Dozens of House Republicans will stand up for Trump.

The Clown Coup continues
We are actually correcting the Clown Coup that already took place.
Not surprisingly you have it all wrong.

If that were the case I would think you would have realized that Clowns on Steroids was not the answer!
The answer is to decertify the Biden votes in those states where he clearly stole the election.

In other words - any state that was considered "close"....means he "stole" it. You should have applied to 2016. We'd have President Clinton them.
So what? Even if true, and it'ds questionable comming from the Epoch Times, Trump will still be out on his fat ass at 12:01 PMJan. 20
Your party has not only set back and hindered all progress of humankind during Trump's first term, but you have the gall to call yourself a Patriot. Insulting to us true patriots.
Read my signiture line Bubba:
True patriotism is progressivism. True patriotism is working to fix what is wrong with America instead of pretending that it is just high taxes, too much government and liberal policies. True Patriotism is working to make America the truly great country that it can be for all, not just the wealth, white, heterosexual males. I am the Progressive Patriot

And read this also. I am more of a patriot than you could ever be because I want what is best for the country and all of it's people:

Progressive Principles and Goals. These points must be continually driven home to shame the right and mobilize all decent people. That is why I'm here by The Progressive Patriot ( undated)

1. All lives matter. No one should have insufficient shelter, food, water or health care. At the same time, it is appropriate and necessary to repeat that Black Lives Matter because there are too many people who act as thought they don't matter
2. All people should enjoy equal protection under the law. No one should suffer from discrimination, humiliation or violence because of their race, ethnicity, religion, or sexual orientation, sexual identity, or disability
3. The earth matters. It is the only one we have and the environment must be protected for our posterity. Climate change is not a hoax
4. Income and wealth disparity must be revered through a fair, progressive tax structure. A nation that is on the way to a plutocracy and oligarchy will not service for long
5. No one should have to work more than one full time job to pay the bills, while CEOs make obscene amounts of money that cannot be justified.
6. War and the use of force in the world must be a very last resort, used only when diplomacy fails and the United States is facing a real and grave danger.
7. This is a nation built of immigrants . People seeking to come to this country for a better life economically, or to flee strife in their home land should not be shunned or feared. Entire groups should not be marginalized and rejected because of the actions and fanaticism of some.
8. Trade with other nations should be fair, not free, meaning that the consideration of protecting the environment, preventing the exploitation of workers, and consumer safety should be placed over profit and trade deficits
9. Boarders should be secured using appropriate technology and manpower, not half baked ideas that appeal to a political base and are not practical or cost effective
10. Criminal Justice must be reformed to reduce the prison population of non violent offenders, and to address the issue of racial disparity in arrests, prosecution and sentencing. The death penalty must be abolished . Drug crimes must be treated as a public health problem instead of a criminal matter
11. The federal government has the responsibility for actively protecting the health and welfare of all citizens , both from physical harm, and discrimination. The tenth amendment must be understood in the context of the entire constitution, especially the bill of rights and the 14th amendment. States may not violate the US constitution, and voters do not get to decide matters of civil rights.
12.Guns must be kept out of the hands of criminals and mentally ill people. High capacity assault weapons must be kept out of the hands of everyone not in the military or law enforcement. There must be a national and uniform policy.
13. It is time for the Equal Rights Amendment protecting women from discrimination is ratified, and the passage of the Employmnet non discrimination, as well as laws addressing discrimination in housing and places of public accomodation for LGBT people.
14. Religious freedom does not mean the ability to use religion as a weapon to discriminate aagainst others. The first amendment applies equally to all, not just conservative Christians who have weaponised religion.
15. Public education must remain free and well funded and without religious beliefs influencing it. Real science, not junk science must be taught. Real history, not whitwashed revisionist histort must also be taught. +Meaningful sex education, not abstiance only is a must. Children are the future
16. Abortion should be rare, but available when necesary. That can be achieved, not by denying women the right to choose but by allowing contracetion to be readily availabe, and by supporting other policies and programs that can prevent unwanted pregnancies and provide supports to women to chose to carry an unexpected pregnancy to term.
17. Financial and insurance institutions must be well regulated in order to prevent another near collapse of the global economy as almost happened in 2008 as the result of greed, and recklessness of the banks.
18. Consumers must be protected from physical harm and financial exploitation by banks, insurers and mortgage companies and manufacturers.
19. Health insurance should include a public option Health care insurers , while they can serve a purpose, should not have the upper hand in determining who has coverage, what is covered and how much they must pay,
20. Big Pharma- that charges ridiculous prices and sometimes with holds lifesaving drugs from the market because they are not profitable must be rained in. ,
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In other words - any state that was considered "close"....means he "stole" it. You should have applied to 2016. We'd have President Clinton them.
Michigan, Pennsylvania, Georgia and Wisconsin were all stolen using the Dominion vote changing machines, primarily, among other tactics. Arizona and Nevada could also be put on that list but flipping three of those
states, via legislature decertification, is enough to suffice.
In other words - any state that was considered "close"....means he "stole" it. You should have applied to 2016. We'd have President Clinton them.
Michigan, Pennsylvania, Georgia and Wisconsin were all stolen using the Dominion vote changing machines, primarily, among other tactics. Arizona and Nevada could also be put on that list but flipping three of those
states, via legislature decertification, is enough to suffice.
In other words - any state that was considered "close"....means he "stole" it. You should have applied to 2016. We'd have President Clinton them.
Michigan, Pennsylvania, Georgia and Wisconsin were all stolen using the Dominion vote changing machines, primarily, among other tactics. Arizona and Nevada could also be put on that list but flipping three of those
states, via legislature decertification, is enough to suffice.
Oh good lord.

Now wonder you haven't a clue what "patriot" means.
True patriotism is progressivism.
Dude you left the Constitution in the dust and raced off in a lowrider sports car with dark smoked glass windows.
not just the wealth, white, heterosexual males.
And not only that but your money's no good in this town either. Certainly not when you think there's pussy on demand for your hard-earned buck at your labor-union local blue-collar job.
Stand up? Reminds me more of the episode where Opie is flat on his back throwing a temper tantrum.
Rep. Mo Brooks (R-Ala.), the GOP leader of a plan to challenge Electoral College votes on Jan. 6, said that “dozens” of House members are going to sponsor a measure to object.

“There are dozens in the House of Representatives who have reached that conclusion that I have; we’re going to sponsor and co-sponsor objections to the Electoral College vote returns,” Brooks told Fox News on Monday morning.

And as we know, all it takes is 1 Senator to decertify the EC vote, and there'll be more than 1 --you can count on it.

Good. Hope every Rep in the House and Senate objects to the biggest fraudulent election in this countries history.

Me too. When the blob gets slapped down it will make you more miserable than ever (if that is possible).

Nope. It will make me sad to think that the Dems support the most fraudulent election in history and in fact made it happen.

Oh and you will be miserable if Biden gets in. Hang onto your pocketbook cause that man will have his hands in yours and everyones.
Rep. Mo Brooks (R-Ala.), the GOP leader of a plan to challenge Electoral College votes on Jan. 6, said that “dozens” of House members are going to sponsor a measure to object.

“There are dozens in the House of Representatives who have reached that conclusion that I have; we’re going to sponsor and co-sponsor objections to the Electoral College vote returns,” Brooks told Fox News on Monday morning.

And as we know, all it takes is 1 Senator to decertify the EC vote, and there'll be more than 1 --you can count on it.

Good. Hope every Rep in the House and Senate objects to the biggest fraudulent election in this countries history.

Me too. When the blob gets slapped down it will make you more miserable than ever (if that is possible).

Nope. It will make me sad to think that the Dems support the most fraudulent election in history and in fact made it happen.

Oh and you will be miserable if Biden gets in. Hang onto your pocketbook cause that man will have his hands in yours and everyones.

Well, stupid, Biden is going to become your president. What do you imagine is going to happen on the 6th?
Rep. Mo Brooks (R-Ala.), the GOP leader of a plan to challenge Electoral College votes on Jan. 6, said that “dozens” of House members are going to sponsor a measure to object.

“There are dozens in the House of Representatives who have reached that conclusion that I have; we’re going to sponsor and co-sponsor objections to the Electoral College vote returns,” Brooks told Fox News on Monday morning.

And as we know, all it takes is 1 Senator to decertify the EC vote, and there'll be more than 1 --you can count on it.

Good. Hope every Rep in the House and Senate objects to the biggest fraudulent election in this countries history.

Me too. When the blob gets slapped down it will make you more miserable than ever (if that is possible).

Nope. It will make me sad to think that the Dems support the most fraudulent election in history and in fact made it happen.

Oh and you will be miserable if Biden gets in. Hang onto your pocketbook cause that man will have his hands in yours and everyones.

Well, stupid, Biden is going to become your president. What do you imagine is going to happen on the 6th?

If he makes it. Oh and you will regret the vote you gave him when he implements all the shit he says he will.
Rep. Mo Brooks (R-Ala.), the GOP leader of a plan to challenge Electoral College votes on Jan. 6, said that “dozens” of House members are going to sponsor a measure to object.

“There are dozens in the House of Representatives who have reached that conclusion that I have; we’re going to sponsor and co-sponsor objections to the Electoral College vote returns,” Brooks told Fox News on Monday morning.

And as we know, all it takes is 1 Senator to decertify the EC vote, and there'll be more than 1 --you can count on it.

Good. Hope every Rep in the House and Senate objects to the biggest fraudulent election in this countries history.

Me too. When the blob gets slapped down it will make you more miserable than ever (if that is possible).

Nope. It will make me sad to think that the Dems support the most fraudulent election in history and in fact made it happen.

Oh and you will be miserable if Biden gets in. Hang onto your pocketbook cause that man will have his hands in yours and everyones.

Well, stupid, Biden is going to become your president. What do you imagine is going to happen on the 6th?

If he makes it. Oh and you will regret the vote you gave him when he implements all the shit he says he will.

Nah, stupid, the question was "What do you imagine is going to happen on the 6th?" Relative to the objections the republicans are going to make. Do you still think there is hope that your blob will be President after the 20th? Please regale us with your intelligence.

Oh, that's right, you have none. Piss off.
Rep. Mo Brooks (R-Ala.), the GOP leader of a plan to challenge Electoral College votes on Jan. 6, said that “dozens” of House members are going to sponsor a measure to object.

“There are dozens in the House of Representatives who have reached that conclusion that I have; we’re going to sponsor and co-sponsor objections to the Electoral College vote returns,” Brooks told Fox News on Monday morning.

And as we know, all it takes is 1 Senator to decertify the EC vote, and there'll be more than 1 --you can count on it.

Good. Hope every Rep in the House and Senate objects to the biggest fraudulent election in this countries history.

Me too. When the blob gets slapped down it will make you more miserable than ever (if that is possible).

Nope. It will make me sad to think that the Dems support the most fraudulent election in history and in fact made it happen.

Oh and you will be miserable if Biden gets in. Hang onto your pocketbook cause that man will have his hands in yours and everyones.

Well, stupid, Biden is going to become your president. What do you imagine is going to happen on the 6th?

If he makes it. Oh and you will regret the vote you gave him when he implements all the shit he says he will.

Nah, stupid, the question was "What do you imagine is going to happen on the 6th?" Relative to the objections the republicans are going to make. Do you still think there is hope that your blob will be President after the 20th? Please regale us with your intelligence.

Oh, that's right, you have none. Piss off.

I'm thinking you will be the one pissing off. More than enough evidence out there and all it will take is one Judge to view it and pass it up.

As for intelligence, you are sadly lacking in that department. Piss off indeed. LOL
Rep. Mo Brooks (R-Ala.), the GOP leader of a plan to challenge Electoral College votes on Jan. 6, said that “dozens” of House members are going to sponsor a measure to object.

“There are dozens in the House of Representatives who have reached that conclusion that I have; we’re going to sponsor and co-sponsor objections to the Electoral College vote returns,” Brooks told Fox News on Monday morning.

And as we know, all it takes is 1 Senator to decertify the EC vote, and there'll be more than 1 --you can count on it.

Good. Hope every Rep in the House and Senate objects to the biggest fraudulent election in this countries history.

Me too. When the blob gets slapped down it will make you more miserable than ever (if that is possible).

Nope. It will make me sad to think that the Dems support the most fraudulent election in history and in fact made it happen.

Oh and you will be miserable if Biden gets in. Hang onto your pocketbook cause that man will have his hands in yours and everyones.

Well, stupid, Biden is going to become your president. What do you imagine is going to happen on the 6th?

If he makes it. Oh and you will regret the vote you gave him when he implements all the shit he says he will.

Nah, stupid, the question was "What do you imagine is going to happen on the 6th?" Relative to the objections the republicans are going to make. Do you still think there is hope that your blob will be President after the 20th? Please regale us with your intelligence.

Oh, that's right, you have none. Piss off.

I'm thinking you will be the one pissing off. More than enough evidence out there and all it will take is one Judge to view it and pass it up.

As for intelligence, you are sadly lacking in that department. Piss off indeed. LOL

You do know that judges are not doing anything on the 6th, right stupid? It's a joint session of Congress.

I love pointing out how little you actually know. And you make it so easy.
Rep. Mo Brooks (R-Ala.), the GOP leader of a plan to challenge Electoral College votes on Jan. 6, said that “dozens” of House members are going to sponsor a measure to object.

“There are dozens in the House of Representatives who have reached that conclusion that I have; we’re going to sponsor and co-sponsor objections to the Electoral College vote returns,” Brooks told Fox News on Monday morning.

And as we know, all it takes is 1 Senator to decertify the EC vote, and there'll be more than 1 --you can count on it.

Good. Hope every Rep in the House and Senate objects to the biggest fraudulent election in this countries history.

Me too. When the blob gets slapped down it will make you more miserable than ever (if that is possible).

Nope. It will make me sad to think that the Dems support the most fraudulent election in history and in fact made it happen.

Oh and you will be miserable if Biden gets in. Hang onto your pocketbook cause that man will have his hands in yours and everyones.

Well, stupid, Biden is going to become your president. What do you imagine is going to happen on the 6th?

If he makes it. Oh and you will regret the vote you gave him when he implements all the shit he says he will.

Nah, stupid, the question was "What do you imagine is going to happen on the 6th?" Relative to the objections the republicans are going to make. Do you still think there is hope that your blob will be President after the 20th? Please regale us with your intelligence.

Oh, that's right, you have none. Piss off.

I'm thinking you will be the one pissing off. More than enough evidence out there and all it will take is one Judge to view it and pass it up.

As for intelligence, you are sadly lacking in that department. Piss off indeed. LOL

You do know that judges are not doing anything on the 6th, right stupid? It's a joint session of Congress.

I love pointing out how little you actually know. And you make it so easy.

Of course they aren't but its not the 6th yet. Dumbass. Yes and it will end up in Congress and if it comes to it Pence will decide.

I love pointing out how little you actually know. And you make it very easy.
Rep. Mo Brooks (R-Ala.), the GOP leader of a plan to challenge Electoral College votes on Jan. 6, said that “dozens” of House members are going to sponsor a measure to object.

“There are dozens in the House of Representatives who have reached that conclusion that I have; we’re going to sponsor and co-sponsor objections to the Electoral College vote returns,” Brooks told Fox News on Monday morning.

And as we know, all it takes is 1 Senator to decertify the EC vote, and there'll be more than 1 --you can count on it.

Good. Hope every Rep in the House and Senate objects to the biggest fraudulent election in this countries history.

Me too. When the blob gets slapped down it will make you more miserable than ever (if that is possible).

Nope. It will make me sad to think that the Dems support the most fraudulent election in history and in fact made it happen.

Oh and you will be miserable if Biden gets in. Hang onto your pocketbook cause that man will have his hands in yours and everyones.

Well, stupid, Biden is going to become your president. What do you imagine is going to happen on the 6th?

If he makes it. Oh and you will regret the vote you gave him when he implements all the shit he says he will.

Nah, stupid, the question was "What do you imagine is going to happen on the 6th?" Relative to the objections the republicans are going to make. Do you still think there is hope that your blob will be President after the 20th? Please regale us with your intelligence.

Oh, that's right, you have none. Piss off.

I'm thinking you will be the one pissing off. More than enough evidence out there and all it will take is one Judge to view it and pass it up.

As for intelligence, you are sadly lacking in that department. Piss off indeed. LOL

You do know that judges are not doing anything on the 6th, right stupid? It's a joint session of Congress.

I love pointing out how little you actually know. And you make it so easy.

Of course they aren't but its not the 6th yet. Dumbass. Yes and it will end up in Congress and if it comes to it Pence will decide.

I love pointing out how little you actually know. And you make it very easy.

In your imagination, stupid, what do you think VP Pence's role is? Do you believe he can decide to accept or reject the votes?

This is have the floor. Please describe what you imagine is going to happen on the 6th.

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