism or white supremacy. Maybe you should go live in Weimar, Germany, where they honor fuckers like yourself?
Of course all lives matter. But you would never have said that on your own. You only said it in response to shout down black people for daring to say that their lives matter.

Right......and just what do you think would happen if a bunch of white people gathered at city hall to say "White Lives Matter?" Of course in that case, the assumption would be that minority lives don't and they would be attacked viciously.
If unarmed white people were being killed all over the place for no reason by the police, I suspect that "white lives matter" would gather a lot of support.

You morons complain when ARMED black people are killed by police.

Michael Brown wasn't armed in the sense of the word but he was killed for a reason, a good one.
The end of the video does not unmake what happened in the beginning. He tried to hit the cop with his car and instead ended up hitting the cops' car at least twice.

So let's see, on the one hand, you ignore a violent criminal's attempt to pin a cop against a car, which could easily cause broken bones, something that can lead to death or disability. You ignore this despite the fact that the criminal hit the cops' car twice. On the other hand, you defend a bunch of degenerates who intentionally impeded traffic, going as far as lying about their positioning in a crosswalk and what the innocent driver did. You then ignore/fail to condemn the aforementioned worthless degenerates who intentionally attacked the man's property while he was in it.

It must really suck for you that Americans are still sometimes allowed to defend themselves and your beloved negroes and criminals end up in the morgue.
So you go from thinking its okay to hit people of color with a car,
Where in the video does he hit "people of color with a car" you retard?
to deliberately killing them and putting them in the morgue?
If they try to kill you without justification first? Absolutely.
You ain't no fuckin' American. American's do not believe in racism or white supremacy. Maybe you should go live in Weimar, Germany, where they honor fuckers like yourself?
So why did you ignore all of the points I made and instead made up a bunch of bullshit?
How many negroes does Japan have compared to the USA?

Look everyone, it's another racist troll living in mom's basement.
Another liberal who resorts to making shit up when the facts are placed before him. Anyone see a pattern? Dumbass liberals bring up the supposed mistreatment of negroes, and when rational people like me ask them relevant questions about the subject, they resort to making shit up and ad hominem.
How many negroes does Japan have compared to the USA?

Look everyone, it's another racist troll living in mom's basement.
So why did you ignore all of the points I made and instead made up a bunch of bullshit?
Here's the moment he comes into the crosswalk.

Do you see the people in the crosswalk trying to get out of the way?

Here's the prick just before he took off after talking to the cops. Do you see him at the far right? No pun intended.

He sits there, sees these people, then hits the gas while honking his horn. This was deliberate.

And your empathy is with the driver!

Originally posted by bgrouse :
"...if a person wants to avoid getting hit by a car, he shouldn't play in the middle of a busy road. Most kids I've seen understand this basic concept. I guess BLM members are dumber than the average kid."

That right there is the same thing as saying it is okay to hit people with cars. And that's what BLM is protesting about. That racist pricks like you, care more about cars, than you do about people. Brown people.
Just a quick example of the lies the negro-loving left likes to tell:

You mean Lamar Smith? I can't see much in the video of the shooting, but the guy intentionally drove his car in a threatening manner, crashing it into the cop car, at which point the cops were justified in defending themselves by killing this turd IMO. Are negroes really up in arms over this?
You got that backwards. The cops crashed into him.


I said what I said. To put it in different words for you, if a person wants to avoid getting hit by a car, he shouldn't play in the middle of a busy road. Most kids I've seen understand this basic concept. I guess BLM members are dumber than the average kid.
And it doesn't matter to you that those people (in the video) were standing in a crosswalk?

Obviously the people near the area where he eventually passes are not IN the crosswalk.
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