Dr Fauci needs to go


Oh by the way: As far as I know Goebbels had warm brown eyes. So it's perhaps sometimes much more dangerous to take a look in "warm" brown eyes than in "cold" blue eyes.

Good news! President Trump retweeted a comment by a MAGA Congressional candidate who had hashtag Time to #FireFauci!

Let's be honest, at this point only TDS victims consider Tiny Tony Fraudi a credible source for anything.

Let's remind what Dr. Fauci said not so long ago.

Dr. Fauci: "WHO boss is "really an outstanding person", done "very well" on corona virus."

Let's see what WHO boss said not so long ago.

January 14: "No clear evidence of human-to-human transmission of coronavirus."
February 7: "Masks don't necessarily protect you."
February 22: "No benefit to stopping international travel."

... and if I was China, and wanted to harm the west, I would hide the virus from November to January, I would lie to WHO and say it doesn’t transmit from person to person, then I would bribe the WHO to say masks are ineffective, then pressure the WHO to say banning international travel is ineffective, then would start campaign in leftist MSM to say China didn’t hide anything, then release numbers implying the virus has a massive R0 and affects the population across the age brackets instead of just the old and the ones with preexisting conditions, then I would pretend I am a good guy and send medical equipment across the world, without telling them that most of it is defective...

If I were stupid or crazy, I would believe this steaming pile of shit you just posted. Other than China lied about its number of cases and deaths, everything else is the product of a mind which has watched too many science fiction doomsday movies.

Except, China did all those things...

It was the USA who had caused the pandemic with the namne "spanish influenca" from the year 1918-1920. Your nation is resposnible in this context for up to 100 million dead poele worldwide. And when your like to know more about your own "moral" then take a look what your dioxines are still doing in Vietnam. Still today little children are dying there because of the war in Vietnam or have to live in mutilated bodies. What's the name of the Mulllahs in the Iran for your country? "House of the Sheitan" or so? Are they really as wrong as we think?
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Open your eyes. Your president made nearly everything wrong in international affairs, what a president of the USA is able to do wrong. And a short tine ago he told you for weeks "Corona is harmless!" and had caused a deep sleep in the USA, when you had better made your country ready for this fight. You lost weeks because of this idiot and many US-Americans had to die.

And now (again) his followers look like mad with Nazi methods, whom to make responsible and to send to hell, because never your president was or is responsible for anything else than the greatest greatness of superpresident Trump the 1st.
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Not to forget that lots of US-Americans work active against the future of all mankind for a kind of Armageddon. What an idiocy to buy weapons in fight against a virus. Even the worst idiots know there's somehtihng wrong, when people are doing so. Who lives not in fear in your country? Even every pupil in every school lives in fear, because he is able to become a victim of the next mad weapon fetishist. Sad USA.
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zaangalewa, what is your favorite German beer?

I don't drink beer. And my grandfater drank one beer a week after church service on Sunday together with his friends. A so called "Helles" (a standard beer with the lowest alcohol level).
zaang, if I may call you zaang, you seem particularly uptight. Have you ever tried Blackberry Kush or Granddaddy Purple? Or are such leafy greens not available in your area?
Bruce Daniels, as a former lifeguard, I actually did find it sexy when making out with a broad to ask her to breath out while I inhale (while we were sucking lips) and visa versa. It is a fun way to get closer and realize that male and female are extensions of each other. That of course was followed by massive banging without using protection. But that was back in the old days of the fake AIDS epidemic Tiny Tony Fraudi insisted would kill normal, Europeans in the 1980's and 1990's, etc.

Getting back on topic, Tiny Tony Fraudi wants you to have a blood test and carry papers supporting the results of that blood test. Do you still love the delusional, NWO midget?
Well, I don't love you, asshole.
zaang, if I may call you zaang,

No. I'm a virtual person here. My avatar name is zaangalewa. And only under this avatar name I get a response.

you seem particularly uptight.

Uptight? A German? Not a typical problem of us I would say.

Have you ever tried Blackberry Kush or Granddaddy Purple? Or are such leafy greens not available in your area?

I do not drink alcohol - like a Muslim. I don't kill sentient beings - like a Buddhist. And I reject Nazis and Nazi-methods - like a Jew. So what do you like to say?

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I love how dumb fuck Trumpers think they know better than a world renowned infectious disease specialists. These dumb fucks would rather listen to Donald Dumbass for guidance then someone who has spent over 30 years in his position and is respected around the world, his advice is saving lives. Tens of thousands.

It is not for nothing that I believe that there is a Brian eating maggot that resides in the brains of all Trumpers. Their stupidity is beyond explanation.
I'm not "listening" to anyone in particular. I listened to EVERYONE, then I compared their positions to REALITY.

At this point the Dr clearly has Trumps ear as he is still allowed to promote his "position" so I have CLEARLY deviated from Trump on this. If I was in agreement with Trump I would have said nothing.

Now go grab a box of crayons and play with the rest of the children incapable of thinking for themselves
What is “incapable of thinking for themselves” mean. Thinking for yourselves means listening and reading what is out their and coming to an informed opinion. Fauci’s actions have been in line with the actions taken by other nations. His advice has been spot on.

If the death rates are lower in this nation than projected it is because of actions taken. Some Trumpers would have you believe that if we took no action death rates would have remained the same. Nothing is a bigger lie. You can’t prove a negative, but all we have to see as proof of the ramifications of doing nothing is the Havoc and death Covid-19 has caused other nations that let this virus spread before taking it seriously.

Thinking for yourself does not mean being contrarian for contrarian‘s sake.

If the death rates are lower, Fauci will get credit, not Trump, correct? If the economy tanks, Trump will get the blame, not Fauci, correct?
Fauci is on Cloud Nine

the chinese virus is more fun than he’s ever had
"Social distancing" and "flattening the curve" are Orwellian buzzwords, total bullshit!
OK, so what is your concept of a communicable disease? Are they caused by germs and viruses, which can be spread through physical contact or breathings from someone else's lungs? Or maybe diseases are caused by evil spirits? Or what?

He is a doctor. Not an economist. Not a business. Not a fortune teller. Not a stock broker. Not a carpenter. Not a preacher. Not a bus driver.
His PERSONAL feelings are irrelevant. In fact what is "normal" for him may have no impact on another person.

Why is Trump allowing him to spew his doom and gloom, woe is me and general negative outlook on this situation.

What the American people need to hear is that we are going to get through this via TEMPORARY hard choices and sacrifices.
What they don't need is the asinine guess work about how we are screwed and can't recover.
We are and have always been a nation of achievers. We've overcome MANY devastating obstacles throughout our history and ALWAYS come out ahead in the long run.

This kind of pessimistic bullshit needs to be nipped in the bud. Americans need hope not fear.
Looks like our national treasure, Dr. Faucci is undeterred despite threats from deplorables. Today Dr. Faucci stated that the fact dj thug's poor handling of this crisis has lead to death of tens of thousands of americans, and millions will be infected.
You are clearly terminally I'll with TDS.
Welcome to ignore troll
"You are clearly terminally I'll with TDS."
terminally "I'll"????? That is a contraction meaning "I will" moron! If you're going to insult someone, at least spell the words correctly, dipshit. But that shows the level of intellect that we're dealing with here.
No. I'm a virtual person here. My avatar name is zaangalewa. And only under this avatar name I get a response.

See, this is why you seem uptight to most of us! :p

Uptight? A German? Not a typical problem of us I would say.

Well, why are you seemingly so uptight then, zaang?

So what do you like to say?

I basically just say the truth! Which apparently you cannot handle because, apparently, you are too uptight!
I love how dumb fuck Trumpers think they know better than a world renowned infectious disease specialists. These dumb fucks would rather listen to Donald Dumbass for guidance then someone who has spent over 30 years in his position and is respected around the world, his advice is saving lives. Tens of thousands.

It is not for nothing that I believe that there is a Brian eating maggot that resides in the brains of all Trumpers. Their stupidity is beyond explanation.
I'm not "listening" to anyone in particular. I listened to EVERYONE, then I compared their positions to REALITY.

At this point the Dr clearly has Trumps ear as he is still allowed to promote his "position" so I have CLEARLY deviated from Trump on this. If I was in agreement with Trump I would have said nothing.

Now go grab a box of crayons and play with the rest of the children incapable of thinking for themselves
What is “incapable of thinking for themselves” mean. Thinking for yourselves means listening and reading what is out their and coming to an informed opinion. Fauci’s actions have been in line with the actions taken by other nations. His advice has been spot on.

If the death rates are lower in this nation than projected it is because of actions taken. Some Trumpers would have you believe that if we took no action death rates would have remained the same. Nothing is a bigger lie. You can’t prove a negative, but all we have to see as proof of the ramifications of doing nothing is the Havoc and death Covid-19 has caused other nations that let this virus spread before taking it seriously.

Thinking for yourself does not mean being contrarian for contrarian‘s sake.

If the death rates are lower, Fauci will get credit, not Trump, correct? If the economy tanks, Trump will get the blame, not Fauci, correct?
Fauci is on Cloud Nine

the chinese virus is more fun than he’s ever had
Right, Fauci is enjoying seeing thousands of people dying. You're an ass.
Bruce Daniels, unlike zaang, despite both you all being extremely brainwashed, in contrast to zaang, there seems to be a small spark in your delusional replies that shows you want to learn about reality to some extent. Tiny, Tony Fraudi is a fake, phony Deep State fraud! President Trump must DELETE the midget and The Scarf Lady.
Good news! President Trump retweeted a comment by a MAGA Congressional candidate who had hashtag Time to #FireFauci!

Let's be honest, at this point only TDS victims consider Tiny Tony Fraudi a credible source for anything.

Let's remind what Dr. Fauci said not so long ago.

Dr. Fauci: "WHO boss is "really an outstanding person", done "very well" on corona virus."

Let's see what WHO boss said not so long ago.

January 14: "No clear evidence of human-to-human transmission of coronavirus."
February 7: "Masks don't necessarily protect you."
February 22: "No benefit to stopping international travel."

... and if I was China, and wanted to harm the west, I would hide the virus from November to January, I would lie to WHO and say it doesn’t transmit from person to person, then I would bribe the WHO to say masks are ineffective, then pressure the WHO to say banning international travel is ineffective, then would start campaign in leftist MSM to say China didn’t hide anything, then release numbers implying the virus has a massive R0 and affects the population across the age brackets instead of just the old and the ones with preexisting conditions, then I would pretend I am a good guy and send medical equipment across the world, without telling them that most of it is defective...

Yes, China tried to hide the seriousness of the situation at first, because they knew it would make them look bad. Trump did much the same thing when he poo-pooed the whole thing for weeks.
"Social distancing" and "flattening the curve" are Orwellian buzzwords, total bullshit!
OK, so what is your concept of a communicable disease? Are they caused by germs and viruses, which can be spread through physical contact or breathings from someone else's lungs? Or maybe diseases are caused by evil spirits? Or what?
Social distancing has evolved into

“You vill obey ze orders”

it pads the egos of public officials but ultimately does not defeat the chinese disease

because its still out there waiting for America to come out of hiding

which we will have to do eventually
Good news! President Trump retweeted a comment by a MAGA Congressional candidate who had hashtag Time to #FireFauci!

Let's be honest, at this point only TDS victims consider Tiny Tony Fraudi a credible source for anything.

Let's remind what Dr. Fauci said not so long ago.

Dr. Fauci: "WHO boss is "really an outstanding person", done "very well" on corona virus."

Let's see what WHO boss said not so long ago.

January 14: "No clear evidence of human-to-human transmission of coronavirus."
February 7: "Masks don't necessarily protect you."
February 22: "No benefit to stopping international travel."

... and if I was China, and wanted to harm the west, I would hide the virus from November to January, I would lie to WHO and say it doesn’t transmit from person to person, then I would bribe the WHO to say masks are ineffective, then pressure the WHO to say banning international travel is ineffective, then would start campaign in leftist MSM to say China didn’t hide anything, then release numbers implying the virus has a massive R0 and affects the population across the age brackets instead of just the old and the ones with preexisting conditions, then I would pretend I am a good guy and send medical equipment across the world, without telling them that most of it is defective...

We have a Chinese National at our facility and he went home to China during Christmas Break and came back sick. Pretty much most of the office was sick after that. But yah know, you can't mention that, because it's racist.

Pretty sure I had COVID clear back in January. In fact, it was damn near 14-17 days after Christmas break was over.

Congrats are in order. Great job Dr. Fauci!!!

View attachment 322808

He and his cohorts convinced the nation to shut down the economy over essentially what is a severe case of the flu that not even 1% of the country caught.

Right, and somehow they hypnotized Trump into going along with them.
I love how dumb fuck Trumpers think they know better than a world renowned infectious disease specialists. These dumb fucks would rather listen to Donald Dumbass for guidance then someone who has spent over 30 years in his position and is respected around the world, his advice is saving lives. Tens of thousands.

It is not for nothing that I believe that there is a Brian eating maggot that resides in the brains of all Trumpers. Their stupidity is beyond explanation.
I'm not "listening" to anyone in particular. I listened to EVERYONE, then I compared their positions to REALITY.

At this point the Dr clearly has Trumps ear as he is still allowed to promote his "position" so I have CLEARLY deviated from Trump on this. If I was in agreement with Trump I would have said nothing.

Now go grab a box of crayons and play with the rest of the children incapable of thinking for themselves
What is “incapable of thinking for themselves” mean. Thinking for yourselves means listening and reading what is out their and coming to an informed opinion. Fauci’s actions have been in line with the actions taken by other nations. His advice has been spot on.

If the death rates are lower in this nation than projected it is because of actions taken. Some Trumpers would have you believe that if we took no action death rates would have remained the same. Nothing is a bigger lie. You can’t prove a negative, but all we have to see as proof of the ramifications of doing nothing is the Havoc and death Covid-19 has caused other nations that let this virus spread before taking it seriously.

Thinking for yourself does not mean being contrarian for contrarian‘s sake.

If the death rates are lower, Fauci will get credit, not Trump, correct? If the economy tanks, Trump will get the blame, not Fauci, correct?
Fauci is on Cloud Nine

the chinese virus is more fun than he’s ever had
Right, Fauci is enjoying seeing thousands of people dying. You're an ass.
He’s enjoying the national attention

its his 15 minutes of fame that every liberal craves
Bruce Daniels, unlike zaang, despite both you all being extremely brainwashed, in contrast to zaang, there seems to be a small spark in your delusional replies that shows you want to learn about reality to some extent. Tiny, Tony Fraudi is a fake, phony Deep State fraud! President Trump must DELETE the midget and The Scarf Lady.
Your post gives me no reason to change my mind. Saying "Tiny, Tony Fraudi is a fake, phony Deep State fraud! President Trump must DELETE the midget and The Scarf Lady" isn't really an argument.

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