Dr. Hand Of The Invisible Free Market

Is it just me or is that about the dumbest cartoon ever created?
Look at the liberal scum being ridiculed, that's one the 3 legs of the conservative humor triad along with racism and videos of people getting hurt. Anything can be conservative funny if there is some misery in there somewhere.
WTF are you getting on about? That's the most left leaning shit I've seen and you're claiming its conservative? Are you what we used to call "special?"
Conservatives tend to like comedy based on putting people down and laughing at pain. Why did you even take the time to comment on political satire? The memes you people crank out and spam on my facebook makes it clear that conservatives cannot correctly use satire. Many of you cannot even identify it.
You're obviously in misery and you're right. It kinda makes me happy.
I wonder where are all the people who are middle of the road in such matters? We have the dems taking it to one extreme and the reps taking it to the other extreme. I'm SICK of it. Let's use our common sense and logic and work together to solve problems and have a healthy and productive society of people! That just helps everyone and OUR country be a better place.

There is no middle of the road here, you either want government-run healthcare or free market healthcare. I'm fine with us having a safety net to ensure the poor and elderly get healthcare but we already have that system in place... Medicare and Medicaid. What we need beyond that are free market solutions and less government regulations. But the progressive left has been on a mission to get government-run healthcare for nearly a century.

If I believed government-run healthcare would solve all of our problems, I'd be all for it... but it won't! It will result in rationing healthcare... because there's no other way you can do it. There is just no way to provide cradle-to-grave, soup to nuts healthcare for 350 million people.
Is it just me or is that about the dumbest cartoon ever created?
Look at the liberal scum being ridiculed, that's one the 3 legs of the conservative humor triad along with racism and videos of people getting hurt. Anything can be conservative funny if there is some misery in there somewhere.
WTF are you getting on about? That's the most left leaning shit I've seen and you're claiming its conservative? Are you what we used to call "special?"
Conservatives tend to like comedy based on putting people down and laughing at pain. Why did you even take the time to comment on political satire? The memes you people crank out and spam on my facebook makes it clear that conservatives cannot correctly use satire. Many of you cannot even identify it.
You're obviously in misery and you're right. It kinda makes me happy.
Course it does, just look at the black comedy that is the Trump administration. The people you hate are shocked and appalled by what is going on and that's all you require of your president. The rest of us who are not sadists kind of want someone competent and sane and who is not a cruel joke on America.
I wonder where are all the people who are middle of the road in such matters? We have the dems taking it to one extreme and the reps taking it to the other extreme. I'm SICK of it. Let's use our common sense and logic and work together to solve problems and have a healthy and productive society of people! That just helps everyone and OUR country be a better place.

There is no middle of the road here, you either want government-run healthcare or free market healthcare. I'm fine with us having a safety net to ensure the poor and elderly get healthcare but we already have that system in place... Medicare and Medicaid. What we need beyond that are free market solutions and less government regulations. But the progressive left has been on a mission to get government-run healthcare for nearly a century.

If I believed government-run healthcare would solve all of our problems, I'd be all for it... but it won't! It will result in rationing healthcare... because there's no other way you can do it. There is just no way to provide cradle-to-grave, soup to nuts healthcare for 350 million people.

If the programs were RUN right, then we wouldn't have these issues. The whole system is effed and needs fixing.
I never liked or agreed with the preexisting conditions rule. I mean, aren't those really the people who need insurance the most? They are going to go to see a doctor when they get sick, and if they can't afford the outrageous costs for their treatment, then the rest of us end up picking up the tab one way or another anyways.

You could say the same thing for any type of insurance. The person who's car is upside down in a ditch certainly needs car insurance. The person who's house is smoldering in ashes certainly needs fire insurance. Some have the foresight to buy insurance for these things and some don't. Those who have that foresight and act responsibly shouldn't have to pay extra to cover those who neglected to obtain insurance. That defeats the entire purpose of insurance.

Insurance is a safeguard against an event that may or may not happen. Once the event has happened, it's impossible to insure against it happening. It's no longer INSURANCE!

Okay, so it's no longer insurance. So what? Medical care is just too expensive for any middle class person to afford, and if you have to see a doctor regularly, it would be impossible, and we would have our OWN citizens dying from conditions that are VERY treatable. Is that what you want, because it costs you 2 dollars more per month?

Well it's more than $2 a month. You don't just nationalize shit because it's expensive! Let me tell you something, when you turn all your healthcare over to the government... people are going to die due to lack of care! Government providing it doesn't mean doctors are going to work for free! By removing it from the free market you will force rationing... there isn't another alternative. You're heading down a road where the government will decide if your life is worth living, if your illness is worth treating. When you get old, fuck you... you're not worth saving!

Well isn't that basically what you are telling people to do now? Do you realize how expensive it is to treat cancer and other diseases?

Turning it over to government doesn't make ANYTHING cost less!!!

Right now, if I need to sell my house and assets, get help from a charity organization or do a fundraiser for cancer treatment, I am free to do that. With the government in charge, those options don't exist anymore... I'm at the mercy of a bureaucrat.
I was at Rhode Island Hospital last year to visit my grandmother when she was there, and that place is like . . . unbelievable. It has a museum and a big fish tank built into the wall, leather couches and flat screen TVs everywhere. The place is NICE. Too nice. They are a hospital for goodness sake!
Political favors and cronyism and appointments made for political purposes and kick backs and all of that stuff needs to come to an END first if we are going to see any changes ever.

Yes .. because dressing people up in lab coats to give your half-baked political schemes an air of respectability is just WRONG ...


Yes .. because dressing people up in lab coats to give your half-baked political schemes an air of respectability is just WRONG ...


Such a dishonest and crappy tactic. I am so tired of politicians and their dishonesty. I've just had it and I really want to see some drastic changes in the way things are done. It's so frustrating that our politicians just assume we are all stupid tools or pawns in their political games.

Yes .. because dressing people up in lab coats to give your half-baked political schemes an air of respectability is just WRONG ...


Such a dishonest and crappy tactic. I am so tired of politicians and their dishonesty. I've just had it and I really want to see some drastic changes in the way things are done. It's so frustrating that our politicians just assume we are all stupid tools or pawns in their political games.

The most unstoppable fire on earth can be defeated if only one of it's three ingredients is removed (heat, fuel, oxygen).

Right now (and perhaps since the dawn of civilisation) we live under a system where political elites make decisions in our name that enrich themselves. We willingly give nearly unlimited power to people we wouldn't trust to sell us a car.

In order for this system to perpetuate, we have to keep supplying their needs. We have to keep willingly give them more and more power. We have to give them a nearly unlimited supply of money. And, foremost, we have to keep believing we need to give them those things to govern us.

Cut back on the power of the government to intrude, cut back on taxes, or cut back on our belief that we can't obtain what is due to us without government assistance and we have diminished government's hold over us.

We can't blame politicians for playing politics. We can only blame ourselves for perpetuating the game.

Every time some one says ... 'The government needs to do something about _____" a politician gets aroused.

If the programs were RUN right, then we wouldn't have these issues. The whole system is effed and needs fixing.

*SIGH* Government programs aren't suddenly going to start running efficiently!

Well, we need to start insisting that they do. They need to have better and more competent people and employees.

Well that's the thing... Government employees aren't accountable. Government agencies aren't accountable. It's the free market capitalist system where competition for consumer market share ensures accountability to the consumer. Expecting your government to do anything more efficiently than the private sector is a Utopian pipe dream. Thinking some government stiff gives two shits about "customer satisfaction" is just foolish thinking.

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