Dr Fauci needs to go

Tiny Tony is not a scientist. He is the propaganda, public relations official of the Deep State medical establishment. He is as much a scientist as that 30 something feminist who graduated with a degree in sociology who is a sale rep for Cipro and gives physicians free samples telling them not to watch You Tube vids of real people discussing the side effects. Tiny Tony Fraudi claimed 90% vaccination rate is essentially 100%, yet less than 10% of people exposed to the Kung Flu even come down with noticable symptoms. So according to Tiny Tony Fraudi's math, the Kung Flu doesn't even exist, yet he and the Scarf Lady got Governors to go full on unconstitutional and close down the country.

He's a respected health professional who's served both Republican and Democrat Presidents. Be careful here. This is not like labeling a political figure with one of your silly nicknames. This is going to boomerang back on you Trump supporters.

Sure, he served under different presidents, but he was more often wrong than he was right. Career gov't employee, bureaucrat.
This virus spreads more easily than the flu, but is hardly as deadly overall as it has been touted.

"spreads more easily than the flu"

Where did you get that from?

Every virus spread easily, it's matter are you immune and getting sick from it or not. Last flu seazon 18/19 some 37 million Americans had flu.
God bless Dr. Fauci. Without him, Bobblehead Birx, and the free press we wouldn't know anything but Trump and Fox News propaganda. Dr. Fauci is pretty straightforward, but does shade a little to navigate around Trump. Bobblehead Birx is a Trump toady, but at least she does provide some worthwhile information. And most of all - I praise our free press!
Sorry, the FDA took down the rails for these drug approvals before Trump stood up and touted them.

Wrong. Trump first mentioned the drug on March 19th. The FDA issued an Emergency Use Authorization on March 28th. I might add, my wife is an Internist and knew about the promising results of his treatment about the same time Trump mentioned it or maybe a week before.

Bump..what no snide replies from you lefties? You get dinged on the facts and you just move on to the next Trump bashing nonsense you hear on the news.

I gave that to you. March 28th was the date the FDA issued formal approval. You might have missed it. I also asked how Trump knew of the drug in the first place? (linked article will tell you how).

The reason why FDA issued approval was because some Governors (including my state Michigan) were issuing orders to doctors (and threatening with penalties) not to use these drugs because they're not FDA approved for COVID, even they were showing promising results.
Cool, so in your pitiful mind the crash is Trump's fault. Will you give credit to Trump for less than 60k deaths when the models were showing much higher than that?
The models predicting a higher death count were based on what would happen if we followed Trump's "no need to worry" advice from Jan. to early March.

Just as models predicting 240K deaths were wrong, those models are also most likely wrong.

That tells me models were created to scare us and to force government to shut the economy, which was leftist's goal for a long time.
You know, I find it kinda strange that the only treatment Trump is spouting is the chloroquinequine drug. There are several other teams out there working on promising treatments.

President Trump mentions the anti-Malaria drug because it has been proven to cure Kung Flu within hours in most cases. He also mentions Tiny Tony Fraudi approaches such as unproven vaccines, and unproven assorted, very expensive anti-viral drugs.

Well, it doesn't cure COVID, it helps body fight it. Other than that, you're right.
I wonder if anyone else sees the irony here, Fauci is a scientist. They talk in what is known, they don’t commit to the own known and soothing the public isn’t their remit. They are not politicians.

In other words...he is pretty much what you liked in Trump. Straight speaking. Not a politician.

But now you don’t like that and you want Trump to act like a politician.

This "scientist" is bureaucrat first. He hasn't been right on most of his opinions, especially in AIDS field, and recent prognosis with COVID-19 as well.

You know this how?

I read. I posted links earlier.

It's not first time that Dr. Fauci manipulated the press. He quickly dismissed other scientists with ad hominem attacks, claiming that the risk to the general population of HIV/AIDS was orders of magnitude larger that it actually was. In fact, HIV/AIDS transmissions in the United States outside of the intravenous drug user and homosexual community remain extremely rare.

He even admitted it in WaPo" “In the beginning, those (HIV/AIDS activists) had a blanket disgust with us. and it was mutual. Scientists said all trials should be restricted, rigid and slow. The gay groups said we were killing people with red tape. When the smoke cleared we realized that much of their criticism was absolutely valid.” This is just an example, and there are many more about his handling of HIV/AIDS. So, how then should we think about all the red tape and restrictions Dr. Fauci is pushing today?

Just as back then, he did it again, when he predicted 2 million deaths from COVID (if we don't do what he recommend), or 240K deaths (if we do so), and that COVID-19 is ten times deadlier than a flu, and not even week later, he reversed his position in in The New England Journal of Medicine, along with his co-author Dr. Redfield, who is the director of CDC, that for "all they know, COVID-19 may have a mortality rate comparable to that of the .1% of seasonal influenza".
... Nope the economy was booming till this virus. Millions dead reported at first, now 60,000 reported to die. You loons screwed the pooch again! Lol

What for heavens sake is the sense of an economy of the death? Let me calculate with this what I currently know: If you do nothing (=wait for Herd Immunity) a minimum of 1.184.000 US-Americans will die. When "only" 60,000 + x people died up to now - why do yo think this is a reason not to continue to fight against Corona? Fight, fight, fight, fight, fight, fight, fight ... and don't waste your time with idiocies.

Can you clarify the term US-Americans? Are there Non-US-Americans we should know about that will (not) die?

US-Americans are inhabitants of the USA. Americans are all people, who live on the double continent America. My experience is: When the people of the USA say "Americans" then they think exclusively only about US-Americans and not about all Americans. But that's what I do when I use the word "Americans" and I dont like to install a propagandistic scissors in my head, which lets automatically "forget" all other Americans.

I was by the way somehow wrong with the numer 1.184.000. That's only possible in case of an excellent working health care system and you do nothing. The ral risk is up to 5 times higher - depending on the quaity and/or destruction of your health care system. So it could be 6 milion too. But my feeling is there will be much less problems in the USA. I hope I do not overestimate "you".
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Dr Fauci needs to go
If Fauci keeps insisting on interrupting Trump and showing him up then he most certainly does need to go.
If Trump continues to say a totally stupid nonsense - what he seems to be used to do since he lives - then an upright man like Dr. Fauci has no other chance than to have to correct the worst nonsense. Btw I seldom saw a man which such an excellent self-control like Dr. Fauci. Keeps the problem: truth is true - even if it is "only" a scientific truth, basing on this what we know today and what is able to have to be corrected tomorrow, when we make a progress in scientific methods and/or because some facts are changing. But nothing - absolutelly nothing - will become better in the end with the millions of lies of the autocrat Donald Trump and the methods of his intrigant, tyrannic supporters.
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... Nope the economy was booming till this virus. Millions dead reported at first, now 60,000 reported to die. You loons screwed the pooch again! Lol

What for heavens sake is the sense of an economy of the death? Let me calculate with this what I currently know: If you do nothing (=wait for Herd Immunity) a minimum of 1.184.000 US-Americans will die. When "only" 60,000 + x people died up to now - why do yo think this is a reason not to continue to fight against Corona? Fight, fight, fight, fight, fight, fight, fight ... and don't waste your time with idiocies.
You're talking out of your ass.

I do what? I'm a German. You are in danger to lose your life now. It's Good Friday. Jesus will perhaps not protect you.

Oh, I got it...

View attachment 321939

By the way this could be indeed one of my neighbors. Before Corona he brought his two children often to the kindergarden in the near. A nice man. Very lightweighted and graceful. I love it very much to see him and his family (5 persons) making a walk on Sunday. They have nice colorful clothings - like a dream of the fairy tales from 1001 night in the translation from Hugo von Hofmannsthal. Did you read something from Hugo von Hofmannsthal? Wonderful language, which he uses, isn't it? Also fascinating the love of US-Americans for the thousands of years of the German history and the German culture which came from Celts, Germanics and Romans (including Greeks). Wonderful how you like to protect us, racist.

And do you know the national anthem of Lummerland? That's a minimum of knowledge someone should have, who likes to defend us and our way to live. Here it is, asshole:

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zaangalewa, obviously English and the truth is difficult for you to comprehend. Long story short, Tiny Tony Fraudi is a Deep State Bad Medicine maniac who actually should be characterized as an international terrorist. The damage he inflicted on the USA and the world with his false predictions cannot be over-estimated!
... Nope the economy was booming till this virus. Millions dead reported at first, now 60,000 reported to die. You loons screwed the pooch again! Lol

What for heavens sake is the sense of an economy of the death? Let me calculate with this what I currently know: If you do nothing (=wait for Herd Immunity) a minimum of 1.184.000 US-Americans will die. When "only" 60,000 + x people died up to now - why do yo think this is a reason not to continue to fight against Corona? Fight, fight, fight, fight, fight, fight, fight ... and don't waste your time with idiocies.

Can you clarify the term US-Americans? Are there Non-US-Americans we should know about that will (not) die?

US-Americans are inhabitants of the USA. Americans are all people, who live on the double continent America. My experience is: When the people of the USA say "Americans" then they think exclusively only about US-Americans and not about all Americans. But that's what I do when I use the word "Americans" and I dont like to install a propagandistic scissors in my head, which lets automatically "forget" all other Americans.

I was by the way somehow wrong with the numer 1.184.000. That's only possible in case of an excellent working health care system and you do nothing. The ral risk is up to 5 times higher - depending on the quaity and/or destruction of your health care system. So it could be 6 milion too. But my feeling is there will be much less problems in the USA. I hope I do not overestimate "you".

Yes, there are two American continents, and you're tying your term to a continent or a region, not a country. We're simply tying it to citizenship, so if let's say German move to U.S. and got a citizenship, he's American, by citizenship. So is Argentinian, Kenyan, or Taiwanese who chose to get it. Countries that plays in Copa America tournament, call themselves by the country they play for (Brasil, Uruguay, etc.) not by the region. Otherwise instead of having game between Chile and Argentina, that would be game between Non-US-America and Non-US-America. You are here on US Message Board, were we all know what we mean when we say American, we don't need lecture on continents, so stop being smart ass and respect that.
... Nope the economy was booming till this virus. Millions dead reported at first, now 60,000 reported to die. You loons screwed the pooch again! Lol

What for heavens sake is the sense of an economy of the death? Let me calculate with this what I currently know: If you do nothing (=wait for Herd Immunity) a minimum of 1.184.000 US-Americans will die. When "only" 60,000 + x people died up to now - why do yo think this is a reason not to continue to fight against Corona? Fight, fight, fight, fight, fight, fight, fight ... and don't waste your time with idiocies.

Can you clarify the term US-Americans? Are there Non-US-Americans we should know about that will (not) die?

US-Americans are inhabitants of the USA. Americans are all people, who live on the double continent America. My experience is: When the people of the USA say "Americans" then they think exclusively only about US-Americans and not about all Americans. But that's what I do when I use the word "Americans" and I dont like to install a propagandistic scissors in my head, which lets automatically "forget" all other Americans.

I was by the way somehow wrong with the numer 1.184.000. That's only possible in case of an excellent working health care system and you do nothing. The ral risk is up to 5 times higher - depending on the quaity and/or destruction of your health care system. So it could be 6 milion too. But my feeling is there will be much less problems in the USA. I hope I do not overestimate "you".

Yes, there are two American continents, and you're tying your term to a continent or a region, not a country. We're simply tying it to citizenship, so if let's say German move to U.S. and got a citizenship, he's American, by citizenship.

Who likes to become a citizen of Trumperica? Only idiots, isn't it?

So is Argentinian, Kenyan, or Taiwanese who chose to get it. Countries that plays in Copa America tournament, call themselves by the country they play for (Brasil, Uruguay, etc.) not by the region. Otherwise instead of having game between Chile and Argentina, that would be game between Non-US-America and Non-US-America. You are here on US Message Board, were we all know what we mean when we say American, we don't need lecture on continents, so stop being smart ass and respect that.

Sure I respect Americans. That's why I call US-Americans US-Americans.
... Nope the economy was booming till this virus. Millions dead reported at first, now 60,000 reported to die. You loons screwed the pooch again! Lol

What for heavens sake is the sense of an economy of the death? Let me calculate with this what I currently know: If you do nothing (=wait for Herd Immunity) a minimum of 1.184.000 US-Americans will die. When "only" 60,000 + x people died up to now - why do yo think this is a reason not to continue to fight against Corona? Fight, fight, fight, fight, fight, fight, fight ... and don't waste your time with idiocies.

Can you clarify the term US-Americans? Are there Non-US-Americans we should know about that will (not) die?

US-Americans are inhabitants of the USA. Americans are all people, who live on the double continent America. My experience is: When the people of the USA say "Americans" then they think exclusively only about US-Americans and not about all Americans. But that's what I do when I use the word "Americans" and I dont like to install a propagandistic scissors in my head, which lets automatically "forget" all other Americans.

I was by the way somehow wrong with the numer 1.184.000. That's only possible in case of an excellent working health care system and you do nothing. The ral risk is up to 5 times higher - depending on the quaity and/or destruction of your health care system. So it could be 6 milion too. But my feeling is there will be much less problems in the USA. I hope I do not overestimate "you".

Yes, there are two American continents, and you're tying your term to a continent or a region, not a country. We're simply tying it to citizenship, so if let's say German move to U.S. and got a citizenship, he's American, by citizenship.

Who likes to become a citizen of Trumperica? Only idiots, isn't it?

So is Argentinian, Kenyan, or Taiwanese who chose to get it. Countries that plays in Copa America tournament, call themselves by the country they play for (Brasil, Uruguay, etc.) not by the region. Otherwise instead of having game between Chile and Argentina, that would be game between Non-US-America and Non-US-America. You are here on US Message Board, were we all know what we mean when we say American, we don't need lecture on continents, so stop being smart ass and respect that.

Sure I respect Americans. That's why I call US-Americans US-Americans.

For us, Americans, calling us Americans is just enough.
zaangalewa, obviously English and the truth is difficult for you to comprehend.


Long story short, Tiny Tony Fraudi is a Deep State Bad Medicine maniac who actually should be characterized as an international terrorist. The damage he inflicted on the USA and the world with his false predictions cannot be over-estimated!

Dr. Fauci is an excellent scientist. And you are a demagogic asshole like Hitler. By the way: Do you know what had happened with the stupid violent Roman soldier, who had killed Archimedes during a battle? He was executed! And in NY the qualities of funerals are not the best now, asshole. 2000 + x dead people in Good Friday in the USA - while you make the totally wrong jokes. From my point of view you are an enemy of the USA and the western world.
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... Nope the economy was booming till this virus. Millions dead reported at first, now 60,000 reported to die. You loons screwed the pooch again! Lol

What for heavens sake is the sense of an economy of the death? Let me calculate with this what I currently know: If you do nothing (=wait for Herd Immunity) a minimum of 1.184.000 US-Americans will die. When "only" 60,000 + x people died up to now - why do yo think this is a reason not to continue to fight against Corona? Fight, fight, fight, fight, fight, fight, fight ... and don't waste your time with idiocies.

Can you clarify the term US-Americans? Are there Non-US-Americans we should know about that will (not) die?

US-Americans are inhabitants of the USA. Americans are all people, who live on the double continent America. My experience is: When the people of the USA say "Americans" then they think exclusively only about US-Americans and not about all Americans. But that's what I do when I use the word "Americans" and I dont like to install a propagandistic scissors in my head, which lets automatically "forget" all other Americans.

I was by the way somehow wrong with the numer 1.184.000. That's only possible in case of an excellent working health care system and you do nothing. The ral risk is up to 5 times higher - depending on the quaity and/or destruction of your health care system. So it could be 6 milion too. But my feeling is there will be much less problems in the USA. I hope I do not overestimate "you".

Yes, there are two American continents, and you're tying your term to a continent or a region, not a country. We're simply tying it to citizenship, so if let's say German move to U.S. and got a citizenship, he's American, by citizenship.

Who likes to become a citizen of Trumperica? Only idiots, isn't it?

So is Argentinian, Kenyan, or Taiwanese who chose to get it. Countries that plays in Copa America tournament, call themselves by the country they play for (Brasil, Uruguay, etc.) not by the region. Otherwise instead of having game between Chile and Argentina, that would be game between Non-US-America and Non-US-America. You are here on US Message Board, were we all know what we mean when we say American, we don't need lecture on continents, so stop being smart ass and respect that.

Sure I respect Americans. That's why I call US-Americans US-Americans.

For us, Americans, calling us Americans is just enough.

If you think so, do it. I call US-Americans "US-Americans" because they are US-Americans. If you are not an US-American tell me where you come from and what's your real citizenship.
... Nope the economy was booming till this virus. Millions dead reported at first, now 60,000 reported to die. You loons screwed the pooch again! Lol

What for heavens sake is the sense of an economy of the death? Let me calculate with this what I currently know: If you do nothing (=wait for Herd Immunity) a minimum of 1.184.000 US-Americans will die. When "only" 60,000 + x people died up to now - why do yo think this is a reason not to continue to fight against Corona? Fight, fight, fight, fight, fight, fight, fight ... and don't waste your time with idiocies.

Can you clarify the term US-Americans? Are there Non-US-Americans we should know about that will (not) die?

US-Americans are inhabitants of the USA. Americans are all people, who live on the double continent America. My experience is: When the people of the USA say "Americans" then they think exclusively only about US-Americans and not about all Americans. But that's what I do when I use the word "Americans" and I dont like to install a propagandistic scissors in my head, which lets automatically "forget" all other Americans.

I was by the way somehow wrong with the numer 1.184.000. That's only possible in case of an excellent working health care system and you do nothing. The ral risk is up to 5 times higher - depending on the quaity and/or destruction of your health care system. So it could be 6 milion too. But my feeling is there will be much less problems in the USA. I hope I do not overestimate "you".

Yes, there are two American continents, and you're tying your term to a continent or a region, not a country. We're simply tying it to citizenship, so if let's say German move to U.S. and got a citizenship, he's American, by citizenship.

Who likes to become a citizen of Trumperica? Only idiots, isn't it?

So is Argentinian, Kenyan, or Taiwanese who chose to get it. Countries that plays in Copa America tournament, call themselves by the country they play for (Brasil, Uruguay, etc.) not by the region. Otherwise instead of having game between Chile and Argentina, that would be game between Non-US-America and Non-US-America. You are here on US Message Board, were we all know what we mean when we say American, we don't need lecture on continents, so stop being smart ass and respect that.

Sure I respect Americans. That's why I call US-Americans US-Americans.

For us, Americans, calling us Americans is just enough.

If you think so, do it. I call US-Americans "US-Americans" because they are US-Americans. If you are not an US-American tell me where you come from and what's your real citizenship. Then I will change this - if I believe you.

Oh shut up troll.

Nobody would call Canadians anything but Canadians, even they're from continent called North America.
Dr. Fauci's wet dreams seem to be coming true.

Interestingly, the bus driver who called men with guns from the government to remove the citizen was, himself, not wearing a mask.

Kind of looks familiar, doesn't it?

... Nope the economy was booming till this virus. Millions dead reported at first, now 60,000 reported to die. You loons screwed the pooch again! Lol

What for heavens sake is the sense of an economy of the death? Let me calculate with this what I currently know: If you do nothing (=wait for Herd Immunity) a minimum of 1.184.000 US-Americans will die. When "only" 60,000 + x people died up to now - why do yo think this is a reason not to continue to fight against Corona? Fight, fight, fight, fight, fight, fight, fight ... and don't waste your time with idiocies.

Can you clarify the term US-Americans? Are there Non-US-Americans we should know about that will (not) die?

US-Americans are inhabitants of the USA. Americans are all people, who live on the double continent America. My experience is: When the people of the USA say "Americans" then they think exclusively only about US-Americans and not about all Americans. But that's what I do when I use the word "Americans" and I dont like to install a propagandistic scissors in my head, which lets automatically "forget" all other Americans.

I was by the way somehow wrong with the numer 1.184.000. That's only possible in case of an excellent working health care system and you do nothing. The ral risk is up to 5 times higher - depending on the quaity and/or destruction of your health care system. So it could be 6 milion too. But my feeling is there will be much less problems in the USA. I hope I do not overestimate "you".

Yes, there are two American continents, and you're tying your term to a continent or a region, not a country. We're simply tying it to citizenship, so if let's say German move to U.S. and got a citizenship, he's American, by citizenship.

Who likes to become a citizen of Trumperica? Only idiots, isn't it?

So is Argentinian, Kenyan, or Taiwanese who chose to get it. Countries that plays in Copa America tournament, call themselves by the country they play for (Brasil, Uruguay, etc.) not by the region. Otherwise instead of having game between Chile and Argentina, that would be game between Non-US-America and Non-US-America. You are here on US Message Board, were we all know what we mean when we say American, we don't need lecture on continents, so stop being smart ass and respect that.

Sure I respect Americans. That's why I call US-Americans US-Americans.

For us, Americans, calling us Americans is just enough.

If you think so, do it. I call US-Americans "US-Americans" because they are US-Americans. If you are not an US-American tell me where you come from and what's your real citizenship. Then I will change this - if I believe you.

Oh shut up troll.

Nobody would call Canadians anything but Canadians, even they're from continent called North America.

Canadians are Americans. US-Americans are Americans. Canadians are normally not US-Americans. By the way - Here is one of the most amusing jokes I ever heard about Canadians and US-Americans:

Believe it or not...this is the transcript of an actual radio conversation between a US naval ship and Canadian authorities off the coast of Newfoundland in October 1995. The Radio conversation was released by the Chief of Naval Operations on Oct. 10, 1995.

US Ship: Please divert your course 15 degrees to the south to avoid a collision.
CND reply: Recommend you divert your course 15 degrees to the South to avoid a collision.
US Ship: This is the Captain of a US Navy Ship. I say again, divert your course.
CND reply: No. I say again, you divert YOUR course!
CND reply: This is a lighthouse. Your call.
... Nope the economy was booming till this virus. Millions dead reported at first, now 60,000 reported to die. You loons screwed the pooch again! Lol

What for heavens sake is the sense of an economy of the death? Let me calculate with this what I currently know: If you do nothing (=wait for Herd Immunity) a minimum of 1.184.000 US-Americans will die. When "only" 60,000 + x people died up to now - why do yo think this is a reason not to continue to fight against Corona? Fight, fight, fight, fight, fight, fight, fight ... and don't waste your time with idiocies.

Can you clarify the term US-Americans? Are there Non-US-Americans we should know about that will (not) die?

US-Americans are inhabitants of the USA. Americans are all people, who live on the double continent America. My experience is: When the people of the USA say "Americans" then they think exclusively only about US-Americans and not about all Americans. But that's what I do when I use the word "Americans" and I dont like to install a propagandistic scissors in my head, which lets automatically "forget" all other Americans.

I was by the way somehow wrong with the numer 1.184.000. That's only possible in case of an excellent working health care system and you do nothing. The ral risk is up to 5 times higher - depending on the quaity and/or destruction of your health care system. So it could be 6 milion too. But my feeling is there will be much less problems in the USA. I hope I do not overestimate "you".

Yes, there are two American continents, and you're tying your term to a continent or a region, not a country. We're simply tying it to citizenship, so if let's say German move to U.S. and got a citizenship, he's American, by citizenship.

Who likes to become a citizen of Trumperica? Only idiots, isn't it?

So is Argentinian, Kenyan, or Taiwanese who chose to get it. Countries that plays in Copa America tournament, call themselves by the country they play for (Brasil, Uruguay, etc.) not by the region. Otherwise instead of having game between Chile and Argentina, that would be game between Non-US-America and Non-US-America. You are here on US Message Board, were we all know what we mean when we say American, we don't need lecture on continents, so stop being smart ass and respect that.

Sure I respect Americans. That's why I call US-Americans US-Americans.

For us, Americans, calling us Americans is just enough.

If you think so, do it. I call US-Americans "US-Americans" because they are US-Americans. If you are not an US-American tell me where you come from and what's your real citizenship. Then I will change this - if I believe you.

Oh shut up troll.

Nobody would call Canadians anything but Canadians, even they're from continent called North America.

Canadians are Americans. US-Americans are Americans. Canadians are normally not US-Americans. By the way - Here is one of the most amusing jokes I ever heard about Canadians and US-Americans:

Believe it or not...this is the transcript of an actual radio conversation between a US naval ship and Canadian authorities off the coast of Newfoundland in October 1995. The Radio conversation was released by the Chief of Naval Operations on Oct. 10, 1995.

US Ship: Please divert your course 0.5 degrees to the south to avoid a collision.
CND reply: Recommend you divert your course 15 degrees to the South to avoid a collision.
US Ship: This is the Captain of a US Navy Ship. I say again, divert your course.
CND reply: No. I say again, you divert YOUR course!
CND reply: This is a lighthouse. Your call.

Nobody is recognizing Canadians as Americans, unless you question is related to continent. Since we almost never talk about continents, but about nations and countries, you have no argument here.

If we're comparing North America to Europe, or Asia to South America, than you would include Canadians into North American group, and Germany into European group. But if we're comparing Germany to Canada, you would never refer to Canadians as North Americans, since you're comparing countries.

Stop trolling.

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