Down with Black Lives Matter! ALL Lives Matter!

What you call conjecture has happened.

I believe what I said about what you don't do because you have yet to prove you do.

The kid made a man's mistake by going onto the private property of another person. The police said the kid instigated it. Don't agree? Tough shit.
What kind of man punches a 12 year old boy in the mouth?
What you call conjecture has happened.

I believe what I said about what you don't do because you have yet to prove you do.

The kid made a man's mistake by going onto the private property of another person. The police said the kid instigated it. Don't agree? Tough shit.
What kind of man punches a 12 year old boy in the mouth?

When the kid goes on someone's private property he's made a man's decision and gets treated like a man. If he can't handle being treated like one perhaps he shouldn't make a decision like one.
BLM doesn't care if blacks get killed by blacks. It doesn't fit their narrative and they can't use it to justify acting like savages. BLM doesn't care if blacks kill whites because those pieces of shit think whites deserve it.

And you base that on what, exactly?

Here's the thing, if a black kills another black, or a white, and the police can put down the donuts long enough to do their jobs, that person is arrested, tried, convicted and imprisoned.

On the other hand, when a cop shoots a black kid with his hands up, or playing with a toy, or wandering about in a daze, a whole system springs up to protect that cop from any accountability.

That's why BLM exists.
And how would the cops know it was a toy?
No, the problem is you WANT to see a difference and you'll continue to do so as long as you WANT to do so.

Um, no, there was a difference.

White guy commits a horrible crime, they take every effort to make sure they take him alive.

Black guy commits minor crime, and they use deadly force on him.
If this were true, no black criminals would be in jail, they would all be dead.
Ever watch Live PD? When the white guys act up, they get treated like they deserve. When they don't, the same. When the black guys act up, they get treated like they deserve. Whey they don't, the same. You likely hate that show because it reveals what I've been saying as true

You do realize on a show like Live PD, the cops know they are being filmed and aren't going to do things that are going to get them in trouble, right?
Many cops, like some of the ones in the "controversial" encounters with blacks, ARE filmed, either by bystanders or their own cameras.

BLM exists because the savages try to justify savage acts by their fellow blacks.

Why don't the blacks march when a cop kills a white if COPS are what they are protesting?

when cops kill white people, they are investigated and usually fired if they were found in the wrong.

But here's the reality of how police handle different races.

The first picture is of a black man selling single cigarettes being choked to death by cops.

The second picture is a white man who killed 9 black people in a church and was treated with kid gloves. They even took him to Burger King becasue the poor thing looked peckish.


Both of the encounters were filmed. Roof gave up right away. The moron Garner was waving his hands like a retard and yelling and didn't give up easily. Roof's stop looked like it was initially a higher risk stop and that's visible in the cops' decision to stop him at gunpoint, but what they did afterwards is what affected the way they were eventually put into handcuffs and taken away.

Initial arrests generally don't have an existing conviction associated with them, just suspicion. The cop's job is not to punish the criminal, but to arrest him, which is why the entirety of the arrest process generally has little to do with the suspected crime and more to do with the behavior of the suspect.

It was Garner's fault that he decided to be morbidly obese and he had even more reason to comply since the more "hands on" the cops got thanks to his behavior the more likely he would have been hurt.
A BIG difference is that most whites do NOT side with a white criminal when he commits a crime. Roof deserves the death penalty.
The police follow the constitution as does the ATF. Bad hypothetical.

I'm curious what part of the constitution was being followed when LaQuan McDonald was shot 16 times when he was lying on the ground, and then the police submitted false reports that he had attacked them.

Oh, the black guy who was wielding a knife? The black guy who refused to drop the knife? Why should a cop risk his safety trying to disarm a piece of sh1t with a knife? Put down the knife or eat a bullet, that's fair. Meanwhile, nearly 3000 people have been shot, this year, in the same city. Do you not care about shootings with the guy holding the gun is black?

You have no evidence racism had anything to do with the shooting. Your own racial prejudice is not evidence. Besides, the cop will be tried in court, so what's the problem? (But, he should be acquitted for lack of intent to unjustly shoot.) And, the family has been made millionaires by settlement. (Hopefully, that means no more collecting welfare for them.)

Cops shoot twice as many whites as blacks. Black cops are more likely to shoot people than white cops.

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It seems to imply other lives don't matter as much. Hello! What does black lives really mean? it sounds like a excuse, like "My kid with ADD that masturbates too much and hurts animals is special and there for is above moral scrutiny and you are a hater if you question that" kind of mentality. Kind of like that. But they use race instead.
Ever watch Live PD? When the white guys act up, they get treated like they deserve. When they don't, the same. When the black guys act up, they get treated like they deserve. Whey they don't, the same. You likely hate that show because it reveals what I've been saying as true

You do realize on a show like Live PD, the cops know they are being filmed and aren't going to do things that are going to get them in trouble, right?
Many cops, like some of the ones in the "controversial" encounters with blacks, ARE filmed, either by bystanders or their own cameras.

BLM exists because the savages try to justify savage acts by their fellow blacks.

Why don't the blacks march when a cop kills a white if COPS are what they are protesting?

when cops kill white people, they are investigated and usually fired if they were found in the wrong.

But here's the reality of how police handle different races.

The first picture is of a black man selling single cigarettes being choked to death by cops.

The second picture is a white man who killed 9 black people in a church and was treated with kid gloves. They even took him to Burger King becasue the poor thing looked peckish.


Both of the encounters were filmed. Roof gave up right away. The moron Garner was waving his hands like a retard and yelling and didn't give up easily. Roof's stop looked like it was initially a higher risk stop and that's visible in the cops' decision to stop him at gunpoint, but what they did afterwards is what affected the way they were eventually put into handcuffs and taken away.

Initial arrests generally don't have an existing conviction associated with them, just suspicion. The cop's job is not to punish the criminal, but to arrest him, which is why the entirety of the arrest process generally has little to do with the suspected crime and more to do with the behavior of the suspect.

It was Garner's fault that he decided to be morbidly obese and he had even more reason to comply since the more "hands on" the cops got thanks to his behavior the more likely he would have been hurt.
A BIG difference is that most whites do NOT side with a white criminal when he commits a crime.
If they did the country would be another shithole like just about every negro-run country.
Protesting in the middle of the street and obstructing traffic is against the law, why weren't the protesters arrested?
Because they were peacefully protesting, you racist bitch.
Because I disagree with a post does not make me racist. Name calling shows your true character, which is not a compliment. Even a peacefully protesting does not give them the right to obstruct traffic or break the law.
BLM doesn't care if blacks get killed by blacks. It doesn't fit their narrative and they can't use it to justify acting like savages. BLM doesn't care if blacks kill whites because those pieces of shit think whites deserve it.

And you base that on what, exactly?

Here's the thing, if a black kills another black, or a white, and the police can put down the donuts long enough to do their jobs, that person is arrested, tried, convicted and imprisoned.

On the other hand, when a cop shoots a black kid with his hands up, or playing with a toy, or wandering about in a daze, a whole system springs up to protect that cop from any accountability.

That's why BLM exists.
And how would the cops know it was a toy?

The toy guns have things on them that indicate they are toys. Note the orange tip in the picture below.

When things like that are removed, it looks exactly like the real thing.
Ever watch Live PD? When the white guys act up, they get treated like they deserve. When they don't, the same. When the black guys act up, they get treated like they deserve. Whey they don't, the same. You likely hate that show because it reveals what I've been saying as true

You do realize on a show like Live PD, the cops know they are being filmed and aren't going to do things that are going to get them in trouble, right?
Many cops, like some of the ones in the "controversial" encounters with blacks, ARE filmed, either by bystanders or their own cameras.

BLM exists because the savages try to justify savage acts by their fellow blacks.

Why don't the blacks march when a cop kills a white if COPS are what they are protesting?

when cops kill white people, they are investigated and usually fired if they were found in the wrong.

But here's the reality of how police handle different races.

The first picture is of a black man selling single cigarettes being choked to death by cops.

The second picture is a white man who killed 9 black people in a church and was treated with kid gloves. They even took him to Burger King becasue the poor thing looked peckish.


Both of the encounters were filmed. Roof gave up right away. The moron Garner was waving his hands like a retard and yelling and didn't give up easily. Roof's stop looked like it was initially a higher risk stop and that's visible in the cops' decision to stop him at gunpoint, but what they did afterwards is what affected the way they were eventually put into handcuffs and taken away.

Initial arrests generally don't have an existing conviction associated with them, just suspicion. The cop's job is not to punish the criminal, but to arrest him, which is why the entirety of the arrest process generally has little to do with the suspected crime and more to do with the behavior of the suspect.

It was Garner's fault that he decided to be morbidly obese and he had even more reason to comply since the more "hands on" the cops got thanks to his behavior the more likely he would have been hurt.
A BIG difference is that most whites do NOT side with a white criminal when he commits a crime. Roof deserves the death penalty.

People like Joe make excuses for blacks that commit serious crimes.
The kid went on someone's private property. That's all that matters. Bet he won't do it again.
There, I fixed your avatar, you dumbass tea bagger.

The racist prick was threatening the kid and you think that is okay?

The black dumbass kid made a man like decision and went on private property.

You didn't fix anything. You proved you're nothing but a NL POS.
When the kid goes on someone's private property he's made a man's decision and gets treated like a man. If he can't handle being treated like one perhaps he shouldn't make a decision like one.
He was being threatened, you racist piece of shit!

He was told what would happen if he decided to make a man like decision. The BOY did and was treated like a man.

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