Dozens of ANTIFA Terrorists Arrested for Violence During ‘Straight Pride Parade’

Antifa is fighting the Fascists. By all means necessary you fight Fascism.
Then leave the safety of the blue areas and enter the red ones. Create cell groups and attack the law enforcement/corrections/judicial fiefdoms in those areas. Butcher their families as they mess with others. You are in kindergarten now. With safety nets below the safety nets and protections galore. Revolution is not replacing and being the same. The taxes ares till rising. To make your imprint and identity the time is now. Otherwise someone else will become the standard bearer. Go for it and may the living and breathing earth...gaia bless you.
Antifa is fighting the Fascists. By all means necessary you fight Fascism.

So you are on record, then, as being on the side of violent criminals and terrorists, band against that of law-abiding citizens.

Be known by the company that you choose to keep. If you choose to align with subhuman pieces of shit, then you shall be known as a subhuman piece of shit.
Are you on the side of the fascists, and Nazis?

Sorry, but everyone to the Right of Mitt Romney is not a Nazi.
Normal Americans aren't proud to be anything other than their own achievements.
so gay pride parades held by democrats is ok and straight pride held by conservatives is not ??you are a fucking nazi !
Straight pride is meant to be antagonistic. How can I be a Nazi? I am Jewish.

Some African Americans in Watts have idolized Hitler and organized a Black Gestapo, so why would being Jewish be a bar?

I support Stalin's measures which ended the Holocaust. Stalin killed 5 million Nazis, he liberated Auschwitz the Polish death camp, and even helped found Israel through supplies, and training.

Stalin could have given a shit less about the Holocaust. In fact, the USSR strongman was a rabid anti-semite. His "Doctors Plot" was his plot for his own holocaust, until it was rudely interrupted by his own death.

America still had restrictions on Jews after WW2.
History of antisemitism in the United States - Wikipedia
In 1922, educational discrimination became a national issue when Harvard announced it was considering a quota system for Jewish students. Although it was eventually dropped, the quota was enforced in many colleges. As late as 1945 Dartmouth College had a limiting quota of Jewish students. To limit the growing number of Jewish students, a number of private liberal arts universities and medical and dental schools instituted a quota system referred to as Numerus clausus. These included Harvard University, Columbia University, Cornell University, and Boston University.[citation needed] In 1925 Yale University, which already had such admissions preferences as "character", "solidity", and "physical characteristics" added a program of legacy preference admission spots for children of Yale alumni, in an explicit attempt to put the brakes on the rising percentage of Jews in the student body. This was soon copied by other Ivy League and other schools,[citation needed] and admissions of Jews were kept down to 10% through the 1950s. Such policies were for the most part discarded during the early 1960s although the last vestiges were not eliminated at Yale University until 1970.

The trend of arresting home grown nutcase terrorists must spread across the USA.

And nothing will happen to them because the city and state governments are the enemies of patriots.


Law enforcement arrested 36 individuals, mostly believed to be ANTIFA terrorists, at yesterday’s straight pride parade in Boston, MA, as four police were injured as the thugs attempted to stop the parade from taking place.

Big League Politics reported that ANTIFA was already fundraising to cover bail fees for their organization’s terrorists beforehand, as their violent display was clearly premeditated in an attempt to shut down the lawful orderly protest that drew approximately 200 participants.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Hey I want these pajama boys in more American cities. They have the same effect on voters that the savages had in Ferguson and Charlotte in 2015. March.....scream....protest.....get violent....go.......go.....go!! Call everybody white nationalists..................go!! Except for about 15% of the voting public, people view antifa as sick-ass fucks!!!:2up::113::113:...........go!
Antifa is fighting the Fascists. By all means necessary you fight Fascism.
Straight people having a peaceful march are Fascists and the black hooded thugs attacking them are the good guys. Got it.
This is exactly why I think the left in the country are insane. They promote violence, then claim they are promoting the exact opposite.

It was mobs of Hilary and Bernie supporters who ran around in mobs of thugs beating up anyone they thought might be a Trump supporter. Then they project themselves onto Trump supporters and claim they are the violent ones we have to fear. Then they support violence by antifa, and still claim to be the good guys. The left are insane.
This whole thing started out as some "celebration" of heterosexuality, although why we need it is a mystery.
It's a mystery why we need parades to celebrate homosexuality or any sexuality at all.
It seems like it was organized just to aggravate people.
You mean like this:

Then racial stuff was added, then stuff in support of the scumbag in the Oval Office.Then there was this snarling little bitch-boy in the middle of the street. This whole thing was stupid to begin with.
So, promoting white people is racist and supporting your party or the president is just aggravating and stupid. I'll remember that when a democrat gets in.
One of the bimbos who organized this "parade" had said something earlier about them representing a "side." Does having a heterosexual orientation put one on a "side"?
Apparently it is OK to be on a "side" in a parade without question only when it is the "right" side.


Even promote a foreign language and country! Just so long as it isn't Russia.
But who wants to be associated with racial nonsense and trash politics just because we're straight?
Who wants to be associated with racial nonsense and trash politics just because they are gay?
I "defend" these "total freaks and sex deviants" because they weren't hurting anyone else, and probably were not even in Boston.
I defend the straight pride parade people too because they weren't hurting nothing or anyone else either. As usual, it was the Far Left protestors who caused all the violence.
BTW: hate-crime laws apply only if a crime has occurred, assault, robbery, murder, etc. Then, and only then, is a determination made that the victim's identity was involved in the perp's choice of victim.
Apparently it is only a crime when it goes against Leftist doctrine.
Pastor Who Asked 'Gay' Bakery for a Christian Cake Being Charged With a Crime | John Hawkins' Right Wing News
What am I "defending"?
Apparently your hypocrisy to laugh at and attack a person just for wearing a muscle shirt yet defend total freaks and sex deviants as just "wearing costumes" or "made up."
BTW: hate-crime laws only concern crimes and if there is a crime, was it motivated by an animus toward a particular group.
So it is a federal hate crime to simply decline wanting to bake someone a cake, but not for mobbing people at a licensed parade to the point that police get injured and arrest 36 people.

This whole thing started out as some "celebration" of heterosexuality, although why we need it is a mystery. It seems like it was organized just to aggravate people. Then racial stuff was added, then stuff in support of the scumbag in the Oval Office.Then there was this snarling little bitch-boy in the middle of the street. This whole thing was stupid to begin with.

One of the bimbos who organized this "parade" had said something earlier about them representing a "side." Does having a heterosexual orientation put one on a "side"? The people who were arrested probably deserved it. But who wants to be associated with racial nonsense and trash politics just because we're straight? No, thank you.

I "defend" these "total freaks and sex deviants" because they weren't hurting anyone else, and probably were not even in Boston.

BTW: hate-crime laws apply only if a crime has occurred, assault, robbery, murder, etc. Then, and only then, is a determination made that the victim's identity was involved in the perp's choice of victim.

A lot of young people who have chose the Normative path of sexuality need to affirmed, Lysistrata. Its a difficult choice for so many, particularly in Far Left communities like Boston, and encouraging straight youths to embrace it is critical IMHO.

Parades celebrating Normative history and pride can really help youths be positive about not wanting to take it in the caboose and allow them to see straight adults who aren't considering transitioning between the genders.

That's pretty f----ked up when you live in a place of such debauchery that you need encouragement to come out as simply normal.
Why do you think women stayed away from the straight pride parade? Is it because women think those republican straight guys are such ass wipes?

In fact, so few women attended, it looked gayer than the gay pride parade.
What other 19th century theory is so cult like and repeatedly wrong as is Marxism?

It's associated homosexual brother cults 'Evolution' and 'Social Darwinism'.
Why do you have to bring the Vatican into this?

Because they were responsible for why Martin Luther rose up and told the truth about them; a long line of corrupt Popes and Cardinals since the Renaissance had it's expected results, finally.
What other 19th century theory is so cult like and repeatedly wrong as is Marxism?

It's associated homosexual brother cults 'Evolution' and 'Social Darwinism'.
Why do you have to bring the Vatican into this?

Because they were responsible for why Martin Luther rose up and told the truth about them; a long line of corrupt Popes and Cardinals since the Renaissance had it's expected results, finally.
The Catholic Church was the government back then. I never met a government that wasn't corrupt.
What do people like the muscle-bound, trump-shirted, tattooed guy actually want? Moreover, did anyone actually ever hurt him? Who did it? How? I've been hurt in my life, but I don't go around marching in public, acting like a flamer.
in this country you are allowed to march peacefully protest or show support for your beliefs even if Nazi's like you and your hateful socialist party doesnt like it !
They can walk down the street. We can laugh at them.
Why do you need to laugh at anyone? Are you that pathetic? Does it make you feel like a man?

And apparently, no . . . they CAN'T walk down the street. Kinda what the OP is about.
They can walk down the street. We can laugh at them.
Why do you need to laugh at anyone? Are you that pathetic? Does it make you feel like a man?

And apparently, no . . . they CAN'T walk down the street. Kinda what the OP is about.
They got to walk down the street. We can laugh if we wish. I don't need to "feel like a man." I'm a woman who is attracted to men, you fool. I can laugh at a monkey, can't I?
Man, woman, apparently still not too bright. You need to get a real life so you have something better to do than worry about every person different from you that you don't agree with.

I'm not worried, but I do find these loonies funny. A guy in a trump muscle shirt and tats? Oh, come on! Of course I find such a clown funny. Do you actually think that I would take this guy seriously? Respect him? He choose to present himself in public in this way. I emphasize that this is his choice.

So, you are a "loonie" by wearing a muscle shirt just because it has the president's name on it. I see. A loonie, a clown. To be laughed at, mocked, given the finger, called a Nazi, have stuff thrown at them, to need police protection to keep from getting mobbed. Is that what you're defending? Meantime, these people below walk down the street with full impunity, in fact, protected by the government by anti-hate laws. You HAVE to respect them, under force of law. See any problems there?

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yes...these photos are of the moderates in the democratic party ! i have no problem with the fact that all democrats are faggots i just dont like it when they condemn and assault straight conservatives !

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