Dr Ai Fen missing for over a month. No internet reports for over 2 weeks.


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Wuhan doctor who revealed China's coverup has been missing for over a month. Searches for current articles or reports on her whereabouts yield nothing more recent than April 15th. Where is Dr. Ai Fen? She is a key figure in the role China played in the spread of the virus. Why is there not global pressure on China to find what happened to her?
The Wuhan doctor who revealed China's coverup has been missing for over a month. Searches for current articles or reports on her whereabouts yield nothing more recent than April 15th. Where is Dr. Ai Fen? She is a key figure in the role China played in the spread of the virus. Why is there not global pressure on China to find what happened to her?

She's probably been eliminated and incinerated by now....
The Wuhan doctor who revealed China's coverup has been missing for over a month. Searches for current articles or reports on her whereabouts yield nothing more recent than April 15th. Where is Dr. Ai Fen? She is a key figure in the role China played in the spread of the virus. Why is there not global pressure on China to find what happened to her?

There is no global pressure probably because they are frightened of being called racist or whatever. Of course the disturbing disappearance of this BRAVE Dr. Ai Fen will be called another Right-Wing Conspiracy Theory by Leftists who since the CHINESE VIRUS, who since the WUHAN VIRUS happened have been all across the MSM and the Social Media crap doing 24/7 PR for Communist China.

I have BOLDED Chinese Virus and Wuhan Virus above to DELIBERATELY OFFEND the Leftist Pro-China Snowflakes. OMG! I am so Racist it's amazing :smoke:
The Wuhan doctor who revealed China's coverup has been missing for over a month. Searches for current articles or reports on her whereabouts yield nothing more recent than April 15th. Where is Dr. Ai Fen? She is a key figure in the role China played in the spread of the virus. Why is there not global pressure on China to find what happened to her?

She's probably been eliminated and incinerated by now....

Unfortunately I would have to agree, a very BRAVE woman destroyed by MONSTERS.
The Wuhan doctor who revealed China's coverup has been missing for over a month. Searches for current articles or reports on her whereabouts yield nothing more recent than April 15th. Where is Dr. Ai Fen? She is a key figure in the role China played in the spread of the virus. Why is there not global pressure on China to find what happened to her?

There is no global pressure probably because they are frightened of being called racist or whatever. Of course the disturbing disappearance of this BRAVE Dr. Ai Fen will be called another Right-Wing Conspiracy Theory by Leftists who since the CHINESE VIRUS, who since the WUHAN VIRUS happened have been all across the MSM and the Social Media crap doing 24/7 PR for Communist China.

I have BOLDED Chinese Virus and Wuhan Virus above to DELIBERATELY OFFEND the Leftist Pro-China Snowflakes. OMG! I am so Racist it's amazing :smoke:
sadly you are correct ...the dems have proven to be a very effective propaganda machine for the chinese government.
The Wuhan doctor who revealed China's coverup has been missing for over a month. Searches for current articles or reports on her whereabouts yield nothing more recent than April 15th. Where is Dr. Ai Fen? She is a key figure in the role China played in the spread of the virus. Why is there not global pressure on China to find what happened to her?

China has to be punished for the CRIME they have inflicted on the planet, also Twitter is full of human scum aka Leftists but there are some Twitter accounts that are full of good peoples:

The Wuhan doctor who revealed China's coverup has been missing for over a month. Searches for current articles or reports on her whereabouts yield nothing more recent than April 15th. Where is Dr. Ai Fen? She is a key figure in the role China played in the spread of the virus. Why is there not global pressure on China to find what happened to her?

There is no global pressure probably because they are frightened of being called racist or whatever. Of course the disturbing disappearance of this BRAVE Dr. Ai Fen will be called another Right-Wing Conspiracy Theory by Leftists who since the CHINESE VIRUS, who since the WUHAN VIRUS happened have been all across the MSM and the Social Media crap doing 24/7 PR for Communist China.

I have BOLDED Chinese Virus and Wuhan Virus above to DELIBERATELY OFFEND the Leftist Pro-China Snowflakes. OMG! I am so Racist it's amazing :smoke:
sadly you are correct ...the dems have proven to be a very effective propaganda machine for the chinese government.

Yes. Disgusting. What absolute scum they are, this entire COVID-19 thing and their 24/7 PR for the Communist Chinese Government have illustrated how disgusting they are. They are basic Traitors to The West in general.
The Wuhan doctor who revealed China's coverup has been missing for over a month. Searches for current articles or reports on her whereabouts yield nothing more recent than April 15th. Where is Dr. Ai Fen? She is a key figure in the role China played in the spread of the virus. Why is there not global pressure on China to find what happened to her?

Perhaps she filed an NDA and got fired, isn't that the way Tramp handles all his people that are anti what he says?
The Wuhan doctor who revealed China's coverup has been missing for over a month. Searches for current articles or reports on her whereabouts yield nothing more recent than April 15th. Where is Dr. Ai Fen? She is a key figure in the role China played in the spread of the virus. Why is there not global pressure on China to find what happened to her?

Organ donor.
The Wuhan doctor who revealed China's coverup has been missing for over a month. Searches for current articles or reports on her whereabouts yield nothing more recent than April 15th. Where is Dr. Ai Fen? She is a key figure in the role China played in the spread of the virus. Why is there not global pressure on China to find what happened to her?

Organ donor.
That's what I'm afraid of.
The Wuhan doctor who revealed China's coverup has been missing for over a month. Searches for current articles or reports on her whereabouts yield nothing more recent than April 15th. Where is Dr. Ai Fen? She is a key figure in the role China played in the spread of the virus. Why is there not global pressure on China to find what happened to her?

Perhaps she filed an NDA and got fired, isn't that the way Tramp handles all his people that are anti what he says?
Covering for your favorite Communist regime again I see.
The Wuhan doctor who revealed China's coverup has been missing for over a month. Searches for current articles or reports on her whereabouts yield nothing more recent than April 15th. Where is Dr. Ai Fen? She is a key figure in the role China played in the spread of the virus. Why is there not global pressure on China to find what happened to her?

Perhaps she filed an NDA and got fired, isn't that the way Tramp handles all his people that are anti what he says?
News flash, if you work at the inner-works of places like KFC (private companies) as well as in the higher-echelon of the government, you must agree to sign an NDA and if you violate it, you are fired and in the case of private companies, are open to being sued. In the case of a government, at least in this government, you are fired and possibly jailed, if the material you exposed is extremely detrimental to the government, but unlike your Communist buddies, you don't simply "disappear," or are publicly executed.
The Wuhan doctor who revealed China's coverup has been missing for over a month. Searches for current articles or reports on her whereabouts yield nothing more recent than April 15th. Where is Dr. Ai Fen? She is a key figure in the role China played in the spread of the virus. Why is there not global pressure on China to find what happened to her?

Don't you have a Gateway Pundit or Infowars link to back up your latest conspiracy theory? :D
Stand by for accusation that Hillary had her killed, in 3....2....1....

What do you get out of this post? Its obvious you're taking a shot at republicans, but in the process it makes you look like someone who supports the murder of a scientist. Or, you could believe that China doesn't kill people who oppose the party, in which case, you just look a little slow.
Stand by for accusation that Hillary had her killed, in 3....2....1....

What do you get out of this post? Its obvious you're taking a shot at republicans, but in the process it makes you look like someone who supports the murder of a scientist. Or, you could believe that China doesn't kill people who oppose the party, in which case, you just look a little slow.

What are you mumbling about now? We both know that some nut bag right winger has probably already claimed Hillary killed that scientist, of if not, they will soon. It's just what you do.
This is ridiculous. We are told “She has been missing for a month” but it is repeatedly written in these same articles that her whereabouts and freedom were attested since ... April 16th. Today is ... May 3rd.

On April 13th at the hospital in Wuhan, dressed in medical scrubs and mask, Dr. Ai Fen assured people in a video in Chinese she is fine and thanked everyone for their concern.
This was after over a week of hysteria similar to what we have here.

She does not write “articles” ... she is not a researcher but a fine and heroic doctor. The local warnings she received to remain silent in early January after she first discovered a patient with a laboratory result of a coronavirus infection, the subsequent cover-ups by local politicians and hospital officials ... is all old news. Those officials broke many established rules, but the entire DNA sequence was quickly revealed and by January 7 (?) the central authorities were apparently in charge and the world notified of the outbreak. More bureaucratic delays, but nothing extraordinary. The “secret interview” that was withdrawn from one Chinese website was subsequently published by another. She was publically hailed as a hero, along with the ophthalmologist who subsequently died of Covid-19.

Might there now be pressure applied upon her not to reveal the “juicy details” of the cover-ups? Might she even have criticisms of the whole health system that allowed for delays and added to the slow initial reaction in Wuhan? How could she not?

Is this responsible doctor being urged to remain silent about any deeper criticisms she may have ... in the “national interest” or to protect China’s reputation? Of course that is possible, even very likely. Time will reveal more details.

If the authorities are abusing her, it will almost certainly come out eventually. China is run by an authoritarian Communist Party and State bureaucracy. But fortunately there are also many professionals in and outside of that bureaucracy willing to stand up when it goes haywire, to use creative channels to get out the truth about important matters, especially concerning public health.

The amateur sleuths here that can’t even remember how many days are in a month should give it a break, at least until we know more.
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This is ridiculous. We are told “She has been missing for a month” but it is repeatedly written in these same articles that her whereabouts and freedom were attested since ... April 16th. Today is ... May 3rd.

On April 13th at the hospital in Wuhan, dressed in medical scrubs and mask, Dr. Ai Fen assured people in a video in Chinese she is fine and thanked everyone for their concern.
This was after over a week of hysteria similar to what we have here.

She does not write “articles” ... she is not a researcher but a fine and heroic doctor. The local warnings she received to remain silent in early January after she first discovered a patient with a laboratory result of a coronavirus infection, the subsequent cover-ups by local politicians and hospital officials ... is all old news. Those officials broke many established rules, but the entire DNA sequence was quickly revealed and by January 7 (?) the central authorities were apparently in charge and the world notified of the outbreak. More bureaucratic delays, but nothing extraordinary. The “secret interview” that was withdrawn from one Chinese website was subsequently published by another. She was publically hailed as a hero, along with the ophthalmologist who subsequently died of Covid-19.

Might there now be pressure applied upon her not to reveal the “juicy details” of the cover-ups? Might she even have criticisms of the whole health system that allowed for delays and added to the slow initial reaction in Wuhan? How could she not?

Is this responsible doctor being urged to remain silent about any deeper criticisms she may have ... in the “national interest” or to protect China’s reputation? Of course that is possible, even very likely. Time will reveal more details.

If the authorities are abusing her, it will almost certainly come out eventually. China is run by an authoritarian Communist Party and State bureaucracy. But fortunately there are also many professionals in and outside of that bureaucracy willing to stand up when it goes haywire, to use creative channels to get out the truth about important matters, especially concerning public health.

The amateur sleuths here that can’t even remember how many days are in a month should give it a break, at least until we know more.

:link: , you Commie water bearer.
Here is the Wiki article on Dr. Ai Fen. As a leading doctor of emergency services at a central Wuhan hospital, she was not merely the first to get a return test indicating a likely SARS patient infection, but she continued working on the front lines as the disaster unfolded around her. This short article includes a number of links, including one to her April 13 video. Since the readers here do not understand Chinese, many of the links will be useless. Nevertheless, a reading of even just the English articles may give an idea of the horrific events she experienced. She apparently remained on the front lines throughout. Early on she roused the attention of her supervisors and the Wuhan medical community to what she rightly feared might develop into a real epidemic. She later said that had she known how serious the epidemic would become she would have done more ... and never bowed to bureaucratic authority. Her story should be told widely and freely in China, in her own words.
Ai Fen - Wikipedia
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