Dozens of House Republicans will stand up for Trump.

...what does this look like with a Free Market approach with enriched uranium? ...
A Uranium One reference ?

Well ... no ... spinning out U-235 out in my workshop ... turns out Americium isn't fissionable ... the 2nd Amendment right to keep and bare arms should allow us to purchase enriched uranium and build bombs ... quarter million Commie Bastard Chinese Marines land on our coast here, we should have the right to nuke them ... like the Constitution says we do ... make them land in California, let the hippy chicks deal with them ...
The Clown Coup continues
I am sure we will have jugglers by the end of the day...
Thank you for displaying the general
TDS intelligence level we're actually dealing with.:71: View attachment 434380
Same here for someone who doesn't understand the activities allowed on the 6th...Again Trump is misleading you people and yous love it....

Do YOU understand how the Electoral Count Act works? And how exactly is Trump misleading anyone in relation to that? In your own words.
So what? Even if true, and it'ds questionable comming from the Epoch Times, Trump will still be out on his fat ass at 12:01 PMJan. 20
Your party has not only set back and hindered all progress of humankind during Trump's first term, but you have the gall to call yourself a Patriot. Insulting to us true patriots.
Is that supposed to refute my statement, Or is it that you just can't take a dose of truth?
Rep. Mo Brooks (R-Ala.), the GOP leader of a plan to challenge Electoral College votes on Jan. 6, said that “dozens” of House members are going to sponsor a measure to object.

“There are dozens in the House of Representatives who have reached that conclusion that I have; we’re going to sponsor and co-sponsor objections to the Electoral College vote returns,” Brooks told Fox News on Monday morning.

And as we know, all it takes is 1 Senator to decertify the EC vote, and there'll be more than 1 --you can count on it.

Give voters a choice in 2022. Show then how crazy the Republican Party is.

It takes 51 senjators to win in the Senate. Trump ain't getting that. The House will kill the whole thing.
The Clown Coup continues
I am sure we will have jugglers by the end of the day...
Thank you for displaying the general
TDS intelligence level we're actually dealing with.:71: View attachment 434380
Same here for someone who doesn't understand the activities allowed on the 6th...Again Trump is misleading you people and yous love it....

Do YOU understand how the Electoral Count Act works? And how exactly is Trump misleading anyone in relation to that? In your own words.
Trump is not the one challenging any issues it is Ghomert.
STATEMENT: Dozens of House Republicans will stand up for Trump.



Putting their job is the most important issue on the minds of Members of Congress. This headline is something the Republicans don't want to see with their face on the front page with a similar claim.
I believe it takes one Congressman and one Senator to bring the matter up for a vote ... no way do Republicans have the votes in the House ... BUT, I'm sure there's a number of Congressman and Senator who have to object to the election results on Jan 6th, or never get re-elected again ... if not get immediately recalled ... so instead of attacking the person, attack their district ... kick them out of the Union ... let the USA be more like the EU and only let rich Blue States in ...

It doesn't matter....Pence will probably choose the alternate electors.
I believe it takes one Congressman and one Senator to bring the matter up for a vote ... no way do Republicans have the votes in the House ... BUT, I'm sure there's a number of Congressman and Senator who have to object to the election results on Jan 6th, or never get re-elected again ... if not get immediately recalled ... so instead of attacking the person, attack their district ... kick them out of the Union ... let the USA be more like the EU and only let rich Blue States in ...

It doesn't matter....Pence will probably choose the alternate electors.
No he won't .He can't.
I believe it takes one Congressman and one Senator to bring the matter up for a vote ... no way do Republicans have the votes in the House ... BUT, I'm sure there's a number of Congressman and Senator who have to object to the election results on Jan 6th, or never get re-elected again ... if not get immediately recalled ... so instead of attacking the person, attack their district ... kick them out of the Union ... let the USA be more like the EU and only let rich Blue States in ...

It doesn't matter....Pence will probably choose the alternate electors.

What is the Probability?
And as we know, all it takes is 1 Senator to decertify the EC vote, and there'll be more than 1 --you can count on it.
No. It takes a majority in both the House and Senate to decertify the electors from a state.

You’re not going to get either.
So what? Even if true, and it'ds questionable comming from the Epoch Times, Trump will still be out on his fat ass at 12:01 PMJan. 20
Your party has not only set back and hindered all progress of humankind during Trump's first term, but you have the gall to call yourself a Patriot. Insulting to us true patriots.
Progressives are not patriots. Not even close.
Rep. Mo Brooks (R-Ala.), the GOP leader of a plan to challenge Electoral College votes on Jan. 6, said that “dozens” of House members are going to sponsor a measure to object.

“There are dozens in the House of Representatives who have reached that conclusion that I have; we’re going to sponsor and co-sponsor objections to the Electoral College vote returns,” Brooks told Fox News on Monday morning.

And as we know, all it takes is 1 Senator to decertify the EC vote, and there'll be more than 1 --you can count on it.

Good. Hope every Rep in the House and Senate objects to the biggest fraudulent election in this countries history.

Me too. When the blob gets slapped down it will make you more miserable than ever (if that is possible).
No. It takes a majority in both the House and Senate to decertify the electors from a state.

You’re not going to get either.
This article doesn’t say what you think it says.
Raising an objection, even if done by both a senator and house representative does not decertify anything. It just forces them into a session to debate the objection after which there is a vote.

You’re going to lose that vote, obviously.
So what? Even if true, and it'ds questionable comming from the Epoch Times, Trump will still be out on his fat ass at 12:01 PMJan. 20
Your party has not only set back and hindered all progress of humankind during Trump's first term, but you have the gall to call yourself a Patriot. Insulting to us true patriots.
Progressives are not patriots. Not even close.
I wish I had a dime for every time I heard that horseshit. Not very original. Do you have any rhoughts of your own. And I might also ask, who made to the sile arbiter of who is a patriot? That is stupid and arrogant, like Trump and his moronic minions
I wish I had a dime for every time I heard that horseshit. Not very original. Do you have any rhoughts of your own. And I might also ask, who made to the sile arbiter of who is a patriot? That is stupid and arrogant, like Trump and his moronic minions
You don't believe in God and you're coming to collect tithes like Melchizedek, King of Salem and priest of the Most High God, to whom Abraham gave the tenth of the spoils.

You don’t believe in the Constitutional right to bear arms, or in any of the other rights enumerated in the Bill of Rights as they pertain to those accused of crimes.

You demand a forced Confession or Common Plea from the defendant by a labor-union collective bargaining plea agreement arranged beforehand by the office of the public defender or by private defense attorneys who leave their cars parked on the same block as those of the prosecuting attorneys and somehow they make it to court on time in their blind faith in humanism and the good will of the community without a flat tire or a slashed brake hose or lights knocked out.
I believe it takes one Congressman and one Senator to bring the matter up for a vote ... no way do Republicans have the votes in the House ... BUT, I'm sure there's a number of Congressman and Senator who have to object to the election results on Jan 6th, or never get re-elected again ...
It doesn't matter....Pence will probably choose the alternate electors.

The electors have already been chosen ... and they've already cast their votes ... the totals are sitting in envelopes safely guarded by the DNC ... all Pence does is open the envelopes and counts the votes ... 1,472 for Biden, -972 for The Donald ... as fair as fair can be ...

Early voting in Georgia's Senate runoffs are going well ... buses rolling in from Brownsville, TX like clockwork ... I'm amazed how many Latinos are voting, looks like 100 million at least ...
Rep. Mo Brooks (R-Ala.), the GOP leader of a plan to challenge Electoral College votes on Jan. 6, said that “dozens” of House members are going to sponsor a measure to object.

“There are dozens in the House of Representatives who have reached that conclusion that I have; we’re going to sponsor and co-sponsor objections to the Electoral College vote returns,” Brooks told Fox News on Monday morning.

And as we know, all it takes is 1 Senator to decertify the EC vote, and there'll be more than 1 --you can count on it.

Dozens of House Republicans are idiots.

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