Dr. Anthony Fauci has indeed violated the Hippocratic Oath

Fauci will have to face HIS CREATOR.... he will have to pay big time.

I don't feel sorry for him.

The basic epidemiological finding was, as stated by Fauci, “… the vast majority of the people who have serious disease and who will ultimately die, they are in that group that are either elderly and/or have underlying conditions." Quoting Fauci.

Fauci’s remedy, suspiciously, did not align with the basic epidemiological finding! In fact, his remedy predictably caused untold deaths in America. Why some defend this arrant, so called “expert”, is beyond common sense thinking. But hey, they are entitled to their opinion even though Fauci did not base his remedy on a basic epidemiological finding.


It’s not a “Deep State”. It’s a subversive socialist/communist “Shadow Government” which began to entrench itself during Ronald Reagan’s presidency. Its mission being, to advance GLOBALISM and socialist policies, and obstruct attempts to roll back such policies.
As I said, he is the president's healthcare advisor. It is not his place to weight the economic consequences of keeping the country closed or open. His job is to advise the president as to the likely healthcare outcomes. In fact, he would be an utter fool to advise the president to open up the country when medical data is telling him other wise.

As far the number of deaths due to keeping the country closed, that falls primarily in the realm of conjecture. What is not conjecture is 88,000 deaths in 10 weeks and there is nothing to indicate that the number will not rise significantly as many precautions are dropped.

I appreciate your opinion but the fact is, Fauci, as a doctor, is required to take into consideration the predictable side effects of the medicine he prescribes. And the medicine he prescribed, which you seem to support and requires our nation’s entire population, with a few exceptions, to “shelter in place” and close down our economy, was not only totally illogical when considering the existing evidence ___ that the vast majority of deaths from the Coronavirus were the elderly and those who had one or more underlying health conditions ___ but the remedy this charlatan has conned the United States into adopting, has caused more harm, death and destruction, to the United States than the leadership of both political parties have caused over the past several decades. Why you defend this snake oil salesman’s remedy is beyond human comprehension!

As early as February, it was known that the vast majority of deaths from the virus was limited to the elderly, and especially those having underlying medial conditions. Common sense dictated the most vulnerable ought to have been isolated from the least vulnerable while allowing normal activities to continue with enhanced hygiene precautions for covid-19. Instead, this con artist created a nationwide hysteria and offered a totally illogical remedy which has wrecked the lives the American People, caused undue deaths and suicides, deaths from drug use, and countless other miseries across the country.

The bottom line is, 90% of the deaths from the virus is limited to the elderly and especially those having underlying medical problems. Isolating and protecting, as best as possible, this vulnerable segment of society, while allowing the rest of the nation's population to carry on their daily business, was the most obvious course of action so as to cause as little harm to the patient, which just happens to be the American people.

Why is this so difficult for you to understand?

Mortality rate for persons over 65 (50.5 million people) who have covid 19 is 80% without considering prexisting conditions. So just how do you protect 50 million people from the virus while opening up the country? Keep in mind 10 million have jobs. Without social distancing and wearing masks, the virus will spread like wildfire to those under and over 65.

In regard to Dr Fauci, he is not prescribing any medicine nor any economic solution. In fact, he has never said we should not open or close businesses. He has just provide an opinion based on the data that clearly indicates we should move very cautiously. This of course has pissed off Trump who clearly favors opening up the country regardless of the the health and safety considerations. Obviously, he wants Fauci and Brix to endorse his statements on opening up the country and wisely they have abstained because if they do, Trump will blame them for the spread of the virus and resulting deaths just as he blames the Chinese for his lack of a response to the virus in the US.
What’s the rate considering preexisting conditions? What’s the source for your mortality stat?
I have not found the rate for over 65 and prexisting conditions. I saw something similar but it included the Flu, Pneumonia, and Covid 19

I'm sure if you are really interested in finding the answer, you will find it.

Fauci will have to face HIS CREATOR.... he will have to pay big time.

I don't feel sorry for him.

The basic epidemiological finding was, as stated by Fauci, “… the vast majority of the people who have serious disease and who will ultimately die, they are in that group that are either elderly and/or have underlying conditions." Quoting Fauci.

Fauci’s remedy, suspiciously, did not align with the basic epidemiological finding! In fact, his remedy predictably caused untold deaths in America. Why some defend this arrant, so called “expert”, is beyond common sense thinking. But hey, they are entitled to their opinion even though Fauci did not base his remedy on a basic epidemiological finding.


It’s not a “Deep State”. It’s a subversive socialist/communist “Shadow Government” which began to entrench itself during Ronald Reagan’s presidency. Its mission being, to advance GLOBALISM and socialist policies, and obstruct attempts to roll back such policies.
That is not Fauci's complete statement.
"Of course, you have outliers — people who are young and otherwise previously healthy who are dying," Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, told NPR's 1A show. "But if you look at the vast majority of the people who have serious disease and who will ultimately die, they are in that group that are either elderly and/or have underlying conditions."

Fauci did not invent social distancing. Some form of social distancing, (quarantining, shielding, school and workplace closures, travel restrictions,etc) has been used in every major epidemic for over hundred years, and in most cases very effectively. Over a hundred countries used social distancing in the covid 19 pandemic.

Once a dangerous ,contagious disease begins to spread and there are no medical preventives, then there are only two possible ways for a nation to respond, ignore the epidemic and accept lost of life and resulting damage to the economy, or inact some form(s) of social distancing. It's really a no brainier.
Last edited:
Fauci will have to face HIS CREATOR.... he will have to pay big time.

I don't feel sorry for him.

The basic epidemiological finding was, as stated by Fauci, “… the vast majority of the people who have serious disease and who will ultimately die, they are in that group that are either elderly and/or have underlying conditions." Quoting Fauci.

Fauci’s remedy, suspiciously, did not align with the basic epidemiological finding! In fact, his remedy predictably caused untold deaths in America. Why some defend this arrant, so called “expert”, is beyond common sense thinking. But hey, they are entitled to their opinion even though Fauci did not base his remedy on a basic epidemiological finding.


It’s not a “Deep State”. It’s a subversive socialist/communist “Shadow Government” which began to entrench itself during Ronald Reagan’s presidency. Its mission being, to advance GLOBALISM and socialist policies, and obstruct attempts to roll back such policies.
That is not Fauci's complete statement.
"Of course, you have outliers — people who are young and otherwise previously healthy who are dying," Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, told NPR's 1A show. "But if you look at the vast majority of the people who have serious disease and who will ultimately die, they are in that group that are either elderly and/or have underlying conditions."

Fauci did not invent social distancing. Some form of social distancing, (quarantining, shielding, school and workplace closures, travel restrictions,etc) has been used in every major epidemic for over hundred years, and in most cases very effectively. Over a hundred countries used social distancing in the covid 19 pandemic.

Once a dangerous ,contagious disease begins to spread and there are no medical preventives, then there are only two possible ways for a nation to respond, ignore the epidemic and accept lost of life and resulting damage to the economy, or inact some form(s) of social distancing. It's really a no brainier.
Fauci will have to face HIS CREATOR.... he will have to pay big time.

I don't feel sorry for him.

The basic epidemiological finding was, as stated by Fauci, “… the vast majority of the people who have serious disease and who will ultimately die, they are in that group that are either elderly and/or have underlying conditions." Quoting Fauci.

Fauci’s remedy, suspiciously, did not align with the basic epidemiological finding! In fact, his remedy predictably caused untold deaths in America. Why some defend this arrant, so called “expert”, is beyond common sense thinking. But hey, they are entitled to their opinion even though Fauci did not base his remedy on a basic epidemiological finding.


It’s not a “Deep State”. It’s a subversive socialist/communist “Shadow Government” which began to entrench itself during Ronald Reagan’s presidency. Its mission being, to advance GLOBALISM and socialist policies, and obstruct attempts to roll back such policies.
That is not Fauci's complete statement.
"Of course, you have outliers — people who are young and otherwise previously healthy who are dying," Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, told NPR's 1A show. "But if you look at the vast majority of the people who have serious disease and who will ultimately die, they are in that group that are either elderly and/or have underlying conditions."

Fauci did not invent social distancing. Some form of social distancing, (quarantining, shielding, school and workplace closures, travel restrictions,etc) has been used in every major epidemic for over hundred years, and in most cases very effectively. Over a hundred countries used social distancing in the covid 19 pandemic.

Once a dangerous ,contagious disease begins to spread and there are no medical preventives, then there are only two possible ways for a nation to respond, ignore the epidemic and accept lost of life and resulting damage to the economy, or inact some form(s) of social distancing. It's really a no brainier.

I have no idea what point you are making in reference to what Fauci has been recommending. Fauci has been recommending an across the board, federally mandated stay at home remedy instead of targeting those who are most susceptible to the deadly effects of the virus, and separating them from the nation's general population who should be carrying on their daily activities while practicing enhanced hygiene measures.

His generalized, untargeted stay at home remedy is irrational and lacks common sense.


Part of the Classic Version of the Hippocratic Oath commands a doctor to

“ … apply dietetic measures for the benefit of the sick according to my ability and judgment; I will keep them from harm and injustice.”

A Modern Version of the Hippocratic Oath requires a doctor “… that I do not treat a fever chart, a cancerous growth, but a sick human being, whose illness may affect the person's family and economic stability. My responsibility includes these related problems, if I am to care adequately for the sick.”

And in the ancient Hippocratic Oath which physicians took, they are instructed, “Prima non nocere” — above all else, don’t harm the patient!

Unfortunately, our beloved Dr. Fauci’s advice, and silence in some cases, has set the stage for his patient, the American People, to suffer and endure enormous harm, which he has brazenly attempted to justify by repeatedly saying he doesn’t give economic advice. And yet, his very oath requires him to take cognizance of economic problems which may predictable result from his advice.

And what was Fauci’s advice? See: 'I don't understand why' every state hasn't issued stay-at-home orders

In addition he told the American People:

"Please, put off, cancel elective medical and surgical procedures. You don't want to not ever do them, but for the time being, don't do them. Because they also not only consume personal protective equipment, they may also consume some of the things like ventilators that they might need,” NIAID Director Dr. Anthony Fauci said. LINK

So tell us Dr. Fauci, by advising elective medical procedures like mammograms, colonoscopies, and PSA tests, to come to a halt, how many early detected cancers have gone unnoticed. And how many scheduled dental cleanings were suspended, because of your advice, during which time early cancer could have been detected?

And what about the increase in suicides, drug overdose deaths and domestic violence which has resulted from your advice to enforce a shelter in place order . . . has your advice not resulted in predictable and various forms of harm to the patient?

Had you actually paid attention to your Oath, Dr. Fauci, your advice would have been far different than a stay at home order. You would have advised that those most susceptible to the deadly effects of the virus should be contained by a stay at home order and cared for, while those less susceptible ought to practice enhanced protective measures i.e., masks, distancing, handwashing, etc. Indeed, this advice would not have allowed the devastating harm that your advice has inflicted on the patient, and it would have allowed heard immunity to build up while scientific research could produce treatments, vaccines, and test detections. But instead, you choose to ignore your Oath and recommended a medicine far worse than the disease. And for that you should be shunned and ignored henceforth.

You need to post more often. :yes_text12:
Fauci will have to face HIS CREATOR.... he will have to pay big time.

I don't feel sorry for him.

The basic epidemiological finding was, as stated by Fauci, “… the vast majority of the people who have serious disease and who will ultimately die, they are in that group that are either elderly and/or have underlying conditions." Quoting Fauci.

Fauci’s remedy, suspiciously, did not align with the basic epidemiological finding! In fact, his remedy predictably caused untold deaths in America. Why some defend this arrant, so called “expert”, is beyond common sense thinking. But hey, they are entitled to their opinion even though Fauci did not base his remedy on a basic epidemiological finding. It appears that that this plan is beginning to work. New cases dropped from a high on of 38,000 on April 24th to a low of 20,000 on May 19th.


It’s not a “Deep State”. It’s a subversive socialist/communist “Shadow Government” which began to entrench itself during Ronald Reagan’s presidency. Its mission being, to advance GLOBALISM and socialist policies, and obstruct attempts to roll back such policies.
That is not Fauci's complete statement.
"Of course, you have outliers — people who are young and otherwise previously healthy who are dying," Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, told NPR's 1A show. "But if you look at the vast majority of the people who have serious disease and who will ultimately die, they are in that group that are either elderly and/or have underlying conditions."

Fauci did not invent social distancing. Some form of social distancing, (quarantining, shielding, school and workplace closures, travel restrictions,etc) has been used in every major epidemic for over hundred years, and in most cases very effectively. Over a hundred countries used social distancing in the covid 19 pandemic.

Once a dangerous ,contagious disease begins to spread and there are no medical preventives, then there are only two possible ways for a nation to respond, ignore the epidemic and accept lost of life and resulting damage to the economy, or inact some form(s) of social distancing. It's really a no brainier.

I have no idea what point you are making in reference to what Fauci has been recommending. Fauci has been recommending an across the board, federally mandated stay at home remedy instead of targeting those who are most susceptible to the deadly effects of the virus, and separating them from the nation's general population who should be carrying on their daily activities while practicing enhanced hygiene measures.

His generalized, untargeted stay at home remedy is irrational and lacks common sense.

What Fauci recommend was based on solid scientific data that has been proven in epidemics for over a hundred years; that is, keep people apart and they can not spread the disease which means close businesses, stop gathering of large numbers of people, and order people to stay home except for essential travel. It's a no brainier that has proven to work. In late March when we started the stay at home orders, we had 68,000 cases increasing at a rate of 25% every 2 or 3 days. Deaths were increasing by over a thousand a day and growing. In major cities, hospitals were swamped with Covid 19 cases. Healthcare workers were dropping like flies due to lack of protective gear, the contagion wards where filled to overflowing, and hospitals had no known treatment for the disease. The lack of testing had made one of the most effective methods of stopping an epidemic, contact tracing nearly impossible, We could have taken a conservative approach and ordered certain groups such as seniors to state home and closed only selected businesses based mostly on guesses and not solid data. No epidemiologist or infectious disease specialist would have recommend such an approach to a deadly epidemic that was out of control, with no medical treatment or preventative measures.
Last edited:
Fauci will have to face HIS CREATOR.... he will have to pay big time.

I don't feel sorry for him.

The basic epidemiological finding was, as stated by Fauci, “… the vast majority of the people who have serious disease and who will ultimately die, they are in that group that are either elderly and/or have underlying conditions." Quoting Fauci.

Fauci’s remedy, suspiciously, did not align with the basic epidemiological finding! In fact, his remedy predictably caused untold deaths in America. Why some defend this arrant, so called “expert”, is beyond common sense thinking. But hey, they are entitled to their opinion even though Fauci did not base his remedy on a basic epidemiological finding.


It’s not a “Deep State”. It’s a subversive socialist/communist “Shadow Government” which began to entrench itself during Ronald Reagan’s presidency. Its mission being, to advance GLOBALISM and socialist policies, and obstruct attempts to roll back such policies.
That is not Fauci's complete statement.
"Of course, you have outliers — people who are young and otherwise previously healthy who are dying," Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, told NPR's 1A show. "But if you look at the vast majority of the people who have serious disease and who will ultimately die, they are in that group that are either elderly and/or have underlying conditions."

Fauci did not invent social distancing. Some form of social distancing, (quarantining, shielding, school and workplace closures, travel restrictions,etc) has been used in every major epidemic for over hundred years, and in most cases very effectively. Over a hundred countries used social distancing in the covid 19 pandemic.

Once a dangerous ,contagious disease begins to spread and there are no medical preventives, then there are only two possible ways for a nation to respond, ignore the epidemic and accept lost of life and resulting damage to the economy, or inact some form(s) of social distancing. It's really a no brainier.

I have no idea what point you are making in reference to what Fauci has been recommending. Fauci has been recommending an across the board, federally mandated stay at home remedy instead of targeting those who are most susceptible to the deadly effects of the virus, and separating them from the nation's general population who should be carrying on their daily activities while practicing enhanced hygiene measures.

His generalized, untargeted stay at home remedy is irrational and lacks common sense.

What Fauci recommend was based on solid scientific data that has been proven in epidemics for over a hundred years; that is, keep people apart and they can not spread the disease which meant closing businesses, stopping gathering of large numbers of people, and order people to stay home except for essential travel. It's a no brainier that has proven to work. In late March when we started the stay at home orders, we had 68,000 cases increasing at a rate of 25% every 3 days. Deaths were increasing by over thousand a day and growing. In major cities hospitals were swamped with Covid 19 cases. Healthcare workers were dropping like flies due to lack of protective gear, the contagion wards where filled to overflowing, and hospitals had no known treatment for the disease. The lack of testing had made one of the most effective methods of stopping an epidemic, contact tracing nearly impossible. We could have taken a conservative approach and ordered certain groups such as seniors to state home and closed only selected businesses based mostly on guesses and not solid data. No epidemiologist or infectious disease specialist would have recommend such an approach to a deadly epidemic that was out of control, with no medical treatment or preventative measures. Looking at new daily cases and deaths, the plan seems to be working.
Fauci will have to face HIS CREATOR.... he will have to pay big time.

I don't feel sorry for him.

The basic epidemiological finding was, as stated by Fauci, “… the vast majority of the people who have serious disease and who will ultimately die, they are in that group that are either elderly and/or have underlying conditions." Quoting Fauci.

Fauci’s remedy, suspiciously, did not align with the basic epidemiological finding! In fact, his remedy predictably caused untold deaths in America. Why some defend this arrant, so called “expert”, is beyond common sense thinking. But hey, they are entitled to their opinion even though Fauci did not base his remedy on a basic epidemiological finding. It appears that that this plan is beginning to work. New cases dropped from a high on of 38,000 on April 24th to a low of 20,000 on May 19th.


It’s not a “Deep State”. It’s a subversive socialist/communist “Shadow Government” which began to entrench itself during Ronald Reagan’s presidency. Its mission being, to advance GLOBALISM and socialist policies, and obstruct attempts to roll back such policies.
That is not Fauci's complete statement.
"Of course, you have outliers — people who are young and otherwise previously healthy who are dying," Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, told NPR's 1A show. "But if you look at the vast majority of the people who have serious disease and who will ultimately die, they are in that group that are either elderly and/or have underlying conditions."

Fauci did not invent social distancing. Some form of social distancing, (quarantining, shielding, school and workplace closures, travel restrictions,etc) has been used in every major epidemic for over hundred years, and in most cases very effectively. Over a hundred countries used social distancing in the covid 19 pandemic.

Once a dangerous ,contagious disease begins to spread and there are no medical preventives, then there are only two possible ways for a nation to respond, ignore the epidemic and accept lost of life and resulting damage to the economy, or inact some form(s) of social distancing. It's really a no brainier.

I have no idea what point you are making in reference to what Fauci has been recommending. Fauci has been recommending an across the board, federally mandated stay at home remedy instead of targeting those who are most susceptible to the deadly effects of the virus, and separating them from the nation's general population who should be carrying on their daily activities while practicing enhanced hygiene measures.

His generalized, untargeted stay at home remedy is irrational and lacks common sense.

What Fauci recommend was based on solid scientific data that has been proven in epidemics for over a hundred years; that is, keep people apart and they can not spread the disease which means close businesses, stop gathering of large numbers of people, and order people to stay home except for essential travel. It's a no brainier that has proven to work. In late March when we started the stay at home orders, we had 68,000 cases increasing at a rate of 25% every 2 or 3 days. Deaths were increasing by over a thousand a day and growing. In major cities, hospitals were swamped with Covid 19 cases. Healthcare workers were dropping like flies due to lack of protective gear, the contagion wards where filled to overflowing, and hospitals had no known treatment for the disease. The lack of testing had made one of the most effective methods of stopping an epidemic, contact tracing nearly impossible, We could have taken a conservative approach and ordered certain groups such as seniors to state home and closed only selected businesses based mostly on guesses and not solid data. No epidemiologist or infectious disease specialist would have recommend such an approach to a deadly epidemic that was out of control, with no medical treatment or preventative measures.
Actually, Fauci’s recommendation for lockdown and quarantine was too late. He contributed to the problem because economic and social conditions are not his forte, virology is.
Quarantine is only effective before the virus spreads and not after it’s already done so.
Fauci will have to face HIS CREATOR.... he will have to pay big time.

I don't feel sorry for him.

The basic epidemiological finding was, as stated by Fauci, “… the vast majority of the people who have serious disease and who will ultimately die, they are in that group that are either elderly and/or have underlying conditions." Quoting Fauci.

Fauci’s remedy, suspiciously, did not align with the basic epidemiological finding! In fact, his remedy predictably caused untold deaths in America. Why some defend this arrant, so called “expert”, is beyond common sense thinking. But hey, they are entitled to their opinion even though Fauci did not base his remedy on a basic epidemiological finding. It appears that that this plan is beginning to work. New cases dropped from a high on of 38,000 on April 24th to a low of 20,000 on May 19th.


It’s not a “Deep State”. It’s a subversive socialist/communist “Shadow Government” which began to entrench itself during Ronald Reagan’s presidency. Its mission being, to advance GLOBALISM and socialist policies, and obstruct attempts to roll back such policies.
That is not Fauci's complete statement.
"Of course, you have outliers — people who are young and otherwise previously healthy who are dying," Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, told NPR's 1A show. "But if you look at the vast majority of the people who have serious disease and who will ultimately die, they are in that group that are either elderly and/or have underlying conditions."

Fauci did not invent social distancing. Some form of social distancing, (quarantining, shielding, school and workplace closures, travel restrictions,etc) has been used in every major epidemic for over hundred years, and in most cases very effectively. Over a hundred countries used social distancing in the covid 19 pandemic.

Once a dangerous ,contagious disease begins to spread and there are no medical preventives, then there are only two possible ways for a nation to respond, ignore the epidemic and accept lost of life and resulting damage to the economy, or inact some form(s) of social distancing. It's really a no brainier.

I have no idea what point you are making in reference to what Fauci has been recommending. Fauci has been recommending an across the board, federally mandated stay at home remedy instead of targeting those who are most susceptible to the deadly effects of the virus, and separating them from the nation's general population who should be carrying on their daily activities while practicing enhanced hygiene measures.

His generalized, untargeted stay at home remedy is irrational and lacks common sense.

What Fauci recommend was based on solid scientific data that has been proven in epidemics for over a hundred years; that is, keep people apart and they can not spread the disease which means close businesses, stop gathering of large numbers of people, and order people to stay home except for essential travel. It's a no brainier that has proven to work. In late March when we started the stay at home orders, we had 68,000 cases increasing at a rate of 25% every 2 or 3 days. Deaths were increasing by over a thousand a day and growing. In major cities, hospitals were swamped with Covid 19 cases. Healthcare workers were dropping like flies due to lack of protective gear, the contagion wards where filled to overflowing, and hospitals had no known treatment for the disease. The lack of testing had made one of the most effective methods of stopping an epidemic, contact tracing nearly impossible, We could have taken a conservative approach and ordered certain groups such as seniors to state home and closed only selected businesses based mostly on guesses and not solid data. No epidemiologist or infectious disease specialist would have recommend such an approach to a deadly epidemic that was out of control, with no medical treatment or preventative measures.
Actually, Fauci’s recommendation for lockdown and quarantine was too late. He contributed to the problem because economic and social conditions are not his forte, virology is.
Quarantine is only effective before the virus spreads and not after it’s already done so.
The virus was spreading in late February. On Feb 28th at a Trump rally in North Carolina, Trump was referred to the virus as just the common flu. I rather doubt he was ready to shut the country down. It would be two week before he even declared a national emergency. The purpose of the lock down was just to mitigate the effects of the virus; that is, to reduce hospitalizations to give our hospitals a chance to recover which it seems to have done.
Last edited:
Fauci will have to face HIS CREATOR.... he will have to pay big time.

I don't feel sorry for him.

The basic epidemiological finding was, as stated by Fauci, “… the vast majority of the people who have serious disease and who will ultimately die, they are in that group that are either elderly and/or have underlying conditions." Quoting Fauci.

Fauci’s remedy, suspiciously, did not align with the basic epidemiological finding! In fact, his remedy predictably caused untold deaths in America. Why some defend this arrant, so called “expert”, is beyond common sense thinking. But hey, they are entitled to their opinion even though Fauci did not base his remedy on a basic epidemiological finding. It appears that that this plan is beginning to work. New cases dropped from a high on of 38,000 on April 24th to a low of 20,000 on May 19th.


It’s not a “Deep State”. It’s a subversive socialist/communist “Shadow Government” which began to entrench itself during Ronald Reagan’s presidency. Its mission being, to advance GLOBALISM and socialist policies, and obstruct attempts to roll back such policies.
That is not Fauci's complete statement.
"Of course, you have outliers — people who are young and otherwise previously healthy who are dying," Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, told NPR's 1A show. "But if you look at the vast majority of the people who have serious disease and who will ultimately die, they are in that group that are either elderly and/or have underlying conditions."

Fauci did not invent social distancing. Some form of social distancing, (quarantining, shielding, school and workplace closures, travel restrictions,etc) has been used in every major epidemic for over hundred years, and in most cases very effectively. Over a hundred countries used social distancing in the covid 19 pandemic.

Once a dangerous ,contagious disease begins to spread and there are no medical preventives, then there are only two possible ways for a nation to respond, ignore the epidemic and accept lost of life and resulting damage to the economy, or inact some form(s) of social distancing. It's really a no brainier.

I have no idea what point you are making in reference to what Fauci has been recommending. Fauci has been recommending an across the board, federally mandated stay at home remedy instead of targeting those who are most susceptible to the deadly effects of the virus, and separating them from the nation's general population who should be carrying on their daily activities while practicing enhanced hygiene measures.

His generalized, untargeted stay at home remedy is irrational and lacks common sense.

What Fauci recommend was based on solid scientific data that has been proven in epidemics for over a hundred years; that is, keep people apart and they can not spread the disease which means close businesses, stop gathering of large numbers of people, and order people to stay home except for essential travel. It's a no brainier that has proven to work. In late March when we started the stay at home orders, we had 68,000 cases increasing at a rate of 25% every 2 or 3 days. Deaths were increasing by over a thousand a day and growing. In major cities, hospitals were swamped with Covid 19 cases. Healthcare workers were dropping like flies due to lack of protective gear, the contagion wards where filled to overflowing, and hospitals had no known treatment for the disease. The lack of testing had made one of the most effective methods of stopping an epidemic, contact tracing nearly impossible, We could have taken a conservative approach and ordered certain groups such as seniors to state home and closed only selected businesses based mostly on guesses and not solid data. No epidemiologist or infectious disease specialist would have recommend such an approach to a deadly epidemic that was out of control, with no medical treatment or preventative measures.
Actually, Fauci’s recommendation for lockdown and quarantine was too late. He contributed to the problem because economic and social conditions are not his forte, virology is.
Quarantine is only effective before the virus spreads and not after it’s already done so.
The virus was spreading in late February. On Feb 28th at a Trump rally in North Carolina, Trump was referred to the virus as just the common flu. I rather doubt he was ready to shut the country down. It would be two week before he even declared a national emergency. The purpose of the lock down was just to mitigate the effects of the virus; that is, to reduce hospitalizations to give our hospitals a chance to recover which it seems to have done.
Democrats were calling trump racist while they encouraged large gatherings into March. Any timeline blamed on trump in hindsight is pure hypocrisy.
Lockdowns kept in place beyond two weeks are political, aimed at damaging the economy, i.e., trump.
Fauci will have to face HIS CREATOR.... he will have to pay big time.

I don't feel sorry for him.

The basic epidemiological finding was, as stated by Fauci, “… the vast majority of the people who have serious disease and who will ultimately die, they are in that group that are either elderly and/or have underlying conditions." Quoting Fauci.

Fauci’s remedy, suspiciously, did not align with the basic epidemiological finding! In fact, his remedy predictably caused untold deaths in America. Why some defend this arrant, so called “expert”, is beyond common sense thinking. But hey, they are entitled to their opinion even though Fauci did not base his remedy on a basic epidemiological finding. It appears that that this plan is beginning to work. New cases dropped from a high on of 38,000 on April 24th to a low of 20,000 on May 19th.


It’s not a “Deep State”. It’s a subversive socialist/communist “Shadow Government” which began to entrench itself during Ronald Reagan’s presidency. Its mission being, to advance GLOBALISM and socialist policies, and obstruct attempts to roll back such policies.
That is not Fauci's complete statement.
"Of course, you have outliers — people who are young and otherwise previously healthy who are dying," Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, told NPR's 1A show. "But if you look at the vast majority of the people who have serious disease and who will ultimately die, they are in that group that are either elderly and/or have underlying conditions."

Fauci did not invent social distancing. Some form of social distancing, (quarantining, shielding, school and workplace closures, travel restrictions,etc) has been used in every major epidemic for over hundred years, and in most cases very effectively. Over a hundred countries used social distancing in the covid 19 pandemic.

Once a dangerous ,contagious disease begins to spread and there are no medical preventives, then there are only two possible ways for a nation to respond, ignore the epidemic and accept lost of life and resulting damage to the economy, or inact some form(s) of social distancing. It's really a no brainier.

I have no idea what point you are making in reference to what Fauci has been recommending. Fauci has been recommending an across the board, federally mandated stay at home remedy instead of targeting those who are most susceptible to the deadly effects of the virus, and separating them from the nation's general population who should be carrying on their daily activities while practicing enhanced hygiene measures.

His generalized, untargeted stay at home remedy is irrational and lacks common sense.

What Fauci recommend was based on solid scientific data that has been proven in epidemics for over a hundred years; that is, keep people apart and they can not spread the disease which means close businesses, stop gathering of large numbers of people, and order people to stay home except for essential travel. It's a no brainier that has proven to work. In late March when we started the stay at home orders, we had 68,000 cases increasing at a rate of 25% every 2 or 3 days. Deaths were increasing by over a thousand a day and growing. In major cities, hospitals were swamped with Covid 19 cases. Healthcare workers were dropping like flies due to lack of protective gear, the contagion wards where filled to overflowing, and hospitals had no known treatment for the disease. The lack of testing had made one of the most effective methods of stopping an epidemic, contact tracing nearly impossible, We could have taken a conservative approach and ordered certain groups such as seniors to state home and closed only selected businesses based mostly on guesses and not solid data. No epidemiologist or infectious disease specialist would have recommend such an approach to a deadly epidemic that was out of control, with no medical treatment or preventative measures.
Actually, Fauci’s recommendation for lockdown and quarantine was too late. He contributed to the problem because economic and social conditions are not his forte, virology is.
Quarantine is only effective before the virus spreads and not after it’s already done so.
The virus was spreading in late February. On Feb 28th at a Trump rally in North Carolina, Trump was referred to the virus as just the common flu. I rather doubt he was ready to shut the country down. It would be two week before he even declared a national emergency. The purpose of the lock down was just to mitigate the effects of the virus; that is, to reduce hospitalizations to give our hospitals a chance to recover which it seems to have done.
Democrats were calling trump racist while they encouraged large gatherings into March. Any timeline blamed on trump in hindsight is pure hypocrisy.
Lockdowns kept in place beyond two weeks are political, aimed at damaging the economy, i.e., trump.
When you have little or no testing and thus very limited tracking, quarantining, and monitoring and the epidemic is out of control, there is only one epidemic management tool proven to work and that's separating people to reduce the spread. Given enough time it will slow it down. To stop it entirely would require some rather draconian measures incompatible with our society. I doubt two weeks would have any measurable effect. IMHO, it would take anywhere from 3 to 6 months to have a serious reduction in new cases.

The fact is, unless the virus was stopped in February and early March, it would not be stopped until a vaccine was developed. Shutting the country down just slows it down. If the country is fully open in fall, expect the virus to spreading as fast as was in March because fundamentally nothing would have changed.

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