Dozens of House Republicans will stand up for Trump.

Rep. Mo Brooks (R-Ala.), the GOP leader of a plan to challenge Electoral College votes on Jan. 6, said that “dozens” of House members are going to sponsor a measure to object.

“There are dozens in the House of Representatives who have reached that conclusion that I have; we’re going to sponsor and co-sponsor objections to the Electoral College vote returns,” Brooks told Fox News on Monday morning.

And as we know, all it takes is 1 Senator to decertify the EC vote, and there'll be more than 1 --you can count on it.

Good. Hope every Rep in the House and Senate objects to the biggest fraudulent election in this countries history.

Me too. When the blob gets slapped down it will make you more miserable than ever (if that is possible).

Nope. It will make me sad to think that the Dems support the most fraudulent election in history and in fact made it happen.

Oh and you will be miserable if Biden gets in. Hang onto your pocketbook cause that man will have his hands in yours and everyones.

Well, stupid, Biden is going to become your president. What do you imagine is going to happen on the 6th?

If he makes it. Oh and you will regret the vote you gave him when he implements all the shit he says he will.

Nah, stupid, the question was "What do you imagine is going to happen on the 6th?" Relative to the objections the republicans are going to make. Do you still think there is hope that your blob will be President after the 20th? Please regale us with your intelligence.

Oh, that's right, you have none. Piss off.

I'm thinking you will be the one pissing off. More than enough evidence out there and all it will take is one Judge to view it and pass it up.

As for intelligence, you are sadly lacking in that department. Piss off indeed. LOL

You do know that judges are not doing anything on the 6th, right stupid? It's a joint session of Congress.

I love pointing out how little you actually know. And you make it so easy.

Of course they aren't but its not the 6th yet. Dumbass. Yes and it will end up in Congress and if it comes to it Pence will decide.

I love pointing out how little you actually know. And you make it very easy.

In your imagination, stupid, what do you think VP Pence's role is? Do you believe he can decide to accept or reject the votes?

This is have the floor. Please describe what you imagine is going to happen on the 6th.

I'll just stand over here and LMAO. If you don't know, look it up. I'll wait.
Rep. Mo Brooks (R-Ala.), the GOP leader of a plan to challenge Electoral College votes on Jan. 6, said that “dozens” of House members are going to sponsor a measure to object.

“There are dozens in the House of Representatives who have reached that conclusion that I have; we’re going to sponsor and co-sponsor objections to the Electoral College vote returns,” Brooks told Fox News on Monday morning.

And as we know, all it takes is 1 Senator to decertify the EC vote, and there'll be more than 1 --you can count on it.

Good. Hope every Rep in the House and Senate objects to the biggest fraudulent election in this countries history.

Me too. When the blob gets slapped down it will make you more miserable than ever (if that is possible).

Nope. It will make me sad to think that the Dems support the most fraudulent election in history and in fact made it happen.

Oh and you will be miserable if Biden gets in. Hang onto your pocketbook cause that man will have his hands in yours and everyones.

Well, stupid, Biden is going to become your president. What do you imagine is going to happen on the 6th?

If he makes it. Oh and you will regret the vote you gave him when he implements all the shit he says he will.

Nah, stupid, the question was "What do you imagine is going to happen on the 6th?" Relative to the objections the republicans are going to make. Do you still think there is hope that your blob will be President after the 20th? Please regale us with your intelligence.

Oh, that's right, you have none. Piss off.

I'm thinking you will be the one pissing off. More than enough evidence out there and all it will take is one Judge to view it and pass it up.

As for intelligence, you are sadly lacking in that department. Piss off indeed. LOL

You do know that judges are not doing anything on the 6th, right stupid? It's a joint session of Congress.

I love pointing out how little you actually know. And you make it so easy.

Of course they aren't but its not the 6th yet. Dumbass. Yes and it will end up in Congress and if it comes to it Pence will decide.

I love pointing out how little you actually know. And you make it very easy.

In your imagination, stupid, what do you think VP Pence's role is? Do you believe he can decide to accept or reject the votes?

This is have the floor. Please describe what you imagine is going to happen on the 6th.

I'll just stand over here and LMAO. If you don't know, look it up. I'll wait.

Translation: You don't have the first clue about the subject.

PS: This fact is not something that is news to anyone who reads your posts, stupid.
Rep. Mo Brooks (R-Ala.), the GOP leader of a plan to challenge Electoral College votes on Jan. 6, said that “dozens” of House members are going to sponsor a measure to object.

“There are dozens in the House of Representatives who have reached that conclusion that I have; we’re going to sponsor and co-sponsor objections to the Electoral College vote returns,” Brooks told Fox News on Monday morning.

And as we know, all it takes is 1 Senator to decertify the EC vote, and there'll be more than 1 --you can count on it.

Good. Hope every Rep in the House and Senate objects to the biggest fraudulent election in this countries history.

Me too. When the blob gets slapped down it will make you more miserable than ever (if that is possible).

Nope. It will make me sad to think that the Dems support the most fraudulent election in history and in fact made it happen.

Oh and you will be miserable if Biden gets in. Hang onto your pocketbook cause that man will have his hands in yours and everyones.

Well, stupid, Biden is going to become your president. What do you imagine is going to happen on the 6th?

If he makes it. Oh and you will regret the vote you gave him when he implements all the shit he says he will.

Nah, stupid, the question was "What do you imagine is going to happen on the 6th?" Relative to the objections the republicans are going to make. Do you still think there is hope that your blob will be President after the 20th? Please regale us with your intelligence.

Oh, that's right, you have none. Piss off.

I'm thinking you will be the one pissing off. More than enough evidence out there and all it will take is one Judge to view it and pass it up.

As for intelligence, you are sadly lacking in that department. Piss off indeed. LOL

You do know that judges are not doing anything on the 6th, right stupid? It's a joint session of Congress.

I love pointing out how little you actually know. And you make it so easy.

Of course they aren't but its not the 6th yet. Dumbass. Yes and it will end up in Congress and if it comes to it Pence will decide.

I love pointing out how little you actually know. And you make it very easy.

In your imagination, stupid, what do you think VP Pence's role is? Do you believe he can decide to accept or reject the votes?

This is have the floor. Please describe what you imagine is going to happen on the 6th.

I'll just stand over here and LMAO. If you don't know, look it up. I'll wait.

Translation: You don't have the first clue about the subject.

PS: This fact is not something that is news to anyone who reads your posts, stupid.

Oh I do. I'm waiting for you to prove how smart you are. Or not.

Stupid?? That you are.
Rep. Mo Brooks (R-Ala.), the GOP leader of a plan to challenge Electoral College votes on Jan. 6, said that “dozens” of House members are going to sponsor a measure to object.

“There are dozens in the House of Representatives who have reached that conclusion that I have; we’re going to sponsor and co-sponsor objections to the Electoral College vote returns,” Brooks told Fox News on Monday morning.

And as we know, all it takes is 1 Senator to decertify the EC vote, and there'll be more than 1 --you can count on it.

Good. Hope every Rep in the House and Senate objects to the biggest fraudulent election in this countries history.

Me too. When the blob gets slapped down it will make you more miserable than ever (if that is possible).

Nope. It will make me sad to think that the Dems support the most fraudulent election in history and in fact made it happen.

Oh and you will be miserable if Biden gets in. Hang onto your pocketbook cause that man will have his hands in yours and everyones.

Well, stupid, Biden is going to become your president. What do you imagine is going to happen on the 6th?

If he makes it. Oh and you will regret the vote you gave him when he implements all the shit he says he will.

Nah, stupid, the question was "What do you imagine is going to happen on the 6th?" Relative to the objections the republicans are going to make. Do you still think there is hope that your blob will be President after the 20th? Please regale us with your intelligence.

Oh, that's right, you have none. Piss off.

I'm thinking you will be the one pissing off. More than enough evidence out there and all it will take is one Judge to view it and pass it up.

As for intelligence, you are sadly lacking in that department. Piss off indeed. LOL

You do know that judges are not doing anything on the 6th, right stupid? It's a joint session of Congress.

I love pointing out how little you actually know. And you make it so easy.

Of course they aren't but its not the 6th yet. Dumbass. Yes and it will end up in Congress and if it comes to it Pence will decide.

I love pointing out how little you actually know. And you make it very easy.

In your imagination, stupid, what do you think VP Pence's role is? Do you believe he can decide to accept or reject the votes?

This is have the floor. Please describe what you imagine is going to happen on the 6th.

I'll just stand over here and LMAO. If you don't know, look it up. I'll wait.

Translation: You don't have the first clue about the subject.

PS: This fact is not something that is news to anyone who reads your posts, stupid.

Oh I do. I'm waiting for you to prove how smart you are. Or not.

Stupid?? That you are.

This is have the floor. Please describe what you imagine is going to happen on the 6th.

You can' won't. Because you are stupid.
If he makes it
"If " ? He has madt it. Deal with it

Not till the 6th. Then we will see what happens. If he is sworn in all you dummies that voted for him along with every other American will be regretting it big time once he starts implementing his list of "things he wants to do." Hang onto your pocket book cause his hands will be reaching for it.
Oh and you will regret the vote you gave him when he implements all the shit he says he will.
What shit is that?

How bout retracting the tax cuts.

Looking for amnesty for 22 million illegals when most Americans want them out of our country.

How bout undoing all of Trumps business helping EO's.

Oh and lets not forget the green shit he wants to do which no small business will be able to afford.

An end to fracking so we can pay $5 a gallon for gas again.

Oh there is much more. I just can't remember them. There was a list on this board 2 weeks ago but if you google it I'm sure you will find the rest of what that idiot wants to do.
Rep. Mo Brooks (R-Ala.), the GOP leader of a plan to challenge Electoral College votes on Jan. 6, said that “dozens” of House members are going to sponsor a measure to object.

“There are dozens in the House of Representatives who have reached that conclusion that I have; we’re going to sponsor and co-sponsor objections to the Electoral College vote returns,” Brooks told Fox News on Monday morning.

And as we know, all it takes is 1 Senator to decertify the EC vote, and there'll be more than 1 --you can count on it.

Good. Hope every Rep in the House and Senate objects to the biggest fraudulent election in this countries history.

Me too. When the blob gets slapped down it will make you more miserable than ever (if that is possible).

Nope. It will make me sad to think that the Dems support the most fraudulent election in history and in fact made it happen.

Oh and you will be miserable if Biden gets in. Hang onto your pocketbook cause that man will have his hands in yours and everyones.

Well, stupid, Biden is going to become your president. What do you imagine is going to happen on the 6th?

If he makes it. Oh and you will regret the vote you gave him when he implements all the shit he says he will.

Nah, stupid, the question was "What do you imagine is going to happen on the 6th?" Relative to the objections the republicans are going to make. Do you still think there is hope that your blob will be President after the 20th? Please regale us with your intelligence.

Oh, that's right, you have none. Piss off.

I'm thinking you will be the one pissing off. More than enough evidence out there and all it will take is one Judge to view it and pass it up.

As for intelligence, you are sadly lacking in that department. Piss off indeed. LOL

You do know that judges are not doing anything on the 6th, right stupid? It's a joint session of Congress.

I love pointing out how little you actually know. And you make it so easy.

Of course they aren't but its not the 6th yet. Dumbass. Yes and it will end up in Congress and if it comes to it Pence will decide.

I love pointing out how little you actually know. And you make it very easy.

In your imagination, stupid, what do you think VP Pence's role is? Do you believe he can decide to accept or reject the votes?

This is have the floor. Please describe what you imagine is going to happen on the 6th.

I'll just stand over here and LMAO. If you don't know, look it up. I'll wait.

Translation: You don't have the first clue about the subject.

PS: This fact is not something that is news to anyone who reads your posts, stupid.

Oh I do. I'm waiting for you to prove how smart you are. Or not.

Stupid?? That you are.

This is have the floor. Please describe what you imagine is going to happen on the 6th.

You can' won't. Because you are stupid.

Oh I can. But I won't. Lets see how smart your ass is. You won't because you are stupid. LOL
Rep. Mo Brooks (R-Ala.), the GOP leader of a plan to challenge Electoral College votes on Jan. 6, said that “dozens” of House members are going to sponsor a measure to object.

“There are dozens in the House of Representatives who have reached that conclusion that I have; we’re going to sponsor and co-sponsor objections to the Electoral College vote returns,” Brooks told Fox News on Monday morning.

And as we know, all it takes is 1 Senator to decertify the EC vote, and there'll be more than 1 --you can count on it.

Good. Hope every Rep in the House and Senate objects to the biggest fraudulent election in this countries history.

Me too. When the blob gets slapped down it will make you more miserable than ever (if that is possible).

Nope. It will make me sad to think that the Dems support the most fraudulent election in history and in fact made it happen.

Oh and you will be miserable if Biden gets in. Hang onto your pocketbook cause that man will have his hands in yours and everyones.

Well, stupid, Biden is going to become your president. What do you imagine is going to happen on the 6th?

If he makes it. Oh and you will regret the vote you gave him when he implements all the shit he says he will.

Nah, stupid, the question was "What do you imagine is going to happen on the 6th?" Relative to the objections the republicans are going to make. Do you still think there is hope that your blob will be President after the 20th? Please regale us with your intelligence.

Oh, that's right, you have none. Piss off.

I'm thinking you will be the one pissing off. More than enough evidence out there and all it will take is one Judge to view it and pass it up.

As for intelligence, you are sadly lacking in that department. Piss off indeed. LOL

You do know that judges are not doing anything on the 6th, right stupid? It's a joint session of Congress.

I love pointing out how little you actually know. And you make it so easy.

Of course they aren't but its not the 6th yet. Dumbass. Yes and it will end up in Congress and if it comes to it Pence will decide.

I love pointing out how little you actually know. And you make it very easy.

In your imagination, stupid, what do you think VP Pence's role is? Do you believe he can decide to accept or reject the votes?

This is have the floor. Please describe what you imagine is going to happen on the 6th.

I'll just stand over here and LMAO. If you don't know, look it up. I'll wait.

Translation: You don't have the first clue about the subject.

PS: This fact is not something that is news to anyone who reads your posts, stupid.

Oh I do. I'm waiting for you to prove how smart you are. Or not.

Stupid?? That you are.

This is have the floor. Please describe what you imagine is going to happen on the 6th.

You can' won't. Because you are stupid.

Oh I can. But I won't. Lets see how smart your ass is. You won't because you are stupid. LOL

Please demonstrate your keen insights....again, the floor is yours. I'm prepared to be amazed by your intellect. LOL
Rep. Mo Brooks (R-Ala.), the GOP leader of a plan to challenge Electoral College votes on Jan. 6, said that “dozens” of House members are going to sponsor a measure to object.

“There are dozens in the House of Representatives who have reached that conclusion that I have; we’re going to sponsor and co-sponsor objections to the Electoral College vote returns,” Brooks told Fox News on Monday morning.

And as we know, all it takes is 1 Senator to decertify the EC vote, and there'll be more than 1 --you can count on it.

Good. Hope every Rep in the House and Senate objects to the biggest fraudulent election in this countries history.

Me too. When the blob gets slapped down it will make you more miserable than ever (if that is possible).

Nope. It will make me sad to think that the Dems support the most fraudulent election in history and in fact made it happen.

Oh and you will be miserable if Biden gets in. Hang onto your pocketbook cause that man will have his hands in yours and everyones.

Well, stupid, Biden is going to become your president. What do you imagine is going to happen on the 6th?

If he makes it. Oh and you will regret the vote you gave him when he implements all the shit he says he will.

Nah, stupid, the question was "What do you imagine is going to happen on the 6th?" Relative to the objections the republicans are going to make. Do you still think there is hope that your blob will be President after the 20th? Please regale us with your intelligence.

Oh, that's right, you have none. Piss off.

I'm thinking you will be the one pissing off. More than enough evidence out there and all it will take is one Judge to view it and pass it up.

As for intelligence, you are sadly lacking in that department. Piss off indeed. LOL

You do know that judges are not doing anything on the 6th, right stupid? It's a joint session of Congress.

I love pointing out how little you actually know. And you make it so easy.

Of course they aren't but its not the 6th yet. Dumbass. Yes and it will end up in Congress and if it comes to it Pence will decide.

I love pointing out how little you actually know. And you make it very easy.

In your imagination, stupid, what do you think VP Pence's role is? Do you believe he can decide to accept or reject the votes?

This is have the floor. Please describe what you imagine is going to happen on the 6th.

I'll just stand over here and LMAO. If you don't know, look it up. I'll wait.

Translation: You don't have the first clue about the subject.

PS: This fact is not something that is news to anyone who reads your posts, stupid.

Oh I do. I'm waiting for you to prove how smart you are. Or not.

Stupid?? That you are.

This is have the floor. Please describe what you imagine is going to happen on the 6th.

You can' won't. Because you are stupid.

Oh I can. But I won't. Lets see how smart your ass is. You won't because you are stupid. LOL

Please demonstrate your keen insights....again, the floor is yours. I'm prepared to be amazed by your intellect. LOL

As I said. If you don't know look it up. Pence plays a prominent role and you, being as smart as you think you are, should know. LOL
Rep. Mo Brooks (R-Ala.), the GOP leader of a plan to challenge Electoral College votes on Jan. 6, said that “dozens” of House members are going to sponsor a measure to object.

“There are dozens in the House of Representatives who have reached that conclusion that I have; we’re going to sponsor and co-sponsor objections to the Electoral College vote returns,” Brooks told Fox News on Monday morning.

And as we know, all it takes is 1 Senator to decertify the EC vote, and there'll be more than 1 --you can count on it.

Good. Hope every Rep in the House and Senate objects to the biggest fraudulent election in this countries history.

Me too. When the blob gets slapped down it will make you more miserable than ever (if that is possible).

Nope. It will make me sad to think that the Dems support the most fraudulent election in history and in fact made it happen.

Oh and you will be miserable if Biden gets in. Hang onto your pocketbook cause that man will have his hands in yours and everyones.

Well, stupid, Biden is going to become your president. What do you imagine is going to happen on the 6th?

If he makes it. Oh and you will regret the vote you gave him when he implements all the shit he says he will.

Nah, stupid, the question was "What do you imagine is going to happen on the 6th?" Relative to the objections the republicans are going to make. Do you still think there is hope that your blob will be President after the 20th? Please regale us with your intelligence.

Oh, that's right, you have none. Piss off.

I'm thinking you will be the one pissing off. More than enough evidence out there and all it will take is one Judge to view it and pass it up.

As for intelligence, you are sadly lacking in that department. Piss off indeed. LOL

You do know that judges are not doing anything on the 6th, right stupid? It's a joint session of Congress.

I love pointing out how little you actually know. And you make it so easy.

Of course they aren't but its not the 6th yet. Dumbass. Yes and it will end up in Congress and if it comes to it Pence will decide.

I love pointing out how little you actually know. And you make it very easy.

In your imagination, stupid, what do you think VP Pence's role is? Do you believe he can decide to accept or reject the votes?

This is have the floor. Please describe what you imagine is going to happen on the 6th.

I'll just stand over here and LMAO. If you don't know, look it up. I'll wait.

Translation: You don't have the first clue about the subject.

PS: This fact is not something that is news to anyone who reads your posts, stupid.

Oh I do. I'm waiting for you to prove how smart you are. Or not.

Stupid?? That you are.

This is have the floor. Please describe what you imagine is going to happen on the 6th.

You can' won't. Because you are stupid.

Oh I can. But I won't. Lets see how smart your ass is. You won't because you are stupid. LOL

Please demonstrate your keen insights....again, the floor is yours. I'm prepared to be amazed by your intellect. LOL

As I said. If you don't know look it up. Pence plays a prominent role and you, being as smart as you think you are, should know. LOL

Okay...describe the role you think he plays. Feel free to take as much time as you want. Again... I'm giving you a chance to exhibit your brilliance.

The floor is yours.
Rep. Mo Brooks (R-Ala.), the GOP leader of a plan to challenge Electoral College votes on Jan. 6, said that “dozens” of House members are going to sponsor a measure to object.

“There are dozens in the House of Representatives who have reached that conclusion that I have; we’re going to sponsor and co-sponsor objections to the Electoral College vote returns,” Brooks told Fox News on Monday morning.

And as we know, all it takes is 1 Senator to decertify the EC vote, and there'll be more than 1 --you can count on it.

Good. Hope every Rep in the House and Senate objects to the biggest fraudulent election in this countries history.

Me too. When the blob gets slapped down it will make you more miserable than ever (if that is possible).

Nope. It will make me sad to think that the Dems support the most fraudulent election in history and in fact made it happen.

Oh and you will be miserable if Biden gets in. Hang onto your pocketbook cause that man will have his hands in yours and everyones.

Well, stupid, Biden is going to become your president. What do you imagine is going to happen on the 6th?

If he makes it. Oh and you will regret the vote you gave him when he implements all the shit he says he will.

Nah, stupid, the question was "What do you imagine is going to happen on the 6th?" Relative to the objections the republicans are going to make. Do you still think there is hope that your blob will be President after the 20th? Please regale us with your intelligence.

Oh, that's right, you have none. Piss off.

I'm thinking you will be the one pissing off. More than enough evidence out there and all it will take is one Judge to view it and pass it up.

As for intelligence, you are sadly lacking in that department. Piss off indeed. LOL

You do know that judges are not doing anything on the 6th, right stupid? It's a joint session of Congress.

I love pointing out how little you actually know. And you make it so easy.

Of course they aren't but its not the 6th yet. Dumbass. Yes and it will end up in Congress and if it comes to it Pence will decide.

I love pointing out how little you actually know. And you make it very easy.

In your imagination, stupid, what do you think VP Pence's role is? Do you believe he can decide to accept or reject the votes?

This is have the floor. Please describe what you imagine is going to happen on the 6th.

I'll just stand over here and LMAO. If you don't know, look it up. I'll wait.

Translation: You don't have the first clue about the subject.

PS: This fact is not something that is news to anyone who reads your posts, stupid.

Oh I do. I'm waiting for you to prove how smart you are. Or not.

Stupid?? That you are.

This is have the floor. Please describe what you imagine is going to happen on the 6th.

You can' won't. Because you are stupid.

Oh I can. But I won't. Lets see how smart your ass is. You won't because you are stupid. LOL

Please demonstrate your keen insights....again, the floor is yours. I'm prepared to be amazed by your intellect. LOL

As I said. If you don't know look it up. Pence plays a prominent role and you, being as smart as you think you are, should know. LOL

Okay...describe the role you think he plays. Feel free to take as much time as you want. Again... I'm giving you a chance to exhibit your brilliance.

The floor is yours.

I presume you didn't watch the VP debate; Pence is sharp as a scalpel.
Last edited:
Rep. Mo Brooks (R-Ala.), the GOP leader of a plan to challenge Electoral College votes on Jan. 6, said that “dozens” of House members are going to sponsor a measure to object.

“There are dozens in the House of Representatives who have reached that conclusion that I have; we’re going to sponsor and co-sponsor objections to the Electoral College vote returns,” Brooks told Fox News on Monday morning.

And as we know, all it takes is 1 Senator to decertify the EC vote, and there'll be more than 1 --you can count on it.

Good. Hope every Rep in the House and Senate objects to the biggest fraudulent election in this countries history.

Me too. When the blob gets slapped down it will make you more miserable than ever (if that is possible).

Nope. It will make me sad to think that the Dems support the most fraudulent election in history and in fact made it happen.

Oh and you will be miserable if Biden gets in. Hang onto your pocketbook cause that man will have his hands in yours and everyones.

Well, stupid, Biden is going to become your president. What do you imagine is going to happen on the 6th?

If he makes it. Oh and you will regret the vote you gave him when he implements all the shit he says he will.

Nah, stupid, the question was "What do you imagine is going to happen on the 6th?" Relative to the objections the republicans are going to make. Do you still think there is hope that your blob will be President after the 20th? Please regale us with your intelligence.

Oh, that's right, you have none. Piss off.

I'm thinking you will be the one pissing off. More than enough evidence out there and all it will take is one Judge to view it and pass it up.

As for intelligence, you are sadly lacking in that department. Piss off indeed. LOL

You do know that judges are not doing anything on the 6th, right stupid? It's a joint session of Congress.

I love pointing out how little you actually know. And you make it so easy.

Of course they aren't but its not the 6th yet. Dumbass. Yes and it will end up in Congress and if it comes to it Pence will decide.

I love pointing out how little you actually know. And you make it very easy.

In your imagination, stupid, what do you think VP Pence's role is? Do you believe he can decide to accept or reject the votes?

This is have the floor. Please describe what you imagine is going to happen on the 6th.

I'll just stand over here and LMAO. If you don't know, look it up. I'll wait.

Translation: You don't have the first clue about the subject.

PS: This fact is not something that is news to anyone who reads your posts, stupid.

Oh I do. I'm waiting for you to prove how smart you are. Or not.

Stupid?? That you are.

This is have the floor. Please describe what you imagine is going to happen on the 6th.

You can' won't. Because you are stupid.

Oh I can. But I won't. Lets see how smart your ass is. You won't because you are stupid. LOL

Please demonstrate your keen insights....again, the floor is yours. I'm prepared to be amazed by your intellect. LOL

As I said. If you don't know look it up. Pence plays a prominent role and you, being as smart as you think you are, should know. LOL

Okay...describe the role you think he plays. Feel free to take as much time as you want. Again... I'm giving you a chance to exhibit your brilliance.

The floor is yours.

I presume you didn't watch the VP debate; Pence is sharper as a scapel.


Please tell us what you think his role will be on the 6th in the Joint session. Claudette doesn't seem to know her ass from her elbow on the topic. Lets see your expertise.
Rep. Mo Brooks (R-Ala.), the GOP leader of a plan to challenge Electoral College votes on Jan. 6, said that “dozens” of House members are going to sponsor a measure to object.

“There are dozens in the House of Representatives who have reached that conclusion that I have; we’re going to sponsor and co-sponsor objections to the Electoral College vote returns,” Brooks told Fox News on Monday morning.

And as we know, all it takes is 1 Senator to decertify the EC vote, and there'll be more than 1 --you can count on it.

Good. Hope every Rep in the House and Senate objects to the biggest fraudulent election in this countries history.

Me too. When the blob gets slapped down it will make you more miserable than ever (if that is possible).

Nope. It will make me sad to think that the Dems support the most fraudulent election in history and in fact made it happen.

Oh and you will be miserable if Biden gets in. Hang onto your pocketbook cause that man will have his hands in yours and everyones.

Well, stupid, Biden is going to become your president. What do you imagine is going to happen on the 6th?

If he makes it. Oh and you will regret the vote you gave him when he implements all the shit he says he will.

Nah, stupid, the question was "What do you imagine is going to happen on the 6th?" Relative to the objections the republicans are going to make. Do you still think there is hope that your blob will be President after the 20th? Please regale us with your intelligence.

Oh, that's right, you have none. Piss off.

I'm thinking you will be the one pissing off. More than enough evidence out there and all it will take is one Judge to view it and pass it up.

As for intelligence, you are sadly lacking in that department. Piss off indeed. LOL

You do know that judges are not doing anything on the 6th, right stupid? It's a joint session of Congress.

I love pointing out how little you actually know. And you make it so easy.

Of course they aren't but its not the 6th yet. Dumbass. Yes and it will end up in Congress and if it comes to it Pence will decide.

I love pointing out how little you actually know. And you make it very easy.

In your imagination, stupid, what do you think VP Pence's role is? Do you believe he can decide to accept or reject the votes?

This is have the floor. Please describe what you imagine is going to happen on the 6th.

I'll just stand over here and LMAO. If you don't know, look it up. I'll wait.

Translation: You don't have the first clue about the subject.

PS: This fact is not something that is news to anyone who reads your posts, stupid.

Oh I do. I'm waiting for you to prove how smart you are. Or not.

Stupid?? That you are.

This is have the floor. Please describe what you imagine is going to happen on the 6th.

You can' won't. Because you are stupid.

Oh I can. But I won't. Lets see how smart your ass is. You won't because you are stupid. LOL

Please demonstrate your keen insights....again, the floor is yours. I'm prepared to be amazed by your intellect. LOL

As I said. If you don't know look it up. Pence plays a prominent role and you, being as smart as you think you are, should know. LOL

Okay...describe the role you think he plays. Feel free to take as much time as you want. Again... I'm giving you a chance to exhibit your brilliance.

The floor is yours.

I presume you didn't watch the VP debate; Pence is sharper as a scapel.


Please tell us what you think his role will be on the 6th in the Joint session. Claudette doesn't seem to know her ass from her elbow on the topic. Lets see your expertise.

I have no idea and I'm not making believe I do.
You, on the other hand, mock every R as an idiot.
So what? Even if true, and it'ds questionable comming from the Epoch Times, Trump will still be out on his fat ass at 12:01 PMJan. 20
Your party has not only set back and hindered all progress of humankind during Trump's first term, but you have the gall to call yourself a Patriot. Insulting to us true patriots.
Progressives are not patriots. Not even close.

Really? Well how about you define what a patriot is?
So what? Even if true, and it'ds questionable comming from the Epoch Times, Trump will still be out on his fat ass at 12:01 PMJan. 20
Your party has not only set back and hindered all progress of humankind during Trump's first term, but you have the gall to call yourself a Patriot. Insulting to us true patriots.
Progressives are not patriots. Not even close.

Really? Well how about you define what a patriot is?
It depends on a person's priorities vs societies priorities.
If he makes it
"If " ? He has madt it. Deal with it

Not till the 6th. Then we will see what happens. If he is sworn in all you dummies that voted for him along with every other American will be regretting it big time once he starts implementing his list of "things he wants to do." Hang onto your pocket book cause his hands will be reaching for it.
Please explain what you think can possible happen on the 6th to reverse the election, and what exactly it is that we will regret after his is sworn in.
So what? Even if true, and it'ds questionable comming from the Epoch Times, Trump will still be out on his fat ass at 12:01 PMJan. 20
Your party has not only set back and hindered all progress of humankind during Trump's first term, but you have the gall to call yourself a Patriot. Insulting to us true patriots.
Progressives are not patriots. Not even close.

Really? Well how about you define what a patriot is?
A patriot is not someone that hates American and wants it and it’s history destroyed. That is a progressives main desire. They are Anti America pieces of shit. Not patriots.

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