Dr. Ben Carson on Gay Marriage

Sort of shows Dr. Carson's true colors...

What that? He is a strong, intelligent black man with the dissenting voice! You (and I also) do not agree with him, but that doesn 't make him wrong, unintelligent or evil.

He makes the only valid point against same sex marriage that while I understand that reasoning don't agree with.

Gay people say they are wired to like the opposite sex and they can't fight that or change that about themselves. Child molesters say the same think about little children, beastiality people say the same thing about animals, but groups would make a similar claim that they are wired that way and they can't fight or change that about themselves. That is who they are. I get the similarity, but I think it stops there. The difference between homosexual marriage and PF Tinmore's relation (a man and young child) or Lakota's relationship (a man and a goat) is that a homosexual relationship is between two consenting adult (if it's a man and a young boy than that isn't what we are talking about and would be unlawful). Pedophillia is between a sick older pervert like PF Tinmore and a nonconsenual young victim. Beastality is between a sick fuck like Lakota and an animal, just disgusting and can't really be put in the same category with homosexuality for obvious reasons.

I know there remains a slippery slope, but they said the same thing in the Love case regarding interrcia couples and that didn't lead to the disaster they argued!
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Oh, cool, we now have the drunken liberal racist, along with our resident liberal black race baiter up here.

This ought to be good!

Dumb fucking Ranger who bumped his head too many times.
Stupid fuckin' leg, who has been a No-Go his entire pathetic life.:cool:

Me a fucking leg? I was at both Bragg and Campbell you fucktard, I have my gold star as well as my high altitude wings HALO, as a FO I was way better than a glorified grunt piece of shit like you.
I love how these gays think they hold so much power. They couldn;t even get gay marriage passed in California.

I love how these negroes think they hold so much power. They couldn't even get slavery banned in 1787.
nope just pointing out that you are a troll.
derailing a thread so derp boy how many threads do you try and derail?

Bigotry from conservatives towards homosexuals is the topic of this thread.

Derp boy hell yes I am a bigot and faggots are sick demented abnormal people.

Gay Americans and their supporters are laughing as bigots like you get shoved in the backwaters of history with the segregationists and the misogynists. :clap2::clap2::clap2:
In 2008, everyone on the right was all upset how a negro who had zero executive experience, and practically no political experience, could be a serious contender for President.

Hell, Sarah Palin just the other day cracked a joke in the gun control debate about background checks and how we should have done one on Obama before electing him. She got a lot of hoots for that joke at CPAC, and no one keeled over from the rip in spacetime caused by the sheer irony that it was her saying it.

At the very moment they were howling over the thinness of Obama's resume, they selected a bimbo from Alaska with an even thinner one for VP!

And now this Carson guy, who I have said reminded me of Palin because he is suddenly a darling of the right based on a single speech.

A single pretty speech. With literally ZERO political background on the part of Carson.

That's the new bar the Right is setting for Presidential material.

Shit, we should just give him the Nobel right now!

Fuck. By that standard, Obama looks like an old and wizened Master today.
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Bigotry from conservatives towards homosexuals is the topic of this thread.

Derp boy hell yes I am a bigot and faggots are sick demented abnormal people.

Gay Americans and their supporters are laughing as bigots like you get shoved in the backwaters of history with the segregationists and the misogynists. :clap2::clap2::clap2:

Neo-Nazis Register Anti-Gay Symbol As Official Party Logo

In a little-noticed decision at the end of October, a court allowed the small National Rebirth of Poland (NOP) party to register two symbols. One was the Celtic cross, used by far-right movements internationally, while the other was a stylized illustration of gay sex with a bar through it. The NOP trumpeted the court ruling on its website earlier this week, saying it capped a two-year legal battle. Grzegorz Schetyna, a senior player in Poland's ruling centrist Civic Platform, accused the judge who made the ruling of failing in his duties. "Such symbols are unacceptable," he told the station Radio Zet. The NOP turns out regularly to oppose gay rights rallies in Poland.

In 2008, everyone on the right was all upset how a negro who had zero executive experience, and practically no political experience, could be a serious contender for President.

Hell, Sarah Palin just the other day cracked a joke in the gun control debate about background checks and how we should have done one on Obama before electing him. She got a lot of hoots for that joke at CPAC, and no one keeled over from the rip in spacetime caused by the sheer irony that it was her saying it.

At the very moment they were howling over the thinness of Obama's resume, they selected a bimbo from Alaska with an even thinner one for VP!

And now this Carson guy, who I have said reminded me of Palin because he is suddenly a darling of the right based on a single speech.

A single pretty speech. With literally ZERO political background on the part of Carson.

That's the new bar the Right is setting for Presidential material.

Shit, we should just give him the Nobel right now!

Fuck. By that standard, Obama looks like an old and wizened Master today.

My opinion, marriage today as a symbol of affirming ones love is a modern thing, let gays and all nonbelievers who don't believe in chucrh have civil unions but preserve marriage for churchs and religious institutions. A piece of paper signed and stamped by a civil judge is not an affirmation of love, love can't be legislated, his sign and stamp is all about property and legal rights, no more no less, I wish people would stop throwing the "love" argument in there because shit has nothing to do preventing people from showing "love" to their partner, gay or straight, you can do that without marriage, the gay marriage movement is simply a movement to legimatize homosexuality.

IF "the gay marriage movement is simply a movement to legimatize homosexuality" - what's wrong with that? It's been with us throughout history.

So has sheep fucking...

A fine heterosexual past-time.
The want the people of America to tell them that it's OK to be gay... they want our stamp of approval.

That's ignorantly funny. They don't need your stamp of approval - they just want the same fucking rights as everyone else.

They get the same rights with civil unions, whats the problem?

Have you even been following the Supreme Court cases this week? The woman challenging DOMA was taxed by the federal government $380,000 for her wife's estate. A tax a heterosexual wife would not have to pay.

So this bullshit about gays getting the same rights with civil unions is just that. Total bullshit. They do not have equal protection of federal tax laws and federal benefits laws. A thousand of them.
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Dr. Ben Carson on Gay Marriage: Ben Carson On Fox: "No Group, Be They Gays," NAMBLA, Or Bestiality Supporters, Gets To Change Definition Of Marriage!

The Governor of Louisiana didn't refer to the Republicans as the "stupid party" for nothing - its statements like this that undermined the GOP Presidential Campaign in 2012 and it looks like their right back on track to do it again in 2016.
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And now this Carson guy, who I have said reminded me of Palin because he is suddenly a darling of the right based on a single speech..

As if that was not Obama??!!??

Look... he is a smart and intriguing guy who has some stances that appeal to a lot.. do I think he is Pres material or some future leader?? Who knows what happens over the next 3 years?? Do I think he speaks to many with common sense or logic on many issues? Yep.. Do I think he speaks to some others on an emotional level?? Yep... And no single Obamalama supporter has 1 ounce of credibility if they try and discredit because of no political experience... But at least this guy has accomplished SOMETHING in the private sector... IMHO

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