Dr Ford is outplaying these wrinkly white octogenarians - and they don't even know it!

She can file as many lawsuits as she wants, but you've got to have substantial evidence to prove she was assaulted, and she doesn't come even close.

You know that when we haven't actually heard or seen ANY evidence?
Did ya sleep at a Holiday Inn Express last night or simply psychic??

If she's got evidence, we would have seen it by now. The only other person in the room say's it didn't happen.

The other guy in the room was a self-admitted "drooling blackout drunk". You people sure are slow!

Where's the evidence ? Does she have a stained blue dress ? Busted lip ? Did he tell her to put some ice on it ?

No worries my friend in a few days there won't be enough eggs in the world to cover the faces of the progressives!:113::113:. If you're out of eggs in the house I suggest this weekend making sure you get a dozen or two:2up:
Only to you, because you cultists only care about "perceived victory". I don't think you freaks have yet quite figured out that you are the minority....
In Trump World, facts don't matter a WHIT.
Yeah he's just getting lucky all over the place

Lucky? I wouldn't give Trumps troubles to a MONKEY ON A ROCK!
Policy wise duh.....

Yeah, WINNING! :rolleyes:


What a Hoot...…..

You have no idea how ignorant and misinformed you are.

Every post you make solidifies your stupidity…………………….

Trump holds all the cards..

You TARDS are in danger of losing it all….

Is life Great or what?

We're highly unlikely to see you after 11-6 :)
Dr Ford is outplaying these wrinkly white octogenarians - and they don't even know it!

Can you explain what their skin color has to do with the matter at hand? Please go into detail as to how it applies.
Probably not much. But it sure does get the USMB troll base into a tizzy....

But it sure does get the USMB troll base into a tizzy....


you're certainly in a tizzy about this
Haha, you are such an embarrassing freak. If I had my way, I would put your dumb ass on every talk show every morning...talk about "blue wave", it would be more like a "blue tsunami"...carry on, my little sheep...

Public opinion is what it is. You can call it wrongheaded or misinformed, which it may often be. But your incredibly asinine rants certainly don't help your case...you are an embarrassment....

If you had your way, you'd put every white male and christian in a death camp.

But that is irrelevant.

If you moron Marxists think this is helping you, you are sadly mistaken.
You need to check the statue of limitations that were in effect at the time the alleged incident occurred. Also even the current law doesn’t allow for civil suits past seven years, so no civil lawsuit would make not court. Nor could he be criminally prosecuted for attempted rape because back then the law was seven years after the alleged incident occurred.

Well, then I don't know why it continues to be reported. Fake news like the Failing New York Times? (until yesterday ;-)
Dr Ford is outplaying these wrinkly white octogenarians - and they don't even know it!

Can you explain what their skin color has to do with the matter at hand? Please go into detail as to how it applies.
Probably not much. But it sure does get the USMB troll base into a tizzy....

But it sure does get the USMB troll base into a tizzy....


you're certainly in a tizzy about this
And so are you. I hope your day improves.
If Kavenaugh is a sexual predator, why haven't other women come forward ?

OH WAIT, they have !!!

EXCLUSIVE: Longtime Female Friend Who Signed Letter Supporting Kavanaugh Speaks Out

[“What I would say is I have known Brett since I was maybe 16, and I still know him today,” Carr, 51, said. “I knew him in all kinds of social situations and what is being described—I also, by the way, know Mark Judge, obviously—and the scenario that is being described is not one that I could ever put either one of those guys in, even under the influence of alcohol or any of that.”/QUOTE]
Obviously, she was paid to lie by the RNC.

Comrade, you spew stupidity, it is your job for the party.

Still, the "lawyers" (thugs) for Ford are proven Soros paid operatives, not rumor, not sarcasm, proven Soros thugs.

Kavanaugh Accuser's Lawyer is Vice Chair of Soros-Funded Organization Opposing Kavanaugh - Geller Report

Show that this person is in any way connected to the RNC?
Haha, freaks like you can always be counted on to do the footwork of the paid liars.

Clearly, the people speaking out against ford are paid liars. Right? I mean, if you freaks get to make shit up with a straight face, then so do I.
Just like the 18 calling trump a molester and abuser of women were all liars too ? IF just one was telling the truth trump should be yanked from the presidency and beaten
Dr Ford is outplaying these wrinkly white octogenarians - and they don't even know it!

Can you explain what their skin color has to do with the matter at hand? Please go into detail as to how it applies.
Probably not much. But it sure does get the USMB troll base into a tizzy....

But it sure does get the USMB troll base into a tizzy....


you're certainly in a tizzy about this
And so are you. I hope your day improves.

Only tizzy I'm in is the made up facts you keep bringing up.

"She said this"

no link

"She said that"

no link

you're boring
If Kavenaugh is a sexual predator, why haven't other women come forward ?

OH WAIT, they have !!!

EXCLUSIVE: Longtime Female Friend Who Signed Letter Supporting Kavanaugh Speaks Out

[“What I would say is I have known Brett since I was maybe 16, and I still know him today,” Carr, 51, said. “I knew him in all kinds of social situations and what is being described—I also, by the way, know Mark Judge, obviously—and the scenario that is being described is not one that I could ever put either one of those guys in, even under the influence of alcohol or any of that.”/QUOTE]
Obviously, she was paid to lie by the RNC.

Comrade, you spew stupidity, it is your job for the party.

Still, the "lawyers" (thugs) for Ford are proven Soros paid operatives, not rumor, not sarcasm, proven Soros thugs.

Kavanaugh Accuser's Lawyer is Vice Chair of Soros-Funded Organization Opposing Kavanaugh - Geller Report

Show that this person is in any way connected to the RNC?
Haha, freaks like you can always be counted on to do the footwork of the paid liars.

Clearly, the people speaking out against ford are paid liars. Right? I mean, if you freaks get to make shit up with a straight face, then so do I.
Just like the 18 calling trump a molester and abuser of women were all liars too ? IF just one was telling the truth trump should be yanked from the presidency and beaten
Yep,just like that. Clearly, all are paid liars. Ford, too. Just ask a USMB swamp creature.
If Kavenaugh is a sexual predator, why haven't other women come forward ?

OH WAIT, they have !!!

EXCLUSIVE: Longtime Female Friend Who Signed Letter Supporting Kavanaugh Speaks Out

[“What I would say is I have known Brett since I was maybe 16, and I still know him today,” Carr, 51, said. “I knew him in all kinds of social situations and what is being described—I also, by the way, know Mark Judge, obviously—and the scenario that is being described is not one that I could ever put either one of those guys in, even under the influence of alcohol or any of that.”/QUOTE]
Obviously, she was paid to lie by the RNC.

Comrade, you spew stupidity, it is your job for the party.

Still, the "lawyers" (thugs) for Ford are proven Soros paid operatives, not rumor, not sarcasm, proven Soros thugs.

Kavanaugh Accuser's Lawyer is Vice Chair of Soros-Funded Organization Opposing Kavanaugh - Geller Report

Show that this person is in any way connected to the RNC?
Haha, freaks like you can always be counted on to do the footwork of the paid liars.

Clearly, the people speaking out against ford are paid liars. Right? I mean, if you freaks get to make shit up with a straight face, then so do I.
Just like the 18 calling trump a molester and abuser of women were all liars too ? IF just one was telling the truth trump should be yanked from the presidency and beaten

Just yesterday they were claiming that if Kav was guilty, then "more women would have come forward".
By that logic - They've gotta know Drumpf the Pussy Grabber is guilty as sin!
One would think that they'd have realized by now that they have no good options? And for the record, if she decides not to show on Wednesday, she could immediately file a lawsuit against Bart O'Kavanaugh in Maryland - where there is no statute of limitation on rape or attempted rape.

Well, it seems that the Republicans on the Senate Judiciary Committee will continue to play stupid games with Dr. Christine Blasey Ford, and with the possibility of her appearing before them next week, when all their kangaroo suits will come back from the cleaners. She wants to appear on Thursday. They now have offered Wednesday, after insisting for several days on a hearing on Monday next. From Politico:

Haven't these people learned yet that they can't make Dr. Ford do anything she doesn't want to do? Haven't they figured out yet that they really don't have decent options? They extended their deadline for Dr. Ford to respond on Friday, and they've already backed off a Monday hearing. They are negotiating very badly, as will often be the case when you have no good negotiating position at all. So, they're scrambling while Kavanaugh's polling numbers sink into the Potomac.

Not only that, but Dr. Ford's team knows very well how to press an advantage.

The GOP has been told that Ford does not want to fly from her California home to Washington, according to a Republican senator, which means she may need to drive across the country to make the hearing. Ford has reportedly told friends she is uncomfortable in confined spaces, indicating a physical difficulty in making the trip by plane.

I wonder why she might be uncomfortable in confined spaces?​

Christine Blasey Ford Is Beating Senate Republicans in Brett Kavanaugh Hearing Negotiations

Do you realize not many people actually believe her? And that she won't fly across country won't look so great either?

I hope they vote on Monday or Wed at the latest, no matter what she does.
What makes you think that "not many people" believe her? I think the opposite is true. Maybe not in the conservative echo chamber but everywhere else certainly.
According to the poll I saw on the news last night, only about thirty-some percent believe her and another thirty-some percent quite sensibly say they don't know.
If Kavenaugh is a sexual predator, why haven't other women come forward ?

OH WAIT, they have !!!

EXCLUSIVE: Longtime Female Friend Who Signed Letter Supporting Kavanaugh Speaks Out

[“What I would say is I have known Brett since I was maybe 16, and I still know him today,” Carr, 51, said. “I knew him in all kinds of social situations and what is being described—I also, by the way, know Mark Judge, obviously—and the scenario that is being described is not one that I could ever put either one of those guys in, even under the influence of alcohol or any of that.”/QUOTE]
Obviously, she was paid to lie by the RNC.

And if they didn't, I was prepared to pay her.
People aren't going to lie for $5.

You libtards would rather climb a tree and tell a lie

than stand on the ground and tell the truth....

The gig is up....

We all know you are full of SHIT...…….
Dr Ford is outplaying these wrinkly white octogenarians - and they don't even know it!

Can you explain what their skin color has to do with the matter at hand? Please go into detail as to how it applies.
Probably not much. But it sure does get the USMB troll base into a tizzy....

But it sure does get the USMB troll base into a tizzy....


you're certainly in a tizzy about this
And so are you. I hope your day improves.

Only tizzy I'm in is the made up facts you keep bringing up.

"She said this"

no link

"She said that"

no link

you're boring
Correct, I am not going to link you to ford's statements. As a rational, grown man, you expected to be in possession of the most basic facts regarding this topic, before opening your cryhole about it.
One would think that they'd have realized by now that they have no good options? And for the record, if she decides not to show on Wednesday, she could immediately file a lawsuit against Bart O'Kavanaugh in Maryland - where there is no statute of limitation on rape or attempted rape.

Well, it seems that the Republicans on the Senate Judiciary Committee will continue to play stupid games with Dr. Christine Blasey Ford, and with the possibility of her appearing before them next week, when all their kangaroo suits will come back from the cleaners. She wants to appear on Thursday. They now have offered Wednesday, after insisting for several days on a hearing on Monday next. From Politico:

Haven't these people learned yet that they can't make Dr. Ford do anything she doesn't want to do? Haven't they figured out yet that they really don't have decent options? They extended their deadline for Dr. Ford to respond on Friday, and they've already backed off a Monday hearing. They are negotiating very badly, as will often be the case when you have no good negotiating position at all. So, they're scrambling while Kavanaugh's polling numbers sink into the Potomac.

Not only that, but Dr. Ford's team knows very well how to press an advantage.

The GOP has been told that Ford does not want to fly from her California home to Washington, according to a Republican senator, which means she may need to drive across the country to make the hearing. Ford has reportedly told friends she is uncomfortable in confined spaces, indicating a physical difficulty in making the trip by plane.

I wonder why she might be uncomfortable in confined spaces?​

Christine Blasey Ford Is Beating Senate Republicans in Brett Kavanaugh Hearing Negotiations

Do you realize not many people actually believe her? And that she won't fly across country won't look so great either?

I hope they vote on Monday or Wed at the latest, no matter what she does.
What makes you think that "not many people" believe her? I think the opposite is true. Maybe not in the conservative echo chamber but everywhere else certainly.
According to the poll I saw on the news last night, only about thirty-some percent believe her and another thirty-some percent quite sensibly say they don't know.

Anyone who claims to know right now is an idiot, a fool, or both.
If Kavenaugh is a sexual predator, why haven't other women come forward ?

OH WAIT, they have !!!

EXCLUSIVE: Longtime Female Friend Who Signed Letter Supporting Kavanaugh Speaks Out
Obviously, she was paid to lie by the RNC.

Comrade, you spew stupidity, it is your job for the party.

Still, the "lawyers" (thugs) for Ford are proven Soros paid operatives, not rumor, not sarcasm, proven Soros thugs.

Kavanaugh Accuser's Lawyer is Vice Chair of Soros-Funded Organization Opposing Kavanaugh - Geller Report

Show that this person is in any way connected to the RNC?
Haha, freaks like you can always be counted on to do the footwork of the paid liars.

Clearly, the people speaking out against ford are paid liars. Right? I mean, if you freaks get to make shit up with a straight face, then so do I.
Just like the 18 calling trump a molester and abuser of women were all liars too ? IF just one was telling the truth trump should be yanked from the presidency and beaten

Just yesterday they were claiming that if Kav was guilty, then "more women would have come forward".
By that logic - They've gotta know Drumpf the Pussy Grabber is guilty as sin!
Republicans are noted for having no conscience ,no moral compass
This mornings polls have Democrats at -1 and Republicans +1 in generic ballot... The tidey bowl wave is going round the toilet...

Pull that one outta yer butt didya?

(CNN) Democrats now lead Republicans by 52% to 41% in a nationwide generic Congressional ballot according to a new CNN poll conducted by SSRS and released Tuesday. The blue lead has increased slightly from eight percentage points in June of this year to an 11 percentage point difference in the most recent poll.

Need more? :)

RCP Average 9/6 - 9/18 -- 48.8 40.8 Democrats +8.0
Economist/YouGov 9/16 - 9/18 1195 RV 45 41 Democrats +4
Reuters/Ipsos 9/12 - 9/18 1304 LV 48 41 Democrats +7
Rasmussen Reports 9/9 - 9/13 2500 LV 47 42 Democrats +5
CNN 9/6 - 9/9 775 LV 52 42 Democrats +10
Quinnipiac 9/6 - 9/9 1038 RV 52 38 Democrats +14


What a flucking JOKE

How did their FAKE polls work out for you last time?

Later Dumb Ass......
Can you explain what their skin color has to do with the matter at hand? Please go into detail as to how it applies.
Probably not much. But it sure does get the USMB troll base into a tizzy....

But it sure does get the USMB troll base into a tizzy....


you're certainly in a tizzy about this
And so are you. I hope your day improves.

Only tizzy I'm in is the made up facts you keep bringing up.

"She said this"

no link

"She said that"

no link

you're boring
Correct, I am not going to link you to ford's statements. As a rational, grown man, you expected to be in possession of the most basic facts regarding this topic, before opening your cryhole about it.

you're making claims you can't back up.

I debunk them, with fact and links, and you repeat your debunked statements.

" As a rational, grown man, you expected to be in possession of the most basic facts regarding this topic"

take your own advice
Obviously, she was paid to lie by the RNC.

Comrade, you spew stupidity, it is your job for the party.

Still, the "lawyers" (thugs) for Ford are proven Soros paid operatives, not rumor, not sarcasm, proven Soros thugs.

Kavanaugh Accuser's Lawyer is Vice Chair of Soros-Funded Organization Opposing Kavanaugh - Geller Report

Show that this person is in any way connected to the RNC?
Haha, freaks like you can always be counted on to do the footwork of the paid liars.

Clearly, the people speaking out against ford are paid liars. Right? I mean, if you freaks get to make shit up with a straight face, then so do I.
Just like the 18 calling trump a molester and abuser of women were all liars too ? IF just one was telling the truth trump should be yanked from the presidency and beaten

Just yesterday they were claiming that if Kav was guilty, then "more women would have come forward".
By that logic - They've gotta know Drumpf the Pussy Grabber is guilty as sin!
Republicans are noted for having no conscience ,no moral compass

90% of 'em have sold their souls for a few judges, deregulation, tax cuts and/or "religious freedom" and racist dog whistling.
Trump will be the death of their party if they don't stop acting like invertebrates!
Comrade, you spew stupidity, it is your job for the party.

Still, the "lawyers" (thugs) for Ford are proven Soros paid operatives, not rumor, not sarcasm, proven Soros thugs.

Kavanaugh Accuser's Lawyer is Vice Chair of Soros-Funded Organization Opposing Kavanaugh - Geller Report

Show that this person is in any way connected to the RNC?
Haha, freaks like you can always be counted on to do the footwork of the paid liars.

Clearly, the people speaking out against ford are paid liars. Right? I mean, if you freaks get to make shit up with a straight face, then so do I.
Just like the 18 calling trump a molester and abuser of women were all liars too ? IF just one was telling the truth trump should be yanked from the presidency and beaten

Just yesterday they were claiming that if Kav was guilty, then "more women would have come forward".
By that logic - They've gotta know Drumpf the Pussy Grabber is guilty as sin!
Republicans are noted for having no conscience ,no moral compass

90% of 'em have sold their souls for a few judges, deregulation, tax cuts and/or "religious freedom" and racist dog whistling.
Trump will be the death of their party if they don't stop acting like invertebrates!
the ah is destroying the part of government ,the justice dept., designed to protect america so he can protect the sleeze that worked with the russians

Cept you got nothing......in the real world facts matter

In the real world, perception matters more, when it comes to politics.

Spoken like a true lying libtard…………..

Which part, you crybaby? Damn Deno, you are the whiniest old man I have met. Are you saying that perception doesn't matter more than facts, in politics? What an odd thing for a Trump cultist to say, if so.

This was true in the past when your lying

Left wing media controlled the news and all the polls….

We are in a new day….

Now it’s the TRUTH that MATTERS and this

Is very bad news for all you libtards.

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