Dr Fauci needs to go

Heaven forbid that there should be ANYONE in the Trump Administration who believes in science!

I actually feel kind of sorry for Fauci. He has made so many bad predictions that now he has to resort to a 'what if' scenario. Trump used him and played him like a fiddle. The pandemic is about over, let's figure out the oil situation and get the fuck back to work!

Isn't "what if" classical leftist doctrine they've been following since Trump was elected? Isn't that what media was doing every time they insinuated Trump did something, just to bring "experts" to confirm their "what ifs" and proceed on it as it did happened?

Dr. Fauci, along with other federal employees doesn't have to worry about any missing paychecks as so many Americans already did. Unlike us, regular people, in time of crisis, bureaucrats get to declare themselves ā€œessential.ā€ No matter how much misery they rain down, we never have to worry they wonā€™t be compensated. He is guaranteed never to miss a penny of his very nice salary since heā€™s the most ā€œessentialā€ bureaucrat of all. In three decades of no experience whatsoever outside the federal bureaucracy means that neither his record of wildly exaggerating the threat of AIDS nor the disastrous job he did crafting a response negatively affected his government career.

I think Dr. Fauciā€™s bold lack of concern for epidemiological reality is exactly whatā€™s needed to guide us through this crisis.
Yeah, he's an "expert" and "don't try this at home." You might stumble across the TRUTH!
The reason that Fauci's predictions haven't fully come true is because of things like social distancing, staying at home, etc. That's the truth.

His predictions were 2 million death if we do nothing, and 180-240k deaths if we do what he said.

Which one of his predictions is true?
It's not over yet, so who knows? Do you?

OK, you got the point, however, if you're right (or if he' was right), why was necessary for him to change predictions to 60,000?
Heaven forbid that there should be ANYONE in the Trump Administration who believes in science!

I actually feel kind of sorry for Fauci. He has made so many bad predictions that now he has to resort to a 'what if' scenario. Trump used him and played him like a fiddle. The pandemic is about over, let's figure out the oil situation and get the fuck back to work!

Isn't "what if" classical leftist doctrine they've been following since Trump was elected? Isn't that what media was doing every time they insinuated Trump did something, just to bring "experts" to confirm their "what ifs" and proceed on it as it did happened?

Dr. Fauci, along with other federal employees doesn't have to worry about any missing paychecks as so many Americans already did. Unlike us, regular people, in time of crisis, bureaucrats get to declare themselves ā€œessential.ā€ No matter how much misery they rain down, we never have to worry they wonā€™t be compensated. He is guaranteed never to miss a penny of his very nice salary since heā€™s the most ā€œessentialā€ bureaucrat of all. In three decades of no experience whatsoever outside the federal bureaucracy means that neither his record of wildly exaggerating the threat of AIDS nor the disastrous job he did crafting a response negatively affected his government career.

I think Dr. Fauciā€™s bold lack of concern for epidemiological reality is exactly whatā€™s needed to guide us through this crisis.
Yeah, he's an "expert" and "don't try this at home." You might stumble across the TRUTH!
The reason that Fauci's predictions haven't fully come true is because of things like social distancing, staying at home, etc. That's the truth.

His predictions were 2 million death if we do nothing, and 180-240k deaths if we do what he said.

Which one of his predictions is true?
It's not over yet, so who knows? Do you?

OK, you got the point, however, if you're right (or if he' was right), why was necessary for him to change predictions to 60,000?
Because behaviors such as social distancing, staying at home, etc, are working! That's the whole point! Also, other factors are involved: apparently, most people aren't on ventilators as long as they thought they would be, so the machines are freed up sooner than they planned, treatments are improving, etc. Predicting what's going to happen is like shooting at a moving target. You're never sure exactly the way things will go; you just have to make the best prediction you can with the information you have at the time.
Heaven forbid that there should be ANYONE in the Trump Administration who believes in science!

I actually feel kind of sorry for Fauci. He has made so many bad predictions that now he has to resort to a 'what if' scenario. Trump used him and played him like a fiddle. The pandemic is about over, let's figure out the oil situation and get the fuck back to work!

Isn't "what if" classical leftist doctrine they've been following since Trump was elected? Isn't that what media was doing every time they insinuated Trump did something, just to bring "experts" to confirm their "what ifs" and proceed on it as it did happened?

Dr. Fauci, along with other federal employees doesn't have to worry about any missing paychecks as so many Americans already did. Unlike us, regular people, in time of crisis, bureaucrats get to declare themselves ā€œessential.ā€ No matter how much misery they rain down, we never have to worry they wonā€™t be compensated. He is guaranteed never to miss a penny of his very nice salary since heā€™s the most ā€œessentialā€ bureaucrat of all. In three decades of no experience whatsoever outside the federal bureaucracy means that neither his record of wildly exaggerating the threat of AIDS nor the disastrous job he did crafting a response negatively affected his government career.

I think Dr. Fauciā€™s bold lack of concern for epidemiological reality is exactly whatā€™s needed to guide us through this crisis.
Yeah, he's an "expert" and "don't try this at home." You might stumble across the TRUTH!
The reason that Fauci's predictions haven't fully come true is because of things like social distancing, staying at home, etc. That's the truth.

His predictions were 2 million death if we do nothing, and 180-240k deaths if we do what he said.

Which one of his predictions is true?
It's not over yet, so who knows? Do you?
In case case you don't do anyting it will die 1.184.000 US-Americans. That's what I extrapolate from German data. But if your health system breaks totally down and you become absolutelly helpless then it could also be 5 times more dead people. 6 million in this case. But "I'm sure" (my feeling says so) in reality both will not happen, because many peopel fight and you will not lose control.

And in general: Everything around the Corona crisis is very dynamic - that's why perspectives are continoulsy in flow. But if someone makes a change in the strategies it needs up to 2 weeks to see this in the # of infected people - and a little while later again will everyone see the result in the # of dead people. As far as I can see the # of dead people today is the result of good or bad decisions 2-4 weeks ago. But it makes not a big sense to change continously the strategies. Make the best decision you are able to do - and pray it was really the best of all possible decisions. It will need some time to find this out. Stoicism is not the worst philosophy in this situation.

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The reason that Fauci's predictions haven't fully come true is because of things like social distancing, staying at home, etc. That's the truth.

Tiny Tony Fraudi's fake ass computer models factored in all those things. Are you low info or just pretending!
The reason that Fauci's predictions haven't fully come true is because of things like social distancing, staying at home, etc. That's the truth.

Tiny Tony Fraudi's fake ass computer models factored in all those things. Are you low info or just pretending!

Nazi - I grow meanwhile a little angry about all the Nazis, who attack honorable people in the USA. Specially I remember Senator McCain and I see what you try to do with Dr. Anthony Fauci now. I know all this ugly forms of propagada come from organized political criminals. One person alone is not able to be as stupid as you are. The Commies used the same strategy. The first step is to try to argue - if this impossible, because they are wrong, they start to defame. It follows stalking against the person and supporters of the person. The target is to reach isolation. And the fanatism doesn't stop. It ends often with murder ... and it may follow mass-murder, rebellions, civil wars and/or wars all over the planet. And after all this an fanatic extremist will also not change the own mind. Maybe you and your "friends" think this is strength - but I see how the water of life will wash you into a nothing. You never will win anything except harm with such stupid strategies.

And do you remember the man, who you had crucified two days ago? He rose from death. In truth. Really. Resurrexit! Understand what he spoke about. Perhaps this is your only chance.

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... Nope the economy was booming till this virus. Millions dead reported at first, now 60,000 reported to die. You loons screwed the pooch again! Lol

What for heavens sake is the sense of an economy of the death? Let me calculate with this what I currently know: If you do nothing (=wait for Herd Immunity) a minimum of 1.184.000 US-Americans will die. When "only" 60,000 + x people died up to now - why do yo think this is a reason not to continue to fight against Corona? Fight, fight, fight, fight, fight, fight, fight ... and don't waste your time with idiocies.

Can you clarify the term US-Americans? Are there Non-US-Americans we should know about that will (not) die?

US-Americans are inhabitants of the USA. Americans are all people, who live on the double continent America. My experience is: When the people of the USA say "Americans" then they think exclusively only about US-Americans and not about all Americans. But that's what I do when I use the word "Americans" and I dont like to install a propagandistic scissors in my head, which lets automatically "forget" all other Americans.

I was by the way somehow wrong with the numer 1.184.000. That's only possible in case of an excellent working health care system and you do nothing. The ral risk is up to 5 times higher - depending on the quaity and/or destruction of your health care system. So it could be 6 milion too. But my feeling is there will be much less problems in the USA. I hope I do not overestimate "you".

Yes, there are two American continents, and you're tying your term to a continent or a region, not a country. We're simply tying it to citizenship, so if let's say German move to U.S. and got a citizenship, he's American, by citizenship.

Who likes to become a citizen of Trumperica? Only idiots, isn't it?

So is Argentinian, Kenyan, or Taiwanese who chose to get it. Countries that plays in Copa America tournament, call themselves by the country they play for (Brasil, Uruguay, etc.) not by the region. Otherwise instead of having game between Chile and Argentina, that would be game between Non-US-America and Non-US-America. You are here on US Message Board, were we all know what we mean when we say American, we don't need lecture on continents, so stop being smart ass and respect that.

Sure I respect Americans. That's why I call US-Americans US-Americans.

For us, Americans, calling us Americans is just enough.

If you think so, do it. I call US-Americans "US-Americans" because they are US-Americans. If you are not an US-American tell me where you come from and what's your real citizenship. Then I will change this - if I believe you.

Oh shut up troll.

Nobody would call Canadians anything but Canadians, even they're from continent called North America.

Canadians are Americans. US-Americans are Americans. Canadians are normally not US-Americans. By the way - Here is one of the most amusing jokes I ever heard about Canadians and US-Americans:

Believe it or not...this is the transcript of an actual radio conversation between a US naval ship and Canadian authorities off the coast of Newfoundland in October 1995. The Radio conversation was released by the Chief of Naval Operations on Oct. 10, 1995.

US Ship: Please divert your course 0.5 degrees to the south to avoid a collision.
CND reply: Recommend you divert your course 15 degrees to the South to avoid a collision.
US Ship: This is the Captain of a US Navy Ship. I say again, divert your course.
CND reply: No. I say again, you divert YOUR course!
CND reply: This is a lighthouse. Your call.

Nobody is recognizing Canadians as Americans, unless you question is related to continent. Since we almost never talk about continents, but about nations and countries, you have no argument here.

If we're comparing North America to Europe, or Asia to South America, than you would include Canadians into North American group, and Germany into European group. But if we're comparing Germany to Canada, you would never refer to Canadians as North Americans, since you're comparing countries.

Stop trolling.

You are trolling. Not so I. You know very well what I speak about when I use the expression "US-American". You don't like this, that's all. And I don't see what should be wrong with hthis expression. I guess you see something in the mirror of your thoughts what I don't see and what you do not articulate.

There is no need to tell Americans that they're US-Americans.

All Germans call US-Americans US-Americans. The exprsison "Ami" for US-Americans died meanwhile out. I geusnbthsi hasn to do with the near of the words "Ami" and "amigo".

We know where we're from.

Do you? You are an European nation. A child of the enlightenment. A member of the western world.

I'm'sure you don't call our northern neighbors Canadian-Americans, because Canadian is just enough. No need to point to continent they're from. You claim you're German, but you haven't addressed yourself as German-European, no need for that, since we all know where Germany is.

Stop trolling.

You are trolling.
could it just be that everyone is trolling at all times?

Since 9/11 lots of US-Americans are fanatics who produce all over the world "solutions" for - mostly unreal - problems, which are more worse problems than the problems. You don't have any idea how deep the stars of the USA sank meanwhile all over the world and how Donald Trump (and lots of others - democrats too) accelerate this process. I have reasons to use the expression "US-American" instead of "American". I'm able to speak about this reasons. And what is this asshole (@AmeĀ®icano ) doing? He creates superflous problems. He tries to produce hate of Germans against US-Americans. And what is the reason for his stupid "discussion" about language and words? Exactly- He likes not to find out what I say about a real problem like Corona. By the way: The app and strategy Google and Apple try to do now is since weeks in the discussions in Germany. Google + Apple: hurry up. Do it. Don't wait. And do not try to do anything else than a help against Corona.

Do you know what I speak about now? If not - why not?

Ī§ĻĪ¹ĻƒĻ„į½øĻ‚ į¼€Ī½Ī­ĻƒĻ„Ī·! į¼ˆĪ»Ī·Īøįæ¶Ļ‚ į¼€Ī½Ī­ĻƒĻ„Ī·!
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The reason that Fauci's predictions haven't fully come true is because of things like social distancing, staying at home, etc. That's the truth.

Tiny Tony Fraudi's fake ass computer models factored in all those things. Are you low info or just pretending!

What's wrong with this picture?

The reason that Fauci's predictions haven't fully come true is because of things like social distancing, staying at home, etc. That's the truth.

Tiny Tony Fraudi's fake ass computer models factored in all those things. Are you low info or just pretending!

What's wrong with this picture?

View attachment 322387
Please, tell EVERYONE the last time that you accurately predicted the future. I'll bet you've done it lots of times, right?
Heaven forbid that there should be ANYONE in the Trump Administration who believes in science!

I actually feel kind of sorry for Fauci. He has made so many bad predictions that now he has to resort to a 'what if' scenario. Trump used him and played him like a fiddle. The pandemic is about over, let's figure out the oil situation and get the fuck back to work!

Isn't "what if" classical leftist doctrine they've been following since Trump was elected? Isn't that what media was doing every time they insinuated Trump did something, just to bring "experts" to confirm their "what ifs" and proceed on it as it did happened?

Dr. Fauci, along with other federal employees doesn't have to worry about any missing paychecks as so many Americans already did. Unlike us, regular people, in time of crisis, bureaucrats get to declare themselves ā€œessential.ā€ No matter how much misery they rain down, we never have to worry they wonā€™t be compensated. He is guaranteed never to miss a penny of his very nice salary since heā€™s the most ā€œessentialā€ bureaucrat of all. In three decades of no experience whatsoever outside the federal bureaucracy means that neither his record of wildly exaggerating the threat of AIDS nor the disastrous job he did crafting a response negatively affected his government career.

I think Dr. Fauciā€™s bold lack of concern for epidemiological reality is exactly whatā€™s needed to guide us through this crisis.
Yeah, he's an "expert" and "don't try this at home." You might stumble across the TRUTH!
The reason that Fauci's predictions haven't fully come true is because of things like social distancing, staying at home, etc. That's the truth.

His predictions were 2 million death if we do nothing, and 180-240k deaths if we do what he said.

Which one of his predictions is true?
It's not over yet, so who knows? Do you?

OK, you got the point, however, if you're right (or if he' was right), why was necessary for him to change predictions to 60,000?
Because behaviors such as social distancing, staying at home, etc, are working! That's the whole point! Also, other factors are involved: apparently, most people aren't on ventilators as long as they thought they would be, so the machines are freed up sooner than they planned, treatments are improving, etc. Predicting what's going to happen is like shooting at a moving target. You're never sure exactly the way things will go; you just have to make the best prediction you can with the information you have at the time.

It doesn't. You either do complete lockdown, or you don't. What we have in Michigan is half of it. If you are going to grocery store, to post office, or having deliveries to your home, or in my case, wife is still working, you are still risking the spread of the virus. As long there is a spread, number of infections is going to increase.

Although I am completely against stay-at-home order, I would rather accept complete lockdown for a month, than what we have now, partial lockdown with people still getting infected. That will prolong the crisis and infections unnecessarily for months to come, and longer it goes, worse it going to get for economy and for people.

Plus, you didn't answer the question. His predictions were 180-240K with social distancing and everything else he recommended. He was obviously wrong, and it's not first time. That makes him unreliable, and he should be replaced by someone more knowledgeable and less political..
The reason that Fauci's predictions haven't fully come true is because of things like social distancing, staying at home, etc. That's the truth.

Tiny Tony Fraudi's fake ass computer models factored in all those things. Are you low info or just pretending!

What's wrong with this picture?

View attachment 322387
Please, tell EVERYONE the last time that you accurately predicted the future. I'll bet you've done it lots of times, right?

When you deal with shutting economy of the country, you better know what you're talking about.

We shut off the country based on his predictions, that he reversed less than a week after he made them. Why are we still shut?
Folks, zaangalewa wins the troll of the month award! IMO, he cannot be as retarded and as eccentric as he presents himself. He is half way decent entertainment value though! :p

Bruce Daniels, I predicted that President Trump would get elected President the day he announced! I also predicted the Deep State would do something to crash the economy as soon as he was elected which is why all sold mutual funds, ETFs, etc. in September 2016. I missed the historic stock market rally. :( The Deep State crashing the economy this late in the Presidency should have been a no-brainer though. At some point they were going to do it. I have been bottom fishing though since IMO the USA and the world are not going to let Tiny Tony Fraudi be their unelected dictator who reports to evil doers like Soros, etc.
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Folks, zaangalewa wins the troll of the month award! IMO, he cannot be as retarded and as eccentric as he presents himself. He is half way decent entertainment value though! :p

Bruce Daniels, I predicted that President Trump would get elected President the day he announced! I also predicted the Deep State would do something to crash the economy as soon as he was elected which is why all sold mutual funds, ETFs, etc. in September 2016. I missed the historic stock market rally. :( The Deep State crashing the economy this late in the Presidency should have been a no-brainer though. At some point they were going to do it. I have been bottom fishing though since IMO the USA and the world are not going to let Tiny Tony Fraudi be their unelected dictator who reports to evil doers like Soros, etc.
It's only April, one wonders what will manifest in October. If Democrats are true to form, they will launch another fake impeachment. Maybe they'll try to blame Covid deaths on Trump. Bless their hearts, they are so 'creative.'
Leo123, I spoke with the manager at the local Whole Foods grocery store. He said even though they are an essential business allowed to be open per Connecticut's local, mini dictator whose only concern for years has been trying to install dozens of highway tolls all over the state, douchebag Governor, they are getting hit hard with lower sales because of "social distancing" rules, only certain number of shoppers allowed at a time, no buffet foods, etc. Corporate is telling them not to expect things to return to normal until July. Would hate to see store closings because of Tiny Tony Fraudi's insanely, apparently intentionally stupid computer models.
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The reason that Fauci's predictions haven't fully come true is because of things like social distancing, staying at home, etc. That's the truth.

Tiny Tony Fraudi's fake ass computer models factored in all those things. Are you low info or just pretending!

What's wrong with this picture?

View attachment 322387
Please, tell EVERYONE the last time that you accurately predicted the future. I'll bet you've done it lots of times, right?

When you deal with shutting economy of the country, you better know what you're talking about.

We shut off the country based on his predictions, that he reversed less than a week after he made them. Why are we still shut?
And how accurate are YOUR predictions of the future?

Laugh, Nazi, laugh - but the day will come when a virus or anything else in the reality will laugh you to death. Not to have respect for all and every life is a worse mistake. To defame others - like the honorable Senator John McCain or in the moment the honorable scientist Dr. Anthony Fauci - shows only the extreme bad character of a criminal pack of pseudo-politicians and their anti-think-tanks. But some people prefer to learn only out of consequences - what means they will have to learn in jail. Others prefer to learn in freedom to do what's the best for them and all others. We call them "the children of god".

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  • CĆ”isc Shona Dhuit/Dhaoibh, BeannachtaĆ­ na CĆ”sca
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  • å¬‰ć—ć„ć‚¤ćƒ¼ć‚¹ć‚æćƒ¼
  • haengpoghan puhwarcheori toesikir
  • Prospera Pascha sit
  • Prieciā€™gus Ziemsveā€™tkus
  • Linksmu velyku.
  • SchĆ©in Ouschteren
  • Sreken Veligden
  • God pĆ„ske
  • Wesol`ych S`wia`t
  • Boa PĆ”scoa, PĆ”scoa Feliz, Feliz PĆ”scoa
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  • MilostiplnĆ© prežitie Ve?kono?nĆ½ch sviatkov
  • Ā”Felices Pascuas!
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  • hayirli paskalya
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  • IPhasika elijabulayo / IPhasika elithokozayo
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Folks, zaangalewa wins the troll of the month award! IMO, he cannot be as retarded and as eccentric as he presents himself. He is half way decent entertainment value though! :p

Let me continue your amusement. My father always did, what I asked him for. Any special wish? Today is your chance. It's Easter.

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zaangalewa, Senator McCain was possessed by "the devil" since you appear to be a somewhat bizarre, religious type who Friedrich Nietzche would assume was that way as a result from abstaining from sex for great lengths of time. :p As far as Tiny Tony Fraudi, Friedrich Nietzsche wrote, "Industrious nations find it a great hardship to be idle!"

Miljenko Matijevic belting it out pitch perfect!

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zaangalewa, Senator McCain was possessed by "the devil" since you appear to be a somewhat bizarre, religious type who Friedrich Nietzche would assume was that way as a result from abstaining from sex for great lengths of time. :p As far as Tiny Tony Fraudi, Friedrich Nietzsche wrote, "Industrious nations find it a great hardship to be idle!"

Miljenko Matijevic belting it out pitch perfect!

vade retro satana
And Nietzsche - what do you think about all the Nazis, who still don't understand what you spoke about and why you had to do so - while they still seem to think, you are the only possible philosopher for their anti-philosophy? And why knows no one that your beard was only a result of your bed confinement. Your sister did not know how to shave a mustache of a lost unconscious person, isn't it? You was lucky, that she cared for you. God may hold her in his arms and may open her the doors to the paradise. Do you agree, Nietzsche?
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And Nietzsche - what do you think about all the Nazis, who still don't understand what you spoke about and why you had to do so - while they still seem to think, you are the only possible philosopher for their anti-philosophy? ANd LKOtwrzhsce - Why knows no one that your beard was only a resiolt of your bed confinement. Your sister did not know how to shave a mustache of a lost unconscious person, isn't it?
The overarching tree of sorrow seems to sway in the mist of the chaos of the funhouse, and yet there is no relief for the ants.

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