Dr Fauci needs to go

Dr. Fauci's wet dreams seem to be coming true.

Interestingly, the bus driver who called men with guns from the government to remove the citizen was, himself, not wearing a mask.

Kind of looks familiar, doesn't it?


I hope everyone knows that this is a typical form of Nazi-propaganda. And I warn every US-American not to continue with such diabolic forms of nonsense propaganda. I remember in this context the extremly ugly character assassination against the honorable Senator John McCain. I fear the next step of such forms of political demagogic propaganda is real murder.
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It seems all Fauci talks about is projections coming from models, and so far he's been way off. I guess when you use flawed data you get flawed results. Fauci is far from a hero, also curious about his ties with the Gates Foundation.
Projections change when models change. The nation’s overall adherence over the last few weeks to social distancing guidelines has changed earlier projections. This is not rocket science.

Sure, except the models that have included social distancing guidelines have dramatically changed 3 times in a week. IMO if we are going to shut down the country's economy based on the projections from so called "scientist" they need a better quality control.

The one good thing to come out of all this is that people will not blindly believe the Climate Change hysteria projections coming from so called "scientist".
... Nope the economy was booming till this virus. Millions dead reported at first, now 60,000 reported to die. You loons screwed the pooch again! Lol

What for heavens sake is the sense of an economy of the death? Let me calculate with this what I currently know: If you do nothing (=wait for Herd Immunity) a minimum of 1.184.000 US-Americans will die. When "only" 60,000 + x people died up to now - why do yo think this is a reason not to continue to fight against Corona? Fight, fight, fight, fight, fight, fight, fight ... and don't waste your time with idiocies.

Can you clarify the term US-Americans? Are there Non-US-Americans we should know about that will (not) die?

US-Americans are inhabitants of the USA. Americans are all people, who live on the double continent America. My experience is: When the people of the USA say "Americans" then they think exclusively only about US-Americans and not about all Americans. But that's what I do when I use the word "Americans" and I dont like to install a propagandistic scissors in my head, which lets automatically "forget" all other Americans.

I was by the way somehow wrong with the numer 1.184.000. That's only possible in case of an excellent working health care system and you do nothing. The ral risk is up to 5 times higher - depending on the quaity and/or destruction of your health care system. So it could be 6 milion too. But my feeling is there will be much less problems in the USA. I hope I do not overestimate "you".

Yes, there are two American continents, and you're tying your term to a continent or a region, not a country. We're simply tying it to citizenship, so if let's say German move to U.S. and got a citizenship, he's American, by citizenship.

Who likes to become a citizen of Trumperica? Only idiots, isn't it?

So is Argentinian, Kenyan, or Taiwanese who chose to get it. Countries that plays in Copa America tournament, call themselves by the country they play for (Brasil, Uruguay, etc.) not by the region. Otherwise instead of having game between Chile and Argentina, that would be game between Non-US-America and Non-US-America. You are here on US Message Board, were we all know what we mean when we say American, we don't need lecture on continents, so stop being smart ass and respect that.

Sure I respect Americans. That's why I call US-Americans US-Americans.

For us, Americans, calling us Americans is just enough.

If you think so, do it. I call US-Americans "US-Americans" because they are US-Americans. If you are not an US-American tell me where you come from and what's your real citizenship. Then I will change this - if I believe you.

Oh shut up troll.

Nobody would call Canadians anything but Canadians, even they're from continent called North America.

Canadians are Americans. US-Americans are Americans. Canadians are normally not US-Americans. By the way - Here is one of the most amusing jokes I ever heard about Canadians and US-Americans:

Believe it or not...this is the transcript of an actual radio conversation between a US naval ship and Canadian authorities off the coast of Newfoundland in October 1995. The Radio conversation was released by the Chief of Naval Operations on Oct. 10, 1995.

US Ship: Please divert your course 0.5 degrees to the south to avoid a collision.
CND reply: Recommend you divert your course 15 degrees to the South to avoid a collision.
US Ship: This is the Captain of a US Navy Ship. I say again, divert your course.
CND reply: No. I say again, you divert YOUR course!
CND reply: This is a lighthouse. Your call.

Nobody is recognizing Canadians as Americans, unless you question is related to continent. Since we almost never talk about continents, but about nations and countries, you have no argument here.

If we're comparing North America to Europe, or Asia to South America, than you would include Canadians into North American group, and Germany into European group. But if we're comparing Germany to Canada, you would never refer to Canadians as North Americans, since you're comparing countries.

Stop trolling.

You are trolling. Not so I. You know very well what I speak about when I use the expression "US-American". You don't like this, that's all. And I don't see what should be wrong with this expression. I guess you see something in the mirror of your thoughts what I don't see and what you do not articulate. From my point of view you "trumpize": You try to create problems, which are not problems. You try to replace clearness with smog.
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... Nope the economy was booming till this virus. Millions dead reported at first, now 60,000 reported to die. You loons screwed the pooch again! Lol

What for heavens sake is the sense of an economy of the death? Let me calculate with this what I currently know: If you do nothing (=wait for Herd Immunity) a minimum of 1.184.000 US-Americans will die. When "only" 60,000 + x people died up to now - why do yo think this is a reason not to continue to fight against Corona? Fight, fight, fight, fight, fight, fight, fight ... and don't waste your time with idiocies.

Can you clarify the term US-Americans? Are there Non-US-Americans we should know about that will (not) die?

US-Americans are inhabitants of the USA. Americans are all people, who live on the double continent America. My experience is: When the people of the USA say "Americans" then they think exclusively only about US-Americans and not about all Americans. But that's what I do when I use the word "Americans" and I dont like to install a propagandistic scissors in my head, which lets automatically "forget" all other Americans.

I was by the way somehow wrong with the numer 1.184.000. That's only possible in case of an excellent working health care system and you do nothing. The ral risk is up to 5 times higher - depending on the quaity and/or destruction of your health care system. So it could be 6 milion too. But my feeling is there will be much less problems in the USA. I hope I do not overestimate "you".

Yes, there are two American continents, and you're tying your term to a continent or a region, not a country. We're simply tying it to citizenship, so if let's say German move to U.S. and got a citizenship, he's American, by citizenship.

Who likes to become a citizen of Trumperica? Only idiots, isn't it?

So is Argentinian, Kenyan, or Taiwanese who chose to get it. Countries that plays in Copa America tournament, call themselves by the country they play for (Brasil, Uruguay, etc.) not by the region. Otherwise instead of having game between Chile and Argentina, that would be game between Non-US-America and Non-US-America. You are here on US Message Board, were we all know what we mean when we say American, we don't need lecture on continents, so stop being smart ass and respect that.

Sure I respect Americans. That's why I call US-Americans US-Americans.

For us, Americans, calling us Americans is just enough.

If you think so, do it. I call US-Americans "US-Americans" because they are US-Americans. If you are not an US-American tell me where you come from and what's your real citizenship. Then I will change this - if I believe you.

Oh shut up troll.

Nobody would call Canadians anything but Canadians, even they're from continent called North America.

Canadians are Americans. US-Americans are Americans. Canadians are normally not US-Americans. By the way - Here is one of the most amusing jokes I ever heard about Canadians and US-Americans:

Believe it or not...this is the transcript of an actual radio conversation between a US naval ship and Canadian authorities off the coast of Newfoundland in October 1995. The Radio conversation was released by the Chief of Naval Operations on Oct. 10, 1995.

US Ship: Please divert your course 0.5 degrees to the south to avoid a collision.
CND reply: Recommend you divert your course 15 degrees to the South to avoid a collision.
US Ship: This is the Captain of a US Navy Ship. I say again, divert your course.
CND reply: No. I say again, you divert YOUR course!
CND reply: This is a lighthouse. Your call.

Nobody is recognizing Canadians as Americans, unless you question is related to continent. Since we almost never talk about continents, but about nations and countries, you have no argument here.

If we're comparing North America to Europe, or Asia to South America, than you would include Canadians into North American group, and Germany into European group. But if we're comparing Germany to Canada, you would never refer to Canadians as North Americans, since you're comparing countries.

Stop trolling.

You are trolling. Not so I. You know very well what I speak about when I use the expression "US-American". You don't like this, that's all. And I don't see what should be wrong with hthis expression. I guess you see something in the mirror of your thoughts what I don't see and what you do not articulate.

There is no need to tell Americans that they're US-Americans. We know where we're from. I'm'sure you don't call our northern neighbors Canadian-Americans, because Canadian is just enough. No need to point to continent they're from. You claim you're German, but you haven't addressed yourself as German-European, no need for that, since we all know where Germany is.

Stop trolling.
It seems all Fauci talks about is projections coming from models, and so far he's been way off. I guess when you use flawed data you get flawed results. Fauci is far from a hero, also curious about his ties with the Gates Foundation.
Projections change when models change. The nation’s overall adherence over the last few weeks to social distancing guidelines has changed earlier projections. This is not rocket science.

Sure, except the models that have included social distancing guidelines have dramatically changed 3 times in a week. IMO if we are going to shut down the country's economy based on the projections from so called "scientist" they need a better quality control.

The one good thing to come out of all this is that people will not blindly believe the Climate Change hysteria projections coming from so called "scientist".

The man made climate change is as real as Corona. Because of Corona are dying people now. And because of the climate change the living conditons on planet Earth will become more and more a problem. And in both cases is "to do nothing" the worst method.

He is a doctor. Not an economist. Not a business. Not a fortune teller. Not a stock broker. Not a carpenter. Not a preacher. Not a bus driver.
His PERSONAL feelings are irrelevant. In fact what is "normal" for him may have no impact on another person.

Why is Trump allowing him to spew his doom and gloom, woe is me and general negative outlook on this situation.

What the American people need to hear is that we are going to get through this via TEMPORARY hard choices and sacrifices.
What they don't need is the asinine guess work about how we are screwed and can't recover.
We are and have always been a nation of achievers. We've overcome MANY devastating obstacles throughout our history and ALWAYS come out ahead in the long run.

This kind of pessimistic bullshit needs to be nipped in the bud. Americans need hope not fear.
trump not a doctor, not an economist, not a fortune teller, not a stock broker, not even a borderline functioning person, he is just a con-man, Marco Rubio said it best "if trump wasn't the son of fred trump, he would be selling fake watches in chinatown" ha ha ha...
... Nope the economy was booming till this virus. Millions dead reported at first, now 60,000 reported to die. You loons screwed the pooch again! Lol

What for heavens sake is the sense of an economy of the death? Let me calculate with this what I currently know: If you do nothing (=wait for Herd Immunity) a minimum of 1.184.000 US-Americans will die. When "only" 60,000 + x people died up to now - why do yo think this is a reason not to continue to fight against Corona? Fight, fight, fight, fight, fight, fight, fight ... and don't waste your time with idiocies.

Can you clarify the term US-Americans? Are there Non-US-Americans we should know about that will (not) die?

US-Americans are inhabitants of the USA. Americans are all people, who live on the double continent America. My experience is: When the people of the USA say "Americans" then they think exclusively only about US-Americans and not about all Americans. But that's what I do when I use the word "Americans" and I dont like to install a propagandistic scissors in my head, which lets automatically "forget" all other Americans.

I was by the way somehow wrong with the numer 1.184.000. That's only possible in case of an excellent working health care system and you do nothing. The ral risk is up to 5 times higher - depending on the quaity and/or destruction of your health care system. So it could be 6 milion too. But my feeling is there will be much less problems in the USA. I hope I do not overestimate "you".

Yes, there are two American continents, and you're tying your term to a continent or a region, not a country. We're simply tying it to citizenship, so if let's say German move to U.S. and got a citizenship, he's American, by citizenship.

Who likes to become a citizen of Trumperica? Only idiots, isn't it?

So is Argentinian, Kenyan, or Taiwanese who chose to get it. Countries that plays in Copa America tournament, call themselves by the country they play for (Brasil, Uruguay, etc.) not by the region. Otherwise instead of having game between Chile and Argentina, that would be game between Non-US-America and Non-US-America. You are here on US Message Board, were we all know what we mean when we say American, we don't need lecture on continents, so stop being smart ass and respect that.

Sure I respect Americans. That's why I call US-Americans US-Americans.

For us, Americans, calling us Americans is just enough.

If you think so, do it. I call US-Americans "US-Americans" because they are US-Americans. If you are not an US-American tell me where you come from and what's your real citizenship. Then I will change this - if I believe you.

Oh shut up troll.

Nobody would call Canadians anything but Canadians, even they're from continent called North America.

Canadians are Americans. US-Americans are Americans. Canadians are normally not US-Americans. By the way - Here is one of the most amusing jokes I ever heard about Canadians and US-Americans:

Believe it or not...this is the transcript of an actual radio conversation between a US naval ship and Canadian authorities off the coast of Newfoundland in October 1995. The Radio conversation was released by the Chief of Naval Operations on Oct. 10, 1995.

US Ship: Please divert your course 0.5 degrees to the south to avoid a collision.
CND reply: Recommend you divert your course 15 degrees to the South to avoid a collision.
US Ship: This is the Captain of a US Navy Ship. I say again, divert your course.
CND reply: No. I say again, you divert YOUR course!
CND reply: This is a lighthouse. Your call.

Nobody is recognizing Canadians as Americans, unless you question is related to continent. Since we almost never talk about continents, but about nations and countries, you have no argument here.

If we're comparing North America to Europe, or Asia to South America, than you would include Canadians into North American group, and Germany into European group. But if we're comparing Germany to Canada, you would never refer to Canadians as North Americans, since you're comparing countries.

Stop trolling.

You are trolling. Not so I. You know very well what I speak about when I use the expression "US-American". You don't like this, that's all. And I don't see what should be wrong with hthis expression. I guess you see something in the mirror of your thoughts what I don't see and what you do not articulate.

There is no need to tell Americans that they're US-Americans.

All Germans call US-Americans US-Americans. The expression "Ami" for US-Americans died meanwhile nearly out. I guess this has to do with the near of the words "Ami" and "amigo".

We know where we're from.

Do you? You are an European nation. A child of the enlightenment. A member of the western world.

I'm'sure you don't call our northern neighbors Canadian-Americans, because Canadian is just enough. No need to point to continent they're from. You claim you're German, but you haven't addressed yourself as German-European, no need for that, since we all know where Germany is.

Stop trolling.

You are trolling. I call Canadians, Canadians. Brits, Brits. Americans, Americans. Europeans, Europeans. Germans, Germans. And US-Americans, US-Americans. Very simple, very clear.
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He is a doctor. Not an economist. Not a business. Not a fortune teller. Not a stock broker. Not a carpenter. Not a preacher. Not a bus driver.
His PERSONAL feelings are irrelevant. In fact what is "normal" for him may have no impact on another person.

Why is Trump allowing him to spew his doom and gloom, woe is me and general negative outlook on this situation.

What the American people need to hear is that we are going to get through this via TEMPORARY hard choices and sacrifices.
What they don't need is the asinine guess work about how we are screwed and can't recover.
We are and have always been a nation of achievers. We've overcome MANY devastating obstacles throughout our history and ALWAYS come out ahead in the long run.

This kind of pessimistic bullshit needs to be nipped in the bud. Americans need hope not fear.
trump not a doctor, not an economist, not a fortune teller, not a stock broker, not even a borderline functioning person, he is just a con-man, Marco Rubio said it best "if trump wasn't the son of fred trump, he would be selling fake watches in chinatown" ha ha ha...

Fred Trump had five kids. one of them died.

He also left inheritance to each of his four remaining children. Only one of them became super rich. I guess remaining three are still selling fake watches in Chinatown.
... Nope the economy was booming till this virus. Millions dead reported at first, now 60,000 reported to die. You loons screwed the pooch again! Lol

What for heavens sake is the sense of an economy of the death? Let me calculate with this what I currently know: If you do nothing (=wait for Herd Immunity) a minimum of 1.184.000 US-Americans will die. When "only" 60,000 + x people died up to now - why do yo think this is a reason not to continue to fight against Corona? Fight, fight, fight, fight, fight, fight, fight ... and don't waste your time with idiocies.

Can you clarify the term US-Americans? Are there Non-US-Americans we should know about that will (not) die?

US-Americans are inhabitants of the USA. Americans are all people, who live on the double continent America. My experience is: When the people of the USA say "Americans" then they think exclusively only about US-Americans and not about all Americans. But that's what I do when I use the word "Americans" and I dont like to install a propagandistic scissors in my head, which lets automatically "forget" all other Americans.

I was by the way somehow wrong with the numer 1.184.000. That's only possible in case of an excellent working health care system and you do nothing. The ral risk is up to 5 times higher - depending on the quaity and/or destruction of your health care system. So it could be 6 milion too. But my feeling is there will be much less problems in the USA. I hope I do not overestimate "you".

Yes, there are two American continents, and you're tying your term to a continent or a region, not a country. We're simply tying it to citizenship, so if let's say German move to U.S. and got a citizenship, he's American, by citizenship.

Who likes to become a citizen of Trumperica? Only idiots, isn't it?

So is Argentinian, Kenyan, or Taiwanese who chose to get it. Countries that plays in Copa America tournament, call themselves by the country they play for (Brasil, Uruguay, etc.) not by the region. Otherwise instead of having game between Chile and Argentina, that would be game between Non-US-America and Non-US-America. You are here on US Message Board, were we all know what we mean when we say American, we don't need lecture on continents, so stop being smart ass and respect that.

Sure I respect Americans. That's why I call US-Americans US-Americans.

For us, Americans, calling us Americans is just enough.

If you think so, do it. I call US-Americans "US-Americans" because they are US-Americans. If you are not an US-American tell me where you come from and what's your real citizenship. Then I will change this - if I believe you.

Oh shut up troll.

Nobody would call Canadians anything but Canadians, even they're from continent called North America.

Canadians are Americans. US-Americans are Americans. Canadians are normally not US-Americans. By the way - Here is one of the most amusing jokes I ever heard about Canadians and US-Americans:

Believe it or not...this is the transcript of an actual radio conversation between a US naval ship and Canadian authorities off the coast of Newfoundland in October 1995. The Radio conversation was released by the Chief of Naval Operations on Oct. 10, 1995.

US Ship: Please divert your course 0.5 degrees to the south to avoid a collision.
CND reply: Recommend you divert your course 15 degrees to the South to avoid a collision.
US Ship: This is the Captain of a US Navy Ship. I say again, divert your course.
CND reply: No. I say again, you divert YOUR course!
CND reply: This is a lighthouse. Your call.

Nobody is recognizing Canadians as Americans, unless you question is related to continent. Since we almost never talk about continents, but about nations and countries, you have no argument here.

If we're comparing North America to Europe, or Asia to South America, than you would include Canadians into North American group, and Germany into European group. But if we're comparing Germany to Canada, you would never refer to Canadians as North Americans, since you're comparing countries.

Stop trolling.

You are trolling. Not so I. You know very well what I speak about when I use the expression "US-American". You don't like this, that's all. And I don't see what should be wrong with hthis expression. I guess you see something in the mirror of your thoughts what I don't see and what you do not articulate.

There is no need to tell Americans that they're US-Americans.

All Germans call US-Americans US-Americans. The exprsison "Ami" for US-Americans died meanwhile out. I geusnbthsi hasn to do with the near of the words "Ami" and "amigo".

We know where we're from.

Do you? You are an European nation. A child of the enlightenment. A member of the western world.

I'm'sure you don't call our northern neighbors Canadian-Americans, because Canadian is just enough. No need to point to continent they're from. You claim you're German, but you haven't addressed yourself as German-European, no need for that, since we all know where Germany is.

Stop trolling.

You are trolling.
could it just be that everyone is trolling at all times?
All Germans call US-Americans US-Americans. The exprsison "Ami" for US-Americans died meanwhile out. I geusnbthsi hasn to do with the near of the words "Ami" and "amigo".

Nope, not true.

Last year I spent few months in Koenigsbach-Stein on multiple trips, working on a project for a German company. I work another year and half with couple of dozens Germans in US on the same project. None of them ever called me US-American, just American. Years back I spent six months in GM/Open/SAAB factory in Russelsheim, met many people, some became good friends, and never anyone called me US-American, no need for that, just American.

Stop trolling.
... Nope the economy was booming till this virus. Millions dead reported at first, now 60,000 reported to die. You loons screwed the pooch again! Lol

What for heavens sake is the sense of an economy of the death? Let me calculate with this what I currently know: If you do nothing (=wait for Herd Immunity) a minimum of 1.184.000 US-Americans will die. When "only" 60,000 + x people died up to now - why do yo think this is a reason not to continue to fight against Corona? Fight, fight, fight, fight, fight, fight, fight ... and don't waste your time with idiocies.

Can you clarify the term US-Americans? Are there Non-US-Americans we should know about that will (not) die?

US-Americans are inhabitants of the USA. Americans are all people, who live on the double continent America. My experience is: When the people of the USA say "Americans" then they think exclusively only about US-Americans and not about all Americans. But that's what I do when I use the word "Americans" and I dont like to install a propagandistic scissors in my head, which lets automatically "forget" all other Americans.

I was by the way somehow wrong with the numer 1.184.000. That's only possible in case of an excellent working health care system and you do nothing. The ral risk is up to 5 times higher - depending on the quaity and/or destruction of your health care system. So it could be 6 milion too. But my feeling is there will be much less problems in the USA. I hope I do not overestimate "you".

Yes, there are two American continents, and you're tying your term to a continent or a region, not a country. We're simply tying it to citizenship, so if let's say German move to U.S. and got a citizenship, he's American, by citizenship.

Who likes to become a citizen of Trumperica? Only idiots, isn't it?

So is Argentinian, Kenyan, or Taiwanese who chose to get it. Countries that plays in Copa America tournament, call themselves by the country they play for (Brasil, Uruguay, etc.) not by the region. Otherwise instead of having game between Chile and Argentina, that would be game between Non-US-America and Non-US-America. You are here on US Message Board, were we all know what we mean when we say American, we don't need lecture on continents, so stop being smart ass and respect that.

Sure I respect Americans. That's why I call US-Americans US-Americans.

For us, Americans, calling us Americans is just enough.

If you think so, do it. I call US-Americans "US-Americans" because they are US-Americans. If you are not an US-American tell me where you come from and what's your real citizenship. Then I will change this - if I believe you.

Oh shut up troll.

Nobody would call Canadians anything but Canadians, even they're from continent called North America.

Canadians are Americans. US-Americans are Americans. Canadians are normally not US-Americans. By the way - Here is one of the most amusing jokes I ever heard about Canadians and US-Americans:

Believe it or not...this is the transcript of an actual radio conversation between a US naval ship and Canadian authorities off the coast of Newfoundland in October 1995. The Radio conversation was released by the Chief of Naval Operations on Oct. 10, 1995.

US Ship: Please divert your course 0.5 degrees to the south to avoid a collision.
CND reply: Recommend you divert your course 15 degrees to the South to avoid a collision.
US Ship: This is the Captain of a US Navy Ship. I say again, divert your course.
CND reply: No. I say again, you divert YOUR course!
CND reply: This is a lighthouse. Your call.

Nobody is recognizing Canadians as Americans, unless you question is related to continent. Since we almost never talk about continents, but about nations and countries, you have no argument here.

If we're comparing North America to Europe, or Asia to South America, than you would include Canadians into North American group, and Germany into European group. But if we're comparing Germany to Canada, you would never refer to Canadians as North Americans, since you're comparing countries.

Stop trolling.

You are trolling. Not so I. You know very well what I speak about when I use the expression "US-American". You don't like this, that's all. And I don't see what should be wrong with hthis expression. I guess you see something in the mirror of your thoughts what I don't see and what you do not articulate.

There is no need to tell Americans that they're US-Americans. We know where we're from. I'm'sure you don't call our northern neighbors Canadian-Americans, because Canadian is just enough. No need to point to continent they're from. You claim you're German, but you haven't addressed yourself as German-European, no need for that, since we all know where Germany is.

Stop trolling.

Big difference in wash your hands, stay home if sick, and the full blown Fauci hysteria of close down the country until no one is sick.
Same thing with global warming, we can do things productively in ways that won't kill the economy, as opposed to the full blown AOC Green New Deal based on "science modeling" hysteria.
All Germans call US-Americans US-Americans. The exprsison "Ami" for US-Americans died meanwhile out. I geusnbthsi hasn to do with the near of the words "Ami" and "amigo".

Nope, not true.

What is not true?

Last year I spent few months in Koenigsbach-Stein

Where? Got it Baden Würtemberg. Near France. Weinstraße. Nice area.

on multiple trips, working on a project for a German company. I work another year and half with couple of dozens Germans in US on the same project. None of them ever called me US-American, just American.

So you don't speak German, that's all.

Years back I spent six months in GM/Open/SAAB factory in Russelsheim, met many people, some became good friends, and never anyone called me US-American, no need for that, just American.

Stop trolling.

When "the USA" bought Opel it was the greatest car manufacturer of Europe. When "you" sold Opel about 70 years later it was an unimportant little company, after you had destroyed the very concrete project to recreate the independence of Opel, when GM was bancrupt. Practically you destroyed Opel with the money of the US-American tax payers - and GM lost because of this again hundred of millions of dollars - after they had crashed and came back. I don't know what think the people in Rüsselsheim meanwhile about the USA. But they became very fast profitable after GM sold them to France.
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All Germans call US-Americans US-Americans. The exprsison "Ami" for US-Americans died meanwhile out. I geusnbthsi hasn to do with the near of the words "Ami" and "amigo".

Nope, not true.

What is not true?

Last year I spent few months in Koenigsbach-Stein

Where? Got it Baden Würtemberg. Near France. Weinstraße. Nice area.

on multiple trips, working on a project for a German company. I work another year and half with couple of dozens Germans in US on the same project. None of them ever called me US-American, just American.

So you don't speak German, that's all.

Years back I spent six months in GM/Open/SAAB factory in Russelsheim, met many people, some became good friends, and never anyone called me US-American, no need for that, just American.

Stop trolling.

When "the USA" bought Opel it was the greatest car manufacturer of Europe. When "you" sold Opel about 70 years later it was an unimportant little company, after you had destroyed the very concrete project to recreate the independence of Opel, when GM was bancrupt. Practically you destroyed Opel with the money of the US-American tax payers - and GM lost because of this again hundred of millions of Dollars - after they had crashed and came back. I don't know what think the people in Rüsselsheim meanwhile about the USA. But they became very fast profitable after GM sold them to France.

As I said, stop trolling.
Heaven forbid that there should be ANYONE in the Trump Administration who believes in science!

I actually feel kind of sorry for Fauci. He has made so many bad predictions that now he has to resort to a 'what if' scenario. Trump used him and played him like a fiddle. The pandemic is about over, let's figure out the oil situation and get the fuck back to work!

Isn't "what if" classical leftist doctrine they've been following since Trump was elected? Isn't that what media was doing every time they insinuated Trump did something, just to bring "experts" to confirm their "what ifs" and proceed on it as it did happened?

Dr. Fauci, along with other federal employees doesn't have to worry about any missing paychecks as so many Americans already did. Unlike us, regular people, in time of crisis, bureaucrats get to declare themselves “essential.” No matter how much misery they rain down, we never have to worry they won’t be compensated. He is guaranteed never to miss a penny of his very nice salary since he’s the most “essential” bureaucrat of all. In three decades of no experience whatsoever outside the federal bureaucracy means that neither his record of wildly exaggerating the threat of AIDS nor the disastrous job he did crafting a response negatively affected his government career.

I think Dr. Fauci’s bold lack of concern for epidemiological reality is exactly what’s needed to guide us through this crisis.
Yeah, he's an "expert" and "don't try this at home." You might stumble across the TRUTH!
The reason that Fauci's predictions haven't fully come true is because of things like social distancing, staying at home, etc. That's the truth.
Heaven forbid that there should be ANYONE in the Trump Administration who believes in science!

I actually feel kind of sorry for Fauci. He has made so many bad predictions that now he has to resort to a 'what if' scenario. Trump used him and played him like a fiddle. The pandemic is about over, let's figure out the oil situation and get the fuck back to work!

Isn't "what if" classical leftist doctrine they've been following since Trump was elected? Isn't that what media was doing every time they insinuated Trump did something, just to bring "experts" to confirm their "what ifs" and proceed on it as it did happened?

Dr. Fauci, along with other federal employees doesn't have to worry about any missing paychecks as so many Americans already did. Unlike us, regular people, in time of crisis, bureaucrats get to declare themselves “essential.” No matter how much misery they rain down, we never have to worry they won’t be compensated. He is guaranteed never to miss a penny of his very nice salary since he’s the most “essential” bureaucrat of all. In three decades of no experience whatsoever outside the federal bureaucracy means that neither his record of wildly exaggerating the threat of AIDS nor the disastrous job he did crafting a response negatively affected his government career.

I think Dr. Fauci’s bold lack of concern for epidemiological reality is exactly what’s needed to guide us through this crisis.
Yeah, he's an "expert" and "don't try this at home." You might stumble across the TRUTH!
The reason that Fauci's predictions haven't fully come true is because of things like social distancing, staying at home, etc. That's the truth.

His predictions were 2 million death if we do nothing, and 180-240k deaths if we do what he said.

Which one of his predictions is true?
Heaven forbid that there should be ANYONE in the Trump Administration who believes in science!

I actually feel kind of sorry for Fauci. He has made so many bad predictions that now he has to resort to a 'what if' scenario. Trump used him and played him like a fiddle. The pandemic is about over, let's figure out the oil situation and get the fuck back to work!

Isn't "what if" classical leftist doctrine they've been following since Trump was elected? Isn't that what media was doing every time they insinuated Trump did something, just to bring "experts" to confirm their "what ifs" and proceed on it as it did happened?

Dr. Fauci, along with other federal employees doesn't have to worry about any missing paychecks as so many Americans already did. Unlike us, regular people, in time of crisis, bureaucrats get to declare themselves “essential.” No matter how much misery they rain down, we never have to worry they won’t be compensated. He is guaranteed never to miss a penny of his very nice salary since he’s the most “essential” bureaucrat of all. In three decades of no experience whatsoever outside the federal bureaucracy means that neither his record of wildly exaggerating the threat of AIDS nor the disastrous job he did crafting a response negatively affected his government career.

I think Dr. Fauci’s bold lack of concern for epidemiological reality is exactly what’s needed to guide us through this crisis.
Yeah, he's an "expert" and "don't try this at home." You might stumble across the TRUTH!
The reason that Fauci's predictions haven't fully come true is because of things like social distancing, staying at home, etc. That's the truth.

His predictions were 2 million death if we do nothing, and 180-240k deaths if we do what he said.

Which one of his predictions is true?
It's not over yet, so who knows? Do you?
All Germans call US-Americans US-Americans. The exprsison "Ami" for US-Americans died meanwhile out. I geusnbthsi hasn to do with the near of the words "Ami" and "amigo".

Nope, not true.

What is not true?

Last year I spent few months in Koenigsbach-Stein

Where? Got it Baden Würtemberg. Near France. Weinstraße. Nice area.

on multiple trips, working on a project for a German company. I work another year and half with couple of dozens Germans in US on the same project. None of them ever called me US-American, just American.

So you don't speak German, that's all.

Years back I spent six months in GM/Open/SAAB factory in Russelsheim, met many people, some became good friends, and never anyone called me US-American, no need for that, just American.

Stop trolling.

When "the USA" bought Opel it was the greatest car manufacturer of Europe. When "you" sold Opel about 70 years later it was an unimportant little company, after you had destroyed the very concrete project to recreate the independence of Opel, when GM was bancrupt. Practically you destroyed Opel with the money of the US-American tax payers - and GM lost because of this again hundred of millions of Dollars - after they had crashed and came back. I don't know what think the people in Rüsselsheim meanwhile about the USA. But they became very fast profitable after GM sold them to France.

As I said, stop trolling.

You are trolling.
... Nope the economy was booming till this virus. Millions dead reported at first, now 60,000 reported to die. You loons screwed the pooch again! Lol

What for heavens sake is the sense of an economy of the death? Let me calculate with this what I currently know: If you do nothing (=wait for Herd Immunity) a minimum of 1.184.000 US-Americans will die. When "only" 60,000 + x people died up to now - why do yo think this is a reason not to continue to fight against Corona? Fight, fight, fight, fight, fight, fight, fight ... and don't waste your time with idiocies.

Can you clarify the term US-Americans? Are there Non-US-Americans we should know about that will (not) die?

US-Americans are inhabitants of the USA. Americans are all people, who live on the double continent America. My experience is: When the people of the USA say "Americans" then they think exclusively only about US-Americans and not about all Americans. But that's what I do when I use the word "Americans" and I dont like to install a propagandistic scissors in my head, which lets automatically "forget" all other Americans.

I was by the way somehow wrong with the numer 1.184.000. That's only possible in case of an excellent working health care system and you do nothing. The ral risk is up to 5 times higher - depending on the quaity and/or destruction of your health care system. So it could be 6 milion too. But my feeling is there will be much less problems in the USA. I hope I do not overestimate "you".

Yes, there are two American continents, and you're tying your term to a continent or a region, not a country. We're simply tying it to citizenship, so if let's say German move to U.S. and got a citizenship, he's American, by citizenship.

Who likes to become a citizen of Trumperica? Only idiots, isn't it?

So is Argentinian, Kenyan, or Taiwanese who chose to get it. Countries that plays in Copa America tournament, call themselves by the country they play for (Brasil, Uruguay, etc.) not by the region. Otherwise instead of having game between Chile and Argentina, that would be game between Non-US-America and Non-US-America. You are here on US Message Board, were we all know what we mean when we say American, we don't need lecture on continents, so stop being smart ass and respect that.

Sure I respect Americans. That's why I call US-Americans US-Americans.

For us, Americans, calling us Americans is just enough.

If you think so, do it. I call US-Americans "US-Americans" because they are US-Americans. If you are not an US-American tell me where you come from and what's your real citizenship. Then I will change this - if I believe you.

Oh shut up troll.

Nobody would call Canadians anything but Canadians, even they're from continent called North America.

Canadians are Americans. US-Americans are Americans. Canadians are normally not US-Americans. By the way - Here is one of the most amusing jokes I ever heard about Canadians and US-Americans:

Believe it or not...this is the transcript of an actual radio conversation between a US naval ship and Canadian authorities off the coast of Newfoundland in October 1995. The Radio conversation was released by the Chief of Naval Operations on Oct. 10, 1995.

US Ship: Please divert your course 0.5 degrees to the south to avoid a collision.
CND reply: Recommend you divert your course 15 degrees to the South to avoid a collision.
US Ship: This is the Captain of a US Navy Ship. I say again, divert your course.
CND reply: No. I say again, you divert YOUR course!
CND reply: This is a lighthouse. Your call.

Nobody is recognizing Canadians as Americans, unless you question is related to continent. Since we almost never talk about continents, but about nations and countries, you have no argument here.

If we're comparing North America to Europe, or Asia to South America, than you would include Canadians into North American group, and Germany into European group. But if we're comparing Germany to Canada, you would never refer to Canadians as North Americans, since you're comparing countries.

Stop trolling.

You are trolling. Not so I. You know very well what I speak about when I use the expression "US-American". You don't like this, that's all. And I don't see what should be wrong with hthis expression. I guess you see something in the mirror of your thoughts what I don't see and what you do not articulate.

There is no need to tell Americans that they're US-Americans. We know where we're from. I'm'sure you don't call our northern neighbors Canadian-Americans, because Canadian is just enough. No need to point to continent they're from. You claim you're German, but you haven't addressed yourself as German-European, no need for that, since we all know where Germany is.

Stop trolling.

Big difference in wash your hands, stay home if sick, and the full blown Fauci hysteria of close down the country until no one is sick.
Same thing with global warming, we can do things productively in ways that won't kill the economy, as opposed to the full blown AOC Green New Deal based on "science modeling" hysteria.
And you got your science degree from what university?

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