Dr. Anthony Fauci has indeed violated the Hippocratic Oath

Part of the Classic Version of the Hippocratic Oath commands a doctor to

“ … apply dietetic measures for the benefit of the sick according to my ability and judgment; I will keep them from harm and injustice.”

A Modern Version of the Hippocratic Oath requires a doctor “… that I do not treat a fever chart, a cancerous growth, but a sick human being, whose illness may affect the person's family and economic stability. My responsibility includes these related problems, if I am to care adequately for the sick.”

And in the ancient Hippocratic Oath which physicians took, they are instructed, “Prima non nocere” — above all else, don’t harm the patient!

Unfortunately, our beloved Dr. Fauci’s advice, and silence in some cases, has set the stage for his patient, the American People, to suffer and endure enormous harm, which he has brazenly attempted to justify by repeatedly saying he doesn’t give economic advice. And yet, his very oath requires him to take cognizance of economic problems which may predictable result from his advice.

And what was Fauci’s advice? See: 'I don't understand why' every state hasn't issued stay-at-home orders

In addition he told the American People:

"Please, put off, cancel elective medical and surgical procedures. You don't want to not ever do them, but for the time being, don't do them. Because they also not only consume personal protective equipment, they may also consume some of the things like ventilators that they might need,” NIAID Director Dr. Anthony Fauci said. LINK

So tell us Dr. Fauci, by advising elective medical procedures like mammograms, colonoscopies, and PSA tests, to come to a halt, how many early detected cancers have gone unnoticed. And how many scheduled dental cleanings were suspended, because of your advice, during which time early cancer could have been detected?

And what about the increase in suicides, drug overdose deaths and domestic violence which has resulted from your advice to enforce a shelter in place order . . . has your advice not resulted in predictable and various forms of harm to the patient?

Had you actually paid attention to your Oath, Dr. Fauci, your advice would have been far different than a stay at home order. You would have advised that those most susceptible to the deadly effects of the virus should be contained by a stay at home order and cared for, while those less susceptible ought to practice enhanced protective measures i.e., masks, distancing, handwashing, etc. Indeed, this advice would not have allowed the devastating harm that your advice has inflicted on the patient, and it would have allowed heard immunity to build up while scientific research could produce treatments, vaccines, and test detections. But instead, you choose to ignore your Oath and recommended a medicine far worse than the disease. And for that you should be shunned and ignored henceforth.

Just about all actions that are beneficial in fighting an epidemic damages the economy. A medical advisor is going give advice aimed at reducing illness, deaths, and ending the epidemic just as economic advisor is going to give advice aimed at higher employment and economic growth. It's the job of president or the governor to chart a course between these two extremes so as to save as many lives as possible and at same time protect the financial well being of people as best he can.
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A couple of things about Fauci's testimony today.

1. If the Divider-in-Chief was planning on Repub senators acting like fawning sycophants (remember Don refused to let Fauci testify before the House) he must have been sorely disappointed. They asked pertinent questions. Perhaps they are concerned with hooking their wagons too tightly to the guy who recommended swilling bleach as a COVID treatment.

2. Fauci gave some very dire warnings about an uncontrollable second wave of COVID if the CDC protocols Trump has encouraged states to ignore do in fact continue to be ignored.
Fauci’s lockdown would be the cause of any resurgence.
Part of the Classic Version of the Hippocratic Oath commands a doctor to

“ … apply dietetic measures for the benefit of the sick according to my ability and judgment; I will keep them from harm and injustice.”

A Modern Version of the Hippocratic Oath requires a doctor “… that I do not treat a fever chart, a cancerous growth, but a sick human being, whose illness may affect the person's family and economic stability. My responsibility includes these related problems, if I am to care adequately for the sick.”

And in the ancient Hippocratic Oath which physicians took, they are instructed, “Prima non nocere” — above all else, don’t harm the patient!

Unfortunately, our beloved Dr. Fauci’s advice, and silence in some cases, has set the stage for his patient, the American People, to suffer and endure enormous harm, which he has brazenly attempted to justify by repeatedly saying he doesn’t give economic advice. And yet, his very oath requires him to take cognizance of economic problems which may predictable result from his advice.

And what was Fauci’s advice? See: 'I don't understand why' every state hasn't issued stay-at-home orders

In addition he told the American People:

"Please, put off, cancel elective medical and surgical procedures. You don't want to not ever do them, but for the time being, don't do them. Because they also not only consume personal protective equipment, they may also consume some of the things like ventilators that they might need,” NIAID Director Dr. Anthony Fauci said. LINK

So tell us Dr. Fauci, by advising elective medical procedures like mammograms, colonoscopies, and PSA tests, to come to a halt, how many early detected cancers have gone unnoticed. And how many scheduled dental cleanings were suspended, because of your advice, during which time early cancer could have been detected?

And what about the increase in suicides, drug overdose deaths and domestic violence which has resulted from your advice to enforce a shelter in place order . . . has your advice not resulted in predictable and various forms of harm to the patient?

Had you actually paid attention to your Oath, Dr. Fauci, your advice would have been far different than a stay at home order. You would have advised that those most susceptible to the deadly effects of the virus should be contained by a stay at home order and cared for, while those less susceptible ought to practice enhanced protective measures i.e., masks, distancing, handwashing, etc. Indeed, this advice would not have allowed the devastating harm that your advice has inflicted on the patient, and it would have allowed heard immunity to build up while scientific research could produce treatments, vaccines, and test detections. But instead, you choose to ignore your Oath and recommended a medicine far worse than the disease. And for that you should be shunned and ignored henceforth.

Do you have a link to who wrote your cut n paste?

Where did the so called modern Hippocratic oath that you claim exists come from?

It's fake news.... :D
I admire Fauci, he is 79 and it appears he has not slowed down. Maybe you guys have not read his bio. Here I'll enlighten you: He sure has a long list of awards.
So do lots of experts who contradict his advice.

Name some?
Off the top of my head there are the two doctors who had their YouTube video removed and Dr Scott Atlas.
Google it. Just follow the MSM links that denounce them all.
Fauci is a lifelong political hack, and more then that, a lifelong leftist political operative! Trump walked right into coup d' tat number three courtesy of Fauci's subterfuge at NIH, and CDC... Folks, the whole idea behind the CCP/democratic party bio attack was shutting down the United States economy, an utterly ruthless attack upon the nation where its entirely likely millions will never, ever recover from it! I can assure you Fauci is doing the bidding of Obama and his billionaire buddies, and what those billionaire buddies and Obama want is the United States dead and out of the way of China.....

Didn't Fauci, back in January, claim the Coronavirus was not a major threat to the people of the United States?

That is correct, he also stated that masks were more harmful then not, then 180'd to must have them in public! Folks, especially you few democrats who actually have a mind, they are gaming us, this isn't about winning an election, its plainly obvious, plainly so, the game is the total take down of the United States, the democratic party and their CCP masters are clearly embarked upon that precise course.

The experts have told us many things, and even encouraged irrational actions which add to our nation’s confusion and dilemma. And some of the things, which are announced by the experts, are selected by our Fifth Column media and their Yellow Journalists, and regurgitated to the public in nefarious ways generating hysteria in the public’s mind, rather than providing facts which can be used by the general public to arrive at a common sense strategy which is most conducive to promoting the public’s general welfare.

I admire Fauci, he is 79 and it appears he has not slowed down. Maybe you guys have not read his bio. Here I'll enlighten you: He sure has a long list of awards.
So do lots of experts who contradict his advice.
I've noticed that very few of those experts have the medical background and experience in fighting highly contagious diseases. As Fauci said to the Senate, he gives advice on public health, not economics. He was not hire to give the president advice on the economy. He is doing the job for which he was hired, giving advice on managing the epidemic, not the economy. If that advice conflicts the economics of the situation, then it is up the president to decide on the best course for nation and take responsibility for that decision.
I admire Fauci, he is 79 and it appears he has not slowed down. Maybe you guys have not read his bio. Here I'll enlighten you: He sure has a long list of awards.
So do lots of experts who contradict his advice.
I've noticed that very few of those experts have the medical background and experience in fighting highly contagious diseases. As Fauci said to the Senate, he gives advice on public health, not economics. He was not hire to give the president advice on the economy. He is doing the job for which he was hired, giving advice on managing the epidemic, not the economy. If that advice conflicts the economics of the situation, then it is up the president to decide on the best course for nation and take responsibility for that decision.
Unfortunately he has democrat states doing everything they can to keep lockdowns in place.
As Fauci said to the Senate, he gives advice on public health, not economics. He was not hire to give the president advice on the economy.

Unfortunately, our beloved Dr. Fauci’s advice, and silence in some cases, has set the stage for his patient, the American People, to suffer and endure enormous harm, which he has brazenly attempted to justify by repeatedly saying he doesn’t give economic advice. And yet, his very oath requires him to take cognizance of economic problems which predictable may result from his advice.

A Modern Version of the Hippocratic Oath requires a doctor “… that I do not treat a fever chart, a cancerous growth, but a sick human being, whose illness may affect the person’s family and economic stability. My responsibility includes these related problems, if I am to care adequately for the sick.”

So, tell us, how many deaths have resulted from the medicine prescribed by Dr. Fauci?

What about Dr. Fauci advising elective medical procedures like mammograms, colonoscopies, and PSA tests, to come to a halt, how many early detected cancers have gone unnoticed? And how many scheduled dental cleanings were suspended, because of his advice, during which time more early cancers could have been detected?

And what about suicides as a result of his advice to shut down businesses, i.e., those owners who have lost everything they worked for because of Fauci's irrational advice?

From statistics, available to Fauci, sound reasoning indicates that focusing on and protecting those with underlying medical conditions which make them more susceptible to the deadly effects of the virus, would be a logical course of action, since the remaining portion of the population would not suffer significant casualties if it practiced common sense hygiene.

Your love affair with Fauce is misplaced, at least when one applies common sense and logic.

As Fauci said to the Senate, he gives advice on public health, not economics. He was not hire to give the president advice on the economy.

Unfortunately, our beloved Dr. Fauci’s advice, and silence in some cases, has set the stage for his patient, the American People, to suffer and endure enormous harm, which he has brazenly attempted to justify by repeatedly saying he doesn’t give economic advice. And yet, his very oath requires him to take cognizance of economic problems which predictable may result from his advice.

A Modern Version of the Hippocratic Oath requires a doctor “… that I do not treat a fever chart, a cancerous growth, but a sick human being, whose illness may affect the person’s family and economic stability. My responsibility includes these related problems, if I am to care adequately for the sick.”

So, tell us, how many deaths have resulted from the medicine prescribed by Dr. Fauci?

What about Dr. Fauci advising elective medical procedures like mammograms, colonoscopies, and PSA tests, to come to a halt, how many early detected cancers have gone unnoticed? And how many scheduled dental cleanings were suspended, because of his advice, during which time more early cancers could have been detected?

And what about suicides as a result of his advice to shut down businesses, i.e., those owners who have lost everything they worked for because of Fauci's irrational advice?

From statistics, available to Fauci, sound reasoning indicates that focusing on and protecting those with underlying medical conditions which make them more susceptible to the deadly effects of the virus, would be a logical course of action, since the remaining portion of the population would not suffer significant casualties if it practiced common sense hygiene.

Your love affair with Fauce is misplaced, at least when one applies common sense and logic.


How many stories can you keep inventing...

Fauci does his job as the head of the CDC... For guys who support Trump and the catalog of mistakes he has made you are bullish again...

Sorry, but a lot of states are correctly looking at other countries and Fauci to figure this out, not a guy who is obsessed by poll numbers and ratings...
As Fauci said to the Senate, he gives advice on public health, not economics. He was not hire to give the president advice on the economy.

Unfortunately, our beloved Dr. Fauci’s advice, and silence in some cases, has set the stage for his patient, the American People, to suffer and endure enormous harm, which he has brazenly attempted to justify by repeatedly saying he doesn’t give economic advice. And yet, his very oath requires him to take cognizance of economic problems which predictable may result from his advice.

A Modern Version of the Hippocratic Oath requires a doctor “… that I do not treat a fever chart, a cancerous growth, but a sick human being, whose illness may affect the person’s family and economic stability. My responsibility includes these related problems, if I am to care adequately for the sick.”

So, tell us, how many deaths have resulted from the medicine prescribed by Dr. Fauci?

What about Dr. Fauci advising elective medical procedures like mammograms, colonoscopies, and PSA tests, to come to a halt, how many early detected cancers have gone unnoticed? And how many scheduled dental cleanings were suspended, because of his advice, during which time more early cancers could have been detected?

And what about suicides as a result of his advice to shut down businesses, i.e., those owners who have lost everything they worked for because of Fauci's irrational advice?

From statistics, available to Fauci, sound reasoning indicates that focusing on and protecting those with underlying medical conditions which make them more susceptible to the deadly effects of the virus, would be a logical course of action, since the remaining portion of the population would not suffer significant casualties if it practiced common sense hygiene.

Your love affair with Fauce is misplaced, at least when one applies common sense and logic.


How many stories can you keep inventing...

Fauci does his job as the head of the CDC... For guys who support Trump and the catalog of mistakes he has made you are bullish again...

Sorry, but a lot of states are correctly looking at other countries and Fauci to figure this out, not a guy who is obsessed by poll numbers and ratings...
It's everyone's fault but lard donnie.
I admire Fauci, he is 79 and it appears he has not slowed down. Maybe you guys have not read his bio. Here I'll enlighten you: He sure has a long list of awards.
So do lots of experts who contradict his advice.

Name some?
Off the top of my head there are the two doctors who had their YouTube video removed and Dr Scott Atlas.
Google it. Just follow the MSM links that denounce them all.
You mean the two in Bakersfield? :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
I admire Fauci, he is 79 and it appears he has not slowed down. Maybe you guys have not read his bio. Here I'll enlighten you: He sure has a long list of awards.
So do lots of experts who contradict his advice.

Name some?
Off the top of my head there are the two doctors who had their YouTube video removed and Dr Scott Atlas.
Google it. Just follow the MSM links that denounce them all.

Dr. Atlas make many good points. You can read about herd immunity at this site.
My one brother never missed a chemo tx. But staying home is a drag, and we all know it. Wearing a mask is also a drag. Its also detrimental to health, physical and mental. So I agree with the good Dr. but we must open up slowly and intelligently. As far as schools, children can be carriers of the covid and some even get very sick.
As Fauci said to the Senate, he gives advice on public health, not economics. He was not hire to give the president advice on the economy.

Unfortunately, our beloved Dr. Fauci’s advice, and silence in some cases, has set the stage for his patient, the American People, to suffer and endure enormous harm, which he has brazenly attempted to justify by repeatedly saying he doesn’t give economic advice. And yet, his very oath requires him to take cognizance of economic problems which predictable may result from his advice.

A Modern Version of the Hippocratic Oath requires a doctor “… that I do not treat a fever chart, a cancerous growth, but a sick human being, whose illness may affect the person’s family and economic stability. My responsibility includes these related problems, if I am to care adequately for the sick.”

So, tell us, how many deaths have resulted from the medicine prescribed by Dr. Fauci?

What about Dr. Fauci advising elective medical procedures like mammograms, colonoscopies, and PSA tests, to come to a halt, how many early detected cancers have gone unnoticed? And how many scheduled dental cleanings were suspended, because of his advice, during which time more early cancers could have been detected?

And what about suicides as a result of his advice to shut down businesses, i.e., those owners who have lost everything they worked for because of Fauci's irrational advice?

From statistics, available to Fauci, sound reasoning indicates that focusing on and protecting those with underlying medical conditions which make them more susceptible to the deadly effects of the virus, would be a logical course of action, since the remaining portion of the population would not suffer significant casualties if it practiced common sense hygiene.

Your love affair with Fauce is misplaced, at least when one applies common sense and logic.


How many stories can you keep inventing...

Fauci does his job as the head of the CDC... For guys who support Trump and the catalog of mistakes he has made you are bullish again...

Sorry, but a lot of states are correctly looking at other countries and Fauci to figure this out, not a guy who is obsessed by poll numbers and ratings...
It's everyone's fault but lard donnie.

So, you really have nothing productive to contribute other than your personal feelings for the president.


This thing is so contagious and new that our bodies become completely overwhelmed by it. A national stay-at-home strategy might not be ideal, but it's far better than having a huge second wave of the virus in the fall, as is likely to happen (if there is even a break in the overall infection rate to call it a second wave)! Since we don't have the testing, contact tracing, or isolation we would need, staying at home is the safest course until we get an effective treatment and/or vaccine in sufficient amounts.
This thing is so contagious and new that our bodies become completely overwhelmed by it. A national stay-at-home strategy might not be ideal, but it's far better than having a huge second wave of the virus in the fall, as is likely to happen (if there is even a break in the overall infection rate to call it a second wave)! Since we don't have the testing, contact tracing, or isolation we would need, staying at home is the safest course until we get an effective treatment and/or vaccine in sufficient amounts.

Your medicine and cure is worse than the disease. You seem to be defending Dr. Fauci, snake oil salesman and con artist.

I appreciate your opinion but the fact is, Fauci, as a doctor, is required to take into consideration the predictable side effects of the medicine he prescribes. And the medicine he prescribed, which you seem to support and requires our nation’s entire population, with a few exceptions, to “shelter in place” and close down our economy, was not only totally illogical when considering the existing evidence ___ that the vast majority of deaths from the Coronavirus were the elderly and those who had one or more underlying health conditions ___ but the remedy you mention and this charlatan has conned the United States into adopting, has caused more harm, death and destruction, to the United States than the leadership’s of both political parties have caused over the past several decades. Why you defend this snake oil salesman’s remedy is beyond human comprehension!

As early as February, it was known that the vast majority of deaths from the virus was limited to the elderly, and especially those having underlying medial conditions. Common sense dictated the most vulnerable ought to have been isolated from the least vulnerable while allowing normal activities to continue with enhanced hygiene precautions for covid-19. Instead, this con artist created a nationwide hysteria and offered a totally illogical remedy which has wrecked the lives the American People, caused undue suicides, deaths from drug use, and countless other miseries across the country. And you support this illogical nonsense?

Come on man. You are better than that!


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