Dr. Ben Carson on Gay Marriage

I love hearing the arguments about how marriage has traditionally been between a man and a woman. Except those times when you could marry multiple women. Or underage girls. Remember when you could just massacre the other tribe and make their women yours? Ah, the good old days...
Seriously.....how 'bout YOU actually come up with an original thought of your own, thereby actually contributing something original to a debate, FOR ONCE,.....instead of just thowing up stupid shit from one of your lame liberal sources, that is only read by liberals up here who are just as ignorant and stupid as you?

Fuck you! I started the thread and made several personal comments throughout. You're still the same hateful asshole you were on the old defunct MSNBC boards with your Libsmackin'shit4brains moniker. Why don't you contribute something of value instead of just hate, personal attacks and viciousness?
^^^Ahhhhhhhhhh, poor Lil' Bear Turd Stuck To A Tree has a owie.:(^^^

Seriously, have you ever tried posting without being personal, hateful and inflammatory? I don't ever recall you contributing anything meaningful to a discussion.
Fuck you! I started the thread and made several personal comments throughout. You're still the same hateful asshole you were on the old defunct MSNBC boards with your Libsmackin'shit4brains moniker. Why don't you contribute something of value instead of just hate, personal attacks and viciousness?
^^^Ahhhhhhhhhh, poor Lil' Bear Turd Stuck To A Tree has a owie.:(^^^

Seriously, have you ever tried posting without being personal, hateful and inflammatory? I don't ever recall you contributing anything meaningful to a discussion.

have you ever read any of your own posts?

thanks for showing the palpable bigotry and hate that exudes from the left

I notice that while accusing me of bigotry you conveniently had no criticism of Bigreb actually saying "hell yea i'm a bigot". Do you people even try to look consistent anymore? You can't make this shit up.
Fuck you! I started the thread and made several personal comments throughout. You're still the same hateful asshole you were on the old defunct MSNBC boards with your Libsmackin'shit4brains moniker. Why don't you contribute something of value instead of just hate, personal attacks and viciousness?
^^^Ahhhhhhhhhh, poor Lil' Bear Turd Stuck To A Tree has a owie.:(^^^

Seriously, have you ever tried posting without being personal, hateful and inflammatory? I don't ever recall you contributing anything meaningful to a discussion.
That's because you obviously live with your head firmly implanted up your boney lil' ass.

And, it's nice to see you actually post something other than some bullshit link, from one of your favored bullshit propaganda sites.

Keep it up, man!.....Ya' just might actually get to exit the room you've been occupying with TM, Dean, Duddly Hermaphrodite, and our resident twoofer and birfer types up here.

For once, I'M ACTUALLY PROUD OF YA'!, Tonto.....YOU GO, BOOOOY:clap2:
The 'NEW' face of the GOP.

I disagree with all he says mostly, but do believe marriage is for churches, civil unions is for all non church people.

That's silly. Churches aren't required for marriage. Religion isn't required for marriage. Many non-church officials can perform marriages.

Marriage was adopted from religion by gov'ts for the purpose of encouraging the family unit...

You know the family unit was once so important to the gov't that they decided to give tax breaks for men and women as incentive to build a family.


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