Down with Black Lives Matter! ALL Lives Matter!

I guess. Dumbillo thinks breaking other laws is OK as long as you break them while protesting. The writers of the first amendment tried to get that through his head when they wrote "peaceably" in the text, but I guess this retard is just too stupid.

Write a better law and nature makes a better idiot!
Which is more important to this country, allowing people to protest injustice, or allowing people to drive 3000 pound vehicles into people?
The text is: "the right of the people peaceably to assemble"
They were peaceably assembling, until some racist prick attacked them with a car.

No, they weren't. They were causing a disturbance and probably breaking the law (such as jaywalking).

Here you go, idiot:

The First Amendment does not provide the right to conduct an assembly at which there is a clear and present danger of riot, disorder, or interference with traffic on public streets, or other immediate threat to public safety or order.
Right to Peaceful Assembly: United States | Law Library of Congress

I guess. Dumbillo thinks breaking other laws is OK as long as you break them while protesting. The writers of the first amendment tried to get that through his head when they wrote "peaceably" in the text, but I guess this retard is just too stupid.

Write a better law and nature makes a better idiot!
Which is more important to this country, allowing people to protest injustice, or allowing people to drive 3000 pound vehicles into people?

Or just protest on the sidewalk without obstructing traffic or from your home, you stupid piece of shit!
No, they weren't. They were causing a disturbance and probably breaking the law (such as jaywalking).

Here you go, idiot:

The First Amendment does not provide the right to conduct an assembly at which there is a clear and present danger of riot, disorder, or interference with traffic on public streets, or other immediate threat to public safety or order.
Right to Peaceful Assembly: United States | Law Library of Congress
Okay, if they didn't get a permit and their assembly was deemed unlawful, that doesn't give you the right to drive a 3 ton vehicle into that crowd. There is nothing you can say that would justify driving a car into a crowd.

Or just protest on the sidewalk without obstructing traffic or from your home, you stupid piece of shit!
Why couldn't the cops redirect traffic around the crowd? Ending racial injustice in this country is a lot more important than you making it home in time for Monday Night Football.
No, they weren't. They were causing a disturbance and probably breaking the law (such as jaywalking).

Here you go, idiot:

The First Amendment does not provide the right to conduct an assembly at which there is a clear and present danger of riot, disorder, or interference with traffic on public streets, or other immediate threat to public safety or order.
Right to Peaceful Assembly: United States | Law Library of Congress
Okay, if they didn't get a permit and their assembly was deemed unlawful, that doesn't give you the right to drive a 3 ton vehicle into that crowd. There is nothing you can say that would justify driving a car into a crowd.

Or just protest on the sidewalk without obstructing traffic or from your home, you stupid piece of shit!
Why couldn't the cops redirect traffic around the crowd? Ending racial injustice in this country is a lot more important than you making it home in time for Monday Night Football.
While nobody has the right to drive a car into a crowd, nobody has the right to obstruct traffic. Whether one is worse than the other is irrelevant, since nobody was hurt. Blocking traffic is not a way to end racial injustice, the protesters were injust to the driver.
No, they weren't. They were causing a disturbance and probably breaking the law (such as jaywalking).

Here you go, idiot:

The First Amendment does not provide the right to conduct an assembly at which there is a clear and present danger of riot, disorder, or interference with traffic on public streets, or other immediate threat to public safety or order.
Right to Peaceful Assembly: United States | Law Library of Congress
Okay, if they didn't get a permit and their assembly was deemed unlawful, that doesn't give you the right to drive a 3 ton vehicle into that crowd. There is nothing you can say that would justify driving a car into a crowd.

Or just protest on the sidewalk without obstructing traffic or from your home, you stupid piece of shit!
Why couldn't the cops redirect traffic around the crowd? Ending racial injustice in this country is a lot more important than you making it home in time for Monday Night Football.
Getting in the way of traffic does not end racial injustice.
Being in the right of way justify's being runned over.
While nobody has the right to drive a car into a crowd, nobody has the right to obstruct traffic. Whether one is worse than the other is irrelevant, since nobody was hurt. Blocking traffic is not a way to end racial injustice, the protesters were injust to the driver.
Saying they're both irrelevant, is saying they're both relatively equal problems. Or just the same problem, with different parameters. I'm sorry, stopping cops from killing an unarmed black guy, is much more important than making it home in time to watch Monday Night Football.
No, they weren't. They were causing a disturbance and probably breaking the law (such as jaywalking).

Here you go, idiot:

The First Amendment does not provide the right to conduct an assembly at which there is a clear and present danger of riot, disorder, or interference with traffic on public streets, or other immediate threat to public safety or order.
Right to Peaceful Assembly: United States | Law Library of Congress
Okay, if they didn't get a permit and their assembly was deemed unlawful, that doesn't give you the right to drive a 3 ton vehicle into that crowd. There is nothing you can say that would justify driving a car into a crowd.
You can argue pointless semantics all you want, but the point is he waited until the way was clear (as evidenced by the fact that he hit nobody) and hit nobody. He could have easily swerved into protesters or driven faster if he wanted to hit someone (you realize how fast a modern car can go, right?). The only victim was the driver whose path was obstructed prior to the clearing. Oh, and he was later attacked, making him the victim of assault. Looks like a protester threw something heavy at his windshield. I wouldn't be surprised if it killed the driver had it penetrated the windshield. So far the protesters have obstructed traffic, assaulted someone, and attempted to murder him. But do we hear any complaints about that from you? Nah!
Or just protest on the sidewalk without obstructing traffic or from your home, you stupid piece of shit!
Why couldn't the cops redirect traffic around the crowd?
The same reason the cops didn't give me a red and blue siren to allow me to speed through all the red lights: because traffic is regulated by law in a certain way to allow travelers to coexist. You go on green and stop on red to allow the other drivers to pass. Similar reasoning applies to roads, sidewalks, and pedestrian crossings. Why should these worthless pieces of shit liberals get special rights at the expense of good, law-abiding drivers?
Ending racial injustice in this country is a lot more important than you making it home in time for Monday Night Football.
It could easily have been a doctor on the way to perform emergency surgery. Regardless, a bunch of dumbasses blocking traffic only makes me hate blacks and liberals more, not less. I bet the victims of this "protest" didn't feel too much love for these shitheads either.
While nobody has the right to drive a car into a crowd, nobody has the right to obstruct traffic. Whether one is worse than the other is irrelevant, since nobody was hurt. Blocking traffic is not a way to end racial injustice, the protesters were injust to the driver.
Saying they're both irrelevant, is saying they're both relatively equal problems. Or just the same problem, with different parameters. I'm sorry, stopping cops from killing an unarmed black guy, is much more important than making it home in time to watch Monday Night Football.
Obstructing traffic will not make prevent cops from shooting criminals. Sure, there are bad cops, there are bad everything. It is not the norm. Cops also shoot white guys. Black cops shoot black criminals. Breaking the law to get your point across will not solve anything.
Getting in the way of traffic does not end racial injustice.
Being in the right of way justify's being runned over.
No it doesn't.

Many people consider the Boston Tea Party an act of patriotism, not a lawless act.
I consider it a criminal act.
A proper protest would be to boycott the tea company.
Not everything they did back then is worthy of praise.
You can argue pointless semantics all you want, but the point is he waited until the way was clear (as evidenced by the fact that he hit nobody) and hit nobody.
Wrong! The video clearly shows him driving his vehicle into a crowd of people that had to jump out of the way in order to be hit.

He could have easily swerved into protesters or driven faster if he wanted to hit someone (you realize how fast a modern car can go, right?).
He could've gone down another street instead of acting like his vehicle was more important than their lives.

The only victim was the driver whose path was obstructed prior to the clearing.
Yeah, right. Racists are victims.

Oh, and he was later attacked, making him the victim of assault.
He's lucky I wasn't there. I would've drug him out of that SUV and beat his ass Reginald Denny style, then I would've jacked his car.

Looks like a protester threw something heavy at his windshield.
Wasn't heavy enough.

I wouldn't be surprised if it killed the driver had it penetrated the windshield.
Interesting. Empathy for white lives matter, from a racist piece of shit.

So far the protesters have obstructed traffic, assaulted someone, and attempted to murder him. But do we hear any complaints about that from you? Nah!
Why would I validate your racist views?

The same reason the cops didn't give me a red and blue siren to allow me to speed through all the red lights:
Are you a cop?

because traffic is regulated by law in a certain way to allow travelers to coexist.
Allows white travelers to coexist. Black travelers get shot and killed by racist pricks like you.

You go on green and stop on red to allow the other drivers to pass.
What is this? Fucking Simon says'?

Similar reasoning applies to roads, sidewalks, and pedestrian crossings. Why should these worthless pieces of shit liberals get special rights at the expense of good, law-abiding drivers?
He wasn't law-abiding and you're the racist piece of shit.

It could easily have been a doctor on the way to perform emergency surgery. Regardless, a bunch of dumbasses blocking traffic only makes me hate blacks and liberals more, not less. I bet the victims of this "protest" didn't feel too much love for these shitheads either.
Hate is your best friend. You wouldn't know what to do with yourself if you couldn't hate. You use it like a crutch. Hate is your comfort blanket. You hate, is because it is all you know.
I consider it a criminal act.
A proper protest would be to boycott the tea company.
Not everything they did back then is worthy of praise.
Sometimes the situation requires you to be the man standing in front of the tank in Tiananmen Square.
or being a terrorist and destroying the profits of a privately owned company for whatever reasons.
You are comparing two different things. standing in front of a tank is not the same as busting in a window, flipping a car, or throwing product into the ocean.
how would these protesters like it if someone blocked their driveway? or their car while they were at work?
or their mom's/wife's/kids' car??
these aldermen that honored the black CRIMINAL A Smith should have their access to their cars blocked
block their wives'/kids'/moms'/etc cars
block their grandparents' cars
You can argue pointless semantics all you want, but the point is he waited until the way was clear (as evidenced by the fact that he hit nobody) and hit nobody.
Wrong! The video clearly shows him driving his vehicle into a crowd of people that had to jump out of the way in order to be hit.
I see one or two people move away from where he crossed. Most were either calm or rushing towards him. Obviously he waited until those people moved out of the way as well before driving past them.
He could have easily swerved into protesters or driven faster if he wanted to hit someone (you realize how fast a modern car can go, right?).
He could've gone down another street instead of acting like his vehicle was more important than their lives.
Once again, he hit nobody.
The only victim was the driver whose path was obstructed prior to the clearing.
Yeah, right. Racists are victims.

Oh, and he was later attacked, making him the victim of assault.
He's lucky I wasn't there. I would've drug him out of that SUV and beat his ass Reginald Denny style, then I would've jacked his car.
You're a typical violent piece of shit liberal.
Looks like a protester threw something heavy at his windshield.
Wasn't heavy enough.

I wouldn't be surprised if it killed the driver had it penetrated the windshield.
Interesting. Empathy for white lives matter, from a racist piece of shit.

So far the protesters have obstructed traffic, assaulted someone, and attempted to murder him. But do we hear any complaints about that from you? Nah!
Why would I validate your racist views?

The same reason the cops didn't give me a red and blue siren to allow me to speed through all the red lights:
Are you a cop?
because traffic is regulated by law in a certain way to allow travelers to coexist.
Allows white travelers to coexist. Black travelers get shot and killed by racist pricks like you.

You go on green and stop on red to allow the other drivers to pass.
What is this? Fucking Simon says'?
Traffic laws, moron.
Similar reasoning applies to roads, sidewalks, and pedestrian crossings. Why should these worthless pieces of shit liberals get special rights at the expense of good, law-abiding drivers?
He wasn't law-abiding and you're the racist piece of shit.

It could easily have been a doctor on the way to perform emergency surgery. Regardless, a bunch of dumbasses blocking traffic only makes me hate blacks and liberals more, not less. I bet the victims of this "protest" didn't feel too much love for these shitheads either.
Hate is your best friend. You wouldn't know what to do with yourself if you couldn't hate. You use it like a crutch. Hate is your comfort blanket. You hate, is because it is all you know.
...says someone who apparently would have beaten a driver minding his own business and stolen his car and has no problem with obstructing traffic, assault, and attempted murder, while whining about how a bunch of violent jaywalkers are victims because someone dared to drive past them in a car.

Face it, you're a worthless piece of shit. And a bad joke.
how would these protesters like it if someone blocked their driveway? or their car while they were at work?
or their mom's/wife's/kids' car??
these aldermen that honored the black CRIMINAL A Smith should have their access to their cars blocked
block their wives'/kids'/moms'/etc cars
block their grandparents' cars
They'd be crying and calling the cops. Meanwhile they have no problem with attempted murder, like what happened in that video. Liberals are worthless piece of shit violent hypocrites and pussies with big mouths.

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