Dozens arrested as far-right groups, counter-protesters clash


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
QUEBEC — Tensions flared during rival demonstrations by right wing groups and their opponents in Quebec City on Saturday, prompting police to arrest dozens of people as they worked to keep the two sides apart.

Police arrested a total of 44 people in two separate incidents, according to police spokesman André Turcotte.

These included a first group of 21 individuals who were arrested early in the afternoon for “plotting to counter the protest” that had been organized by right wing groups, he said.

“Weapons were found: telescopic sticks, slingshots, bottles containing a liquid that is for the moment unknown, and in addition their faces were covered,” he said.

The suspects were questioned and could face charges of conspiracy for unlawful assembly and wearing disguise for a dangerous purpose, he added.
Dozens arrested as far-right groups, counter-protesters clash in Quebec City

Cut that crap out.
You far alt right commiecons will only get stomped again. That will never change.
Then, Tank, you will all lose again and again and again.

You all are not manly enough to stand up and fight.
That's debatable, a loss for words. What is not debatable is that the alt right, as always, got its fascist ass beat into the ground.
QUEBEC — Tensions flared during rival demonstrations by right wing groups and their opponents in Quebec City on Saturday, prompting police to arrest dozens of people as they worked to keep the two sides apart.

Police arrested a total of 44 people in two separate incidents, according to police spokesman André Turcotte.

These included a first group of 21 individuals who were arrested early in the afternoon for “plotting to counter the protest” that had been organized by right wing groups, he said.

“Weapons were found: telescopic sticks, slingshots, bottles containing a liquid that is for the moment unknown, and in addition their faces were covered,” he said.

The suspects were questioned and could face charges of conspiracy for unlawful assembly and wearing disguise for a dangerous purpose, he added.
Dozens arrested as far-right groups, counter-protesters clash in Quebec City

Cut that crap out.

Good for those francophone patriotic nationalists that were there demonstrating and fighting for their language,culture, traditions and freedom of speech that those left wing communist fascists bullies tried to stop. Now if only the Anglophone patriots out there would do the same thing somewhere in Canada.

Why is it that the left wing liberal fake and phony media always like to call people on the right as far right wingers but never call the left far left wingers? The media will always refer and call anyone on the right to be Nazis or white supremos but always like to call the leftists anti-fascists when in reality they are the fascists/communists who will not tolerate anyone that has a different opinion and point of view to theirs. The Soros gang of bullies and thugs create the problems at any conservative nationalist patriotic demonstration where they try and cause as much disruption and chaos as they can to try and stop those patriots from exercising their freedom of speech.

Indeed what is needed is for the left wing liberal media like the CBC to stop portraying all conservative nationalists as racists and bigots. The CBC is the one that needs to cut the crap the :ahole-1:S.
Good for those francophone patriotic nationalists that were there demonstrating and fighting for their language,culture, traditions and freedom of speech that those left wing communist fascists bullies tried to stop.

I remember when those patriotic nationalists put a beat down on people that spoke English in the street. It never ends.
Good for those francophone patriotic nationalists that were there demonstrating and fighting for their language,culture, traditions and freedom of speech that those left wing communist fascists bullies tried to stop.

I remember when those patriotic nationalists put a beat down on people that spoke English in the street. It never ends.

(X)I remember well because I lived in Montreal at the time. I left quebec because of the anti-English attitude that was starting to take hold. It was just nice to see that at least some people in Canada are willing to speak out and demonstrate against what is going on in quebec with all those new third world immigrants starting to take over.

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