Dr. Ben Carson on Gay Marriage

So, gay marriage and gay adoption would encourage more families. Sounds good.
Not so fast.....There should definitely be comprehensive studies done to determine the long term effects on children are who raised in that environment....And those studies should definitely reach well into the adult stages of their lives, BEFORE such adoptions are approved.

The last thing this country needs is to just start bowing down to the special interests, at the risk of serious negative effects on those children.

Ya' see, most people who supports pervert marriage, automatically, and at this point, ignorantly assumes everything's going to be just rainbows and unicorns.....Everything's going to be just fine.....When in fact, as it pertains to the children who may be raised in that environment, nobody has any idea how it's going to effect them in the long term....They will no doubt be facing things that children in non-perverted, traditional households will never face.

And anybody who supports it, and can't possibly fathom what those children will no doubt face, seriously need to re-think their position on the matter, until they are able to actually grasp the possible ramifications.

BS. Find a credible source that supports that notion. I'll wait.
Uh, excuse me but, THERE HAVE BEEN NO COMPREHENSIVE STUDIES DONE......Christ man, lay off the fuckin' kush.

Obviously, you're one of those libs who just can't fathom what those children will potentially face.....And that's disturbing, as well as sad.

Disturbing in the fact that you may not have the ability to fathom it,......and sad in the fact, that in your liberal zeal to have a liberal want rammed into play, you may not actually give a shit how it may effect those children, as long as the liberals get their way.
So you think that uber-blue cali has a higher concentration of anti-gay marriage people than red states?

lol - This is what happens when you watch Rachel Madcow...
Prop. 8 passed due to more liberals than not, supporting it......And it's always worth a laugh to listen to the opponents of it, try and deny it.

The problem with many liberals, is that they just can't fathom other liberals not vehemently supporting every cause they believe in.....They just can't fathom that there are moderate liberals who don't support every cause they believe in.....They just can't fathom that a liberal christian wouldn't fall in line on this issue.

One of the interesting things I obsererved while watching local news coverage last night, besides the fact that the prop. 8 issue was not the lead story on most of them, but was when they went out on the streets for interviews, most people they talked to were pissed that the State had no official legal representation from the states Attorney Generals Office....That is their job, to represent the people, and the laws the people voted to enact., and the majority of the people they interviewed were liberals, of course....That does not bode well for the opponets of prop. 8, nor does it for the politicians who are opposing it, nor the attorney Generals office who is not standing up in defense of voter enacted law....And it only goes to show that this fight is going to go on for years.
For years?????????????? lOLOLOLOLOL
Here ya go....straight from the horse's ass' mouth:
Rush Limbaugh: 'There Is Going To Be Gay Marriage Nationwide' (AUDIO)

Christ, i'm quite sure you're one of those who claim Rush is never right, but now all of a sudden you try and prop him up........You libs are just too damn entertaining.

Everytime I throw the hook out on this subject, you libs just can't resist biting......One of these days, maybe one of you will get a clue......Too fuckin' funny!
Prop. 8 passed due to more liberals than not, supporting it......And it's always worth a laugh to listen to the opponents of it, try and deny it.

The problem with many liberals, is that they just can't fathom other liberals not vehemently supporting every cause they believe in.....They just can't fathom that there are moderate liberals who don't support every cause they believe in.....They just can't fathom that a liberal christian wouldn't fall in line on this issue.

One of the interesting things I obsererved while watching local news coverage last night, besides the fact that the prop. 8 issue was not the lead story on most of them, but was when they went out on the streets for interviews, most people they talked to were pissed that the State had no official legal representation from the states Attorney Generals Office....That is their job, to represent the people, and the laws the people voted to enact., and the majority of the people they interviewed were liberals, of course....That does not bode well for the opponets of prop. 8, nor does it for the politicians who are opposing it, nor the attorney Generals office who is not standing up in defense of voter enacted law....And it only goes to show that this fight is going to go on for years.
For years?????????????? lOLOLOLOLOL
Here ya go....straight from the horse's ass' mouth:
Rush Limbaugh: 'There Is Going To Be Gay Marriage Nationwide' (AUDIO)

Christ, i'm quite sure you're one of those who claim Rush is never right, but now all of a sudden you try and prop him up........You libs are just too damn entertaining.

Everytime I throw the hook out on this subject, you libs just can't resist biting......One of these days, maybe one of you will get a clue......Too fuckin' funny!

A short time ago....he was considered the spokesman for the Republican Party, with you righties hanging on to his every word and whim. He "throws in the towel", and all of a sudden, you're throwing him under the bus?????
This is why folks think you and yours are psycho. Even the crazies in your party (O'Reilly, half the damn Repub Congress and the RNC chair) are admitting defeat on this issue. Welcome to reality.
Not so fast.....There should definitely be comprehensive studies done to determine the long term effects on children are who raised in that environment....And those studies should definitely reach well into the adult stages of their lives, BEFORE such adoptions are approved.

The last thing this country needs is to just start bowing down to the special interests, at the risk of serious negative effects on those children.

Ya' see, most people who supports pervert marriage, automatically, and at this point, ignorantly assumes everything's going to be just rainbows and unicorns.....Everything's going to be just fine.....When in fact, as it pertains to the children who may be raised in that environment, nobody has any idea how it's going to effect them in the long term....They will no doubt be facing things that children in non-perverted, traditional households will never face.

And anybody who supports it, and can't possibly fathom what those children will no doubt face, seriously need to re-think their position on the matter, until they are able to actually grasp the possible ramifications.

BS. Find a credible source that supports that notion. I'll wait.
Uh, excuse me but, THERE HAVE BEEN NO COMPREHENSIVE STUDIES DONE......Christ man, lay off the fuckin' kush.

Obviously, you're one of those libs who just can't fathom what those children will potentially face.....And that's disturbing, as well as sad.

Disturbing in the fact that you may not have the ability to fathom it,......and sad in the fact, that in your liberal zeal to have a liberal want rammed into play, you may not actually give a shit how it may effect those children, as long as the liberals get their way.

Oh, ye hypocrite. You're the same asshat, who'll foam at the mouth over abortions, but as soon as the child is born, ship them off to the state, where he or she will languish in foster care, destined for a life of poverty and/or crime....a self-fulfilling prophesy. You care nothing for children...it's just "posturing".
And who are you to doubt that children don't fare well in a same sex couple home, the bottom line being "love". Statistics don't bear out your fears. But you could always produce documentation to the contrary, ne c'est pas?
For years?????????????? lOLOLOLOLOL
Here ya go....straight from the horse's ass' mouth:
Rush Limbaugh: 'There Is Going To Be Gay Marriage Nationwide' (AUDIO)

Christ, i'm quite sure you're one of those who claim Rush is never right, but now all of a sudden you try and prop him up........You libs are just too damn entertaining.

Everytime I throw the hook out on this subject, you libs just can't resist biting......One of these days, maybe one of you will get a clue......Too fuckin' funny!

A short time ago....he was considered the spokesman for the Republican Party, with you righties hanging on to his every word and whim. He "throws in the towel", and all of a sudden, you're throwing him under the bus?????
This is why folks think you and yours are psycho. Even the crazies in your party (O'Reilly, half the damn Repub Congress and the RNC chair) are admitting defeat on this issue. Welcome to reality.
I don't listen to Rush,........soooooooo, I really don't care what he has to say.

What the GOP needs to do, is not bring the issue up at all......There are much bigger problems facing the average american, than perverts trying to justify their perversity, and those who support the perverts falling all over themselves to support the perverts perversity, in order to make themselves feel better about something or other, or soothe their deep seated liberal guilt over something stupid....Meanwhile, another minority files for welfare, and another poor child goes hungry. It's about liberal priorities, after all. "Fuck the rest of the voting bloc we've been screwing over for generations, we got their vote, let the fuckers eat cake, WE GOTTA GET DA' GAYS DA' MARRIAGE, NOW!"........And the fact of the matter is, most people aren't worried about perverts being perverts.....It's best just to let the libs cackle on, until people get so sick of it, the libs completely kill the issue themselves.

But, it is entertaining listening to you libs cackling on about how it's THE major issue of highest importance, RIGHT NOW!

Christ, i'm quite sure you're one of those who claim Rush is never right, but now all of a sudden you try and prop him up........You libs are just too damn entertaining.

Everytime I throw the hook out on this subject, you libs just can't resist biting......One of these days, maybe one of you will get a clue......Too fuckin' funny!

A short time ago....he was considered the spokesman for the Republican Party, with you righties hanging on to his every word and whim. He "throws in the towel", and all of a sudden, you're throwing him under the bus?????
This is why folks think you and yours are psycho. Even the crazies in your party (O'Reilly, half the damn Repub Congress and the RNC chair) are admitting defeat on this issue. Welcome to reality.
I don't listen to Rush,........soooooooo, I really don't care what he has to say.

What the GOP needs to do, is not bring the issue up at all......There are much bigger problems facing the average american, than perverts trying to justify their perversity, and those who support the perverts falling all over themselves to support the perverts perversity, in order to make themselves feel better about something or other, or soothe their deep seated liberal guilt over something stupid....Meanwhile, another minority files for welfare, and another poor child goes hungry. It's about liberal priorities, after all. "Fuck the rest of the voting bloc we've been screwing over for generations, we got their vote, let the fuckers eat cake, WE GOTTA GET DA' GAYS DA' MARRIAGE, NOW!"........And the fact of the matter is, most people aren't worried about perverts being perverts.....It's best just to let the libs cackle on, until people get so sick of it, the libs completely kill the issue themselves.

But, it is entertaining listening to you libs cackling on about how it's THE major issue of highest importance, RIGHT NOW!

All of that to say, what? You must think your opinion matters, in the grand scheme of things. It doesn't. That you have a bigoted, homophobic viewpoint, matters not. That you have a deep seated hatred of liberals matters not. We don't need others in our corner to feel good about ourselves....that happened with Stonewall, in NYC, back in 1969, and with ACT UP, in 1987, which precipitated "gay pride". Now we have "marriage equality" before the Supreme Court, in 2013....that's what you call "results". Don't hate, appreciate. LOL
BS. Find a credible source that supports that notion. I'll wait.
Uh, excuse me but, THERE HAVE BEEN NO COMPREHENSIVE STUDIES DONE......Christ man, lay off the fuckin' kush.

Obviously, you're one of those libs who just can't fathom what those children will potentially face.....And that's disturbing, as well as sad.

Disturbing in the fact that you may not have the ability to fathom it,......and sad in the fact, that in your liberal zeal to have a liberal want rammed into play, you may not actually give a shit how it may effect those children, as long as the liberals get their way.

Oh, ye hypocrite. You're the same asshat, who'll foam at the mouth over abortions, but as soon as the child is born, ship them off to the state, where he or she will languish in foster care, destined for a life of poverty and/or crime....a self-fulfilling prophesy. You care nothing for children...it's just "posturing".
And who are you to doubt that children don't fare well in a same sex couple home, the bottom line being "love". Statistics don't bear out your fears. But you could always produce documentation to the contrary, ne c'est pas?
Oh, yeah, we're just out to kick all the poor lil' childin's around......Meanwhile, the dems do everything they can to keep the masses begging for more, while they create policy that only keeps them in the position to have to keep begging for more......"But HEY!, WE'VE GOT YOUR BACKS, really we do...Now, here, have a cell phone, go eat your cake, get back in line, and shut the fuck up."
So you think that uber-blue cali has a higher concentration of anti-gay marriage people than red states?

lol - This is what happens when you watch Rachel Madcow...

I don't watch Rachel Maddow or any other TV news/opinion programs. If my TV is on I am watching sports, a movie, or I'm gaming.

Now that that is cleared out of the way....

What I think is that the courts will rule in favor same sex marriage and that the same sex graph will continue to mirror the interracial graph for the next 20 years, at which point people will look at it amazed that such a short time ago it was about a 50/50 split.

You're on the wrong side of history.....again.
Gaming? you waste your time playing video games OMG
Uh, excuse me but, THERE HAVE BEEN NO COMPREHENSIVE STUDIES DONE......Christ man, lay off the fuckin' kush.

Obviously, you're one of those libs who just can't fathom what those children will potentially face.....And that's disturbing, as well as sad.

Disturbing in the fact that you may not have the ability to fathom it,......and sad in the fact, that in your liberal zeal to have a liberal want rammed into play, you may not actually give a shit how it may effect those children, as long as the liberals get their way.

Oh, ye hypocrite. You're the same asshat, who'll foam at the mouth over abortions, but as soon as the child is born, ship them off to the state, where he or she will languish in foster care, destined for a life of poverty and/or crime....a self-fulfilling prophesy. You care nothing for children...it's just "posturing".
And who are you to doubt that children don't fare well in a same sex couple home, the bottom line being "love". Statistics don't bear out your fears. But you could always produce documentation to the contrary, ne c'est pas?
Oh, yeah, we're just out to kick all the poor lil' childin's around......Meanwhile, the dems do everything they can to keep the masses begging for more, while they create policy that only keeps them in the position to have to keep begging for more......"But HEY!, WE'VE GOT YOUR BACKS, really we do...Now, here, have a cell phone, go eat your cake, get back in line, and shut the fuck up."

Maybe your party should trust democracy and allow the black voters to vote and decide like all other Americans instead to constatnly trying to keep them from voting.
Oh, ye hypocrite. You're the same asshat, who'll foam at the mouth over abortions, but as soon as the child is born, ship them off to the state, where he or she will languish in foster care, destined for a life of poverty and/or crime....a self-fulfilling prophesy. You care nothing for children...it's just "posturing".
And who are you to doubt that children don't fare well in a same sex couple home, the bottom line being "love". Statistics don't bear out your fears. But you could always produce documentation to the contrary, ne c'est pas?
Oh, yeah, we're just out to kick all the poor lil' childin's around......Meanwhile, the dems do everything they can to keep the masses begging for more, while they create policy that only keeps them in the position to have to keep begging for more......"But HEY!, WE'VE GOT YOUR BACKS, really we do...Now, here, have a cell phone, go eat your cake, get back in line, and shut the fuck up."

Maybe your party should trust democracy and allow the black voters to vote and decide like all other Americans instead to constatnly trying to keep them from voting.
Hey look!.....Our resident drunken, liberal racist awoke from her latest black out.

Hey, TM......High Gravity is over in the Tavern....Perfect opportunity for you to go call him an "Oreo"......Maybe this time, you can call him a "watermelon flavored Oreo," eh?.

And, Poet's black.....How about a warm, kind, racist greeting for HIM?
Sort of shows Dr. Carson's true colors...

That he believes sexual deviation choices or learned behaviors do not change the definition of the term marriage?? Yep... that is pretty true and a belief held by millions and millions

And I can take that more than I can take the 'change everything and protect me' mantra because of the 'if it feels good, do it' groups...

I wish BOTH sides would just agree to equal treatment bu government only in legal areas. no forcing people to accept, no allowing discrimination lawsuits because someone is offended when their sexual choice turns off a business owner and they wish not to serve them, or whatever else... No trying to prevent couples, who may offend some, from filing a simple household tax return or taking care of each other when sick, etc...

But neither wants the middle ground... it is a mission on both sides.. and both sides are wrong... and they are getting duped by government who is only in all this for the extra power
Oh, yeah, we're just out to kick all the poor lil' childin's around......Meanwhile, the dems do everything they can to keep the masses begging for more, while they create policy that only keeps them in the position to have to keep begging for more......"But HEY!, WE'VE GOT YOUR BACKS, really we do...Now, here, have a cell phone, go eat your cake, get back in line, and shut the fuck up."

Maybe your party should trust democracy and allow the black voters to vote and decide like all other Americans instead to constatnly trying to keep them from voting.
Hey look!.....Our resident drunken, liberal racist awoke from her latest black out.

Hey, TM......High Gravity is over in the Tavern....Perfect opportunity for you to go call him an "Oreo"......Maybe this time, you can call him a "watermelon flavored Oreo," eh?.

And, Poet's black.....How about a warm, kind, racist greeting for HIM?

And here, I thought that "shit-stirring" was an "evil woman" thing. Oops. I think I hit a nerve, didn't I, Miss Thing? Stir, girl, stir.
As much as I disagree with gay marriage but agree with civil unions, this bullshit talk about Democrats sponsoring and passing legislation to keep people down is bullshit, post one example of any such legislation or cut the bullshit. The GOPers who talk that shit about being independent doing for self live off the hard work of their fathers and grandfathers. That logic is absolutely fucking dumb, give to the rich to take care of the poor, :rolleyes: as the the poor need the rich to be their guardians.
Black agenda report? you mean the democrats plantation report?
Got to keep them darkies on the plantation

It's black conservatives and Republicans who refuse to leave the plantation. There they are controlled and have no "real voice". Else, why would the majority of blacks subscribe to the Democratic Party, which actually gives them voice, power-sharing, an interested "ear"?
Darkies? No white Democrat has ever referred to me as "a darkie".

Darn right, that's why black people have fared so well in the job market under their black President. The dems are for black people. Dems fight black on black crime too, huh? that's why those numbers are still rising.

There are certainly more stipend checks to keep black people out of the work force under Obama --- now THAT is for CERTAIN!

The fucking irony in your post is that white far right republicans are always chanting "We need to take back our country'--ie, take that n****r out of the WH, he's giving black people everything free, the reality is that black people have more of a reason to be angry about teh state of things than white people when you look at the stats, amazing how white Rightwingers have become oppressed people in 4 years though the numbers don't bear this out, :rolleyes:
Sort of shows Dr. Carson's true colors...

That he believes sexual deviation choices or learned behaviors do not change the definition of the term marriage?? Yep... that is pretty true and a belief held by millions and millions

And I can take that more than I can take the 'change everything and protect me' mantra because of the 'if it feels good, do it' groups...

I wish BOTH sides would just agree to equal treatment bu government only in legal areas. no forcing people to accept, no allowing discrimination lawsuits because someone is offended when their sexual choice turns off a business owner and they wish not to serve them, or whatever else... No trying to prevent couples, who may offend some, from filing a simple household tax return or taking care of each other when sick, etc...

But neither wants the middle ground... it is a mission on both sides.. and both sides are wrong... and they are getting duped by government who is only in all this for the extra power

Strike the sexual deviation bullshit talk, heterosexual couples do sexually deviant shit too like piss drinking, scat, swinging, cickolding, snowballing, all that nasty deviant shit, that has nothing to do with marriage. The real issue is that gays have no grounds to argue for gay marriage on any grounds since they've been offered civil unions whih I feel should given to all non-religious people and atheists as well. Marriage has been equally fucked over and abused by heterosexuals as well who marry and divorce at will when tey get tired of a person.
So you think that uber-blue cali has a higher concentration of anti-gay marriage people than red states?

lol - This is what happens when you watch Rachel Madcow...

I don't watch Rachel Maddow or any other TV news/opinion programs. If my TV is on I am watching sports, a movie, or I'm gaming.

Now that that is cleared out of the way....

What I think is that the courts will rule in favor same sex marriage and that the same sex graph will continue to mirror the interracial graph for the next 20 years, at which point people will look at it amazed that such a short time ago it was about a 50/50 split.

You're on the wrong side of history.....again.
Gaming? you waste your time playing video games OMG

This post reeks of too much effort.

However, I did get a kick out of avid MMO fan, Wicked Jester, thanking it.
Sort of shows Dr. Carson's true colors...

That he believes sexual deviation choices or learned behaviors do not change the definition of the term marriage?? Yep... that is pretty true and a belief held by millions and millions

And I can take that more than I can take the 'change everything and protect me' mantra because of the 'if it feels good, do it' groups...

I wish BOTH sides would just agree to equal treatment bu government only in legal areas. no forcing people to accept, no allowing discrimination lawsuits because someone is offended when their sexual choice turns off a business owner and they wish not to serve them, or whatever else... No trying to prevent couples, who may offend some, from filing a simple household tax return or taking care of each other when sick, etc...

But neither wants the middle ground... it is a mission on both sides.. and both sides are wrong... and they are getting duped by government who is only in all this for the extra power

Strike the sexual deviation bullshit talk, heterosexual couples do sexually deviant shit too like piss drinking, scat, swinging, cickolding, snowballing, all that nasty deviant shit, that has nothing to do with marriage. The real issue is that gays have no grounds to argue for gay marriage on any grounds since they've been offered civil unions whih I feel should given to all non-religious people and atheists as well. Marriage has been equally fucked over and abused by heterosexuals as well who marry and divorce at will when tey get tired of a person.

Did not say there were not straight sexual deviants... did not say there were not other kinds of sexual deviants... but nice try, Fail-O.... BTW, when is that egress date again???

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