Dr. Ben Carson: 'vicious,' white liberals are ‘the most racist out there’

Don't disagree with Ben's words, he'll accuse you of hating his black skin, and his black gums

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CxVG20cBioA]I hate whoopi goldbergs lips! - YouTube[/ame]
So did Carson sooo according to wht u typed....Carson is a liberal? That doesn't sound right

And you misread my post. I was referring to YOU.

So its only a typical liberal response when I say it and not Dr Carson?

Because only Liberals who playing the race card; Liberals exercising this double standard on race and gender type.

I assume you to be a Liberal. Carson is not. In fact, this is the only time I've ever heard him call anyone racist. When he is chastised as bigoted and out of touch by the liberal establishment (who claims to be for minorities) that's racist. Since they favor one type of black man over another. Alas, he is black, but not a liberal. If a white liberal calls him out on being a black Republican, it's racist. On top of it all, its hypocritical.

Same goes for women like Palin, Malkin, and Mia Love. In order to be a woman, you have to be a liberal.

How absolutely pathetic.
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And you misread my post. I was referring to YOU.

So its only a typical liberal response when I say it and not Dr Carson?

Because it's only Liberals who are playing the race card.

So me and Carson did the same thing but I'm wrong and he is not. How come?

I assume you tobe a Liberal. Carson is not. In fact, that's the only time I've ever heard him call anyone racist.

That makes him guilty of playing the race card and being a liberal, correct?

When he is chastised as bigoted and out of touch by the liberal establishment (who claims to be for minorities) that's racist.

Actually is being anti-bigot but don't let words get in the way of a debate.

Since they favor one type of black man over another. Alas, he is black, but not a liberal. If a white liberal calls him out on being a black Republican, it's racist. On top of it all, its hypocritical.

Wait, your rules are all over the place...So a liberal doesn't like a bigoted retort, and because that bigoted retort came from a black person liberals only have two choices: Like the bigoted retort or be racist?

Same goes for women like Palin, Malkin, and Mia Love. In order to be a woman, you have to be a liberal.

How absolutely pathetic.

Just because they are Repubs I'm sure they still have vaginas.
tell me why black and latino voters vote in shuch small numbers for the republican party?

Because the republican party doesn't go around bribing them and promising them stuff (like free phones) and giving them immunity from coming to our country illegally?
His premise is false. He's playing the race card.

This is the guy who recently apologized for comparing gays to people who have sex with animals.

He's one more garden variety rightwing moron, made even more moronic and despicable by his attempt to try to hide behind the color of his skin.

Assholes come in all colors, Mr. Carson. Get over yourself.
Can anyone actually link to these comments by white liberals that he's talking about?

It's not just any one person, nor is it just white liberals. It is the demonization of Black Republicans by the entire Liberal establishment.

"I don't think I realized Ben Carson was conservative until last month. Shame he's becoming the right wing's go-to black token.—"

Tweet by Deen Freelon (Black American University Professor)(@dfreelon) March 16, 2013

Also, examine Liberal attitudes towards Herman Cain during the GOP primaries.
Can anyone actually link to these comments by white liberals that he's talking about?

It's not just any one person, nor is it just white liberals. It is the demonization of Black Republicans by the entire Liberal establishment.

"I don't think I realized Ben Carson was conservative until last month. Shame he's becoming the right wing's go-to black token.—"

Tweet by Deen Freelon (Black American University Professor)(@dfreelon) March 16, 2013

Also, examine Liberal attitudes towards Herman Cain during the GOP primaries.

How about liberal attitudes towards Michelle Bachmann, Newt Gingrich, Rick Santorum, Rick Perry, Mitt Romney?

Did liberals go easier on those people because they were white?
Well, well, well, hell that's how obama became president.

I'm going to give Carson a break on that score. It's his erstwhile supporters that are cynically trying to cash in on his skin color.

When I first heard that speech I had no idea what skin color he was, I liked what I heard, and skin color has nothing to do with it.

It's not a matter of what you first thought, but the reaction of the RW community in general that I'm talking about. Carson is a black man saying something the RW likes, so he's the greatest thing since sliced bread. Look how long some hung in with Cain, despite the fact that his policy statements and general knowledge of the world precluded him from ever being elected.
His premise is false. He's playing the race card.

This is the guy who recently apologized for comparing gays to people who have sex with animals.

He's one more garden variety rightwing moron, made even more moronic and despicable by his attempt to try to hide behind the color of his skin.

Assholes come in all colors, Mr. Carson. Get over yourself.

He DIDN'T compare gays to people who have sex with animals (or men with boys!)...but that's how the left made it sound.

Carson apologizes for homosexuality comment ? CNN Political Ticker - CNN.com Blogs

Neurosurgeon Ben Carson, who rose to GOP fame in recent months, apologized Friday for appearing to equate homosexuality with the criminal acts of pedophilia and bestiality

"I love gay people. I love straight people. So this was really, I think, on my behalf, somewhat insensitive and I certainly apologize if I offended anyone, because I was not in any way comparing gays with people who engage in bestiality or sexual child abuse," Carson said on CNN's "The Situation Room with Wolf Blitzer."

THIS is what he means about Liberals....they're vicious and they love turning words around to suit their purpose. It happens all the time....it's happened to me here so many times i couldn't even count!

He doesn't hide behind his skin color either, any more that Obama has!
(They'll be telling you i don't look like the other presidents)..Lol!
Can anyone actually link to these comments by white liberals that he's talking about?

no, its a secret. He says it so it must be true

No. It's not a secret.

I give you this interview with Herman Cain by Lawrence O'Donnell of MSNBC

Lawrence O'Donnell's Offensive Interview with Herman Cain - Conor Friedersdorf - The Atlantic

Yes, Ben Carson was right, there are racist white liberals out there. This is but one of many.

I thought your keyboard broke you never responded to me after making that asinine claim

Now show me where liberals hate was fueled only by race, and how they took it easy on white conservatives because, if you can show that, that indeed, would be racist, right?
Tuesday, April 02, 2013
Coming from the party that as recently as a few years ago installed a Klu Klux Klan Wizard as one of its most powerful Senators, this really can't come as much of a surprise:

Dr. Ben Carson on Tuesday blasted his critics for heat he’s taken recently over controversial remarks on gay marriage, calling his white liberal detractors “the most racist out there.”

Read the rest of Dr Carson's true statement @ Doug Ross @ Journal: Dr. Ben Carson: 'vicious,' white liberals are ?the most racist out there?

And @ Dr. Ben Carson: White liberals are the most racist people out there « Hot Air with video link

I just wish they'd give the guy a break. They're forcing too much media exposure on him.

Wasn't he the one who started it all by sneak attacking Obama?
And it's the right that made him their hero after that so they're to blame as well.

Wasn't he the one who started it all by speaking truth to power?

There, I fixed it for you.
Can anyone actually link to these comments by white liberals that he's talking about?

It's not just any one person, nor is it just white liberals. It is the demonization of Black Republicans by the entire Liberal establishment.

"I don't think I realized Ben Carson was conservative until last month. Shame he's becoming the right wing's go-to black token.—"

Tweet by Deen Freelon (Black American University Professor)(@dfreelon) March 16, 2013

Also, examine Liberal attitudes towards Herman Cain during the GOP primaries.

How about liberal attitudes towards Michelle Bachmann, Newt Gingrich, Rick Santorum, Rick Perry, Mitt Romney?

Did liberals go easier on those people because they were white?

No, they were White Racist Republicans (according to Liberals) Palin and Bachmann were apparently women in the wrong party. Gender, along with race was the factor there. Liberals painted the four men you listed as misogynistic, racist, "anti poor" people.

There were a lot of things for them to be targeted for other than being white. However, if anyone on the Left were these things, they could get away with just about anything. Criticize Hillary or Michelle? You hate women and are racist. Criticize Obama? You're racist. Say that Trayvon Martin started the fight that got him killed? You're racist.

In fact, Liberals are harder on the other side than they are on themselves! They fail to acknowledge their own racist tendencies but don't hesitate to point them out in others.

Nice trap question by the way.
His premise is false. He's playing the race card.

This is the guy who recently apologized for comparing gays to people who have sex with animals.

He's one more garden variety rightwing moron, made even more moronic and despicable by his attempt to try to hide behind the color of his skin.

Assholes come in all colors, Mr. Carson. Get over yourself.

He DIDN'T compare gays to people who have sex with animals (or men with boys!)...but that's how the left made it sound.

Carson apologizes for homosexuality comment ? CNN Political Ticker - CNN.com Blogs

Neurosurgeon Ben Carson, who rose to GOP fame in recent months, apologized Friday for appearing to equate homosexuality with the criminal acts of pedophilia and bestiality

"I love gay people. I love straight people. So this was really, I think, on my behalf, somewhat insensitive and I certainly apologize if I offended anyone, because I was not in any way comparing gays with people who engage in bestiality or sexual child abuse," Carson said on CNN's "The Situation Room with Wolf Blitzer."

THIS is what he means about Liberals....they're vicious and they love turning words around to suit their purpose. It happens all the time....it's happened to me here so many times i couldn't even count!

He doesn't hide behind his skin color either, any more that Obama has!
(They'll be telling you i don't look like the other presidents)..Lol!

How does someone appear to equate gays with child molesters and animal fuckers, apologize for the "appearance". Then say other ppl are racist because his words "appeared" to be bigoted AFTER he apologized for those words?

Its all so confusing. That only leaves a few options:

1. Don't disagree with Carson or you're racist
2. Don't agree with Carson reasons for apologizing or youre a racist
3. Don't express your opinion of Carsons opinion unless you agree with it
4. Expressing your opinion of Carsons opinion is racist until he apologizes for his opinion.
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