Down with Black Lives Matter! ALL Lives Matter!

If you have mind, it has been terribly wasted, racist moron. Police kill twice as many unarmed white people as unarmed black people.
So, what do you propose? Ignoring color is exactly what is needed. It's not important. Treating everyone as equals IS important.
That is true, treating everyone as equals IS important. But it is not that way in our country, not yet. Numbers don't lie and neither do obvious situations like inner city poverty in black communities and their over representation in prison while they are under represented in the board room. And then there's that getting shot and killed, unarmed, and the cop is absolved of any responsibility.
I'd love it if we could get to the point where everyone ignores color--or at least treats everyone equally reqardless of color. But we aren't there and we can't ignore the inequalities. You should keep on with your plan of treating everyone equally, though--that is how eventually we will reach equality for all in this country.
Alright, for demonstration, let's take out the race card and look at the prison population. I say that the determining factor is poverty and family dynamics rather than race. If someone would do the analysis, I would say that those coming from dysfunctional homes and poverty is a higher percentage than blacks. These are the people who join gangs, drop out of school and more apt to turn to drugs and robbery to "fix" their lot in life. That would affect whites, blacks, Hispanics and any other race.
Yes. There are some very smart people who are beginning to point out that it is more a "class" issue than a race issue, in fact. Of course, there is a reason so many blacks are in that lower class, which is racism. If you look at the poor, you will find that it quickly becomes a generational issue. You are right that it affects folks of all colors. I live in a 97% white state and have worked with the poor a lot. So many of the same problems that are described in the black community are the same in my all white poor community.
I taught in the inner city for 30 years. The population of this school was 1/3, 1/3,1/3...blacks, whites and Hispanic with a few Asians sprinkled in for flavor. I would say the black families were easier to work with and more apt look for solutions when talking about the chuldren. More grandparents also stepped in for dysfunctional moms to ensure that the children were taken care of as well.
I'm surprised you didn't find the Hispanic families very concerned as well. I did, when I was working with minority populations in another state. I think most people care about their kids, if they aren't too drug addled or mentally ill to care about anything. But people who didn't like school or dropped out often have a very negative attitude toward schools and teachers in general. It is heartbreaking.
The major problem I had with Hispanics is so few spoke English. Sometimes I had a bilingual lunch lady come in for translation, but that meant she knew all of the business of the family I was working with. Not good.
Alright, for demonstration, let's take out the race card and look at the prison population. I say that the determining factor is poverty and family dynamics rather than race. If someone would do the analysis, I would say that those coming from dysfunctional homes and poverty is a higher percentage than blacks. These are the people who join gangs, drop out of school and more apt to turn to drugs and robbery to "fix" their lot in life. That would affect whites, blacks, Hispanics and any other race.

Bullsh1t, Jackson. Whites from similar backgrounds as poor blacks are not as prone to be criminals and delinquents. Also, most poor whites are not criminals. Hell, if not for blacks pissing on our culture and laws, a lot fewer poor whites would be criminals.
I totally disagree with you. I found over half the blacks I dealt with were concerned and tried. Poor whites were definitely using the welfare system to their advantage and wanted everything they could get.
Getting so tired of this racism! Everyone matters! Race is irrelevant! Why can't we do what Rodney King said decades ago? Why can't we just get along?

Maybe if the cameras didn't follow the extremists, we'd find there isn't a major race problem...
Well for a while with all the televised assassinations of unarmed black men it seemed Black lives didn't matter. Some one had to grab White society by the collar and tell y'all Black lives matter too...I'm not sorry if that offends you.
Just as I said to another, if it meant "too", it would have read BLMT and I would be out there with a sign along with you.
You don't have to add "too" to black BLM.The need to say Black alives Matter wouldn't be necessary unless some. social. systemic action caused.some Blacks to feel their lives weren't as valued as white lives. Given the context in which BLM was formed ...against the backdrop of a rash of cops killing unarmed blacks proportionally more than any other is underztood all too well
that the "too" is not necessary. But you already knew that...didn't you?
No. Some blacks think their lives should be valued INSTEAD than others. Would the police be shooting if the perp was following orders or failed to commit a crime? No. BLM scream "Pigs in a Blanket Fry them NOW" See what I mean?
That is true, treating everyone as equals IS important. But it is not that way in our country, not yet. Numbers don't lie and neither do obvious situations like inner city poverty in black communities and their over representation in prison while they are under represented in the board room. And then there's that getting shot and killed, unarmed, and the cop is absolved of any responsibility.
I'd love it if we could get to the point where everyone ignores color--or at least treats everyone equally reqardless of color. But we aren't there and we can't ignore the inequalities. You should keep on with your plan of treating everyone equally, though--that is how eventually we will reach equality for all in this country.
Alright, for demonstration, let's take out the race card and look at the prison population. I say that the determining factor is poverty and family dynamics rather than race. If someone would do the analysis, I would say that those coming from dysfunctional homes and poverty is a higher percentage than blacks. These are the people who join gangs, drop out of school and more apt to turn to drugs and robbery to "fix" their lot in life. That would affect whites, blacks, Hispanics and any other race.
Yes. There are some very smart people who are beginning to point out that it is more a "class" issue than a race issue, in fact. Of course, there is a reason so many blacks are in that lower class, which is racism. If you look at the poor, you will find that it quickly becomes a generational issue. You are right that it affects folks of all colors. I live in a 97% white state and have worked with the poor a lot. So many of the same problems that are described in the black community are the same in my all white poor community.
I taught in the inner city for 30 years. The population of this school was 1/3, 1/3,1/3...blacks, whites and Hispanic with a few Asians sprinkled in for flavor. I would say the black families were easier to work with and more apt look for solutions when talking about the chuldren. More grandparents also stepped in for dysfunctional moms to ensure that the children were taken care of as well.
I'm surprised you didn't find the Hispanic families very concerned as well. I did, when I was working with minority populations in another state. I think most people care about their kids, if they aren't too drug addled or mentally ill to care about anything. But people who didn't like school or dropped out often have a very negative attitude toward schools and teachers in general. It is heartbreaking.
The major problem I had with Hispanics is so few spoke English. Sometimes I had a bilingual lunch lady come in for translation, but that meant she knew all of the business of the family I was working with. Not good.
Yes. Sometimes I've asked the student to translate, but when you want to tell the parents that Juan is not doing his homework, you have to wonder what he's telling his parents.....LOL
The Hispanics I've worked with have a lot of respect for teachers. The problem arises when the girls reach 15, and from there convincing the parents that they should stay in school instead of getting married so a husband can take her off their hands is hard.
Getting so tired of this racism! Everyone matters! Race is irrelevant! Why can't we do what Rodney King said decades ago? Why can't we just get along?

Maybe if the cameras didn't follow the extremists, we'd find there isn't a major race problem...
Well for a while with all the televised assassinations of unarmed black men it seemed Black lives didn't matter. Some one had to grab White society by the collar and tell y'all Black lives matter too...I'm not sorry if that offends you.
Just as I said to another, if it meant "too", it would have read BLMT and I would be out there with a sign along with you.
You don't have to add "too" to black BLM.The need to say Black alives Matter wouldn't be necessary unless some. social. systemic action caused.some Blacks to feel their lives weren't as valued as white lives. Given the context in which BLM was formed ...against the backdrop of a rash of cops killing unarmed blacks proportionally more than any other is underztood all too well
that the "too" is not necessary. But you already knew that...didn't you?
No. Some blacks think their lives should be valued INSTEAD than others. Would the police be shooting if the perp was following orders or failed to commit a crime? No. BLM scream "Pigs in a Blanket Fry them NOW" See what I mean?
That was a horrible thing to say by a group protesting in NYC however many months/years ago, and no one is going to forget it, are they? It's as bad as "Seig Heil" and "Jews will not replace us," or some of the lovely stuff that gets said here that I won't repeat. But at least BLM has a reason to be angry--cops have been shooting and killing unarmed blacks for a long, long time. Not so sure what has the neo Nazi's and KKK so upset. No one has been shooting them.
No dummy you said this....

"Exactly what shit, that is supposedly visible in that video, does BLM supposedly want to stop?"
All parts of the sentence are important, you retarded monkey, not just the fragment you choose to read. "that is supposedly visible in that video" affects the meaning of the sentence. I want him to point out what particular occurrence in that video he thinks BLM wants to stop.
I want you to read the mission statement and figure it out for yourself dummy.
Why would I care what a dumb negro* wants me to do?

*Edit: Excuse me, a dumb negro who can't read and comprehend English.

No ever said you should care. I was just telling your lice head ass how to get your answer. If you want to know what they are trying to stop go read their mission statement.
Gee thanks! If I ever want advice from a stupid shitskinned ape about how to find the answer to a question said stupid shitskinned ape can't even comprehend (despite the simplicity of the question), I'll be sure to contact you!
Yep no racism on the right... You're a disgrace
All parts of the sentence are important, you retarded monkey, not just the fragment you choose to read. "that is supposedly visible in that video" affects the meaning of the sentence. I want him to point out what particular occurrence in that video he thinks BLM wants to stop.
I want you to read the mission statement and figure it out for yourself dummy.
Why would I care what a dumb negro* wants me to do?

*Edit: Excuse me, a dumb negro who can't read and comprehend English.

No ever said you should care. I was just telling your lice head ass how to get your answer. If you want to know what they are trying to stop go read their mission statement.
Gee thanks! If I ever want advice from a stupid shitskinned ape about how to find the answer to a question said stupid shitskinned ape can't even comprehend (despite the simplicity of the question), I'll be sure to contact you!
Yep no racism on the right... You're a disgrace

I don't see identifying or describing a race as racist. If you say someone is black, it just identifies them. Libtards are obsessed with identifying people by race.
Exactly what shit, that is supposedly visible in that video, does BLM supposedly want to stop?
A car deliberately driving into a crowd of people, then police not going after the car.
According to the video, the guy was apparently trying to drive to his destination, and his actions show this.

If BLM wants to prevent this, all they have to do is not stand in the street, intentionally blocking traffic.
According to the video, the guy was apparently trying to drive to his destination, and his actions show this.

If BLM wants to prevent this, all they have to do is not stand in the street, intentionally blocking traffic.
So you're saying it is okay to drive your car into a crowd of people?
So why are most criminals white then?

You're full of sh1t. Is that because you eat it, or are you're just clogged? Most murderers are black. Per capita, whites are very underrepresented in all violent crime compared to blacks. And, when whites are guilty of violent crime, there's less likely to be aggrieving circumstances.
It's because the dumb ape is too retarded to understand things like per capita statistics. If Ford releases 100 cars and all 100 fail, while Toyota releases 100,000 cars and 101 fail, he'll think Ford makes better cars because fewer of them failed.

Yes, he's that stupid, so save your keyboard from needless wear and tear.
According to the video, the guy was apparently trying to drive to his destination, and his actions show this.

If BLM wants to prevent this, all they have to do is not stand in the street, intentionally blocking traffic.

Blacks aren't just prone to being racists and criminals. Blacks feel they have a cultural mandate to be assholes. So, BLM blocks traffic when they protest. Maybe I can make some money making "BML catchers" for the front of cars. Clears stinky BLM sh1t out of your way, as you drive.

According to the video, the guy was apparently trying to drive to his destination, and his actions show this.

If BLM wants to prevent this, all they have to do is not stand in the street, intentionally blocking traffic.
So you're saying it is okay to drive your car into a crowd of people?
I said what I said. To put it in different words for you, if a person wants to avoid getting hit by a car, he shouldn't play in the middle of a busy road. Most kids I've seen understand this basic concept. I guess BLM members are dumber than the average kid.
Blacks aren't just prone to being racists and criminals. Blacks feel they have a cultural mandate to be assholes. So, BLM blocks traffic when they protest. Maybe I can make some money making "BML catchers" for the front of cars. Clears stinky BLM sh1t out of your way, as you drive.

Or maybe you can stop cops from murdering people of color?
According to the video, the guy was apparently trying to drive to his destination, and his actions show this.

If BLM wants to prevent this, all they have to do is not stand in the street, intentionally blocking traffic.

Blacks aren't just prone to being racists and criminals. Blacks feel they have a cultural mandate to be assholes. So, BLM blocks traffic when they protest. Maybe I can make some money making "BML catchers" for the front of cars. Clears stinky BLM sh1t out of your way, as you drive.

I guess black lives matter, but not enough to get their asses out of the busy road.
Blacks aren't just prone to being racists and criminals. Blacks feel they have a cultural mandate to be assholes. So, BLM blocks traffic when they protest. Maybe I can make some money making "BML catchers" for the front of cars. Clears stinky BLM sh1t out of your way, as you drive.

Or maybe you can stop cops from murdering people of color?
Is that what happened in the video?

I don't agree with all police shootings, but many are justified. Perhaps you'd like to bring up one or two and we can discuss it.
I said what I said. To put it in different words for you, if a person wants to avoid getting hit by a car, he shouldn't play in the middle of a busy road. Most kids I've seen understand this basic concept. I guess BLM members are dumber than the average kid.
And it doesn't matter to you that those people (in the video) were standing in a crosswalk?

If you think it's okay to deliberately drive into a crowd of people, then you must be a member of ISIS. Because that is one of their terrorist actions.
I said what I said. To put it in different words for you, if a person wants to avoid getting hit by a car, he shouldn't play in the middle of a busy road. Most kids I've seen understand this basic concept. I guess BLM members are dumber than the average kid.
And it doesn't matter to you that those people (in the video) were standing in a crosswalk?
I didn't see that in the video. Looks like they were out of the crosswalk.

You're missing the point. Crosswalks are for crossing, not standing and impeding traffic. Are you really that thick?
If you think it's okay to deliberately drive into a crowd of people, then you must be a member of ISIS. Because that is one of their terrorist actions.
Why don't we discuss the topic you brought up, which is what BLM wants to prevent that happened in the video, instead of talking about hypothetical ISIS members? Your intent to derail your own topic says a lot about your intent.
Is that what happened in the video?

I don't agree with all police shootings, but many are justified. Perhaps you'd like to bring up one or two and we can discuss it.
The one in this thread, is about one of them.
You mean Lamar Smith? I can't see much in the video of the shooting, but the guy intentionally drove his car in a threatening manner, crashing it into the cop car, at which point the cops were justified in defending themselves by killing this turd IMO. Are negroes really up in arms over this?
I didn't see that in the video. Looks like they were out of the crosswalk.

You're missing the point. Crosswalks are for crossing, not standing and impeding traffic. Are you really that thick?
Don't talk to me about being thick. You think its okay to drive into a crowd of people.

Why don't we discuss the topic you brought up, which is what BLM wants to prevent that happened in the video, instead of talking about hypothetical ISIS members? Your intent to derail your own topic says a lot about your intent.
It's not a hypothetical. That is one of their tactics and they've done it a lot. They think its okay to drive into a crowd of people. You think its okay to drive into a crowd of people. So what's the problem?

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