Dozens of House Republicans will stand up for Trump.

Rep. Mo Brooks (R-Ala.), the GOP leader of a plan to challenge Electoral College votes on Jan. 6, said that “dozens” of House members are going to sponsor a measure to object.

“There are dozens in the House of Representatives who have reached that conclusion that I have; we’re going to sponsor and co-sponsor objections to the Electoral College vote returns,” Brooks told Fox News on Monday morning.

And as we know, all it takes is 1 Senator to decertify the EC vote, and there'll be more than 1 --you can count on it.

It will all nothing.
I believe it takes one Congressman and one Senator to bring the matter up for a vote ... no way do Republicans have the votes in the House ... BUT, I'm sure there's a number of Congressman and Senator who have to object to the election results on Jan 6th, or never get re-elected again ... if not get immediately recalled ... so instead of attacking the person, attack their district ... kick them out of the Union ... let the USA be more like the EU and only let rich Blue States in ...

It doesn't matter....Pence will probably choose the alternate electors.
He can't.
Rep. Mo Brooks (R-Ala.), the GOP leader of a plan to challenge Electoral College votes on Jan. 6, said that “dozens” of House members are going to sponsor a measure to object.

“There are dozens in the House of Representatives who have reached that conclusion that I have; we’re going to sponsor and co-sponsor objections to the Electoral College vote returns,” Brooks told Fox News on Monday morning.

And as we know, all it takes is 1 Senator to decertify the EC vote, and there'll be more than 1 --you can count on it.

Scumpty, like all dictators, thinks that what ever he says is proof that an event or action happened, in his case, election fraud. He thinks that admissible court evidence is whatever he says it is. He is a perfect example of a person unfit to be President because he doesn't have the required education and smarts for the job. Just being an over the top narcissist skilled at hitting golf balls into the rough isn't sufficient! Bigly!!!
Rep. Mo Brooks (R-Ala.), the GOP leader of a plan to challenge Electoral College votes on Jan. 6, said that “dozens” of House members are going to sponsor a measure to object.

“There are dozens in the House of Representatives who have reached that conclusion that I have; we’re going to sponsor and co-sponsor objections to the Electoral College vote returns,” Brooks told Fox News on Monday morning.

And as we know, all it takes is 1 Senator to decertify the EC vote, and there'll be more than 1 --you can count on it.

Good. Hope every Rep in the House and Senate objects to the biggest fraudulent election in this countries history.

Actually, there are a lot of Repblicans in both chambers who know that Trump is full of shit and want no part of his "dark Charade " as the New York Post put it. . But even if they all did go for it, still wont save his sorry ass. You know that right?
The democrats stole the 2020 election and we wont soon forget

Especially this guy--->
<--- Totally voted more than once.
So what? Even if true, and it'ds questionable comming from the Epoch Times, Trump will still be out on his fat ass at 12:01 PMJan. 20
Your party has not only set back and hindered all progress of humankind during Trump's first term, but you have the gall to call yourself a Patriot. Insulting to us true patriots.

So what? Even if true, and it'ds questionable comming from the Epoch Times, Trump will still be out on his fat ass at 12:01 PMJan. 20
Your party has not only set back and hindered all progress of humankind during Trump's first term, but you have the gall to call yourself a Patriot. Insulting to us true patriots.

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Dude, stop hindering all progress of humankind.
The Clown Coup continues
We are actually correcting the Clown Coup that already took place.
Not surprisingly you have it all wrong.

Not sure if you're aware but clown coup is taken. Maybe try being creative and think of something on your own.

clown coup
A deranged, poorly-planned attempt to seize power; particularly if an election does not turn out in your favor.
Disgraced attorney Rudy Giuliani’s face became drenched in sweat and hair dye as he invented evidence of widespread voter fraud during President Trump’s clown coup.
The Clown Coup continues
We are actually correcting the Clown Coup that already took place.
Not surprisingly you have it all wrong.

If that were the case I would think you would have realized that Clowns on Steroids was not the answer!
The answer is to decertify the Biden votes in those states where he clearly stole the election.

Totally, that would leave us with 306 - 232 for a Biden win.

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