Dr. Ben Carson on Gay Marriage

nope just pointing out that you are a troll.
derailing a thread so derp boy how many threads do you try and derail?

Bigotry from conservatives towards homosexuals is the topic of this thread.

Derp boy hell yes I am a bigot and faggots are sick demented abnormal people.

Personally, the thought of two guys packing fudge (aka Santorum) makes me a little nauseous - but that's because I'm not gay. Give them EQUAL rights. It doesn't cost a thing to allow them the same rights, happiness and misery of traditional marriage. Love is where you find it.

It's interesting that I don't feel the same nausea about lesbians.
Personally, the thought of two guys packing fudge (aka Santorum) makes me a little nauseous - but that's because I'm not gay. Give them EQUAL rights. It doesn't cost a thing to allow them the same rights, happiness and misery of traditional marriage.

It's interesting that I don't feel the same nausea about lesbians.

Giving them civil unions is equal rights, what don't you understand?
Personally, the thought of two guys packing fudge (aka Santorum) makes me a little nauseous - but that's because I'm not gay. Give them EQUAL rights. It doesn't cost a thing to allow them the same rights, happiness and misery of traditional marriage.

It's interesting that I don't feel the same nausea about lesbians.

Giving them civil unions is equal rights, what don't you understand?

No, it isn't. It isn't the same!

Difference Between Civil Union and Marriage - Civil Unions vs. Gay Marriage
Personally, the thought of two guys packing fudge (aka Santorum) makes me a little nauseous - but that's because I'm not gay. Give them EQUAL rights. It doesn't cost a thing to allow them the same rights, happiness and misery of traditional marriage.

It's interesting that I don't feel the same nausea about lesbians.

Giving them civil unions is equal rights, what don't you understand?
One Of These Ladies Had To Die So A Federal Court Could Rule DOMA Unconstitutional: SFist

One Of These Ladies Had To Die So A Federal Court Could Rule DOMA Unconstitutional

Yesterday, a Federal Court in New York confirmed what we've heard confirmed repeatedly this year: The Defense of Marriage Act is unconstitutional. The New York court became the fifth federal court to rule against DOMA in a dispute over estate tax.
In this case, it was 83-year old Edie Windsor suing the state government for ignoring the marriage she and her partner Thea Spyer got in Canada in 2007. Adding to the grandmotherly-ness of this whole story: the couple had been engaged since 1967. They were considered married by the state of New York up until the point where it came time for the government to collect an estate tax on the property Thea left for Edie after she died, including the apartment they shared. All told, Edie had to pay out over $300,000 in estate taxes that don't normally apply when passing property to a spouse. If the whole story sounds like the plot of a very moving film, you may be pleased to know Thea and Edie where the subject of the documentary: A Very Long Engagement. Because they are adorable.
Homosexuality and heterosexuality are not the same, but gays want the same thing as heteros without being heteros, makes no sense. Let them have civil unions, whats the problem?

The want the people of America to tell them that it's OK to be gay... they want our stamp of approval.

You know what? IT IS OKAY.

...just like fucking sheep...as long as nobody sees ya doing it...

but God always sees!

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