Dr. Ben Carson on Gay Marriage

My opinion, marriage today as a symbol of affirming ones love is a modern thing, let gays and all nonbelievers who don't believe in chucrh have civil unions but preserve marriage for churchs and religious institutions. A piece of paper signed and stamped by a civil judge is not an affirmation of love, love can't be legislated, his sign and stamp is all about property and legal rights, no more no less, I wish people would stop throwing the "love" argument in there because shit has nothing to do preventing people from showing "love" to their partner, gay or straight, you can do that without marriage, the gay marriage movement is simply a movement to legimatize homosexuality.
The good doctor is a lot smarter than you are.
Definition of SODOMY

: anal or oral copulation with a member of the same or opposite sex; also : copulation with an animal
— sod·om·it·ic or sod·om·it·i·cal adjective

Funny you should mention sodomy. The word came from the story of Sodom and Gommorah. You know, the one where Lot is raped by his own daughters. That is after he offered his daughters up to be raped by the townspeople. But anyways, about those "icky" gays....

my reply was in response to the above post
So..he compared gay couples with NAMBLA or beastiality. Wonderful.

According to the definition they are the same.

Not only irrelevent, it's not true. Lot wasn't raped by his daughters. The men of Sodom wanted him to allow them to have gay sex with his guests, and when he wouldn't allow it they threatened him. Luckily for Lot, his guests were angels looking for 10 men with morals in order to save the city. After that, the angels led Lot out of the city before it was destroyed.

Sounds like the same path as the secular sodomites of America are trying to lead this Country on...

Thank God for men like Dr. Ben Carson, who both have the pulpit, and use it to tell the truth!
My opinion, marriage today as a symbol of affirming ones love is a modern thing, let gays and all nonbelievers who don't believe in chucrh have civil unions but preserve marriage for churchs and religious institutions. A piece of paper signed and stamped by a civil judge is not an affirmation of love, love can't be legislated, his sign and stamp is all about property and legal rights, no more no less, I wish people would stop throwing the "love" argument in there because shit has nothing to do preventing people from showing "love" to their partner, gay or straight, you can do that without marriage, the gay marriage movement is simply a movement to legimatize homosexuality.

IF "the gay marriage movement is simply a movement to legimatize homosexuality" - what's wrong with that? It's been with us throughout history.
My opinion, marriage today as a symbol of affirming ones love is a modern thing, let gays and all nonbelievers who don't believe in chucrh have civil unions but preserve marriage for churchs and religious institutions. A piece of paper signed and stamped by a civil judge is not an affirmation of love, love can't be legislated, his sign and stamp is all about property and legal rights, no more no less, I wish people would stop throwing the "love" argument in there because shit has nothing to do preventing people from showing "love" to their partner, gay or straight, you can do that without marriage, the gay marriage movement is simply a movement to legimatize homosexuality.

IF "the gay marriage movement is simply a movement to legimatize homosexuality" - what's wrong with that? It's been with us throughout history.

So has sheep fucking...
Homosexuality and heterosexuality are not the same, but gays want the same thing as heteros without being heteros, makes no sense. Let them have civil unions, whats the problem?
My opinion, marriage today as a symbol of affirming ones love is a modern thing, let gays and all nonbelievers who don't believe in chucrh have civil unions but preserve marriage for churchs and religious institutions. A piece of paper signed and stamped by a civil judge is not an affirmation of love, love can't be legislated, his sign and stamp is all about property and legal rights, no more no less, I wish people would stop throwing the "love" argument in there because shit has nothing to do preventing people from showing "love" to their partner, gay or straight, you can do that without marriage, the gay marriage movement is simply a movement to legimatize homosexuality.

IF "the gay marriage movement is simply a movement to legimatize homosexuality" - what's wrong with that? It's been with us throughout history.

So has sheep fucking...

Concentrate - we're talking about humans who want and deserve equal rights.
Homosexuality and heterosexuality are not the same, but gays want the same thing as heteros without being heteros, makes no sense. Let them have civil unions, whats the problem?

Does that include giving them ALL the same rights as hetero marriage?
Homosexuality and heterosexuality are not the same, but gays want the same thing as heteros without being heteros, makes no sense. Let them have civil unions, whats the problem?

The want the people of America to tell them that it's OK to be gay... they want our stamp of approval.
Homosexuality and heterosexuality are not the same, but gays want the same thing as heteros without being heteros, makes no sense. Let them have civil unions, whats the problem?

The want the people of America to tell them that it's OK to be gay... they want our stamp of approval.

That's ignorantly funny. They don't need your stamp of approval - they just want the same fucking rights as everyone else.
Homosexuality and heterosexuality are not the same, but gays want the same thing as heteros without being heteros, makes no sense. Let them have civil unions, whats the problem?

The want the people of America to tell them that it's OK to be gay... they want our stamp of approval.

That's ignorantly funny. They don't need your stamp of approval - they just want the same fucking rights as everyone else.

They get the same rights with civil unions, whats the problem?
Homosexuality and heterosexuality are not the same, but gays want the same thing as heteros without being heteros, makes no sense. Let them have civil unions, whats the problem?

The want the people of America to tell them that it's OK to be gay... they want our stamp of approval.

That's ignorantly funny. They don't need your stamp of approval - they just want the same fucking rights as everyone else.

Wrong --- that is all they want. They don't want to feel bad about making poor choices. They think they will feel better if the Country agrees with their immoral actions.

Even with gay marriage, it will still be immoral and they will still feel bad about it...

Just like abortion. Even though it's legal - women don't feel good about their immoral actions.

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