Dr. Ben Carson: 'vicious,' white liberals are ‘the most racist out there’

So, Ben believes that comparing gays to pedophiles and animal fuckers is not bigoted? Because if bigotry means this:

and his words fit that description. That means the Liberals are racist for saying his words fit the definition? Without even mentioning his race? Is racist?

How can liberal be less racist toward Dr Carson? By not giving an opinion to his words? By agreeing with him? Change the definition of Bigot?

you are the last person that should call someone else a bigot

didn't you refer to the GOP as "overly white" ?

why yes, yes you did.

I didn't call him anything. Pull your panties out your clam.

'Hey, you're racist, you cant call me a bigot, I know what you really mean. Aint that right Dr Carson? "

say what?
Ben Carson will be an afterthought in 12 months. He'll make so many gaffs and trip up on his own words so many times, the RW will move on to the next great savior of their dying party.

People who reach high places in politics have to have a HUGE tolerance for bullshit, a huge ability to dish out bullshit, have almost no personal pride or integrity, and basically be willing to sell out anything and anyone for a vote. Thats for both parties. And that is why it is so rare to see top military men in very high offices, or ex cops, or anyone else who has lived a life that requires them to hate bullshit and embrace integrity.

Carson is a good man. He isnt cut out for the pig sty of politics.
Carson is getting the Palin treatment and for the same reason, being a Conservative
So, Ben believes that comparing gays to pedophiles and animal fuckers is not bigoted? Because if bigotry means this:

and his words fit that description. That means the Liberals are racist for saying his words fit the definition? Without even mentioning his race? Is racist?

How can liberal be less racist toward Dr Carson? By not giving an opinion to his words? By agreeing with him? Change the definition of Bigot?
Then anyone who discriminates based on the choices and actions of another is a bigot, bigot

Hey, you're racist, you cant call me a bigot, I know what you really mean. Aint that right Dr Carson?

Typical liberal response.


Is there any other answer or argument you can provide other than "you're racist"?
Because a deviant sexual choice is a deviant sexual choice.. whether you have it as homosexuality, bestiality, dressing and acting like a baby, BDSM, or whatever else... it is not a meme... it is putting something out there shockingly and bluntly... some may agree, some may disagree, and some may be in the middle...

Just proves he's not the sort of person people are liable to elect as president. Most know too many gays to make that sort of comparison and don't think very highly of those who do.

Or at least that is what your side wishes to keep hammering home because much of what he says scares the bejeebers out of the progressive big government crowd

You will latch on to the one thing and hang on like a cat on a curtain

What makes you think I'm scared? He's already proven he can't be elected to national office, unless he can adjust his thinking. He'd need to be president of all the people. Making those kinds of comments just aren't going to cut it. He's got a year or two to straighten himself out, but I don't see it happening. The world he comes from makes him tempermentally unsuited for a life in politics.
Carson is getting the Palin treatment and for the same reason, being a Conservative
Great point, Frances. And he apparently, like Palin, wants to be a Professional Victim. Only in his case he's using his skin color instead of his gender.

Well, well, well, hell that's how obama became president.

I'm going to give Carson a break on that score. It's his erstwhile supporters that are cynically trying to cash in on his skin color.
Hey, you're racist, you cant call me a bigot, I know what you really mean. Aint that right Dr Carson?

Typical liberal response.


Is there any other answer or argument you can provide other than "you're racist"?

Dr. Carson is a liberal?

You called someone racist. No, Carson is a Republican. You may as well call him a white man because liberals cannot fathom a black man being a Republican.
Typical liberal response.


Is there any other answer or argument you can provide other than "you're racist"?

Dr. Carson is a liberal?

You called someone racist. No, Carson is a Republican. You may as well call him a white man because liberals cannot fathom a black man being a Republican.

So did Carson sooo according to wht u typed....Carson is a liberal? That doesn't sound right
tell me why black and latino voters vote in shuch small numbers for the republican party?
Great point, Frances. And he apparently, like Palin, wants to be a Professional Victim. Only in his case he's using his skin color instead of his gender.

Well, well, well, hell that's how obama became president.

I'm going to give Carson a break on that score. It's his erstwhile supporters that are cynically trying to cash in on his skin color.

When I first heard that speech I had no idea what skin color he was, I liked what I heard, and skin color has nothing to do with it.

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