Dr. Ben Carson on Gay Marriage


thanks for showing the palpable bigotry and hate that exudes from the left
Sounds like Carson may have bigger problems than just bigotry...

Dr. Ben Carson: Send in the Clowns

why dont you invite carson over to your wigwam, make em peace and smoke em bong

Did you read that link? That very intelligent black woman really does NOT like Carson.

Of course not, he expects her to be accountable and responsible --- and to teach the rest of the liberals the same message..

It's gonna be a tough fight!
He simply stated that affirmed perverts shouldn't get to change the definition of marriage....And he's right.

If affirmed perverts want to fight to have "civil unions" recognized by the voters at the STATE level, fine....But in no way should they be allowed to change the definition of true Marriage, which is between a man and a woman, and not two perverts of the same gender, who choose to engage in sexual acts with each other. And seeing as though that two persons of the same gender engaging in sexual acts together is most definitely perversion to the core, as is Pedohilia and Beastiality, then there is no reason they shouldn't be defined as they are.

And, since affirmed perverts known as homosexuals, aren't breaking established laws while engaging in their abject perversions, then they should at least have the opportunity (if they can meet the STATES requirements of putting a measure on the ballot) to have the recognition of CIVIL UNIONS decided by the citizen voters.....Since Pedophiles and those who engage in sexual acts with animals are affirmed perverts who are actually breaking established laws, they should never have the opportunity at having recognized "Civil Unions", let alone Marriages.

Sooooo, there ya' have it, lil' bopete.....Ben Carson is right on this issue.
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Seriously, folks, you should read this article if you haven't already. It's accurate and humorous. Right-wingers probably won't like it.

Dr. Ben Carson: Send in the Clowns | Black Agenda Report
Seriously.....how 'bout YOU actually come up with an original thought of your own, thereby actually contributing something original to a debate, FOR ONCE,.....instead of just thowing up stupid shit from one of your lame liberal sources, that is only read by liberals up here who are just as ignorant and stupid as you?
He simply stated that affirmed perverts shouldn't get to change the definition of marriage....And he's right.

If affirmed perverts want to fight to have "civil unions" recognized by the voters at the STATE level, fine....But in no way should they be allowed to change the definition of true Marriage, which is between a man and a woman, and not two perverts of the same gender, who choose to engage in sexual acts with each other. And seeing as though that two persons of the same gender engaging in sexual acts together is most definitely perversion to the core, as is Pedohilia and Beastiality, then there is no reason they shouldn't be defined as they are.

And, since affirmed perverts known as homosexuals, aren't breaking established laws while engaging in their abject perversions, then they should at least have the opportunity (if they can meet the STATES requirements of putting a measure on the ballot) to have the recognition of CIVIL UNIONS decided by the citizen voters.....Since Pedophiles and those who engage in sexual acts with animals are affirmed perverts who are actually breaking established laws, they should never have the opportunity at having recognized "Civil Unions", let alone Marriages.

Sooooo, there ya' have it, lil' bopete.....Ben Carson is right on this issue.

Seriously, folks, you should read this article if you haven't already. It's accurate and humorous. Right-wingers probably won't like it.

Dr. Ben Carson: Send in the Clowns | Black Agenda Report
Seriously.....how 'bout YOU actually come up with an original thought of your own, thereby actually contributing something original to a debate, FOR ONCE,.....instead of just thowing up stupid shit from one of your lame liberal sources, that is only read by liberals up here who are just as ignorant and stupid as you?

Fuck you! I started the thread and made several personal comments throughout. You're still the same hateful asshole you were on the old defunct MSNBC boards with your Libsmackin'shit4brains moniker. Why don't you contribute something of value instead of just hate, personal attacks and viciousness?
Seriously, folks, you should read this article if you haven't already. It's accurate and humorous. Right-wingers probably won't like it.

Dr. Ben Carson: Send in the Clowns | Black Agenda Report
Seriously.....how 'bout YOU actually come up with an original thought of your own, thereby actually contributing something original to a debate, FOR ONCE,.....instead of just thowing up stupid shit from one of your lame liberal sources, that is only read by liberals up here who are just as ignorant and stupid as you?

Fuck you! I started the thread and made several personal comments throughout. You're still the same hateful asshole you were on the old defunct MSNBC boards with your Libsmackin'shit4brains moniker. Why don't you contribute something of value instead of just hate, personal attacks and viciousness?

Black agenda Report?
Seriously, folks, you should read this article if you haven't already. It's accurate and humorous. Right-wingers probably won't like it.

Dr. Ben Carson: Send in the Clowns | Black Agenda Report
Seriously.....how 'bout YOU actually come up with an original thought of your own, thereby actually contributing something original to a debate, FOR ONCE,.....instead of just thowing up stupid shit from one of your lame liberal sources, that is only read by liberals up here who are just as ignorant and stupid as you?

Fuck you! I started the thread and made several personal comments throughout. You're still the same hateful asshole you were on the old defunct MSNBC boards with your Libsmackin'shit4brains moniker. Why don't you contribute something of value instead of just hate, personal attacks and viciousness?
^^^Ahhhhhhhhhh, poor Lil' Bear Turd Stuck To A Tree has a owie.:(^^^
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