Dr Fauci needs to go

Bruce Daniels, as a former lifeguard, I actually did find it sexy when making out with a broad to ask her to breath out while I inhale (while we were sucking lips) and visa versa. It is a fun way to get closer and realize that male and female are extensions of each other. That of course was followed by massive banging without using protection. But that was back in the old days of the fake AIDS epidemic Tiny Tony Fraudi insisted would kill normal, Europeans in the 1980's and 1990's, etc.

Getting back on topic, Tiny Tony Fraudi wants you to have a blood test and carry papers supporting the results of that blood test. Do you still love the delusional, NWO midget?

You are even dumber than I thought.

You're going to need a clean blood test to go anywhere or do anything. And Americans are going to find borders closed to them for years to come. Not only that, but your tourism business is dead. The world will not be beating a path to your door anytime soon. Borders around the world are now closed to Americans and we won't be re-opening them until you get your act together and shut this thing down. I highly doubt that will happen as long as Donald Trump is President.

Worldwide, more than 75 million people have been infected with AIDS and more than 37 million have died of this disease. There are entire villages in Africa where for years there were grandparents, and children, but all sexually active adults had been wiped out.

Ignorant, stupid and conservative is no way to go through life son.
I gave up with deplorables a long time ago, they can not learn, they are good at being the butt of every joke...
Good news! President Trump retweeted a comment by a MAGA Congressional candidate who had hashtag Time to #FireFauci!

Let's be honest, at this point only TDS victims consider Tiny Tony Fraudi a credible source for anything.
Under Trump's leadership, we might see 50,000 or less if all goes well.
Haha, no. By doing the things trump didnt want us to do, we have flattened the curve. So, basically, the complete opposite of what you say is true. We have done this in spite of trump.

He is a doctor. Not an economist. Not a business. Not a fortune teller. Not a stock broker. Not a carpenter. Not a preacher. Not a bus driver.
His PERSONAL feelings are irrelevant. In fact what is "normal" for him may have no impact on another person.

Why is Trump allowing him to spew his doom and gloom, woe is me and general negative outlook on this situation.

What the American people need to hear is that we are going to get through this via TEMPORARY hard choices and sacrifices.
What they don't need is the asinine guess work about how we are screwed and can't recover.
We are and have always been a nation of achievers. We've overcome MANY devastating obstacles throughout our history and ALWAYS come out ahead in the long run.

This kind of pessimistic bullshit needs to be nipped in the bud. Americans need hope not fear.
Looks like our national treasure, Dr. Faucci is undeterred despite threats from deplorables. Today Dr. Faucci stated that the fact dj thug's poor handling of this crisis has lead to death of tens of thousands of americans, and millions will be infected.
You are clearly terminally I'll with TDS.
Welcome to ignore troll
"Social distancing" and "flattening the curve" are Orwellian buzzwords, total bullshit!
Social distancing won't change the eventual totals, but it will slow things down so it will be easier for hospitals to cope.
And Fauci is correct that we will never go back to normal, because not only is COVID-19 going to come back every year, until everyone left has natural immunity, but new viruses are constantly going to come out as we increase the viral gene pool through increasing population densities and frivolous travel.
The trend is a new pandemic at least every decade.
And they continually evolve or hybrid to become more lethal.
It is inevitable unless we make some degree of social distancing a constant awareness.
Getting back on topic, Tiny Tony Fraudi wants you to have a blood test and carry papers supporting the results of that blood test. Do you still love the delusional, NWO midget?
With Fauci making the decision, our economy will never be reopened.

And what's the alternative? Make money don't love? Sex and drugs and hearses? Everyone should kiss everyone else until all people are dead, who had produced the richdom of the USA and who always found ways out of whatever kind of crisis?

Everything has its time and impatience in the wrong moment destroys every success. The USA had ignored this problem a long time - that's why it is not easy now. And to continue this way of absurde ignorance - better to say "antignorance" - will not help.

Who do you think blocks really the economy of the USA? The masses of characterless people like you - who try to search for the guilty and to punish the not guilty? I fear to many people in the USA forgot to educate their children. Sure have lots of people serios problems - worldwide. But this had not to be so. Here in Germany for example we found out our experts for epedemies and pandemies had made a complete simulation what to do in case of a pandemy in 2013. They found many problems of our system. For example a lack of masks and protective clothing. And what were they doing in 2013 to change all this problems? Nothing! Costs money. That's not good for the "economy". But economy is a way to help all people to live well. Economy is not a socialism for the superrich, oligarchs and autocrats.

The expression "social distancing" is by the way not very good. It needs a greater distance between bodies. Measles for example are virulent over a distance of 30 meter (~30 yards). Fortunatelly Corona is virulent only in a distance of about 1.5-2 meter (= the average length of a body). And in general the exponential growth has to be stopped. Not only the USA. I fear this what we still don't know in Africa for example. Corona shows to us everything what we all make wrong worldwide.
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He is a doctor. Not an economist. Not a business. Not a fortune teller. Not a stock broker. Not a carpenter. Not a preacher. Not a bus driver.
His PERSONAL feelings are irrelevant. In fact what is "normal" for him may have no impact on another person.

Why is Trump allowing him to spew his doom and gloom, woe is me and general negative outlook on this situation.

What the American people need to hear is that we are going to get through this via TEMPORARY hard choices and sacrifices.
What they don't need is the asinine guess work about how we are screwed and can't recover.
We are and have always been a nation of achievers. We've overcome MANY devastating obstacles throughout our history and ALWAYS come out ahead in the long run.

This kind of pessimistic bullshit needs to be nipped in the bud. Americans need hope not fear.

Exactly. He is a doctor. A health professional. He deals in facts. Not fanciful back to normal by Easter predictions and hydroxychloriquine shouted and touted as a wonder drug. Reality is exactly what I want from my health professionals. Because if they open this back up too soon and the virus blooms again, you're actually going to wish Pence was President. The article you linked was actually pretty positive. Dr Fauci's remarks were grounded in reality but he does speak to some hope here. Not sure why you are getting all worked up about it. All he's saying is that we'll probably never be able to go back to what we considered normal (before the virus outbreak). I'm not a health professional but I could have told you that on the night of March 11th.
This explanation right here should be enough. But you can never appease the the lunatic Trump boot licker. Especially not with science, research and hard facts.
They must love being lied to I Guess. Trump is a charlatan and the people that believe any different are rubes. That’s that.
Fauci is a retard. Like all doctors they believe in "treat the symptom" Simple. Think on it. See the fallacy.

The NEVER look at the root cause.

Analogy of a DR? "Oh my, smoke coming out the windows of my house!!!" Treatment? "Close the windows, no more smoke"
WTF are you rambling on about?
The more you say the dumber you sound
Because Fauci gives his medical opinion some of you hate him? I like him
All of the armchair doctors on this forum are a bunch of dipshit clowns. Seriously, I hope none of you morons are endangering anyone who might actually listen the utter nonsense spewing out of some of your mouths. Give it a fucking beak
Under Trump's leadership, we might see 50,000 or less if all goes well.
Haha, no. By doing the things trump didnt want us to do, we have flattened the curve. So, basically, the complete opposite of what you say is true. We have done this in spite of trump.
Trump fucked up and he knows it.
Hence all of the finger pointing and blame shifting. What a fraud.
Good news! President Trump retweeted a comment by a MAGA Congressional candidate who had hashtag Time to #FireFauci!

Let's be honest, at this point only TDS victims consider Tiny Tony Fraudi a credible source for anything.

Let's remind what Dr. Fauci said not so long ago.

Dr. Fauci: "WHO boss is "really an outstanding person", done "very well" on corona virus."

Let's see what WHO boss said not so long ago.

January 14: "No clear evidence of human-to-human transmission of coronavirus."
February 7: "Masks don't necessarily protect you."
February 22: "No benefit to stopping international travel."
Trump fucked up and he knows it.
Well, kinda. Trump doesn't really admit such things , even to himself, being a malignant narcissist. all he knows is that a lot of people have told him that he endangers his own re-election to continue the earlier tactics of downplaying it. A person with this mental illness would never truly admit to himself that he fucked up. In his brain, it's "changed tactics at the right time".
Under Trump's leadership, we might see 50,000 or less if all goes well.
Haha, no. By doing the things trump didnt want us to do, we have flattened the curve. So, basically, the complete opposite of what you say is true. We have done this in spite of trump.
Trump fucked up and he knows it.
Hence all of the finger pointing and blame shifting. What a fraud.

Trump got treated like shit for shutting the border, but he couldn’t win. Everyone knows NYC was faking it at first - “In New York it is biblical” was the BBC line on the first couple of days when it clearly was in no way a big problem there. Why do greedy piggies think that they can muddy the waters of truth with their selfish deliberate hysteria and in doing so endanger everyone’s lives? When they fail, whoever is in charge should be dealing with our parasites the old fashioned way.
Dr Fauci reminds me of Joseph Goebbels ....same cold look in their eyes...very disturbing.

But I digress, please continue.


Trump got treated like shit for shutting the border, but he couldn’t win.
Because he did it for the wrong reasons. It was a thumb in the eye to China, as evidenced by all the other measures he ridiculed that were all higher up on the priority list, per the experts. It's all there, laid out on the table, for anyone to see and understand. Wake up.

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