Dr. Benjamin Carson....on Fox News YET AGAIN!


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
Watching Hannity right now. Dr. Carson is on......yet again. How many times has this guy been on Fox the past 2 weeks? Its like the GOP found a stray pet and are begging mommy (The Tea Party) "MOMMY CAN WE KEEP HIM? CAN WE KEEP HIM? CAN WE?"

I feel bad for the man. He's very smart, articulate, humble. And the GOP has labled him their savior and suddenly front man for 2016. Like their very own pet black guy haha! Guess Water-bottle-Gate was too much and they had to change races!
It was a repeat DUMMY!!!
Because people didn't want to watch Michellle big butt give out an OSCAR like the star struck pandering fool she is!!!

People are tired of having a dumb ignorant half black President that constantly makes excuses..
I for one being a white angry old man LOVE to have Carson as President, oh by the way he's Black as OBAMA told audiences when he first ran for President as he was scourging any one that opposed him!
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Let me guess. Carson is an Uncle Tom, right? You liberals are so fucking predictable.
Haha, Im not a liberal, for the 10,000th time. Im an ex-right winger.

And no, Carson is not an Uncle Tom. He's too good for the GOP, thats for sure. I feel bad for him. He is the type of man the GOP should've been trying to get 10 years ago....but no, they waited until now that it is probably too late and the nutjobs have ruined the GOP to the point of no return.
Watching Hannity right now. Dr. Carson is on......yet again. How many times has this guy been on Fox the past 2 weeks? Its like the GOP found a stray pet and are begging mommy (The Tea Party) "MOMMY CAN WE KEEP HIM? CAN WE KEEP HIM? CAN WE?"

I feel bad for the man. He's very smart, articulate, humble. And the GOP has labled him their savior and suddenly front man for 2016. Like their very own pet black guy haha! Guess Water-bottle-Gate was too much and they had to change races!
smart,articulate,humble !! and he disagrees with the left on everything !!
I'd rather see Dr. Carson than the obama 24/7 media show. Just for the change in scenery. Obama and his pet yeti will make a movie playing all the parts. Through the magic of the camera the Big Moo will play Bo the dog.

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